Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Bonfire and Pokémon Hunter (Plus)

“Forget it, looking at you, you’re also a poor ghost, so I’ll go first.”

Aoki put his hands in his pockets, turned and left.

Although she didn’t get the super evolutionary stone/ite, she didn’t care too much. This kind of thing was not so easy to get.

“This, then my business.”

Anthony looked worried.

“Don’t worry, I don’t have time to sue you, you have to be careful yourself, it will be bad if you are discovered.”

Aoki put his hands in his pockets, and had no intention of telling the truth.

“Thank you, I will never dare again.”

Anthony knelt on the ground excitedly and thanked him loudly. As for whether he sincerely repented, I don’t know.

In small towns, there are no gyms.

So Aoki just took a day off here, let the Pokémon relax a bit, and set off.

Entering the forest, in addition to training Pokémon, Aoki is just to see if he can find rare Pokémon.

He has not yet assembled a main team, let alone a second-line team.

Also, in the forest, there are many treasure chests, most of which are bronze and silver, but there are many resources in them.

What he needs most is these resources.

Boss Lairon eats a lot, and in the future, there will be more and more Pokémon, and the appetite will be even bigger.



On this day, Aoki was training Pokémon in the forest, and suddenly heard a rumbling sound.

Turning to look, you can see black smoke billowing into the sky in the distance.

“Could it be that there is another Pokémon hunter? Or something happened.”

Aoki was a little puzzled.

He is really the protagonist, and he has the protagonist treatment.

“Wait, Saffron Chest.”

Aoki saw the Saffron chest suddenly appear on the system map.

This is a treasure box that was sent to the door for nothing, how could it be an unwanted gift.

“Boss Lairon, you all come back, let’s go now.”

Aoki took back the Pokémon and quickly approached the Explosion field.

The land of explosions, a man and a woman, are in a Pokémon battle.

Men use Tropius and women use Ninetales.

It just seems that women have an absolute disadvantage.

Name: Tropius

Strength: Quasi Elite Peak

Qualification: Quasi Elite

Name: Ninetales

Strength: Quasi Elite

Qualification: Elite

Name: Ludicolo

Strength: Quasi Elite

Qualification: Quasi Elite

Name: Camerupt

Strength: Quasi Elite

Qualification: Quasi Elite

Aoki just glanced at the Pokémon on both sides and guessed that the man had a better chance of winning.

Because of his Tropius, he has reached his quasi-Elite peak, and Ludicolo has been quasi-Elite for a while.

The women’s Ninetales, Camerupt, just barely reached the quasi-Elite.

Coupled with this woman’s other Pokémon, there are some gaps with men. It can be said to lose.

“However, this woman looks familiar. Could it be that I have seen it somewhere before?”

Aoki touched his chin and looked at the woman carefully.

He has red hair, dressed very smartly, and looks familiar. He should have seen it before.

But some don’t remember clearly.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Aoki’s mind and thought of a person.


One of the cadres of Team Magma.

But now it seems that Bonfire has not yet become a cadre of Team Magma, it is estimated that it is only a captain.

But with the qualifications of this Ninetales, as long as there is no accident, he will definitely be able to become a cadre of Team Magma.

This is indeed the case, and Bonfire has indeed become a cadre in the future.

“Stinky woman, when I beat you, all your Pokémons are mine.”

“Also, you Ninetales, you seem to have good qualifications, and I will definitely train them well in the future.”

The man laughed proudly, as if he could grab the Pokémon of the bonfire right away.

Bonfire’s face was ugly. As one of Team Magma’s captains, he was actually targeted by Pokémon hunters.

It seems that she can’t beat it.

Opposite Ludicolo, too restrained her Ninetales and Camerupt, Tropius is also very strong.

Also, both Ninetales and Camerupt had already suffered some damage from the previous battle.

Aoki wasn’t in a hurry.

The treasure chest is on the Pokémon hunter, but there is no treasure chest on the campfire, and I don’t know why.

Maybe she hasn’t grown to the limit yet. When Bonfire becomes a cadre, she should have a treasure chest.

He was going to wait until the two of them were lost, and then go to sneak attack.

Otherwise, both the bonfire and this Pokémon hunter will be troublesome.

“Tropius, Hyper Beam.”

“Ludicolo, use the Hydro Pump.”

“Ninetales, use the Flamethrower.”

“Camerupt, use Giga Impact.”

Four Pokémon, using unique moves at the same time.

The flame and the water column collided with each other, causing a huge explosion. The hot high temperature evaporated the water column, but the flame was also extinguished.

Tropius’ Hyper Beam, with super momentum, shot the Ninetales of the campfire.

“Ninetales, get out of the way, Camerupt, hit it.”

The bonfire quickly ordered Ninetales to get out of the way.

Ninetales escaped dangerously and dangerously, but the aftermath of Hyper Beam still spread to Ninetales.

With a scream, Ninetales was thrown out.

Camerupt slammed into Ludicolo head-on with a strong impact.

The main purpose of the bonfire is also the water and grass Ludicolo.

After all, the water attribute restrains her two Pokémon, and it must be solved as soon as possible.

Camerupt’s speed was getting faster and faster, and his body was shining brighter.

“Hydro Pump.”

Ludicolo spat out a huge jet of water and hit Camerupt head-on.

Camerupt let out a scream.

The damage from the water column is too much for it.

“Camerupt, hold on, there’s only a little left, you have to hit it.”

Camerupt fought back the pain and slammed into Ludicolo’s body across the distance.

Ludicolo couldn’t dodge and was knocked head-on by Camerupt.

“No, Ludicolo, use the Water Gun and knock him out.”

Men are also in a hurry.

Ludicolo was about to make his move when suddenly he stumbled and fell to the ground.

Camerupt couldn’t hold on either and fell to the ground as well.

(9000 flowers plus more, continue to kneel and beg for your support.)*

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