Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 356 Groudon Wakes Up And The Mythical Beast Fights

Lex and the others just felt that their eyes suddenly became dim.

Wait until your vision returns.

"Where are my beads!"

Lex glanced at the palm of his hand slowly, his eyes nearly bulging out of his head, finally unable to maintain his image.

He roared almost ferociously.

Hear the words.

The nine team members were all shocked and looked at Lex's right hand in panic.

It was discovered that the red orb that was supposed to be there was missing.

Everyone was stunned at first.

Then everyone panicked.

The red orb is the secret weapon of their American team this time. If they didn't have to deal with Li Yu, they wouldn't even use it now.


Now, he disappeared right under their noses.

Lex frees Hoopa without even noticing.

It's just that everything goes dark.

I felt a gust of wind in my hand.

Immediately afterwards.

The red orb disappeared.

They didn't know the specific name of this orb, but it was found in a secret diamond realm.

I found out after accidental research.

This orb contains an inestimable amount of energy.

It's like a mysterious Volcano.


Lex later developed the use of the red orb, so most of the people sent by the American team this time were Trainers who were best at using the fire element.

They never expected it.

The biggest trump card is just gone? ?

But soon.

Lex suddenly figured out something and looked at Li Yu with a sinister gaze, staring at her like a gangrene attached to his bones.

at this time.

Liberate Hoopa and return to guard Li Yu.

The red orb is on one of Hoopa's arms.

It was handed to Li Yu gently.

Li Yu did not take it directly with his hands.

It felt the surging heat, so it used its left hand to create a stream of Psychic and wrapped it around the red orb.

And the moment he came into contact with the red orb.

The relevant information is also at your fingertips!

[Red Orb: Lucas' Legendary Level prop that emits red. It contains part of Groudon's energy. It seems to be able to connect with Groudon, summon it, and enter its Primal Reversion form! ]

"Red Orb!"

Li Yu shouted in surprise.

He didn't expect that.

This precious prop is actually in the hands of the American team!

Although I thought this orb was not normal just now, I didn't expect it to be so powerful!

By some mistake.

He actually collected two important items of Kyogre and Groudon Primal Reversion!

Surprised, Li Yu couldn't help but swallowed.

at this time.

The system suddenly began to make a rapid beeping sound that kept going.

Very urgent.

[Didi didi, it is detected that the Broken Secret Realm where the host is located is undergoing great changes! Please be prepared in time! ]

[Didi didi, it is detected that the Broken Secret Realm where the host is located is undergoing great changes! Please be prepared in time! ]

[Didi didi, it is detected that the Broken Secret Realm where the host is located is undergoing great changes! Please be prepared in time! ]

Repeated three times.

The system sound stopped.

Moreover, it was obviously the same mechanical sound as usual, but Li Yu heard a solemnity that he had not heard before.

It seemed like something big was about to happen.

Li Yu's premonitions are always accurate.

While the U.S. team was in a panic, they were fighting against each other in Russia in the secret realm of spring water, and collecting fruits in the romantic country of Cave secret realm.

All Pokémon in the Broken Realm suddenly became motionless.

Even those in Contest Condition are no exception!

They stared blankly into the distance.

At the same time, I felt a terrifying energy wave rising from the surface, as if the ancient beast was about to awaken Normal!

Trainers from each country reacted to seeing their respective Pokémon.

I immediately felt something was wrong.

Caution and fear mingled in his eyes.

Some have even started looking for the secret exit.

But the facts ultimately disappointed them.

After all, there is an exit from the secret realm.

Destroyed at the outset.

Everyone was confused.

Except for Li Yu, when he saw the huge energy pouring out of the Red Orb, he already realized something, and a flash of fanaticism flashed in his eyes.

Earthquake doesn't stop in the Broken Secret Realm.

But Groudon was nowhere to be seen.

He realized something almost immediately.

Thoughts moved slightly.

Entering the virtual space, I found a feather at a glance where the props were placed. It was the Rainbow Wing from the King of Wind!

"With it, it should be fine."

Li Yu held the Rainbow Wing in his hand and threw it violently.

And this beautiful feather suddenly scattered after coming into contact with the energy released by the vermilion orb.

The energy contained in Integrated Union together.

Then overwhelming crowds rushed towards the humming and vibrating Ground.

boom! ! !

The iridescent energy Lucas connects to the sky like a bridge, Soaring in the sky is rendered red by the flames.

Countless heat was released within the Red Orb.

The air began to twist.

Soaring in the sky is burning.

The earth was scorched.

There was another explosion, and everyone covered their ears in discomfort, almost all of them had tinnitus.

Especially the American team.

They are the closest and have the greatest reaction.

Lex's eyes were half-opened in the chaos. After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, he suddenly took a breath.

At this time, the temperature in the air is extremely high.

This mouthful was like inhaling Charcoal, and his throat quickly became thirsty, and he couldn't help but start coughing continuously.

under high temperature.

The charred earth in the Cliff Secret Realm was actually burned by the high temperature, and crystals appeared everywhere.

The earth cracked and magma gushes out.

Accompanied by an epic roar that seemed to come from ancient times, the earth in the cliff secret realm split, and a huge figure slowly appeared.

Head first.

Then the tail.

Then the energy of the entire secret realm surged towards this giant beast that was as big as a hundred meters.

Hoopa, who just looked like a giant.

In front of this Pokémon.

But she looks very petite and cute.

Not even an energy ratio.

All the energy around them was quickly plundered, and the most miserable thing was the fire-type Pokémon of the American team.

All the energy in their bodies was drained away in an instant.

They all rushed toward the figure that was bigger than the cliff secret realm.

Li Yu and Jiefang Hoopa looked at this scene with serious expressions.

When the earth is divided.

He let Hoopa take him to the farthest place.

The American team, which was unable to react in time, was already buried together with its Pokémon by the magma that split the earth.

at last.

It disappeared into the lava without even making a sound.

When the energy in the secret realm was plundered, this prehistoric beast seemed to feel full.

The lingering figure becomes clear.

Revealed its true face.

It looks like Godzilla Normal, with his whole body covered in red flaky scales, making him extremely fierce!


Groudon let out a shocking roar, and along with the roar, its feet slammed on the ground.

The entire secret realm has become more unstable.

The originally fragmented secret realm was in dire straits.

This scene made all the viewers in front of the live broadcast room speechless. At this moment, no matter where they are in the world.

Everyone's reaction became remarkably consistent.

The huge beast that filled the screen filled everyone's eyes with shock and fear.

But at this time, they don't know yet.

A war between mythical beasts destined to be recorded in history is about to begin!

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