Pokemon Era: Missing Mewtwo At The Start Of The Check-In

Chapter 78 Recovery, Evolution Frogadier

"Even when training, you should exercise caution. This is enough to report Pokémon abuse!"

Everyone's crusade continued.

But due to Li Yu's strength, he didn't dare to point his finger at him and reprimand him.

Most of them hide outside the door and look weird.

Some female trainers looked at Froakie with distressed eyes, and then looked at Li Yu.

Even though he has outstanding appearance, in their eyes, he is also disgusted.


Ling Wei was the closest.

He also sees Froakie’s miserable condition most clearly.


He had a very bad impression of the Trainer in front of him.

Regardless of whether it was an accident or not, at this time, he should obviously call for emergency treatment, but he still had to rent an operating room.

This is a joke on Pokémon's life!

Ling Wei's eyes were filled with anger, but she didn't say anything. She put on white gloves and touched Froakie's body.

She caressed its chest.

After a few seconds of pause.

His eyes gradually became misty.

Immediately afterwards.

Try operating the instrument again to check.

The special scanning light shines on Froakie and looks at the various data presented on the screen.

Ling Wei fell silent.

He shook his head with a sad expression.

Everyone knows what this means.

Especially Trainer, who often comes here, immediately sighed.

A sigh of relief.

"It's over. Director Ling said it's hopeless."

"Oh, what a delay. If Director Ling had done the surgery earlier, it might have been possible to save a life, but now it's completely over."

"Young people act too impulsively."

"This is a Yusan family Pokémon, what a pity..."

Ling Wei lowered her head.

The white and slender fingers clenched tightly, almost leaving marks on the palm of the hand.

I felt quite guilty.

He should have made a decisive decision when he saw Li Yu just now, and should not have left it to chance.

Missed the opportunity.


Li Yu sneered.

It was extremely unexpected in the atmosphere of sadness and regret from everyone.

"why are you laughing?"

Ling Wei raised her head sharply.

Eyes red.

"Laughing at you."


The four words Li Yu came out.

Like a drop of water splashing into a frying pan.

The crowd exploded with anger.

"How do you talk?"

"Director Ling is a gold medal doctor in Beijing. Her judgment will not be wrong. Do you think you are a god?"

Ling Wei's face turned red with anger.

The cold beauty's anger added a bit of vitality.

But Li Yu was not in the mood to appreciate it.

He's waited so long.

Patience is exhausted.

Froakie was completely unconscious.

If treatment is not carried out, Revival Herb will be useless.

"She can't, but I can."

The words fell.

Everyone's ridicule didn't even have time to leave their mouths.

The young man took out a green herb directly from his space backpack.

The next second.

He forcefully opened Froakie's mouth and stuffed it in.

Immediately afterwards.

A ball of green light appeared on the young man's hand.

The green light assisted the medicinal herbs and slowly pushed them into Froakie's throat.

Revival Herb is wrapped in the power of Viridian.

Melt slowly.

The moment it comes into contact with saliva.

It completely turned into a ball of green liquid, flowing directly from the throat.

Visible to the naked eye.

Froakie's fatal parts began to heal.

The wounds gradually scarred and fell off.

Froakie, who was no longer breathing, also started to have his chest rise and fall.

He regained his breath in an instant.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

He was stunned for a moment, and his brain had no time to react.

The voices of accusation have long since disappeared.

Ling Wei's pupils tightened and she was extremely surprised.

Looking at the most familiar surgical scene in front of me.

But it felt extremely strange.

Li Yu's hands kept moving, taking the Scald hood next to the operating bed and rinsing it at Froakie.

Blood dripped mixed with water.

People's eyes widened in shock.

After the fatal injury faded.

Purple color began to appear on Froakie's light blue skin.

Toxin spreads.

Li Yu did not hesitate, picked up the medical tweezers in front of the operating table, and carefully pricked the toxin spots on Froakie's body one by one.

Pus just started coming out.

Behind it is Venom.

Wait until the color becomes normal.

Only then do young people begin to look for their next target.

During this process, he was always extremely calm and crisp.

There was no sound in the huge operating room.

Extremely quiet.

As if afraid of disturbing him.

When the poisonous spots are punctured.

Froakie finally wakes up.

It suddenly opened its eyes, but felt severe pain.

But living in the wild for a long time made him always cautious, and even in the face of this situation, he still didn't scream.

Only the body trembled slightly.

When Li Yu came here, the only classes she had taken in high school were Pokémon first aid, and she was no stranger to toxin treatment methods.

Froakie looked at the man in front of him.

But he can't even raise the slightest bit of vigilance against human beings.

Do not know why.

It felt inexplicably close to this person.

You can even feel this person using energy to soothe yourself.

There was a trace of doubt in Froakie's eyes.

"What are you doing stupidly? Cooperate with me."

Li Yu glanced at the other side lightly and said.

Ling Wei recovered from the shock.

Biting her lower lip.

Not a word.

The edges of her lips turned white from her bite.

Unprecedented guilt and loss hit Ling Wei's heart.

She didn't dare to look at Li Yu.

But the feet moved slowly.

She took out the detoxifying spray from the medicine counter and sprayed it evenly on Froakie's body with a professional technique.

The two work together.

Froakie's toxins were quickly eliminated.

Even the body surface has returned to Cal's color.

Saw this scene.

Someone was stunned and said: "Awesome, awesome!"


There was a sound of swallowing.

The speaker didn't seem to believe it, and said tentatively:

"That was... Revival Herb just now?"

He finished.


"I go!"


"Damn it, the boss is right in front of me!"

Normal's overwhelming momentum sent the entire Pokémon Center into chaos.

Ling Wei also realized this.

Complicated feelings.

After she became the director, this was the first time she assisted someone in surgery, and she was willing to do so.

"Sorry, I was wrong."

Ling Wei is not a coy character.

Knowing that he had made a mistake in judgment and made an empirical mistake, after calming down, he immediately went to Li Yu and apologized.

Li Yu waved his hand.

at this time.

A light suddenly appeared on Froakie's body.

It instantly blinded everyone's eyes.

"Light of evolution!"

Someone exclaimed.

Another burst of foul language.

Everyone can't calm down.

Extremely excited.

What could be more exciting than seeing an endangered Pokémon being revived and evolving in the blink of an eye?

Ling Wei is also good at covering up with her hands.

The corners of his mouth turned up.

Suddenly there was a feeling of emotion in my heart.

Li Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.


He muttered silently, not surprised in his heart.

After all, Revival Herb has a lot of energy.

After the toxins are eliminated and the body recovers, Froakie, who was already on the edge of evolution, will naturally reach another level.

The light of evolution waxes and wanes.


A Pokémon that was slightly larger than Froakie appeared. It turned dark blue and had a white scarf around its neck.

But his figure was more flexible, and he jumped to the light stand on the ceiling in the blink of an eye.

Watching everyone cautiously.

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