Pokémon: I only catch mythical beasts

Chapter 35 The Familiar Taste Comes

Six hours later, as it was approaching dusk, Xia Fan's first day of charity activities ended with a total of 150 million.

"Everyone, let's continue tomorrow. As long as you provide me with useful information about Lei Gong, I will treat you to a big meal and still reward 5000 yuan."

Xia Fan stood in front of the steak shop and shouted loudly.

And standing opposite him was a crowd so crowded that there was no end in sight.

After Xia Fan's words fell behind, they immediately uttered the deafening word 'good'.

After all, there are not many big fools who are easy to deceive like this.

They should respond well.

Even if Xia Fan asked them to disband, more than half of them insisted on staying in the queue, just to get into the steakhouse early tomorrow morning and cheat Xia Fan of 5000 yuan and a big meal.

Xia Fan didn't care about it.

Greed is one of human nature, they are willing to blow the cold wind here all night for the 5000 yuan is their business.

As for him, as long as he continues to play a good upstart with money and no place to spend it.

Half an hour later, Xia Fan drove to the beach of Qiancong City again.

All the shops are booked here for all the people who come here to eat and drink for free.

Afterwards, he also took a large sum of money and spread it on the beach, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was a rich man, and that others would not come to snatch him.

In short, all the upstarts can show off their wealth, he did it, and the upstarts didn't show off their wealth, he did it too.

It makes people jealous.

Two of them meowed.

On the beach, Musashi held a grilled chicken, gnawed it, and looked at Xia Fan not far away who had just finished throwing money and was surrounded by crowds to flatter him. He couldn't help sighing: "It's nice to be rich!"

"Kojiro, meow, you said that if our Rockets team returns to its former glory, the three of us, as important heroes, will be able to live a life like that person in the future."

There was no reply behind.

Musashi turned his head to look, and found that he and his companions Kojiro and Miaomiao were eating hazel there, as if they didn't hear what she said at all, and immediately became angry.

"Can you two stop being reincarnated like starving ghosts! Be careful not to be driven away."

Kojiro said aggrievedly: "You won't let us do it now, so what can we do if we don't eat, and the way you gnaw on a whole roast chicken looks like a starved ghost reincarnated."

Miaomiao also felt aggrieved: "That's it, meow~"

Musashi glanced at the whole roast chicken in his hand, and coughed: "I don't let you do it now because I'm afraid it will be too conspicuous. Now the Blue and White Club is going to kill our Rockets. If we are so blatant Robbing people will definitely be on the front page of Qiangong City tomorrow, if they see us in this city, it will be troublesome."

Kojiro: "So what does this have to do with what we eat? We can only do things when we are full, and if we don't win, we don't know how long it will be before we can eat as much as today. "

Miaomiao echoed: "That's it, meow~."

After speaking, one person and one meow clapped their hands tacitly.

Musashi sighed helplessly.

I won't say anything more, because Kojiro is right.

The current situation of their Rockets is too difficult.

The Kanto headquarters was taken over by a group of traitors, and an organization called the Chaomeng team was established. The Chengdu branch was taken over by a group called the Blue and White Club.

These two organizations are now bullying Team Rocket, as long as a member shows up and is discovered by them, they will immediately be hunted down by them.

Therefore, they are now living like rats in the sewer, often hiding and hiding, not daring to make trouble blatantly like in the past.


Tired of throwing money, Xia Fan led the little Kabimon and Mengmeng who turned into Pikachu to find a chair and sit down, muttering in his mouth.

"What's the matter, I've acted to the point of throwing money, why haven't gangsters come over to rob me of my money, could it be that my acting is not stupid enough, rich enough, and not enough to give them a feeling that if they don't steal me, they will be stupid Feel?"

In my mind, Emperor Yan's voice sounded.

"Master, is your method really good? You have lost so much money in vain, what if you don't know the whereabouts of Lei Gong if you lose your fortune?"

"If I don't know, I will challenge them with a bounty, and then let them take me to find an underground organization they know. Try one by one, and challenge one by one. I believe there will always be one who will know, even if No, the money I lost today has also been recovered from them, anyway, I won’t lose money in the end.”

After hearing Xia Fan's reply, Emperor Yan was silent again in the luxury ball.

10 minute later.

A man wearing glasses and a teenager came to Xia Fan.

The two said that they had discovered Lei Gong's hiding place in Qiancong City. As long as Xia Fan promised to give them [-] million yuan, they would not only take Xia Fan there, but also help Xia Fan catch Lei Gong.

As soon as the two of them said this, Xia Fan, who was worrying about whether he was not pretending to be stupid enough, was immediately overjoyed.

He agreed directly, and transferred 100 million to the two of them on the spot as a thank you.

The two who received 100 million were also overjoyed, and quickly asked Xia Fan to drive with them.

This scene shocked Musashi Kojiro and Miaomiao immediately after seeing it.

I didn't expect my goal to be so simple and follow others.


An hour later, Xia Fan followed the two people's car to a small factory in a remote area.

What should I say about this small factory, there is a sign with the words "Hongxing Lending Loan" hanging outside.

Seeing that Xia Fan frowned, he asked the two people who brought him with a smile, "Is Lei Gong here?"

"Lei Gong is not here, our boss is here. If you want to catch Lei Gong, you can tell our boss and he will take you to catch him." The young man with glasses looked kindly, and the middle-aged man took Xia Fan to Xiao factory.

After Xia Fan entered, the attitudes of the two towards Xia Fan began to change.

First he locked the door firmly, and then pushed Xia Fan to a group of tough-looking men.

The young man with glasses said proudly to the bald man in the middle, "Boss, you live up to your mission. We brought this rich fool here."

Xia Fan frowned slightly: "A rich fool?"

"Isn't it?" The young man with glasses laughed, completely tore off his disguise on Xia Fan, and taunted him directly, "Don't you really think that Lei Gong, one of the three holy beasts, can be caught by you if you have money? I Tell you it's impossible, if I really have the position of Lei Gong, I will tell you?"

After finishing speaking, the young man with glasses and his companions laughed wantonly at Xia Fan.

At the same time, he continued to make fun of Xia Fan for not having the life of a divine beast in his life.

However, the teasing stopped abruptly after three seconds.

Because Xia Fan released Emperor Yan.


The line of sight came to the outside of the factory gate.

Five minutes after Xia Fan came in, the Rockets trio also sneaked in.

The trio leaned against the door, listening carefully to the sounds inside.

At this time, a sound came from inside, "Okay, since you lost, then transfer all the money to me." '

Good guy, as soon as these words reached the ears of the trio, they couldn't help it immediately.

This is their goal, how can they allow others to steal it.

Apart from anything else, Musashi decisively released his Pokémon 'Abo Monster' and ordered it to use the poison-type skill 'Dissolving Solution'.

This skill has the effect of strong acid, which is extremely corrosive and can quickly corrode the door.

At the same time, this skill also caused a surprised sound from inside.

The voice came to the ears of the trio.

So he rushed in the next second and made a poss.

"Since you asked the question sincerely."

"I will tell you mercifully."

"To prevent the world from being destroyed."

"To protect world peace."

"To carry out love and true evil."

"Lovely and charming villain."



"We are the Rockets traveling across the galaxy."

"White hole, white tomorrow is waiting for us."

"That's it, meow~"

A poke ball turned on and flashed red.


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