Pokémon: I only catch mythical beasts

Chapter 540 Bounty battle, the unwritten rules of the temples

Looking at the astonished Wuji Society people.

Musashi Kojiro and Meow Meow are very comfortable.

Looking back on the days when they were in the Rockets, who knows how miserable they were?

For a Pikachu, he ran here and there, was electrocuted countless times, and was hanged and beaten.

Later, there was a betrayal in the organization, and the boss Sakagi disappeared.

They began to be chased crazily again, and they couldn't even get a full meal all day long.

Well now, since joining the Temple of the Gods, not only has it been reused, but it has a lot of money.

Also has the right to command the legendary Pokémon.

It is no longer the person who was hanged and beaten, but the person who was hanged and beaten.

If you don't believe me, look at the other side, those guys are trembling from being beaten by the flame birds of their temples right now.

Musashi took a step forward with his arms folded, and jokingly said, "Okay, give us the Pokémon you're carrying."

"Impossible, it belongs to our Promise Society." The red-haired young man gritted his teeth, as long as he took this z2 away and combined with the z1 that their other team snatched, they would very likely become the first to successfully control the area guardian God's player organization.

World domination will be easy then.

So he will not hand over z2 even if he is killed.

Red light flashed.

The red-haired youth threw two more Poké Balls.

They are Water Arrow Turtle and Electric Shock Beast respectively.

Among them, the water arrow turtle carries a super evolutionary stone.

"Mega-evolve, Water Arrow Turtle!"

The red-haired youth raised his right hand, and the blue light began to flicker.

Blastoise mega evolves into Super Blastoise.

At the same time, the members of the Promise Club behind him also began to throw out their own Pokémon.

There are a large number of them. At a glance, there are at least 30 Pokémon that have evolved to their final form, and some of them carry super evolution stones like Blastoise.

Miaomiao took a step forward, tapped the ground with her left foot and said, "Useless, useless meow~, facing the legendary Pokémon, no matter how many of your Pokmon there are, they are not opponents at all!" Ah meow~"

Kojiro nodded and said: "Meow Meow is right. In the face of a powerful force, it is useless to have a large number of you. It is better to take that Pokémon obediently, so as not to get beaten up."

But the leading red-haired youth didn't listen at all and insisted on fighting:

"Water arrow turtle, water cannon!"

Under his leadership, other members also began to issue orders to attack the flame bird.

Watching these attacks, Musashi gave an order: "Flame Bird, block it with defense."

But it's embarrassing.

This time the flame bird didn't listen to her.

Because it feels that these attacks are not worthy of its defense.

So after rolling his eyes towards Musashi below, he moved at high speed to avoid these skills one by one.

At the same time, it spit out hot jet flames from its mouth toward the Wuji Club.

Musashi was embarrassed.

But there was no other way, so he could only pretend that nothing happened and watch the flame bird kill all directions.

Seven or eight seconds later, most of the Pokmon on the Wuji Society fell down.

Half a minute later, all the Pokémon of Wuji Society fell down.

The red-haired young man sat slumped on the ground, looking in horror at the extremely arrogant flame bird in the sky.

I don't understand why, the same as the three holy birds, how his lightning bird is so much worse than Musashi Kojiro's flame bird.

One day at a time.

Completely incomparable.

When he first caught the lightning bird, he only brought a dozen people with him, and he captured it.

But now facing Musashi Kojiro's flame bird, first two legends were beaten up one after another, and then thirty Pokémon that had evolved to their final form were swept away.

At this time, Musashi brought Kojiro and Meow to the red-haired youth and looked down at him.

"Can you hand over the Pokmon in your hand to us now?" Musashi asked.

The red-haired young man reluctantly handed over the technology cage containing Z2 to Musashi.

Musashi, who took over the technology cage, glanced at the z2 inside, handed the cage to Kojiro, then pursed his lips, and looked greedily at the red-haired youth.

"What are you going to do?" The red-haired young man was startled, his body shuddered, thinking that Musashi was trying to rob sex.

"Don't think too much, I don't like you anymore." Musashi said with a smile, "I just want you to settle the bill and transfer the money."

The red-haired young man was relieved when he heard that it was not robbery, but he felt inexplicable and regretful.

"Why should I transfer money to you?" he asked.

Miao Miao said: "Because our battle just now was a bounty battle, a battle where we bet all our property."

This is an unwritten rule of their pantheon who did not know when it became popular.

When fighting against others, the loser needs to hand over all his property to the opponent.

"If you don't give it." Kojiro pointed to the sky.

After half an hour.

Musashi Kojiro and Miaomiao ransacked the members of Wuji Club and let them go.

Wait until they all leave.

The two meowed to the cadre of Team Flare.

According to Xia Fan's instructions, he threw Z2 in front of them and left in the flame bird.

Team Flame and Alan were confused.

He wanted to ask why, but Musashi Kojiro and the others ignored him and left directly.

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