Pokemon Life

Chapter 410, Preparation


"Oops, I almost forgot about this."

Since Charmander and Roseredo still had a guinea pig agreement, the two little ones had to stay at the Rose Valley Medical Village for a while.

So Charmander abided by the agreement and continued to be Roseredo's royal guinea pig.

——————Large plot dividing line——————————

In the following days, the two little ones were very busy every day:

every morning,

When the dew in the Valley of Roses had just begun to drop, Charmander began to read the classic medical books on Rose Redo's bookshelf alone.


Charmander promptly cooperated with Roseredo to explore the meridians of the human body. Roseredo would use silver needles to test each of Charmander's special meridians.

Although it can't help open up Charmander's Ren and Du meridians, it's not easy to be pricked by Rose Leiduo's acupuncture every day.

Rose Leiduo will also record the various reactions of Charmander as quickly as possible and write them into a new volume using pigments ground from rose petals.

I saw that Rose Leiduo was quite satisfied:

"Sure enough, after practicing medicine for decades, only by studying such special meridians can I satisfy my future medical skills~"


It's time for Pikachu to help grind and cook the medicine.

During this period of time, although Pikachu did not delve into medical skills as crazily as Charmander, he also came into contact with a lot of knowledge about decoction.

The cooked medicinal materials must be carefully fed into the mouths of Celebi and the butler with the eyes of the soul, who are still in the awakening stage.

When everything was done, it was almost between 9:30am and 11:00am.

Since the two little ones live in the Rose Valley Medical Village, they must contribute their meager efforts to the construction of the medical village.

The task of chopping wood in the morning and the task of collecting fresh herbs in the Rose Valley all require two little ones.

Charmander and Pikachu are already quite skilled at these.

Carrying cute little backpacks and tools for chopping firewood, they set off to the depths of Rose Valley without saying a word. The miracle doctor Roseredo was the master here, and he had to behave obediently when he temporarily stayed in his master's territory.

Starting from 13:00pm,

Charmander had to cooperate with Rose Leiduo to study the meridians for a whole afternoon.

On Pikachu's side, he was sorting out the living supplies, drying the firewood chopped in the morning and the herbs collected in a special way, and finally keeping them properly.

Usually this busy work lasts from afternoon to evening.

Therefore, after 9:00 pm, the two little ones had time to go to the back of Rose Valley Medical Village to make boats.

(Charmander and Pikachu are carefully making the boat)

Building a boat is easier said than done.

Since Charmander and Pikachu have no expertise.

Regarding making a boat, Charmander began to explore a little bit based on his knowledge of building huts in the human world, and tried to make a prototype of the boat by imitating the cat and the tiger.

Pikachu was originally a bachelor of encyclopedia and had some basic knowledge of shipbuilding.

He himself felt that although he was not a professional shipbuilding elf, the knowledge he had learned could still allow him to draw a simple boat manufacturing diagram.

With the boat manufacturing diagram,

Coupled with the determination of the two little ones to leave the Rose Valley Medical Village, there is nothing that the two little ones cannot do.

So one day,

twelve days,

Until the fourteenth day passed quietly...

The two little ones who were already busy during the day had to make the boat late at night, which made them exhausted every night.

Hard work pays off, a Pokémon with a lot of heart.

After more than half a month of hard work, about 95% of the barely sailable boat has been built.

However, Charmander and Pikachu also looked carefully around the boat. Both of them believed that the probability of successfully crossing the sea with this boat was only 50%.

Pikachu was worried:

"Hey, Charmander!"

"Although we have worked hard for so long, this boat always feels unsound. Do we need to add some special materials?"

Charmander could also see that although the main material of the small wooden boat was hardwood, he could tell by looking at the overall wind and rain resistance of the entire hull.



"If we encounter a storm at sea during the voyage, our boat will sink in minutes."

The structure of the boat was extremely simple, and even if it sank, there would be no protective measures. This made Pikachu infinitely worried.

"Then we can't take any more risks~"

"And Charmander, we haven't planned a suitable sailing route yet."

"Now we only know how to sail eastward, but without a navigation chart, it will be difficult to reach the Treasure Continent smoothly."


We are not forest lizards who are adventurous all year round. We can just drive a small boat to break through the vast sea. The problem of navigation charts is also very difficult.

The two little ones were thinking so,

Unexpectedly, the miracle doctor Rosredo suddenly appeared from behind the medical village:

"It looks like your sailing plan is going to be ruined."

Charmander + Pikachu: "!!"

The next moment, Roseredo, who thought he would not be of any help, suddenly took out the nautical chart he had hidden at the bottom of the box and a classic ancient book on shipbuilding for the first time.

Pikachu: "Wait a minute, these are it!"

Although Rose Redo has lived in seclusion on the Rose Valley Island for decades, he will not never return to the Treasure Continent.

If he needs to go to the Treasure Continent one day, he will take a boat and cross the ocean himself.

For example, the old boat used by the forest lizard was built by Rose Redo himself.

He was good at medicine, but not very familiar with shipbuilding. He also needed a shipbuilding book to figure out how to build it.

In addition, the route on the navigation chart was also the only way he could travel to and from the Rose Valley Island.

Island of Rose Valley - Southeast Sea of ​​Tranquility - Small Whirlpool Sea Area - Bottomless Abyss (avoided) - Southwest side of Sea of ​​Tranquility - Sunshine Strait - East coast of Treasure Continent

This route avoids the 99F bottomless abyss maze, and also passes through small whirlpool sea areas with relatively few storms. The last few locations are also particularly convenient for navigation.

Roseredo, who was unwilling to save anyone, unexpectedly offered help in such an unusual way.

The sudden reversal of settings made the two little ones very uncomfortable.

Roseredo said coldly:

"Don't be too happy too early,"

"I'm not helping you out of pity."

"For the sake of the little white mouse recently helping me perfect my medical skills, these are my rewards for you."

(Ding, Charmander and Pikachu got the Rose Valley navigation chart and ancient shipbuilding books)

Rose Redo:

"Since we are going back to the Treasure Continent, the other two patients inside will stay with me for the time being. The injuries caused by the Roar of Time and Space on their bodies still need to be studied in depth by me."

The slightly raised corners of Roseredo's mouth reflected his obsession with medical skills in healing the injuries caused by the roar of time and space, but Charmander also sensed that he had absolutely no ill intentions.

A madman who is obsessed with medical skills will only take better care of Celebi and the enchanting-eyed butler.

Now that we have the two magic weapons given by Rose Leiduo, the day for the two little ones to set off is just around the corner.

So at the end,

Charmander + Pikachu said in unison:

"Thank you, Miracle Doctor of Rose Valley!" (X2)

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