Pokemon Life

Chapter 420, Angry Combination Skills

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom—

A violent explosion once again penetrated the seaside cave, and huge rubble had already been scattered all over the ground.

The musical note parrot continued to fight fiercely with the three sickle helmets.

Even if he was restrained by rock-type skills or even damaged his right wing, it would be impossible to stop him from taking revenge!

Charmander thought for a moment:

It must not be simple here,

Just now the guy from the Musical Note Parrot was shouting President Fat Keding's name very loudly. There must be some unsavory past in this.

Maybe it’s still the past that makes the Note Parrot mentally overwhelmed.

From this perspective, it is the only "antidote" that can save him this time.

It's too late, it's too late,

Charmander suddenly made a high-altitude jump from behind the left sickle helmet!

Then, use all the power in your little claws to unleash the Steel Claw!

"watch out!"

"Taste the power of my steel split claw move!"

【! 】Boom————!

Sickle Helm, who had just gone to deal with the Musical Note Parrot, didn't even take Charmander's side into consideration, and ended up hitting its head with an extremely effective Steel Claw!

[Sickle Helm·Left]:

"Not bad strength~"

"But your attacks have no effect on my ancient rock armor."


To Charmander's surprise,

With its strong defensive power, Sickle Helm actually received the blow without any pain, and it wasn't over yet.

The sickle helmet on the right also spoke coldly:


"That electric-type Pikachu over there,"

"You can come along too, so we don't have to worry about the lack of people and the lack of fun~"

Pikachu was at a loss for a moment. He didn't expect Charmander to catch up so quickly:

"Hey, wait!"

"I just said that we can fight at any time, but didn't the Musical Parrot insist that he would fight one against three and not let us intervene?"

"Have you forgotten, Charmander, why did you suddenly get in love with me?"

The words just finished here,

I saw the musical note parrot suddenly stood up from the ruins and shouted angrily:

"You two nosy bastards!!"

"Didn't I tell you that I would take my own revenge? It's none of your business!!!"

"Give me----"





In an instant, the thoroughly irritated Note Parrot finally unleashed the terrifying fire of anger he had in the guild.

Charmander and Pikachu were both shocked by his anger.

Even the sickle-helmet bosses who attacked fiercely at the beginning smelled the murderous intent and immediately changed their offensive posture to defensive.

The musical note parrot has 35% charge, its wings turn silver-white, and anger reaches its throat...

The Note Parrot is charged at 69% and its wings become translucent!

The Musical Note Parrot's power is close to 90%, and turbulence swirls around its wings! !

This is!

I remember that there are many great powers in the flying system, such as Divine Bird Attack, Brave Bird, etc.

Note Parrot's charge should be another high-power flying skill that can be released instantly, and it should be combined with inciting the surrounding airflow to release the power.

Not only that,

Once the airflow in the rock walls is incited,

The gravel generated by the rockfall will be stirred up again, and the note parrot will use it as a stone throwing bonus.

Pikachu can't open his eyes a little:

"That guy with the note parrot is crazy!!"

"If you stir up the airflow at will in the cave, there is a chance that the cave will collapse instantly!!"

"No one will be able to survive by then!!!"

The three sickle helmets know this very well,

So they had already put up a defensive posture and waited quietly in the dark for this wave of attacks to end.

And Charmander also realized how terrifying the COMBO move that Note Parrot was about to charge up was:

This is the ultimate combination skill stack——

Storm (flying type 100 power skill)


Sonic Wave (normal 140 power skill)


Rockfall and rubble turbulence (rock type 75 power skill)

Note parrot:

"Go to hell, for revenge——!!!"

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

Pikachu's eyes turned into daylight:

"Ah, my eyes!"

Charmander was about to lose sight of everything, but fortunately he made sure of his actions at the moment before the musical note parrot was about to make his move:

That is to cooperate with the last wave of Steel Claws to attack the Sickle Helm again in order to collect their [Sickle Helmet Shell Powder].

The Charmander drunken man does not intend to attack,

Instead, he plucked the wool from the sickle helmet and successfully obtained the last medicinal ingredient to treat the note parrot.

Looking at the large amount of shell powder remaining on his small claws, Charmander calmly waited for his eyes to become blank.

[After the blank, memories related to Note Parrot’s youth appeared]

————Memories are opening————

One day when I was young,

The memory scene brings me to the deepest treasure chest area on the 40th floor while exploring the seaside cave.

At that time, Fat Keding was not as fat as he is now. He was so high-spirited that he confidently opened all the treasure boxes and turned around and said:

"Look at the musical note parrot, I think this is a rare and good place~"

The young Fat Keding continued to look around:

"The walls are surrounded by ancient rocks,"

"In addition, this place was originally a site left over from the Cretaceous period,"

"Geographically, it can be said to be a safe and haven."

The musical note parrot instantly understood what Pang Keding meant.

The Musical Parrot of this period is particularly energetic, and you can see that he has a red turban with the word "Struggle" tied on his forehead.

Judging from the scale of the expedition team,

During this period, Pang Keding was still in the stage of just forming the Pang Keding Guild.

Even though the guild was not well-known, Fat Keding had no choice but to go out on an adventure with the musical note parrot, two in pairs.

Immediately afterwards,

Fat Keding slowly turned around again and carefully locked half of the shining Gear of Time into the box.

Musical Note Parrot and Fat Coding are not interested in all the treasure chest loot in the seaside cave.

Instead, he came with his treasures to bury.

The musical note parrot said seriously:

"President SAMA, have you really thought this through?"

"This half of the Gear of Time was bought with a lot of blood and tears by our guild, and it is the last half of the Gear in Treasure Continent!"

"Do you really...want to be buried here?"

"Yeah." (Pang Keding looks back)

Fat Keding:

"That's what I planned~"

"Our [Pang Keding Guild] has not yet grown in strength. If we keep the gears in the guild, it may lead to open and covert fighting."

"It's better to store the gears here first."

"One day, when we become the strongest guild in Treasure Town, we can welcome the gears back~"

【! 】As soon as the words fell,

The musical note parrot suddenly felt a murderous aura stabbing him in the dark, and he immediately became alert and shouted angrily into the dark:


"All the bastards who are hiding there and eavesdropping, get out!!"

Finally, I am very grateful to the readers. I also ask for votes, rewards, collections, and investments from the readers. This chapter is about it~

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