Pokemon Life

Chapter 438, Night Demon and Pulse Qi

The Night Stalker and the Six Ecstasy Eyes! ! ! ! !

The moment he saw Daredevil again, the little fire dragon instantly felt angry and blood welling up in his heart:

"Hey, you bastard Daredevil, we will settle the accounts with you here today!"

Compared to Charmander, who couldn't control his emotions, Forest Lizard couldn't figure out why his tactics were seen through by Daredevil.

Logically speaking, the substitute jade tactic can be said to ensure that the whereabouts of the entire team will never be discovered within an hour.

Could it be that the secret was exposed because the Substitute Jade was not released just before the last sprint?

"Hey, Daredevil!"

The unwilling forest lizard followed up and said:

"Why did you find this place so quickly, you bastard!"


Daredevil greeted Charmander and the others with his trademark crazy laugh, and then pressed the weird pattern on his abdomen to the ground like this!

The next moment,

Lines of dark energy seeping out from the patterns on the Night Demon's abdomen actually began to wander throughout the underworld continent!

It's not over yet,

The dark pulse energy jumped out along the ground and entangled several times after contacting the small animal feet of Charmander, Pikachu and Forest Lizard.

It came out as if conducting a reconnaissance, then sank into the ground again and disappeared.

【! 】Forest lizard epiphany:

"These are the black pulses that can detect the whereabouts of elves?"

"In that case, it was at that time that we were discovered!!!"

The Night Demon stood up proudly, withdrew his powerful pulse energy and looked up to the sky with a smile:

"Hahahahahahahaha, not bad!"

"Do you really think you can deceive my perception with the Jade of Substitution? I would never use such a childish trick."

Pikachu has never seen that weird dark energy, but he can feel that energy exists invisibly in every corner of the underworld.

turn out to be,

Ever since Charmander, Pikachu and Forest Lizard escaped under Daredevil's nose with the help of Celebi's time and space travel last time, Daredevil had disgraced Dialga.

Daredevil believes that he is worthy of the title of His Highness Dialga's "Number One Confidant".

So he spent several months in seclusion in the deepest part of the underworld, trying to improve his strength through practice, and accidentally learned a dark pulse technique.

Dark pulse energy can cover the entire underworld continent, at the cost of consuming a lot of energy, but the result is scattered pulse energy covering every corner.

It is no exaggeration to say,

Now there are scattered pulse energy of the Night Demon in every corner of the underworld. The pulse energy can monitor everything for the Night Demon every minute.

In other words, at the moment when Chenglong landed on the island,

Daredevil had already sensed something strange in the Fantasy Continent through the dark energy. This kind of perception was much faster than that of the miscellaneous soldiers who reported to him later.

"Hahahaha, you are not the only ones who have been making progress in the past few months!"

Charmander + Pikachu + Forest Lizard:


Daredevil continued to laugh wildly:

"Although I can sense your whereabouts through my pulse energy, it's still a bit difficult to rush over as soon as possible."

"So I asked Dialga Palace to teleport me here, and I almost missed a good opportunity to score."

While Daredevil was getting carried away, the forest lizard secretly prepared to use its leaf blade to sneak attack on Daredevil.

If you use Leaf Blade when the opponent is not well-prepared, it is easy to hit a knowing blow with CT effect.

Now has to be said to be the best time for a sneak attack!

【! ! ! ! ! 】

However, just when the forest lizard was about to make a small move, his thoughts were actually seen through by the Daredevil!

"Hahaha, forest lizard, forest lizard,"

"You make too many little moves!"

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom—

The black energy veins under the feet of the forest lizard suddenly turned into a highly offensive ghost-type strike that shot up from the ground, knocking the forest lizard away!



"Forest lizard!!!"

This is just the beginning,

Charmander was about to jump high, but found that due to the entanglement of the black pulse energy, his little animal feet could not move at all, as if they were tied with more than ten kilograms of lead!

"Damn it, I can't move!"

The same goes for Pikachu. The powerful sense of entanglement also made Pikachu completely controlled in place, unable to move at all:

"Ah, Charmander, I feel like I was caught by something, I can't even lift my feet!"

Seeing this situation,

The corners of Daredevil's mouth instantly rose, and then he used a mysterious power he had cultivated to instantly tear open the air behind the stone tablet!

"[Come out, black hole crack!]"

Swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish Swish swish swish swish swish swish Swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish Swish swish swish swish swish swish Swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish

A huge black hole crack was torn open in the strange mid-air. The bottomless black hole crack was all too familiar to Charmander and the others.

It was exactly the same as the black hole that appeared at the end of the interrogation of the Forest Lizard in the Treasure Town Square.

At that time, the Daredevil forced the two little ones into the black hole, and they fell into the underworld.

The Daredevil controlled everything at the scene and judged from above:

"Okay, everything will be over~"

"Stupid guys,"

"Last time I deployed the [Black Hole Rift] in Treasure Town to save your lives, because I still don't know the true whereabouts of all the Gears of Time."

Daredevil glanced at the gears of time on the ground that were ready to be put into the grooves. They were all genuine:


"This time it's different."

"The [black hole crack] in front of you leads directly to death, hahahahahaha, there is no underworld to support you if you fall into the black hole~"


"Daredevil, you bastard!"

The forest lizard, who had regained his strength, was unable to move. He had not given up the last chance to outwit him with words:

"Hey, please wait a moment Daredevil, I have something else to say."

The six enchanting eyes around him immediately began to sharpen their claws. The Daredevil gave the six enchanting eyes a look and told them to stop and listen to the last words of the forest lizard.

The forest lizard said sincerely:

"Daredevil, you are now firmly seated as the number one confidant. You have got everything you want. What good will it do to you to put us to death again?"

The Night Devil sneered:

"I don't need any more favors."

"For His Highness Dialga, I must complete two more things in this time and space——"

"First, get 7 space-time gears."

"Second, eliminate those of you who can rewrite the future."


"What do you mean, we are the ones who rewrite the future?"

At the last moment, Daredevil ordered 6 enchanting eyes to push Charmander + Pikachu + Forest Lizard step by step into the crack of the black hole, and said without any expression:


"[As long as you die, the future will not change]"

"[I will take good care of the Gears of Time,]"


Finally, I am very grateful to the readers. I also ask for votes, rewards, collections, and investments from the readers. This chapter is about it~

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