Pokemon Life

Chapter 445, the conspiracy continues

I have to say that the forest lizard's trick of placing a trap around Daredevil must be given 100 points. Even Charmander didn't expect such a clever trick.

Think about it carefully,

When the elves from the three armies of the underworld swarmed over and saw the Night Demon lying in the distance with no signs of life, they would definitely rush to care about him immediately.

Finally, when I got close, I stepped on a trap.

Finally it exploded:

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom


Charmander and the forest lizard came to Daredevil at the same time in cooperation and tacit understanding. They looked at each other after determining the best hiding place for placing the trap.

【! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

But in the next moment! ! ! ! !

A murderous aura penetrated from the fallen Daredevil and penetrated Charmander + Forest Lizard, catching them off guard!

【! 】Forest lizard:

"No, the Daredevil guy hasn't been completely defeated yet! Danger!!"

【! ! 】Charmander:

"What, could it be that he was cheating his death!!!"

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Boom boom boom boom boom

The two Hell Shadow Balls penetrated directly through the Charmander + Forest Lizard, and the Night Demon who was obviously already burping successfully succeeded in sneak attack in secret!

Since the two little ones had no defense at the time, these two blows directly caused them serious injuries.

Daredevil slowly stood up:


"You are so naive, did you really think I was dead just now, you bastards!!"

"I deliberately saved my last breath and waited for you to get close enough to give you a fatal blow!!!"

(Pikachu is still activating the Rainbow Stone Boat, and after hearing the violent explosion, he quickly prepared to come, but it will take some time to interrupt the operation)

The Night Demon who succeeded in the sneak attack was still weak, but he was still strong enough to walk step by step towards the two little ones who fell to the ground like a winner.

Charmander fell to the ground with 10 HP left.

The forest lizard fell to the ground with 11 HP left.

"Uh... Daredevil, you are so despicable, damn it!"

"Daredevil, what do you want, eh."

The Night Demon said from a high position:

"I didn't want to do anything, but in the end I won."

"You two are seriously injured now. As long as I wait for my Hell Shadow Ball to cool down again, the next blow will take you all to the west."

"Hahahaha, hahahahahaha——"

Charmander's body didn't have the strength to stand up again, because almost all of his energy was consumed in the VS Daredevil battle just now, and it was extremely difficult to recover after being seriously injured.

But he also realized his mistake,

Because the fact that Daredevil cheats his death can actually be detected in advance:

Do you still remember the [Black Hole Crack] that Daredevil summoned before the game started? That weird black hole crack has always existed on the field and did not disappear with the death of Daredevil.

In other words, Daredevil has been pretending to be in death, holding his last breath and waiting for the opportunity.

"Yes, by the time you notice this, it's already too late, hahahaha——"

(Daredevil's Hell Shadow Ball has been charged 30%)

"Before you die,"

"I will tell you the [truth of destiny] out of mercy, so that you can die in peace before you go on the road."

(Daredevil's Hell Shadow Ball is charged 66%)


Uh, wait, the truth about fate?

Daredevil continued:

"[Celebi has always wanted to rely on his own power to purify the underworld, but all actions in 99 parallel worlds have failed. Now only the 100th world where you are is left. What I said is absolutely correct.]"

The forest lizard looks up:

"You guy!"

Night Stalker:

"[His Royal Highness Dialga has long known that Celebi has assembled human warriors + time and space warriors + kind warriors this time. It can be said to be the strongest lineup in history,]"

"[So His Highness gave me the task of annihilating you.]"

"[That's why I will lurk in the Treasure Continent at all costs, just to prevent you from successfully interfering with the future of the underworld and to kill you as soon as possible!]"

Only then did Charmander realize that Daredevil had known everything for a long time, including Celebi's plan to purify the underworld and the moment he traveled through time.

(Daredevil's Hell Shadow Ball is charged at 79%!)

(Daredevil's Hell Shadow Ball is charged at 89%!)

(Daredevil's Hell Shadow Ball is charged at 98%!)


We can't die here yet! !

There must be a way to defeat Daredevil again. There must be a way. I, Charmander, can definitely do it again! ! !

In an instant,

【! ] Charmander raised his head so suddenly, and found that the cracks in the black hole behind Daredevil were getting worse and worse. He began to control the master, and even began to devour everything around him wantonly!

【! ! ! ! ! 】Charmander:

"Wait a minute, Daredevil, the cracks in the black hole behind you are starting to get out of control!"

"I'm not kidding, get out of the way!!!"

The disapproving Night Demon thought that Charmander was playing tricks on him before he died, so he opened the abyssal mouth in his abdomen without even looking back:

"Hahahahaha, don't try to lie to me!"

"These are useless little tricks!!"

"Do you think I will fall for you again? Stop dreaming, little bastards!!!"

Swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish

Swallow - swallow -

The cracks in the black hole expanded out of control and immediately swallowed them, sucking in the Night Demon who was about to make a move!

It's not over yet,

The strong adsorption force continued to suck in the Charmander + Forest Lizard, and it seemed that the bodies of the two little ones were about to be sucked away by the cracks in the black hole! !

At the critical moment, the forest lizard fired the last leaf blade at the feet of the little fire dragon, deliberately knocking him away:

"Go to Ye Ren, knock away the little fire dragon!"


After being knocked away, the little fire dragon had left the swallowing range of the black hole crack, about 8 meters away.

But the Daredevil and the Forest Lizard were not so lucky. They were both sucked away by the cracks in the black hole!

At this very moment,

The forest lizard desperately jammed Daredevil's neck with both arms, making Daredevil unable to move at all, and could only welcome the devouring with him!

Daredevil shouted:

"Are you crazy, bastard, let me go!"

Forest lizard:

"Since neither of us can escape from the devouring circle, I will definitely not let you go. Even if we die, we will die together, Daredevil!"

Night Stalker:

"Uhhhhhhhhh, forest lizard!"

"You are a complete lunatic, do you know the consequences of being swallowed by a black hole crack-!!"

"Not only will the two of us be shattered to pieces, but there won't even be any bone residue left. Let us go quickly...!!!"

Finally, I am very grateful to the readers. I also ask for votes, rewards, collections, and investments from the readers. This chapter is about it~

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