Pokemon: My Gengar Open Susanoo

Chapter 164

Chapter 164

164: The source of quack fluctuates! Elite crosses Champion (please customize!)

Big bird.

It’s Pidgeot, according to the name of the book.

The shape of the big bird is very similar to that of the Pidgeotto, but the big bird is larger in size, has a wider wingspan, and has shorter claws, like a mill.

The big bird’s feathers are very bright, and it is not afraid of opponents in the air.

Almost monopolized the sky.

Gorgeous wings can act as a deterrent, and can also whip up a huge storm. The sharp eyes and wide wings give the bird a kingly spirit.

【Name: Big Bird】

【Category: Bird Pokémon)

[attributes: general complex/~flying complex)[Level: Champion level][Characteristics: Bulk Up chest muscle[Movements: Storm, Tailwind, Gust, Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Wing Attack…]

“This time—”

Big Bird appeared.

There was a gust of wind on the venue, “Is this manually turning on Tailwind?”

Ling Ran smiled.

This is bigger than a bird, and it’s a bit foul.

at the same time.

A Pokémon also appeared in Ling Ran’s Dive Ball.

The momentum is stronger.

The will is heavier.

The terrifying aura permeated the audience as soon as it appeared on the stage, shocking the overlord in the sky, Big Bird.

Most importantly, “Appeared!

Professor Mu Xuecheng exclaimed.

Blue Champion’s complexion also changed, “It’s the only Greninja in the world in silver-white Shiny form! 22

Compared to the previous Frogadier.

Today’s Greninja is more like a black boss.

A pair of eyes.

The spleen is cloudy, and it seems that no one is in the eye.


Greninja is different from ordinary Greninja, he is suspended, about ten centimeters above the ground, and there is a splendid hexagram pattern on his chest.

Professor Mu Xuecheng and Blue Champion looked at each other.

They were all shocked, “Is this Ling Ran’s Greninja really asking the law?”

floating feature?

Both Blue Champion and Professor Mu Xuecheng are not sure.

It’s probably a special move of this Greninja.

“My Greninja just evolved today, and the level is at the peak of Elite.” Ling Ran did not shy away from revealing the details of Greninja.

But, the Pokémon in Ling Ran’s team can’t see the level at all.

Otherwise you will be abused.


Professor Mu Xuecheng was shocked, “Evolution has the peak Elite level right now? 99

You know, even Champion’s Greninja was at the Gym level at the beginning of Evolution, and Ling Ran’s Greninja is too scary.

– Evolution.

With the strength of the elite level peak, it is definitely accumulated.

Mu Xuecheng looked at his grandson and solemnly instructed, “Blue, take all your strengths! This may be your chance to enter the battle legend! >

Blue heard the words and nodded cautiously.

He is also very clear.

How important is the guidance of legend training?

“You have to cheer up too! Big Bird!” Blue shouted.

Big Bird also responded.

A high growl.


resounded throughout the venue.

The next moment.

A terrifying blue-white light beam suddenly flashed across the sky.

Before Blue and Mu Xuecheng could react, Big Bird had already foreseen the danger and avoided it at the fastest speed, but was still hit by a wing!

Several feathers were shot down.


Big Bird was covered in hair, and his sharp eyes were full of shock and a little bit of fear!

If not for his quick response.

This trick.

It is enough to make most of the blood vessels!

Blue’s eyes narrowed and he couldn’t understand, “What kind of move is that?!

He didn’t think Ling Ran was sneak attack.

On the contrary, he is not serious enough.

Both Pokémon appear.


both start.

What he didn’t understand was, what kind of move was the blue-white light just around?!

So powerful!



Standing on the sidelines, Professor Mu Xuecheng suddenly realized something.

Surprised, “This is?”

He had seen videos of Ling Ran and Kyogre fighting.

In the video, there is a move that just followed the blue-white beam, Professor Mu Xuecheng was short of breath, his face became red, and he was very excited.

“Ling Ran! Did you just revolve around that is Kyogre’s exclusive skill – Root Wave?!

Professor Mu Xuecheng exclaimed.

Even the Blue Champion is stupid.



Kyogre’s exclusive skill?! Root fluctuation?!

All said.

It’s Kyogre’s exclusive skill, why can you use Root Wave as a Greninja?!

Blue people are stupid.

Facing the doubts of the two, Ling Ran smiled lightly and said, “This trick? This trick was taught to Greninja by a friend of mine.”

which friend?

What kind of friend could it be!

In this world, only Kyogre will be fine!

For this “friend out of nothing”, both Blue and Professor Mu Xuecheng were very helpless.

There is information.

Ling Ran “captured” a Kyogre!

He imparts Greninja roots that fluctuate as it seems to be rightly so.

But well.

At this moment in the lake of the manor.

Kyogre, who was still happily immersed in jojo’s bizarre adventure, suddenly found a power that fluctuated at the root, and felt it according to the power.

Just rolled my eyes!

“It’s that frog again! 33

Convex (+blood+)

Kyogre was so angry, “Absorbed so much of the original power of this seat, and now he is stealing the source of this seat’s fluctuations! Otherwise, this seat’s indigo orb will also be given to you!

The fat-headed fish was sulking.

Very upset.

But what can he do if he is upset? He is still thinking about when to talk to Ling Ran and help him improve his strength to the creator-level police officer!

“Let him go. Kyogre moved his ass and changed to a comfortable position to continue watching jojo.

on the battlefield.

Ling Ran also figured out Greninja’s fighting power.

Although it is at the peak of the Elite level, Gugua’s actual combat power has reached the peak of the Champion level, plus these no-frills moves.

It can completely kill some ordinary Champion Pokémon.

Even Blue’s Big Bird, “Can easily win!

thought here.

Ling Ran was no longer hiding, and ordered, “Greninja! Use Double Team!”


Greninja floated in mid-air.

The hands are raised slowly.

It’s like you’re in control of the world.


Beside him, seven Double Teams appeared out of thin air.

The power of each clone is the same, fluctuating with a terrifying aura.

This scene.

Deja Vu!

Seeing this, Blue couldn’t help but think that when Frogadier played against Du Duque, Frogadier’s Double Team possessed 100% of the power of the body!

“Big Bird, Gust!”

Blue is serious and doesn’t dare to be careless.

Greninja’s combat effectiveness was evident in the previous trials.

Although the level is not high.

However, the combat power is unimaginable, Blue is safe to increase the field strength and increase the speed of the big bird.


Big Bird let out a roar.

The whole body is exerting force, and the wind on the field is once again wrapped in a violent rage.

“As one of the kings of the sky, Big Bird can at least suppress Greninja in speed! Blue is very confident about this and is waiting for Ling Ran’s next move.

What happened next.

But it subverted the cognition of Blue and Professor Mu Xuecheng!

Ling Ran said lightly, “Greninja! Use Black Mist! Use Shadow Sneak at the same time! 99


Mu Xuecheng:???

Warm school sister:???


Are you guilty?!

This question, how can I use two moves,…

Blue Champion didn’t dare to say more, afraid that Ling Ran would shake his head and leave.

On the other hand, Professor Mu Xuecheng said with a smile, “Ling Ran! I don’t care, this is a regular battle, and we can only use one move at a time.”

If it is more strict, the moves must be limited.

This will test the training gap even more.

to this.

Ling Ran shrugged and said with a smile, “My quack and Double Team now have a total of nine, of which four use Black Mist as an auxiliary, and the other five clones use Shadow Sneak!

“It’s boring.

If possible, “My quack can use nine moves in one room, operating eight other Double Teams in one room!

This is still Ling Ran put water.

Blue heard the words.

Trembling all over.

Looking at Ling Ran who smiled at them in disbelief, felt a chill from the bottom of his heart.

“One mind and nine uses?!”

“You can also use nine moves at one time!”

Blue Champion, unheard of, “Is this the gap between me and the legend?! 99

well known.

Double Team is just an auxiliary move.

Among the clones, only the main body has damage, but at Ling Ran, the eight-plus-one clone mode can actually use different moves without affecting each other!

Terrible! This training method.

“In that case…”


Professor Mu Xuecheng also expressed this move and asked, “Then let’s continue!

Ling Ran nodded towards Greninja.

The game that was called off before continued, and the nine Greninjas on the field made different moves at the same time.


Dark fog!

Four Greninja spit thick fog.

The richness even ignores the impact of the storm, covering the big bird in a very short period of time!

at the same time.

In the dark fog, the other five Greninja moved too!

Extremely fast.

The silver-white body is like a white horse in the gap.

Seeing this, Blue shouted, “Big Bird! Use the storm to break free from the black fog!


The Champion-level Big Bird is excellent in every aspect.

In terms of execution, it is even more outstanding.

He flapped his wings violently.

The wind blows.

The thick fog that was like a cloud of lead was quickly blown away.

Blue, who didn’t wait, was happy, more and thicker black fog shrouded in the area of Big Bird.

The big bird’s wings are fluttering.

The black mist has not yet dissipated.


Don’t wait for the birds!

A silver sharp blade has quietly approached.

in the dark fog.

Greninja, who originally possessed the power to float by the will of the earth, even built a ladder of quacks and forcibly jumped up to the high school that was dozens of meters.

Take the bird’s head directly!

Blue’s eyes narrowed and he roared, “Big Bird! Concentrate to avoid the attack! Then use…”

Before he could finish Blue’s instructions.

A sharp water jet slashed at the neck of the big bird.

Splash hook spray.

Big Bird let out a painful whimper, but was able to persevere.


Five Double Teams.

Although it is a ladder, there are still two quacks that can go to the sky!

This is just the first quack attack!

Ling Ran looked at Big Biziao who was caught off guard and smiled, “This game is over!

Completely crushed.

Don’t look.

Under the circumstance that Big Bird couldn’t get rid of the black fog at the first time, it already heralded Ling Ran’s victory.

If Blue lets Big Bird escape from the black fog at the first time, he can continue to fight.


as Champion.

As Champion-level Pokémon, their will does not allow them to get away, choose frontal hard steel!

But the results are predictable.

The remaining two Double Team kills come.

– Gua made a knife, and directly smeared the big bird.

Big Bird fell from the sky.

Greninja flew from mid-air and received it with one hand… emmm should be regarded as the unconscious Big Bird, and slowly landed.

It’s like grabbing a…

The picture is full!

Blue Champion was not reconciled, and took the Big Bird back to the Poké Ball, followed by the second Poké Ball.

“It’s up to you!


22:59:59 is also ten o’clock!

1 person,

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