Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

Chapter 15

014 The Training Plan Formulated By Qin Yun (For Flowers)

It only takes four days to complete the full calculation, and soon I will participate in the six-school joint entrance examination.

Qin Yun would not foolishly think that everyone is like Luo Qing, and that he can easily get the first place.

Although the vast majority of geniuses and wealthy people have gone to Jiang Cheng No. 1 Middle School, there are still many geniuses in No. 6 High School.

Like Serena…

That’s right, it’s her classmate Serena. Qin Yun knows that her family is not simple, but Serena is not very enthusiastic about Pokémon battles. She prefers Contest competitions, and her focus is also on Contest competitions.

But if you underestimate Serena because of this, it is estimated that she will lose badly.

In addition to Serena, Qin Yun believes that there are definitely guys who can get high potential Pokémon. If he wants to get the first place, just relying on his current strength is still very dangerous.

“Can’t relax.”

Qin Yun clenched his fists.

“Qin Yun.”

At this moment, Qin Yun heard a familiar voice and turned around to see that it was Serena.


Serena trotted over, flushed.

“Qin Yun, this is the soufflé I made for you. It tastes good. If you are hungry on the road, you can fill your stomach.”

Serena took the lunch box and handed it to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, Serena hurriedly ran away, Qin Yun vaguely heard Serena’s voice.

“Be careful on the road.”

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Yun’s mouth, and it seemed that his charm was not bad.

“I will be careful.”

Qin Yun understands Serena’s intentions, but women will only affect the speed of his practice. Qin Yun has no idea of ​​falling in love for the time being.

And there are two madmen in the Hoenn War Zone, Lava Team and Team Aqua, who want to wake up Groudon and Kyogre and expand the size of the world…

“It’s really two crazy groups.”

This world is not as safe as it looks on the surface. There are many bad guys in the wild, and there are not a few trainers who die in the wild every year.

When practicing in the wild, the first thing to do is to protect yourself and not go to some dangerous places.

Coming to the outskirts of Jiang Cheng again, Qin Yun’s goal is to catch at least one Pokémon, and he is continuing his last training on the practice of Navy Six Forms, especially “shaving” and “fingering the gun”.

That’s right, it’s the physical skills in One Piece.

Don’t feel fancy, these practices can actually be done.

Shave is Stomp Ground ten more times, using the explosive speed created by the reaction force to move.

The Finger Spear gathers all the power of the whole body on the index finger and fires a blow between the hardened fingers Spark.

The fingertips have the attack power of bullets and can easily penetrate the human body.

As long as you master the skills, it is not impossible to do it.

Qin Yun has a deep understanding of Pokémon. He once studied how to apply the six naval styles and even ninjutsu to Pokémon to create his own moves and improve the overall strength of Pokémon.

The moves in the Pokémon world, at the beginning, new moves appeared every once in a while, and the development has been relatively stable until now, but this does not mean that Pokémon cannot learn new moves.

The development of the Pokémon world is constantly improving and strengthening over time.

“Ralts, let’s do our best today too.”


Ralts, holding a power cube in his hand, let out an excited Growl.

According to the specified plan, Qin Yun mainly trains Ralts speed and special attack strength.

Although Ralts can use Teleport, Teleport is Teleport. It takes a certain amount of time to activate each time, and it does not move directly and flexibly. It makes Ralts faster and more beneficial to the battle.

“Ralts, we bring our energy to our fingers and release it.”


The last time Ralts gathered a weak force at the fingertips, it was a very good result.

This time, it was even more improved than last time. The energy has been gathered in the fingers, released three meters away, and hit the air.

“Good, great job!”

Pokémon training is such a tedious, constant repetition of exercises and movements.

Soon, night fell, and Qin Yun and Ralts could still be heard in the forest.

“Ralts, we’re doing a set of obstacle courses, come on, I’m sure you can do it.”

With a tired look on his face, Ralts used his last strength with Qin Yun’s encouragement.

“Good job, you did it!”

Qin Yun picked up the exhausted Ralts, his eyes filled with distress.

“I’ll take you to the Pokémon Center to take a Scald bath later.”

Ralts got excited when he heard that he was going to take a shower, and his little face flushed.

“What a shy little guy.”

The place Qin Yun chose to train is not far from the Pokémon center in the suburbs, and it takes more than ten minutes to get there.

This time, I have to go out for several days. It is not easy to recover in the wild, and it is easy to cause unnecessary damage to Pokémon. It is better to go to the Pokémon center to recover.

“Qin Yun, you are here.”

Miss Nurse remembered Qin Yun’s name and welcomed Qin Yun very warmly.

He asked for a room and took Ralts to take a Scald bath before Qin Yun sent Ralts to recover.

Early the next morning, Qin Yun started training again.

Today Qin Yun is going to look deeper, mainly to see if he can find a Pokémon with good potential.

Pokémon in the wild are mostly unpopular, but there will always be some high-potential Pokémon that are missed.

After all, no one else is open and can directly see the Pokémon information. If they want to know the potential of Pokémon, they need to observe for a long time and conduct various data tests to vaguely measure the potential of Pokémon.

Ralts sat on Qin Yun’s shoulders, his little feet rippling, and he was in a happy mood.

For Ralts, having Qin Yun’s company is the happiest thing.

“Ralts, let’s play a little game.”


Ralts was naturally excited to hear that he could play the game.

“Let’s run a race to see who can get to the big tree in front faster. Remember not to use Teleport recklessly.”

Ralts nodded seriously, and after Qin Yun shouted start, the little guy teleported out happily.

“Ralts, you’re a jerk!”

“Lalu Lalu!”

Ralts turned back and stuck out his tongue at Qin Yun, not to be too cute.

In the end, Qin Yun won. Ralts was too simple, how could it be Qin Yun’s Rival, and now he is pouting and sulking.

It’s just that after Qin Yun took out the energy cube, the corners of Ralts’ mouth burst into laughter, just like a child’s temperament.

(PS: Ask silently, does anyone read it? These chapters will be bland, mainly about the daily life with Ralts. The excitement will begin soon.)

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