Pokemon: Start With A Hundredfold Increase

Chapter 308

307 Nine-Game Winning Streak (First More)

The battle begins.

Bangira directly turned on the ability function, blowing sand, and instantly the entire site was covered with wind and sand, shrouded in stormy weather, and visibility was instantly reduced.

“Dewgong, use Rain Dance!!

Faced with this kind of battle that uses the weather at the beginning, He Yi’s response is also very sufficient. She directly asks Dewgong to use Rain Dance, ready to replace the Sandstorm weather.

The corners of Qin Yun’s mouth rose slightly, which was exactly what he wanted.

“Bangira, use the power of the shaking fruit to defeat Rival.”

In the face of Pokémon who are not even as powerful as Bangira, Bangira really didn’t take it seriously.

The Pokémon on Qin Yun’s body are all capable of fighting with more combat power, and playing with the same combat power is basically the same as playing.

The Yangsha released by Bangira is very strong, and Dewgong’s Rain Dance has not been able to assimilate the Yangsha for a while.

Changes in the weather in the real world do not depend on who is ahead or who is behind, but who is stronger.

Otherwise, it would be fine as long as the backhand releases the weather, right?

Bangira stepped on the ground, and a terrifying force passed through it, which shocked Dewgong, and seemed to feel a huge threat Normal.

733″ Earthquake?

“But Ground doesn’t seem to be shaking.”

This idea only appeared in He Yi’s mind, and Dewgong let out a painful hissing Growl, which had a feeling of being cut open, and made his complexion pale.

Bangira continued to attack, with a white Energy Ball condensed from the shaking fruit in his hand, and suddenly smashed it towards Dewgong.

“Dewgong use the Hydro Pump to attack!!

The speed of the white Energy Ball was extremely fast, and He Yi hurriedly shouted.

Dewgong condensed the Hydro Pump in his mouth and hit the white Energy Ball directly.

Unfortunately, this Hydro Pump collapsed directly under the white Energy Ball. The power of the shock fruit is quite powerful and terrifying, but it can’t be dealt with like this.

That is to say, Bangira still can’t exert the power of the fruit of the shock, and when Bangera truly masters the power of the fruit of shock, it will definitely be a landslide Fissure with a single punch from Solaceon, and the sea will rot.

Qin Yun is very much looking forward to it, looking forward to the day when Bangira grows up and has the strength to fight against Groudon.

The divine beasts of this world are really divine beasts.

Just like the weakest second-level gods, namely the Three Holy Birds, the Three God Pillars, the Three Holy Beasts, the Three Holy Mushrooms, and the like, each of them has a strength that is stronger than ordinary champions.

The best among them, or the patriarchs who own the mansion of God, they even have the strength of the leader.

As for those first-level gods, they have the strength of a master when they are adults, and those with priesthood can be described as terrifying to the extreme.

If you use the level to describe, 80 is the champion, that is, the weaker champion.

Ordinary Three Holy Birds are about level 82 when they are adults, some stronger ones can reach level 85, and those with priesthood are about level 88, but the power of priesthood will make him have the strength of level 90, that is, the strength of the leader.

Level 90, that is, the strength of the head.

However, the title Elite of the Dragon Kingdom is extremely strong. Basically, the Elites of the Dragon Kingdom have the strength of champions, and they are not the weakest champions. The first team basically has level 80, and the strongest Pokémon can reach level 83 or even 84. class.

The champions of the Dragon Kingdom, the current ten champions, the worst average is 86-level strength, the strongest can reach 89-level, infinitely close to the strength of the leader.

As for the first-level god, although it is not stable to become the leader of the adult, but the first-level god can basically be level 88 to 89, if you work hard, or if there is an opportunity, you can directly become the leader of level 90.

And a first-level god with a priesthood can definitely become a beauty among the leaders, starting at level 95.

And Qin Yun’s idea is not to let Bandera touch the Groudon with the priesthood, but the ordinary Groudon, that’s all.

The white Energy Ball hit Dewgong directly, and the huge power (abdf) made Dewgong fight without the ability to resist.

“The first battle is over, Dewgong is incapacitated, and Bangira wins!!

“Ten seconds from now there will be a second fight. 39

The robot soon made a prompting sound.

As soon as this voice came out, the shocked people were immediately awakened.

It’s just that the reason they woke up was not because they were no longer shocked, but because they were even more shocked.

“Is this the end?”

Yeah, how did it end like this.

They seemed to be immersed in shock just now, but the first game was over in a blink of an eye.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they seemed a little too afraid to believe everything they saw, everything.

He Yi also opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but it seemed that the words were too pale, and he didn’t know what to say at all.

This Rookie is too fierce.

“This Bangira is an absolute terrifying S-rated existence.””

“Then it’s definitely such a fierce strength.

He Yi sighed in his heart, and the fear of Qin Yun became deeper in his heart.

The sound of the robot’s countdown brought He Yi back to her senses, and she hurriedly summoned a second Pokémon.

The follow-up games were basically not much different from what Qin Yun thought, and Qin Yun’s Bangira directly showed his Totem-level style.

After winning three games in a row, Qin Yun let Bangira go back to rest, using Lurantis’ strong physical strength and Mu Dun’s power to delay the game for a few more minutes before Bangira played again.

This time, Bangira broke out with all his strength, winning three games again, and successfully won the ninth straight victory.

[Congratulations to the challenger for winning the ninth battle, this time is the ninth round of positioning competition. 】

[Win the battle, get 10 basic points, 18 consecutive victories, 860 bonus points for consecutive victories, the current match is a qualifying match, defeat Rival is a platinum tier five, get 200 points, and get a total of 1070 points. 】

[The current rank is Gold Tier 4 (1475/500)]

[The rank is promoted, the current rank is the third golden rank (975/500)]

[To get a rank promotion reward, points*500. 】

[The rank is promoted, the current rank is the second gold rank (475/500)]

[To get a rank promotion reward, points*500. 】

The rank has been directly improved by two levels, and there is only a 25-level gap from the first rank of gold.

The speed of this bit of improvement is too fast.

Qin Yun can completely imagine that if he also won the tenth round, he would have been able to enter the platinum rank directly.

He will also become the first strong player to become platinum in the positioning match.

These are just the rank gains, and the number of points makes Qin Yun’s heart even more exciting.

[Congratulations to the challenger who won the reward of 17 consecutive victories and obtained 28900 points. 】

[Congratulations to the challenger for winning 18 consecutive victories and gaining 32,400 points. ].

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