Pokémon: The Heavens skill sign-in system

Chapter 68

Big Tongue Shell saw that even the weak carp king could persist in jumping over that waterfall.

There was a look of determination in his eyes.

At this moment, the Gyarados floating in the air roared.

In an instant, the water flow began to rush.

Hundreds of carp kings began to jump up the waterfall frantically.

But facing the powerful current, many carp kings were all knocked down.

After thousands of carp kings persevered in jumping, finally one king carp leaped up and jumped over the waterfall.

The moment it jumps over the waterfall, its body glows with evolutionary light.

In an instant, it evolved into a tyrannosaurus and headed towards the ocean.

Slowly Beast put the champion's certificate on his head, and then let Da Tongbei bite the champion's certificate tightly.

Then, relying on his own thoughts, he forcibly resisted the rushing water and reached the top of the waterfall.

Then he closed his eyes and entered a state of meditation.

At this time, the dull beast can feel the water energy contained in the river.

And some carp kings emitted evolution light when they evolved over the waterfall.

The huge tyrannosaurus in the sky looked at the dull beast with a hint of curiosity in its eyes.

At the same time, the dull beast unconsciously used the Beiming magical power while meditating.

Beiming Shengong did not absorb the experience of those carp kings, but absorbed the energy of nature.

When little by little water energy enters the slow beast's body.

The slow beast's body began to emit light of evolution. At this moment, a huge lightning bolt from the sky struck the slow beast.

Slowly endured the damage caused by lightning, and continued to meditate.

The big tongue shell clenched tightly, and the certificate of champion refused to let go.

Because it knew that if it let go like this, both it and the dull beast would lose all previous efforts.

It wants to change and become stronger.

Slowly waiting for so long, powerful experience finally burst out at this moment.

The bright light of evolution appeared on the dull beast.

After a while, Slowlybeast evolved into SlowlyKing.

At this time, it carries the power of a king.

The large tongue shell on its head has also become a spiral shape.

The Dumb King waved his hands, instantly became stronger, and the suction force spread in the air.

A large amount of ocean power is sucked in.

I saw Dumb King stretching out his right hand, and then actually used Thunder Fist.

The evolved Silly King looked at the Gyarados in the sky.

The huge tyrannosaurus in the sky was also looking at King Silly, and the eyes of the two kings looked at each other.

Then the two Pokémon rushed together at the same time.

Start a duel between the king and the king.

The Dumb King punched the Gyarados with a Thunder Fist.

Facing the powerful thunder and lightning, Gyarados endured the damage and survived.

With the next move, Dragon's Wrath sent the Dumb King flying.

King Daidai narrowed his eyes slightly, and instantly used his supernatural power.

Seeing this, the tyrannosaurus was not to be outdone, and after bearing down on its supernatural power.

Directly use the bite to rush towards the king of dull.

The dull king immediately used teleportation to avoid it.

Then he hit the head hammer with his mind, and sent the Gyarados flying.

The huge body of the tyrannosaurus fell into the river, before Daidaiwang could use his mental power to check.

Gyarados directly used the ultimate dragon move, Dragon Scale Wrath.

In the face of the dragon's ultimate move, Duduwang didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

The right hand used the Burst Fist, the left hand used the Thunder Fist, and both fists rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus.

I saw two powerful forces colliding with each other in the air.

After confronting each other for a while, it was the Dragon Scale Wrath of the Gyarados that was even better.

Knock Dead King into the river.

The Dumb King who fell into the river immediately used the water flow ring to start healing.

The Gyarados also entered chaos due to the aftereffects of the wrath of the dragon scales.

Dull King immediately stretched out a hand and used his phantom wave to calm down the Gyarados.

After calming down, the Gyarados looked at the King Daidai who had a fight with him with admiration in his eyes.

Then he opened his mouth and roared a few times.

It seems to say, well done, I appreciate you.

Then rushed down towards the depths of the sea, a moment later.

Gyarados took a keystone and threw it to the King of Silly.

The Dumb King stretched out his hand to hold the keystone, and he could feel a mysterious power contained in it.

The Gyarados took one last look at the King of Silence, and then roared.

Then he brought dozens of tyrannosaurus that successfully evolved into the depths of the sea.

With the departure of the Gyaradosaurus, the torrential rain gradually came to an end.

Daidaiwang looked at the leaving figure of the Gyarados, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

"When I return to Daidai Island, I must become a strong man there and lead my little brother like this tyrannosaurus."

The big tongue on King Dumb's head also felt the same way.

When the Slowly Beast evolves into the Slowly King, the big tongue shell on its head will share the spirit of the Slowly King.

Even without saying anything, both parties know what is in each other's mind.

The Dumb King moved in an instant, and then appeared in front of Jun Shafeng.

"Master, now that I have successfully evolved, I should also go to a human town, otherwise I will not be able to find my way back if I stay here."

Jun Shafeng nodded after listening to King Daidai's words.

Just when they were about to leave, the previous pumpkin monster suddenly appeared and surrounded them.

Jun Shafeng looked at this group of pumpkin monsters, and was about to command the wind speed dog to fight.

The Dumb King stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Although I gained a lot of experience from fighting that Gyarados before, I was still close to leveling up. Give these pumpkins to me quickly."

After Dumb King finished speaking, he directly used illusion to attack the group of pumpkin monsters.

The two pumpkin monsters had no time to dodge, and were instantly hit by the phantom wave.

The rest of the pumpkin monsters threw their shadow balls at the Dull King.

King Dudu looked at these ghost-type tricks without the slightest fear.

Seeing its hands condense strong lightning.

The moment it was struck by lightning, it learned the trick of lightning.

I saw the figure of the dull king disappearing in the original position in an instant.

A punch appeared behind the pumpkin monster, smashing it to the ground fiercely.

Because of the pumpkin monster, because of the grass attribute.

Therefore, the lightning fist of the electric system does not have much effect.

Seeing this, Jun Shafeng put the previous skill income function into Flame Fist, and let Dudawang learn it.

King Daidai closed his eyes and mastered the Flaming Fist in just a few seconds.

I saw a pumpkin monster use the seed machine gun on it.

The Dumb King moved in an instant to avoid it.

Then use high-speed movement to increase your speed.

In the end, he directly used a flame fist to knock him into the air.

The King of Silence is moving at high speed while using teleportation.

The pumpkin monster's attack can't touch it at all.

On the contrary, the pumpkin monsters, who were originally superior in numbers, fell one after another under the flame fist of the Dull King.

As the last pumpkin monster was defeated by the dull king with a flame fist.

The system beep sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, the Dumb King has gained enough experience to upgrade to level 60]

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