Pokémon: The Strongest Xiaomao

Chapter 405 Melissa and Ami

The badge of the Liuli Gym was finally obtained, and Mr. Mao taught Master Adam a good lesson.

What does it mean, as long as I am shameless, even the master will show you shame...

Logically speaking, when facing a master, one-on-one respect is the minimum.

However, Xiaomao has no sense of honor, and he has no martial ethics.

Aren't you, Menas, flesh? Don't you like water circles and self-regeneration?

Sorry, the third member of Mr. Mao's family is Gardevoir.

It started with a provocative shot, and then switched to Bi Diao and shot a poisonous shot.

The water cannon at Menas also missed, and the whole process was extremely comfortable~

That's right, Xiao Mao's Bi Diao Ribbon is extremely poisonous! Even Mi Keli felt that his outlook on life was shattered!

Finally, Young Master Mao was replaced by the Lizard King, who swung his blade until it smoked. He rode on Menus' head and Kuku gave him a "wind of trouble", cutting off the child's head...

Master Adam clutched his chest distressedly, threw the badge to Mikri and took Menas for medical beauty treatment...

Kimimaro was recording frantically on the side. Anyway, the gorgeous battle match is never about fighting and killing. You must learn the methods of these disgusting opponents...

After the gym competition, Mr. Mao and his two brothers were "put free". Mi Keli went to comfort his master.

Xiao Mao and the two rested in the room all afternoon, and no one even informed them about dinner...

"It's true... you live in such a big villa and don't care about food." Mr. Shigeru was still thinking casually as he led Kimimaro out of the villa door with Ibu-chan in his arms.

Kimimaro was ashamed: "Teacher, I think it means that the owner of the gym has not poisoned us, even if he has quality."

Mr. Mao tugged at the corner of his mouth: "Ahem...what are you talking about? There is no way to retaliate afterwards in a battle, even if I went a little too far..."

The two wandered through the lively square and Liuli City, which was filled with city canals like water. It was bustling with people under the setting sun.

The main venue of the Mi Keli Cup is arranged near the inner lake behind the Liuli Gym.

The open-air competition venue allows prostitutes who have no money to buy tickets to sit in the trees and enjoy this visual feast through telescopes.

It is said that this was specially arranged because Liuli City is Mikri's hometown, and it can be regarded as a disguised benefit to the people in his hometown.

Normally, this old boy even conducts public training in indoor venues. If you want to see it, you have to spend money to buy tickets!

Mr. Shiger found a random cafe and sat by the canal with Kimimaro, preparing to enjoy the breeze before going for food.

The chat group is also discussing the Michael Cup.

Xiaoyao: Have you heard that the number of participants in the Mi Keli Cup in Liuli City exceeded 150 this time.

Fleur: Gengar grins - jpg, it's normal. Mr. Mikri's appeal in the glamor contest is not an exaggeration. After all, he is a handsome man for both men and women...

Daigo: Well...I don't know if he will kill women, but he will definitely kill men...

Girls in the group: Something is wrong with you, Dawu!

Mi Keli: Dawu, please stop ruining my reputation, okay? It took me a week to coax Nachi!

Daiwu: Metagross gives you a hammer emoticon...

Du Juan: I remember that the Miccoli Cup follows the rules of large-scale celebrations, so it is probably very difficult.

Xiaoyao: Miss Dujuan, please give me some popular science!

Xiaozhi mocked heartlessly: Hahaha, Xiaoyao wanted to go too. It turned out that the registration standard was actually R4 level, and she was not qualified...

Xiaoyao: Xiaozhi, don’t run away, come out and challenge me!

Xiaozhi: (???????) Come on, come on~

Du Juan thoughtfully explained: The r4-level gorgeous competition refers to a professional event that only those with four or more ribbon medals in history can participate.

The glazed ribbon released by the Miccoli Cup this time is said to be an out-of-print commemorative model.

The holder can directly participate in gorgeous large-scale celebrations with this ribbon.

Moreover, this ribbon will not expire according to the season cycle, that is to say, with it, you will have one more ribbon than others at the beginning of each season!

Therefore, many master coordinators will participate in this conference.

Tears of envy flowed from the corner of Xiaoyao's mouth: I want, I really want this ribbon... wu wu...

Furong’s friendly reminder: Xiaoyao-chan, you’d better play it slow and steady.

It is said that this time, in addition to Mikri, the judges for the Mikri Cup include Miss Melissa from Sinnoh and Miss Ayako, the former coordination master.

The first round of competition alone was as difficult as hell...

Xiao Mao blinked, Cai Zi, she couldn't be Xiao Guang's mother...

Miss Ami, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly joined in.

"Um... I was actually invited to compete as a star contestant, and I will be in Liuli City right now."

Xiao Mao thought of the frail look of this girl with a big stomach, and couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

Finally, another museum owner in Johto embarks on a journey that is not doing his job...

Just as he was planning to invite Ami to show off at a buffet and teach the restaurant owners in Liuli City a lesson, Xiao Mao was attracted by the voice next to him.

"Oh~ I'm sorry, my... Mandarin is a little bit substandard. Please give me four kilograms of this thing~"

"What? Ten pounds!"

"Four pounds..."

"Ten pounds is too much, you can't finish it..."

Xiao Mao was almost overcome by embarrassment and almost had cancer after hearing the troubling conversation between the two people...

I couldn't help but walked forward and saw a mature woman in a purple breast-wrapped dress, putting a hand on her lips, communicating with the owner of the fruit stall with some helplessness.

"Hiexcuseme." Mr. Mao stepped forward: "Can you speak English?

fran?ais (Gaul rooster). deutsch. (Hans meow) nлnhapycckom. (or big hair)? "

Kimimaro was stunned when he heard this: Damn it, teacher, how many languages ​​do you know?

Mr. Mao shrugged: Your teacher, I was originally a top student. Didn’t I say that I was still a doctor?

Hearing Xiaomao's words, Melissa's eyes lit up: "Hello...my name~Melissa. j'aimeraisacheter4kgdecefruit,pouvez-vousm'aider? (I want to buy four kilograms of this fruit, can you tell me about it? ?)"

Xiao Mao understood that this sexy girl had a French accent. No wonder her Mandarin was worse than Ma Zhishi...

After telling the stall owner that the lady wanted four kilograms of grapefruit, the boss quickly packed the fruit and handed it to Melissa.

"Um... Crab you~" Melissa smiled and nodded.

"It's okay, but you still need to practice your Mandarin." Mr. Mao made a kind joke.

"Wait a minute! Teacher, isn't this Miss Melissa?" Kimimaro was suddenly startled: "A well-known coordination master and dancer, and he is also the gym leader in the Sinnoh region."

Mr. Mao looked at the student and smiled: "Okay, the school class is not in vain."

"Um, are you talking about me?" Melissa asked curiously, tilting her head.

"Well, my student is a coordination trainer. He admires you very much." Mr. Mao nodded.

"Oh~ That's such an honor." Melissa covered her mouth and chuckled: "If you are willing, I know a great restaurant. I heard that the winner of the doubles competition can dine for free.

Do you want to try it with me? "

Kimimaro's eyes lit up, but he looked at Mr. Shigeru and said, "Teacher, you should go ahead."

Mr. Mao curled his lips and rubbed Kimimaro's head: "You can go if you want. Teacher, I can do whatever I want."

"Eh?" Kimimaro raised his head in confusion.

"Wait, I'll give you a call." Mr. Mao raised his lips, took out his phone and sent a message.

"I heard there's a restaurant where you can eat all you can if you win a doubles match. I'm short of teammates, why don't you come?"

A few minutes later, Xiao Mao and the other three were walking on the street. A girl with a familiar bow tie and twin ponytails, wearing a pink blue dress, trotted up to Xiao Mao.

"Mr. Mao, I'm here!" Ami smiled cutely with her hands behind her back.

"Let's go, all-you-can-eat arrangement~" Mr. Mao nodded, and the four of them headed towards the restaurant together.

At this time, at the newly opened Battle Western Restaurant in Liuli City, the young owner suddenly felt a chill behind his back...

"Hey...it's not like you have a cold..." The boss tightened the tie of his suit and walked back to the restaurant's kitchen.

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