Pokémon: The Strongest Xiaomao

Chapter 49 Academic exchanges and the productive Mr. Mao (page 12)

The ladder classroom of Rainbow University is the largest classroom of Rainbow University. Generally used for conferences or school-wide celebrations.

Today, the place has been booked by the Sinnoh Scholar Exchange Group and professors from the Theoretical Evolvers of Rainbow University.

Tightening his tie, Dr. Yamanashi waited for the exchange meeting to begin with a serious face.

Thinking of the electric monster and the duck-billed flame dragon he brought, Dr. Yamanashi couldn't help but touch the beard on his mouth.

So what if the Electabuzz and the Duck-billed Fire Dragon were discovered first in the Kanto region? I haven't carried them forward yet.

Well, as expected of me, the role model of Doctor Pokémon~

Principal Monet looked unhappily as he watched Dr. Yamanashi sitting in the front seat stroking his beard. : "Old guy, you are still so showy at such an old age... By the way, why hasn't Xiaomao's child arrived yet?!"

"Come on, come on! Professor Omu and his assistants are here!" Suddenly, an associate professor from Rainbow University shouted from the back door of the classroom.

"It's coming as soon as it comes. It's not as steady as a teacher at all." Monet's face couldn't help but light up.

The two vice-principals on the side couldn't help but curl their lips. Do you want to look at your own face? You can't hold back those smug lips!

The classroom door opened and Xiaomao walked into the classroom first. A meticulous blue suit lining, elegant bow tie, and a crisp white researcher's coat.

"What a handsome young man~" Dr. Yamanashi's eyes lit up. As a fastidious person who has to take care of his beard every day when he goes out, Dr. Yamanashi is definitely a good-looking person.

The reason why I complained about Dr. Omu when I saw him was because Dr. Omu became a little informal as he got older.

A red shirt and khaki pants can be worn for a week. Dr. Yamanashi roared crazily every time he looked at it.

"Give it back to me! Give me back that handsome young man!"

Following Xiao Mao were the female secretary Qi Qiu and two faculty members.

Looking at the dozen or so file boxes held by the three of them, Monet felt even more proud.

Dr. Yamanashi just gave me two files. Look at my apprentice. This guy has a lot of control...

Cattleya pulled Sirona, who was also wearing a white coat, into the door last.

Xiaomao nodded towards Teacher Monet: "You can start~"

Principal Monet couldn't help but glance at Dr. Yamanashi: "Then, I won't nag anymore, and this exchange meeting will officially begin!"

Reporters from the Sinnoh local station, Sinnoh now, and special reporters from Kanto and Johto all set up their spears and cannons, preparing to record the contents of the meeting.

The student assistants of Rainbow University turned on their computers and prepared to publish the results of this conference to major academic forums in real time.

Xiaomao came to the front row and shook hands with Dr. Yamanashi politely: "Dr. Yamanashi, you are the senior, should you come first?"

Dr. Yamanashi nodded with satisfaction. Xiaomao's humble attitude was very helpful to him. This kid is a good kid. Fortunately, he didn't let that old guy Da Mu lead him astray.

Turning on the projector and taking out two more baby balls, Dr. Yamanashi walked onto the podium.

"This time, my latest discovery is these two guys. Through man-made props, they have completed a new evolution of Pokémon, Electric Monster, and Duck-billed Flame Dragon~" Dr. Yamanashi knocked on the blackboard, and then opened the baby ball.

Bang ~ white light flashes. Two rather oppressive Pokémon appeared on the podium.

"Hiss~ This is the evolved form of Electric Beast. It looks very strong."

"Charmander is already a very good Pokémon. I didn't expect it to be even better."

The Kanto scholars in the audience whispered among themselves. It can be seen that these two Pokémon have had a certain impact on their cognition.

“The Sinnoh region is dedicated to the study of the myths and legends of Pokémon’s origins, as well as the discovery of new possibilities for Pokémon.

This time the two newly evolved Pokémon use electric drives and magma drives, which are the latest products independently developed by our Yamanashi Sinnoh region. "On the podium, Dr. Yamanashi's assistant, a young man with green hair, stood up and added.

Immediately afterwards, everyone explained the evolution videos of the Electric Monster and the Duck-billed Flame Dragon, as well as various indicators and parameters.

There is no doubt that the evolution discovery of these two Pokémon is perfect. It even greatly increased the growth expectations of the electric beast and the duck-billed fire dragon.

The two Pokémon that were originally able to squeeze into the first-line battle lineup before they evolved, directly increased their strength, and gained the confidence to become the ace Pokémon.

President Monet and a group of professors from Rainbow University also had to admit that this discovery is of practical significance. Moreover, it is a very mature research result.

After finishing his explanation, Dr. Yamanashi walked down the podium with great satisfaction and looked at Xiaomao: "Young man, I hope you can make my trip worthwhile~"

Xiaomao smiled slightly: "Please give me more advice."

Watching Xiaomao take the stage, Qiyue very considerately pulled up the prepared slides on the computer.

Evolutionary Branches and Evolution~ As soon as Xiaomao's title came out, Sinnoh scholars couldn't sit still.

"That's too much of a tone."

"Yes, none of our doctors in Sinnoh dare to publish a paper with this title."

"This kid, the title you chose is a bit too big~" Dr. Yamanashi also frowned.

Principal Monet also held his breath worriedly.

Xiao Mao raised his hand and pressed it: "Dear scholars, please maintain your grace. If you want to fight, you have to wait until I finish speaking before raising your hand."

Xiaomao's confident expression meant just one sentence: Back off! I'm going to start showing off~

“Research on the evolution of Pokémon has always been one of the topics of greatest concern to our academic community.

As everyone knows. Completing evolution is like the sublimation of life for Pokémon.

The benefits and improvements it can bring are also obvious.

So, what is the outline of the current evolutionary field? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you~


Next, Xiaomao quoted from classics and introduced the natural evolution of level improvement, the evolution of emotional fluctuations of increased intimacy, props-assisted evolution, evolution of special locations, and communication evolution.

The scholars in the audience were disdainful at the beginning, then solemn in their eyes, and finally thirsty for knowledge. It can be said that changing one's face is comparable to turning the page in a book.

In addition to the most common level evolution, intimacy evolution already has actual examples of sun elves and moon elves.

At the same time, it also leads to the branches of day evolution and night evolution.

The theory of evolution at special locations, and the north-facing nose found in Sinnoh can also support Xiaomao's theory.

Communication evolution is one of the earliest evolutionary branches discovered, and Xiao Mao has just brushed it off.

"Prop evolution!" Xiao Mao knocked on the big screen, and then continued: "I named its branches~1-Natural prop evolution. 2-Man-made prop evolution. 3-Biological prop evolution."

Looking at the pile of copywriting in front of Xiaomao, the Sinnoh delegation was completely confused.

Didn’t we come to Versailles? Why did it become a lecture...

However, these scholars don't care about this now, they just want to listen to Xiao Mao continue talking.

"Natural props include sharp fangs and sharp claws, as well as more precious ones such as the King's Certificate."

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