PokeSync (Pokemon Fanfiction)

B1 — 50. A Road Block


1:  Rhea

2:  Serenity (Amira's Oblivious Feebas)

3:  Amira

Pokemon Map: 




I'd like to thank my patrons for continuing to support me:

Bret Cole, Viedu, AmberStar, AI Simpson, MeliMeliDH, Flaranor, The1bman, Bugou, Thriarsis, Dante Thomas, and my other Patrons!

Family Tree / Characters


4:30 P.M June 26, Friday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event)

Events:  The Preliminaries for the Joint Kanto and Johto Indigo Summer League have concluded; 105 Trainers and their Pokemon have advanced from Bronze to Silver.  The celebrations finish tomorrow when the Summer Round Robin Cup will begin, to crown the best of each Tier among those that advanced.  Rhea started her journey on the 9th of June—she’s been a Trainer for 18 Days (17 Officially;18 since getting Maya and Nova).


Rhea spent over six hours helping Mallory feel comfortable on her kayak; Butterfree swarmed in her belly the second she was on the water again.  The brilliant hue of the lapping waves mixed with the gentle tug of the current was soothing; she was back in her element.

She’d dreamed of going to the big cities and experiencing what it was like to be around hundreds of people, but nature was her backyard, and she’d grown up without a fear of it, given Franky’s constant presence in her life.

The ghost may have been an annoyance for much of it, but no wild Pokemon would so much as look at her in the wrong way with the Grandmaster-tier ghost protecting her.

The fact she’d become the teacher was also brightening Rhea’s mood while guiding her frightened friend through the kayaking process; it reminded her of the time she’d spent with the Masters during school and the encouragement they instilled that allowed her to spread that to Mallory.

The Unova girl was doing her best to remain stable and almost tipped herself over a few dozen times when they came to more rough waters, but taking it nice and slow, Gables and her managed to continue building Lori’s confidence.

Nova was sunbathing to dry her wet fur, spread out across the back of her kayak; her second transformation attempt went as well as the first.

Aww, Nova, you’ll get it!

Her Eevee released a low grunt, front and hind legs hugging the boat.

Don’t be like that; you’re not the worst Eevee in the world, Rhea giggled at her response, and Alice jumped in, offering her own strengthening words.  You lasted at least a little longer as a Glaceon that second time … Aww, I know you’re tired, cold, and wet … Just let the sun warm you up and listen to nature.

Despite her efforts, Nova couldn’t get over her depression; she couldn’t even touch her Water-Type evolution.  The Eevee thought it should be just as easy as her Glaceon transformation, yet the Ice-Type was currently the only one available to her.

Mya was fast asleep, happy to be in her pokeball, and unfortunately, she and Alice were still at odds.  The Mawile seemed embarrassed or angry that the hyperactive bunny didn’t defer to her authority as the older Pokemon in the party.

On the other hand, Alice thought Mya’s confidence was overhyped and wasn’t having her attitude.  She moved to Rhea’s lap after finishing her balance training to enjoy snuggling and passively watching the world pass them by; it was one of the few times she’d seen the rabbit so calm.

Mallory seemed comfortable enough to allow Gables to chill with Serenity at this point, but he was staying close to his Trainer; it told Rhea the girl was still putting on a brave face, and the Pokemon could sense it.

Hang in there, Lori…

The girl was resting, focusing on her balance and allowing Rhea to tow her; it wasn’t all that challenging.

It brought Rhea back to her school days.  For Rhea, the trip was relaxing and brought back memories of the times she’d spent with her father and brother; she’d been out on a kayak with her parents as young as three, and outdoor activities as a very regular thing for their small village that lacked in a lot of other city activities.

The gentle sound of the lapping waves and surrounding Pokemon helped to distract herself from the upsetting information about the Clefairy and the potential danger they posed to her mother.

Rhea wanted to glare at her mother and force her to say she’d be fine; the thought of Extraterrestrial Pokemon snatching up her elusive mom seemed preposterous, yet given her mother’s proclivity to be extraordinarily thoughtful and not think about specific social interactions at all at the same time aggravated Rhea.

Her mind was slowly drifting back to the underlying worry that filled her heart.  Thanks, Mom … Take cute Fairy Pokemon that I like and turn them into kidnapping alien warmongers.  If I see a Clefairy, are they somehow a spy in disguise for the Clef Mother Planet or something?

“Gah!”  she growled, rubbing her forehead and causing Alice to lean back to look up at her with her long ears pulled back.  I’m good … My mom’s just annoying sometimes.

Alice patted her thigh with a smile, trying to comfort her.

Yeah … I guess you’re right; no one’s targeted Mom for a reason … They’d be staring at an army of the strongest Trainers on the planet, but … these are aliens … No, just got to not think about it … Oh, look how many fish there are!

Alice hopped up to lean her small arms against the edge of the boat to stare down while blinking a few times, trying to penetrate the shiny river water, and even Nova cracked open an eye with a low groan, staring down at her reflection.

A few fish jumped out of the water to grab the tiny insects hovering around the surface, and Rhea giggled when they rounded a corner, seeing a few Slowpoke sitting on a small rise with their tails in the river.

Alice’s mouth dropped open, and she began clapping as she caught one lift his tail out with a fish on it, sending it right into his buddy’s open mouth.  The bunny had been fascinated by the lifestyle many of the Pokemon lead on the river.

Yeah, Slowpoke fish like humans with fishing poles; this one professor theorized we learned how to fish from Slowpoke back in the day!  Pretty cool, huh?

In general, Rhea loved nature.  It was nearing the start of summer, which meant the sun illuminated the sky and warmed their exposed skin.  In contrast, the gorge funneled a cool, refreshing breeze that tickled her neck and arms.

Exercising her muscles felt right, and each move she made that dipped the paddles into the liquid to propel them forward made her want to keep going.

The funniest part of this adventure was that unlike her more isolated exploits with Franky or her father, she was able to wave at and greet other kayakers on their trip; she’d already had a good conversation with a tourist attempting to travel all of Kanto by water.  At the leisurely pace they were moving, it gave her so much time to just enjoy their surroundings.

Throughout the trip, Amira remained in the lead, and Rhea was more than willing to allow the redhead to surprise them to this mysterious campsite; it was a favorite spot for the girl, and Rhea was excited to hear more about the stories she shared with her mother once settling down.

However, a frown touched Rhea’s lips as Amira shifted toward a break in the route to their left; a few small waterfalls cascaded down the cliffs above them, causing a roar of noise.

“It’s this way,” Amira yelled back, already in motion to enter the trail.

Rhea’s head shifted to a sign posted into the rocks nearby; she didn’t need to read it to know what it said after memorizing the various branching points over the past few hours.  “Umm … Amira?  Hey—Amira!  Isn’t … Isn’t this a Platinum route?”  she called out.  “I think it cuts a bit of time off our travel, if I remember correctly, but…”

“Wait, Platinum?!”  Mallory shouted, eyeing the falling water distrustfully.  “Did you say Platinum?”  It seemed challenging for her to hear them.  “Yo, that’s … Weren’t you talkin’ about how stupid those one guys were?  I don’t want to die in—in this thing!”  she said, gesturing at her lifejacket.

Amira returned a nervous laugh, causing Rhea and Mallory to stare after her in confusion.  “It’s fine!  There’s a Pokemon—a Cloyster … He’s up ahead—he knows me … D-Don’t you trust me?”

Seeing the unsure look on the redhead’s face as she glanced back at them, Rhea knew this was probably a big thing for Amira, but it didn’t help Rhea’s rising nerves; she grew up near Mt. Silver, and after hearing about the mortality rate from her father for Master-tier Trainers, she wasn’t too keen on testing fate, much less her brush with the Nidorino.

Releasing a hot puff of air, Rhea moaned, looking down at Alice; Nova had jumped inside again to look up at her with concern.

I’m not sure about this, girls, she mumbled to her Pokemon.  Amira’s not the type to get us in danger … At least, I don’t think she is from what I know about her, but straight to Platinum?  I don’t know…

Alice gave her a courageous pat to her spirit, ready for any challenge; the bunny hadn’t experienced the fight against the Nidorino.  On the other hand, Nova was more on Rhea’s side after facing just a Low Silver-tier wild Pokemon.

Still, she wanted to put her faith in Amira; it just felt so strange after talking to that girl in the cafe about her reckless cousin for Amira, the most cautious of their group, to guide them down something so dangerous that same day.

Amira wouldn’t try to kill us … I guess this is one of those leaps of faith Dad always talked about when routes didn’t have Tier-Labels … maybe it’s mislabeled?

 Taking a deep breath and setting her resolve after her Pokemon agreed, she yelled, “Okay—No, I trust you, Amira!”

Amira’s lips tightened, glancing back while mumbling something under her breath that seemed like she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  Rhea was already committed, though; when she went in, she went in.

“It’s gonna get a little rougher, Mallory; are you good?”

“No!”  Mallory returned, chest heaving a little as Gables patted the side of her boat to let her know everything was good underwater.  “I’m … This is my first time doing this—Muk!  T-This thing is insane!  I’m freaking the Muk out!”

Amira’s lips tightened, glancing back at them as they continued to near.  “We … don’t have to go down if you’re really not comfortable.”

Rhea could tell there was far more to this than Amira was letting on, and of all times, it suddenly hit her that they hadn’t even gone shopping to refill their supplies before going; she’d been so caught up in the adventure of it all, and helping Mallory, that it completely slipped her mind.

Shoving the thought away, she was a little shocked when Mallory released a faint scream of frustration that made Amira and her jump; the purple-haired girl scratched her head with her left hand, paddle clutched in her right.  “I … I … mmargmmah!  Fine!  Fine!  I’m not scared!  I’m totally scared!  I just … Muk!  Muk!  I’m not gonna back down!  Just don’t let me die because—look, I still want to dance more and—and I haven’t been to a Kanto club!”

A small giggle shook Rhea’s chest; maybe they were doing something stupid, and it could turn out bad, but Amira wasn’t the only one that grew up hearing about her parents’ stories.  Her Aunt was a prime example of not letting anything get in her way; if she wanted to do something, she did it, and Rhea always admired that about her.

We’re doing something risky, sure, but we’re not trying to catch an Articuno stupid!  she laughed to Nova.  Amira’s got a plan; trust exercise one of our journey!  Let’s Mukin’ go!

“Alright, Amira,” she shouted, flipping her paddle around in the somewhat stationary position she was maintaining.  “I trust you; do we need to hurry—what’s the play?”

Amira’s gaze flipped to the water as Serenity floated out, and her voice softened as Rhea closed the distance with Mallory in tow.  “I … really thought you’d talk me out of it.”

Rhea tapped Amira’s kayak with her paddle, giving her a grin before flipping some water into her face.  “Heh, I know you aren’t dumb; we should get going, though, right?”

“Yeah—woah, Gables, don’t let me fall,” Lori groaned, pressing a hand against her pumping chest.  “W-Won’t the Rangers come and stop us?”

“Hey…”  Amira’s expression lifted a bit as she wiped the water away from her face; Amber didn’t seem to be happy about the splash, but she’d gained a lot of confidence since the start of their journey.   “Umm, it’s not far at all … There’s a Golduck that should be up ahead, and he knows me, too … I told Serenity what to tell him…”

“Got it!”  Rhea chimed, pulling Mallory after her to take the lead.  “Just keep your hips loose, Lori, and I’ll get us through … Comin’, Amira?”

Amira hesitated for a moment, puffed out a breath, and maneuvered past her.  “Thanks, Rhea, Mallory.”


* * *


Serenity dove back under the waves after seeing Rhea and Mallory commit to her Trainer’s route.  Amira’s heart was conflicted and hesitant, though.

“This isn’t smart—why are they being stupid and following me?”  Amira groaned.

Amber seemed to agree.  “I’m not a fan, myself, Amira.  Maybe we should work on the badges before any of this exploring stuff?”

No, we’ll be fine!  Serenity interjected.  Where’s your sense of adventure, Amber?  You aren’t scared of the water? she teased.

“N-No!  Have you seen me?”  Amber sniffed, shakily trying to get to her feet to prove her point in the bed of the kayak.  “I’m not s-scared!”

Oh!  I’m totally wrong!  Serenity chuckled on the inside.  We have the blocks, and Amira’s been given access before because of her mom, right?  Everything works out; Amira explained it all to us last night.

“Doesn’t mean it’s a smart plan—or that it’ll work,” Amber grumbled.  “I’m .. Not that I doubt you, Amira … I’m just saying…”

“Umm,” Holly tentatively cleared her throat, “I think it’s smart.  Amira has the poke blocks.  Wouldn’t it be a dumb plan if we didn’t have them?”

Holly gets it!  Serenity laughed.  This is great!

They entered the stream, and she scanned the area ahead of them; it took a sharp dip that caused the tide to increase, but Rhea seemed more than capable of maneuvering Lori and her through the current.

The walls rose, as well, casting a shadow over them, and the first thing Serenity noticed was the distinct lack of Pokemon in the area; a dozen Goldeen and a three Totodile hovered around the entrance, watching them go while mumbling to one another.

It seemed strange to Serenity; the river had been filled with Pokemon of all types along their six-hour journey.  They’d insult her under their breath or start gossip that would take to the sky via Pidgey or Spearow; now, the only thing in sight were dozens of various kinds of fish of all sizes.

There were so many schools of colorful creatures that Serenity almost missed the shimmering coat of a Shiny Golduck leisurely examining a few small rock formations on the floor.

We’ve got … Oh, I see the Golduck!  Be right back…”

Serenity shot forward, swiftly outpacing the kayaks as the blue-skinned Pokemon turned to look at her; his glowing red gem dimmed as she neared, but he didn’t seem all that happy to see her and the boats above.

The fish scattered with her swift movements, and Golduck's sharp white claws darted out to snatch one of the bigger creatures, digging into its flesh before opening his mouth and biting its body in half to swallow the rest.

She paused, unable to pull her mind away from the fact he could do the same to her without much effort, given the waves of powerful energy he emitted.  “Uhm … Hello!”

Red blood spread out before the Golduck, and he ate the rest of the fish in his second bite; his voice was deep and inquisitive.  “Why … would a Trainer like yours be here?  Did you not see the sign?  This area is closed off to Trainers and Pokemon around your level.”

Serenity did a quick three-sixty as bubbles and crimson liquid swirled around them with his swift motion to circle her.  “Uh … Yeah, my Trainer—her name’s Amira Rocket,” she said, trying to ease her racing heart.  “She, umm … she comes here often with her mom, Lyra Rocket.”

The Golduck lifted an eye, gaze drifting up to the three kayaks.  “Rocket … Lyra?”

Uh … I don’t think he knows human names, Amira.

“See!  I told you; we should get out of here!”  Amber cried.  “I’m useless here!”

“Ask about an Azumarill; that’ll jog his memory,” Amira instructed.

Serenity felt a little queasy at the intense look the Golduck gave her, waiting for an answer.  “I—umm, the really strong, uh, Azumarill, I think?”

The Golduck’s bill dropped open in an instant, his threatening aura vanishing.  “Ahh!  Yeah, okay … Oof, so, she’s nearby, huh?”  he asked, looking back to scan the river.  “If she’s … Wait, is Zelri here?”  The hope in his eyes returned to the fish-filled river; not another Pokemon in sight other than Gables.

Swiveling around, Serenity hummed.  “I … I don’t think so?  She’s … probably going to meet us there at some point, but … we should be fine, right?”  she lied.  “We’ve got the poke blocks and stuff.”

The Golduck grimaced, scratching his wrist.  “Ugh, he does like his poke blocks … Just ask Zelri about me, okay?  See if she’ll stop by or something,” he mumbled with a casual shrug.

Amira, I don’t think he’s cracking…  Serenity mumbled.

Holly clapped.  “Oh!  Oh!  Use the one trick!  Amber, get the treat!”

“I don’t want to move, Holly … Everything’s shaking!”

I think that’s just you, Serenity giggled.  I think he’s close!  I can grab it.


“Hmm?”  The Golduck’s focus returned to her.  

“Amira said you like … sweet things?  She’s got a present for you!”

His nervousness and reluctance fell in an instant.  “Why didn’t you say so!  Is it up there?  Ah, I just need to make sure it’s her…”

He rocketed up, breaking the surface in an instant to land on the side of the cliff to study her Trainer.  Rising herself, Serenity exited the river to find Amira bending over Amber, already rummaging through her pack.

“I’ve got it here, Serenity … here!”

Rhea and Mallory’s focus was on the large Golduck as he dipped back into the water, reaching them in seconds and leaving Lori crying as her boat rocked.

“Oh, what sweet?”  he eagerly asked, looking up at Amira.

Taking out two inch-sized cubes, Amira tossed them up for him to snatch out of the air.

“Mmh!!  So good!”  he laughed, licking his lips.  “Okay!  Thanks for the treat, and just remember to ask her!”

“Yeah…”  Serenity whispered as he dipped back into the waves to swim a bit back upriver.

He wants me to talk to someone named Zelri?

Amber practically choked.  “Pfft!  In his dreams!  No, not even in there!”

“Aww, don’t be mean,” Holly mumbled.  “I think he was a pretty handsome guy.  Zelri might like him.”

“Mhm,” Amber snickered.  “Yeah, don’t bother, Serenity; we probably won’t see this guy again.”

“Poor guy,” Holly sighed.  “I feel bad for him.”

“You’re the kind of girl that spends time with people because you feel sad for them,” Amber mused.  “Let him down hard and let him move on.”

“I just don’t like seeing sad Pokemon…”

Serenity wasn’t all that interested in the conversation at that point and dove back underwater.  What’s next, Amira?

Their Trainer was holding her breath while pulling them around a nearby bend that opened up into a vast open area, and Serenity's brain blanked.  Amira wasn’t wrong when trying to describe it last night.

Ice crystals littered the floor that was hundreds of times shinier than the sparkling heavens at night.  The refracting light illuminated the space into a blinding spectacle that would cause the surface of the massive pond to glow.

Thousands of large fish swam near the middle or top of the space while dozens of Shellder spread across the bottom, nestled among the crystals.  No other Pokemon were present, but there was one different from the others.

In the deepest part of the pond, a glistening blue-violet shell rose out of the depths to open and reveal sinister white eyes and grin from its double shell.  It was then that Serenity saw the bone remains of a few Pokemon such as Slowpoke and Goldeen.

The deathly silent water stilled before the fish scattered, and every Shellder lifted from the pond floor, turning to open and smile at her.

Rhea, Mallory, and Amira floated out onto the smooth surface, only able to see the shimmering water and two branching river entrances ahead of them.

Amira, there’s a ton of…

The Cloyster’s figure phased with rainbow colors, instantaneously appearing in front of her; he was larger than anything she’d seen.  “What do we have here?”  His tone was slow and low, projecting an ominous wave of raw energy that could have been an attack in itself.

She’d met what the humans called a Grandmaster Umbreon, Lori’s mother’s Pokemon, but none of them had any malice or harmful intent; in fact, they were quite friendly and pleasant to be around—this was not that.

Serenity couldn’t help but shake at the overwhelming presence that trapped her in place; this Pokemon could kill her with any attack, but instead of her protecting her Trainer, in the next second, Amira was diving into the water to float by her side, giving the Cloyster a small smile and wave.

The threatening atmosphere died in an instant as he chuckled, facing her Trainer and allowing Serenity to suck water through her gills.  “Amira?  My, you humans grow in the most unusual ways … I assume this is your Pokemon?”

His sharp white eyes shifted to her, and she stammered, “Y-Yes … Umm … I’m S-Serenity.”

“Hmm … Ask her when her mother will be joining us?  I’ve grown lonely since the last time she visited.”

H-He wants to know when your—your mom’s coming?

“I know, he’s a bit much,” Amira grumbled, pushing herself down and folding her arms to give him a cross look.  “Don’t let him intimidate you; he just likes to feel strong, but he’s pretty chill … at least since he knows my mom’s Pokemon.  Let him know it’s just us … And I plan to do the challenge.”

Repeating her Trainer’s instructions, the Cloyster snickered; all of the Shellder were staying in place, watching and laughing while mumbling to one another.

“Interesting … Lyra was the first human to ever complete my challenge … Ah, that was so long ago.  Very well, my children will hold their peace … After all, without Lyra, I would have been left alone for such a long time—she always has gifts, too.  Make sure Amira’s friends know my rules…”

“O-Okay…”  Serenity said, trying to put on a brave face, even if her expression didn’t change.

“Hmm…”  He gave her a second look while rising with Amira’s gestures for them to go to the surface.  “You are far prettier than any Feebas I’ve ever seen—although I’ve only met three.  Take that how you will.”

Serenity didn’t know how to take it at all; everyone said she was ugly, but she could get used to these comments—compared to other Feebas, but still, it was a compliment she didn’t expect.

Amira grabbed the poke blocks and tossed half a bag to the Cloyster, who took them and teleported away; Serenity couldn’t see him anywhere nearby, and all of the Shellder returned to the bottom of the pond, shells closing to return to their slumber.

“Woah, I was scared for you!”  Holly squeaked.  “Are you okay?”

Yeah … I think, Serenity mumbled.  Thanks…

Amber hissed.  “Mmh … I don’t really like scary types like him … That smile is creepy … Can we please go on land now, Amira?  Oh, and I’m happy we’re all not dead, too!”

“Heh, you’ve done great, Amber,” Amira laughed, happy things worked out.  “Oh, looks like we’ve had an observer … Wave, girls.”

Serenity floated above the water, liquid dripping off her form as she scanned the sky to see a Pidgeot with a human riding on his back.  The bird was magnificent, with clean feathers and a sharp beak.


* * *


Amira guided Rhea and Mallory to a nearby inlet for kayaks that her mother had made long ago; the Ranger watched them from the air, keeping a close eye on the water to make sure they were safe, and when they climbed up the ramp to the top of the flat island over twelve meters above the water, he descended to talk to them.

She expected some kind of discussion with whichever Ranger was nearby.  Rhea and Mallory stayed close to her side with their pokemon while waiting for him to close the distance.  Amira kept a pleasant smile.

He cleared his throat, brown eyes moving between their Pokemon.  “Amira Rocket … I’d expect someone of your reputation to know what a Platinum Route looked like, but … given what happened…”

She nodded.  “Yup, I came here pretty often over the years with my mom; I know the Cloyster.”  Rolling her eyes, Amira sighed, “My mom was the one that actually gave him a Teleport TM back in the day.  He thinks he’s hot stuff because he has Skill Link and Shell Armor.  He’d never do anything to hurt me, though … Not after meeting my mom’s Pokemon.”

A low hiss shot through his teeth as he glanced between her two teammates.  “Sure … I get all of your families are probably far above Master-tier, but be mindful of the Tier-System in the future.  You don’t know how he might have acted toward your teammates … He seems to have accepted you, but be more cautious in the future.”

“I completely understand!”  Amira said, trying to sound as sincere as possible.  “There was something my mom left for me here … It’s just one of those family things.  I’ll be careful.”

Rhea piped up soon after.  “Yeah!  We’ll be super careful.  Thanks for coming to our rescue!”

He gestured to the edge as the Pidgeot cleaned himself.  “Just be mindful of your surroundings; there’s a perpetual whirlpool to the north of here.  A lot of Trainers have been seriously injured in this area … Even if your mother is near Legendary-tier and your grandfather is the Viridian Gym Leader, you’re expected to follow the same rules as other Trainers.”

“I understand,” Amira nodded, adding a forced smile.  “I know you need to reach Silver-tier to waive the Trainer Protection Program.  We’ll just camp out here and return to the route in the morning.”

Unfortunately, the Ranger wasn’t going to let her have her way.  “Seeing as you have this Area Boss’s permission to stay, I’ll allow you to camp here, but I’m going to leave a monitor to make sure nothing bad happens.”

Amira wanted to curse as he motioned to the Pidgeot, and he nodded, making a loud call that brought a Pidgey out of the nearby overgrowth to land on the Ranger’s outstretched hand.

“This little guy will make sure you’re safe; if there are any problems, then send him to find us—this Area Boss is temperamental.”

Mallory’s expression fell, regaining her attitude now that she was on land; folding her arms under her bust, she huffed.  “Why let us stay at all then?”

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.  “Honestly, I shouldn’t, but … I’ve seen that Cloyster attack Platinum Trainers without hesitation, and he’s tough, yet he didn’t so much as make a Splash when seeing you.  There’s been talk about relocating him into the ocean among officials in Apple City, and I’d like to think he can be reformed … If you have a relationship with him, then please, negotiate with him because I don’t like taking Pokemon out of their homes against their will.”

Hope sparked in Amira’s breast; there was hope yet, and this little Pidgey could be bribed … Rangers trusted Pokemon far too much; her mother was a master at getting friendly Pokemon to do what she wanted—she just needed to take a note from her book.

With that, the Ranger left, and they started setting up camp.

The flat, high-walled island had a dense, half-dead woodland on the left half, and near it was a campfire pit made by Red and Yellow during their journey many, many years ago; at least, that’s what her mother claimed.

Amira had some pondering to do, but it shouldn’t be that hard with the tools at her disposal.  It was time to teach her Pokemon the art of bending the rules to get what you wanted.

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8 Chapter in The Power of Cuteness and Positivity

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