Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 125

Zhao Hai and Qi Lin had gloomy expressions, but what could they say? Just now, they had seen the strength of Ye Gaofei, Long Yu, and the other Level Four abilities. Ye Gaofei had also brought a large number of people with him. There was no way to turn the tables.

Chen Luo somewhat understood why he hadn’t encountered Ye Gaofei in his previous life. Either he had been killed, or he had tasted the sweetness of high-level crystals and went searching all over the world.

Ye Gaofei spoke with a smile, “Alright, everyone, take your time to consider. Those willing to join can register with me. Everyone who comes is a brother.”

Zhao Hai wanted to pull Chen Luo away, but he saw Chen Luo walking towards Ye Gaofei. Zhao Hai was puzzled. Did Chen Luo want to join? That couldn’t be true.

Chen Luo walked up to Ye Gaofei and, seizing the opportunity, smiled, “Could you show me that crystal?”

If this Level Six crystal still had a lot of energy, Chen Luo would need to consider how to obtain it.

Ye Gaofei was momentarily surprised but then smiled, “Sure.”

This crystal had already been depleted of energy, so Ye Gaofei didn’t have any concerns about showing it. Besides, there were many people at the meeting.

Chen Luo received the crystal, feeling disappointed as it had been completely drained. This was probably the only one left. Ye Gaofei and his companions must have absorbed all the energy from it. If Ye Gaofei had more, this Level Six crystal wouldn’t have been depleted so quickly.

Chen Luo had a plan on how to approach Long Yu. In his previous life, he hadn’t heard much about Ye Gaofei. Ye Gaofei would eventually run out of tricks. When that happened, Chen Luo could approach Long Yu, showing sincerity and offering to join forces. He couldn’t be too hasty.

Chen Luo smiled kindly at Long Yu, who was a bit puzzled by the sudden friendliness. In his previous life, Long Yu had left a gentle impression on Chen Luo.

Chen Luo was quite confident that he could win over Long Yu.

Chen Luo felt quite confident about winning over Long Yu.

If Ye Gaofei died, Long Yu would still be fine. After all, in his previous life, Long Yu had grown to the king-level without Ye Gaofei’s assistance. Chen Luo just needed to keep an eye on the situation.

Meanwhile, Zhao Hai and Qi Lin were waiting for Chen Luo. Qi Lin took a drag from his cigarette and asked, “Old Zhao, who is this Chen Luo?”

Zhao Hai replied, “He’s a little brother who’s been helping me out. We look out for each other.”

Zhao Hai sneered, and secretly thought, “Hmph, this big piece of meat, I’m not sharing it with anyone. I’ll hog it all for myself.”

Qi Lin looked around cautiously and whispered, “Damn, this Ye Gaofei kid is getting too arrogant because of his strength. Does he think he’s invincible? I don’t believe they’re untouchable. I bet we can take them down.”

Qi Lin continued, “And that Long Yu, if we force him to use his abilities, he won’t be able to defend against physical attacks. I’ve already noticed that weakness.”

Qi Lin sneered, “Old Zhao, how about we team up to deal with him? I can gather more people. I’ve been observing, and many people here don’t like him. They want to eliminate his followers.”

Zhao Hai nodded slightly, agreeing with the plan. However, he would have to see what Chen Luo thought about it. If Ye Gaofei was too dominant, there might not be any room for others to survive. Chen Luo was undoubtedly strong, but he didn’t have Ye Gaofei’s ruthlessness.

Chen Luo was indeed strong, but he wasn’t as ruthless as Ye Gaofei.

Ahem, Chen Luo, wasn’t ruthless?  you wouldn’t want to find out just how ruthless he can be.

After exchanging contact information, Zhao Hai and Qi Lin parted ways.

Each survivor had their own hidden agenda. It was impossible to unite and eliminate zombies as easily as Mi Ling suggested unless a powerful figure appeared.

Deng Xianhong was also waiting for Chen Luo.

Chen Luo asked with a smile, “With so few people in your group, why don’t you join Ye Gaofei’s side?”

Deng Xianhong shook his head and said, “Having more people isn’t always better. I’ve learned that lesson. Sometimes, having too many people can lead to quicker collapse. Ye Gaofei’s approach of recruiting so many people won’t work.”

He continued, “I’ve seen Ye Gaofei once before, and my impression of him is quite deep. Before the apocalypse, I used to sell cars. I witnessed Ye Gaofei getting into a conflict with someone. He was all smiles at first, but then he had the other person taken care of. He has a darker side, definitely not the way he’s portrayed recently.”

Chen Luo couldn’t help but regard Deng Xianhong with more respect. Ye Gaofei might also be aware of this, but he’s probably trying to leverage the advantage of numbers by gathering a large group of people first, and then finding a way to eliminate the weaker ones or use them as cannon fodder, while keeping the elites.

Deng Xianhong advised, “Chen Ge, you only accept survivors at level three or above. It seems like quite a few people have noticed you. Be careful.”

Chen Luo nodded in agreement. It was true that in such a crowded place, standing out with this kind of recruitment criteria was bound to attract attention. Trying to remain inconspicuous was challenging.

Chen Luo returned to his stall, which was now attracting more people. He instructed his subordinates to continue purchasing supplies on a large scale.

As a result, Chen Luo had only spent over two thousand crystals, and there weren’t even that many goods to sell. Many people were interested in bartering for supplies because while crystals could enhance one’s abilities, they couldn’t be eaten.

Chen Luo wasn’t the only one making purchases. One crystal could buy at least ten pounds of rice, showcasing the strong purchasing power.

The main items bought were processed foods like sausages, canned goods, vacuum-packed meats, and similar products, which made up the bulk of the purchases. Chen Luo didn’t buy much rice since he had plenty at home, and buying too much would draw attention.

With Ye Gaofei’s recruitment efforts, Chen Luo’s display of strength seemed inadequate in comparison. He had thought that he wouldn’t be able to recruit anyone, but unexpectedly, he had attracted three individuals, all of them men.

When Chen Luo examined these three men closely, he felt that their gazes were somewhat evasive. He inwardly cursed, wondering if these three were planted by someone else to infiltrate his group.

Seeing that it was getting late, Chen Luo began to return to the city to check on Rice.

He didn’t place much importance on the purchased supplies. This trip had still been productive because he had encountered Long Yu, at the very least.

Zhao Hai followed Chen Luo, considering him his protector. On the way back, with a car full of people, Zhao Hai asked, “Qi Lin is planning to gather people to deal with Ye Gaofei. Do you think we should join?”

Chen Luo replied indifferently, “I won’t get involved in kids’ fights.”

Up ahead, Chen Guang was driving, and Chen Luo occasionally glanced at the scenery outside.

Chen Luo had excellent vision, and he noticed a young girl in the distance. As she saw his large caravan, she quickly hid behind a tree.

Initially, Chen Luo didn’t pay much attention. But as he recalled the girl’s face, he was suddenly shaken.

It was her – a natural elemental ability user with the skill to improve seeds. This might seem like an ordinary skill, but very few people possessed it.

The vast majority of natural elemental ability users could only enhance soil, and it didn’t necessarily mean they had a talent for farming. While it offered no direct combat benefits, it was a precious ability.

Chen Luo hadn’t expected to come across this unexpected treasure. He immediately shouted, “Stop the car!”

Chen Luo swiftly ran in the direction where he had seen the girl. However, as the girl saw Chen Luo and a group of men getting out of the car, she panicked and started running.

Chen Luo couldn’t help but accelerate his pursuit.

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