Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 127

At noon, Chen Luo ordered more delicious food to be prepared, not specifically for Mengyin.

The members who had gone out spent their crystals extravagantly, living it up and having a good time. Those who stayed behind received an extra half pound of beef.

Chen Luo believed in treating his people well from time to time, to show his benevolence as their leader.

In one of the rooms, Shu Yun brought Mengyin inside. The room was clean and well-organized, far cleaner than the one Mengyin hadn’t cleaned in two months.

Mengyin looked around in surprise and pleaded with Shu Yun, “Sister, please let me go.”

Shu Yun gently patted Mengyin’s head and said, “I wouldn’t dare to let you go. Besides, it’s safe here. Just stay with us, and no one will harm you.”

Shu Yun pondered the situation. Why did Chen Luo bring her here, and why did she want to escape? He had instructed her to be kind, but she still seemed determined to run away. Although she was a pretty girl, she couldn’t compare to Mi Li in terms of charm.

Shu Yun was concerned that if she stayed in the room, Mengyin wouldn’t feel at ease, so she exited. There was no need for hostility between the two sides, and Shu Yun was confident that Mengyin would eventually eat something.

After Shu Yun left, Mengyin took a few steps closer to the table instinctively. However, she suddenly realized that she didn’t want to lose her pride. She had said she wouldn’t eat, and she would stick to her decision.

She felt that the person who had forcefully brought her here was very cruel. He had dragged her by her ears all the way to this place. After a fierce inner struggle, Mengyin lay back down on the bed, determined not to eat.

However, her mouth unconsciously made chewing motions. She murmured to herself, “I won’t eat. I’ll just drink a bottle of soda. Drinking doesn’t count as eating.”

With a struggle, Mengyin grabbed a bottle of soda and reluctantly opened it. She took a small sip at first and then drank it down in large gulps. Strangely, the more she drank, the hungrier she felt.

Meanwhile, Chen Luo looked at the lunch spread on the table, which included braised pork. He said, “Send a portion to the young girl we brought today.”

He had promised to bring her back to enjoy a good meal, and he wanted to keep his word.

Mi Li volunteered to take the food to Mengyin. Mengyin looked several years younger than Mi Li.

Seeing the beautifully glazed braised pork, Mengyin’s defenses finally crumbled. This braised pork had no accompanying vegetables; it was pure, succulent meat. The flavor was slightly sweet, making it both rich and delicious.

Before the apocalypse, for someone who loved meat, just the sight of such braised pork was incredibly appetizing. Not to mention Mengyin, who had not tasted meat for over two months.

Mi Li chuckled softly, offered some comforting words, and then closed the door, leaving Mengyin alone with the food.

Mengyin couldn’t help but drool; it was dripping onto the floor. She exclaimed, “Braised pork, my favorite!”

In the end, was it starving to death or giving in to the temptation of delicious food? Well, when faced with such a delectable meal, what was the value of pride?

Mengyin, who couldn’t resist the allure of the braised pork, immediately picked up a piece and took a bite. “Mmm, it’s so delicious!”

The taste of the braised pork spread in Mengyin’s mouth, and tears of excitement welled up in her eyes. How could something be this delicious?

It wasn’t an illusion; Mengyin had actually eaten meat. Countless nights were filled with dreams of eating meat, and today, she finally tasted it. Could this be real?

A whirlwind of emotions swept over her.

After finishing his meal, Chen Luo came to check on Mengyin. What he wanted was her genuine allegiance, and if bringing her back forcefully was the only way, then so be it. He couldn’t afford to miss this opportunity.

Chen Luo remembered that Mengyin was the first natural ability user he had encountered who could improve seeds. Ordinary seeds had a very low survival rate, and nurturing them required a lot of natural ability.

Mengyin’s improved seeds had a high survival rate, low consumption, and high yield. The base she belonged to made a fortune by selling her improved seeds.

However, without the power to protect their wealth, they were like a fat piece of meat, attracting jealousy and assassination from others. So, for many survivors, the longer they lived, the harder it became as they often resorted to infighting.

When Chen Luo entered the room, he saw Mengyin indulging in her meal. She had once vowed not to eat Chen Luo’s food, so what was this now?  

Mengyin considered spitting out the meat, but it was too delicious, and wasting food was a terrible sin.

Chen Luo teased her, “Didn’t you say before that you’d rather starve than eat my food?”

Mengyin blushed, “Well, I didn’t starve to death, so I guess I can eat it.”

Chen Luo chuckled, impressed by her thick skin. He left the room but returned after Mengyin had finished eating, speaking with a serious tone.

“Sorry for forcibly bringing you here. I noticed you were using your abilities on trees, and I guessed you’re a natural elemental ability user. My base is in great need of natural abilities, so I brought you here,” Chen Luo explained.

“As long as you can grow crops, having a meaty meal every day won’t be a problem.”

Mengyin reluctantly believed Chen Luo’s words. She figured that if he intended harm, he wouldn’t have given her such precious food. There were plenty of beautiful young women here, so it was unlikely that anyone would target her.

Mengyin thought to herself, “I’ll observe a bit more. If things work out, I’ll ask him to bring  Little Fish here. It’s much safer than the two of us wandering around, and , Little Fish won’t need to rely on invisibility to scavenge for supplies.”  

Chen Luo tossed a pile of potato seeds to Mengyin and asked her to try improving them. However, without reaching the fourth level, her natural elemental ability wasn’t of sufficient quality, and having quantity alone wouldn’t be enough to cultivate crops.

Chen Luo remembered the three new members, who he suspected were spies. They had gone with Rice to run an errand. “Damn it, they really are three spies,” he muttered to himself.

Chen Luo ordered, “Bring them down and interrogate them. If they don’t talk, just kill them.”

Who wouldn’t be afraid of death, or who among them were fanatics, brave warriors?

No one refused to talk.

Two of them were sent by Ye Gaofei’s side, and one was unexpectedly sent by Qi Lin.

Trying to gather information on our side, huh?

Well, let’s have you report your findings first.

Both sides sent spies primarily due to Chen Luo’s public killing of Zhou Mingliang and the fact that the members only recruited up to level three. This had attracted their attention, and since Ye Gaofei had more people, he sent two spies.

Xiao Yu, whom Mengyin referred to as Little Fish, was a dark elemental ability user with offensive capabilities and a rare invisibility power.

At least, invisibility was quite rare at this stage.

Leveraging her invisibility, Xiao Yu could easily scavenge for supplies, but going outside with Mengyin was less ideal.

Zombies had slightly more sensitive noses than regular humans, but they were far from being able to detect human presence through scent alone. Could they sense if someone was nearby by smell?

Xiao Yu spent an entire afternoon and actually managed to trace her way here. Without any major mishaps, she memorized the license plate number of one of Chen Luo’s large trucks along the way.

After some meandering, she arrived at Chen Luo’s location safely.

The large truck was parked outside the residential area, and Xiao Yu deduced that Mengyin was most likely within the villa complex. She would need to take some time to search them one by one.

Xiao Yu first found a place to recharge her abilities and then boldly entered the villa area.

Xiao Yu was filled with worry. Could Mengyin have fallen into some kind of trap?

She thought to herself, “Please, Mengyin, don’t let that be the case. I’m here to rescue you.”

By evening, most of the rooms had their lights on.

Xiao Yu moved cautiously, searching the ground floor first. Normally, when she was near Thunderbolt King, he could discern the scent of a stranger, but now he had a toy chicken named Xiao Hong with them.

Thunderbolt King wouldn’t bother sniffing around without a good reason.

Coincidentally, Xiao Yu found Mengyin. At that moment, Mengyin was happily feasting on the chicken meal provided by Chen Luo for dinner, savoring every bite.

Chen Luo had almost forgotten about this kind of fast food. With a chef on board, who would still eat this? Eating it once a month would be considered a lot.

Mengyin was devouring her food, her mouth smeared with oil, and her face beaming with happiness.

Xiao Yu stared in disbelief, and her composure shattered. Tears began to flow.

“I was so worried about you, but here you are, eating like there’s no tomorrow.”

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