Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 79

It appears that there aren’t many people here. Chen Guang’s group consists of over twenty individuals, but they haven’t used walkie-talkies to communicate.

This small number of people shouldn’t be difficult to handle, but they seem to be ineffective, necessitating reinforcements.

As several vehicles spotted the passengers getting off the bus, they also stopped near the entrance of the residential area, with around a dozen people stepping out.

In a polite tone, Chen Guang said, “You can’t enter here. Why don’t you try looking somewhere else?”

Upon hearing this, the group frowned in response. They wanted to settle in two villas, and they knew this was a villa area.

A young man chuckled and asked, “Are all the villas occupied, big brother?”

Chen Guang simply smiled and replied, “Go check somewhere else.”

To be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that there are many people on the opposite side, and they are unsure about the number of people inside the residential area, this group might forcefully break in.

Is this your place?

If a conflict arises, it could be a fatal mistake.

Just then, another convoy is approaching not far away, probably consisting of more than ten vehicles.

Chen Guang’s expression changed, unable to determine the number of people on the opposite side. If a conflict broke out, it would not end well for his side.

When in doubt, seek the leader’s advice.

Chen Guang immediately turned around and used the walkie-talkie to contact Chen Ge, saying, “Boss Chen, quite a few people are coming our way, around ten to fifteen vehicles, and maybe fifty to sixty people.”

Chen Luo was casually eating an ice cream, looking at his phone while lying on a chair, occasionally patting the rice beside him.

Upon hearing the message on the walkie-talkie, he wasn’t surprised and responded through it, “Everyone, gather at the entrance of the residential area.”

Chen Luo wasn’t surprised at all. The location and conditions of the villas made them the best in the vicinity, so it was strange that no one came to claim them.

Each villa had at least two walkie-talkies, so when Shu Yun heard the news, she quickly arranged for everyone to gather.

Zhang Jingjing, who was with Li Hui, was also called to join them.

Zhang Jingjing felt a bit anxious, wondering if they were going to fight.

Trying not to draw attention, she attempted to move to the back and stand with Li Hui. However, Shu Yun asked, “By the way, what ability do you have?”

This question had been asked of Zhang Jingjing before by others, and she replied, “I have strength-based abilities.”

Shu Yun said, “Then you stand at the front.”

Unable to contain her protest, Zhang Jingjing asked, “Why? I’m only 18, and Li Hui is standing at the back too, right?”

Li Hui quietly explained, “I have support abilities; Chen Luo said I should stay at the back.”

Shu Yun didn’t have time to argue with Zhang Jingjing and dragged her to the front.

With a tearful voice, Zhang Jingjing said, “I am good friends with Mi Li. You can’t treat me like this.”

She had already inquired from Li Hui that Chen Luo held absolute authority here, and Mi Li seemed to be Chen Luo’s partner.

Mi Li rushed over to comfort her, saying, “It’s alright, Jingjing. You have to go through this step eventually. Don’t worry, I will enhance your abilities, and if you get hurt, I can heal you.”

Zhang Jingjing had nothing to say. There were some tears in the corners of her eyes. Mi Li, you weren’t like this before.

Zhang Jingjing stared at the corner of Mi Li’s mouth because there was a trace of white there, probably from eating creamy ice cream.

But in her heart, she couldn’t help but wonder, is it the right time for ice cream?

Could it be?

Mi Li, did you think I didn’t know about your brother? It seems like you’re trying to seduce Chen Luo, our powerful brother?

Even if you want to get close to him, you don’t need to ignore our past sisterly bond and not stand up for me at all.

If you can do it, then so can I.

Without much time to think, Zhang Jingjing was pulled to the front by Shu Yun.

Meanwhile, Chen Luo drove ahead and arrived at the entrance of the residential area before them.

The survivors from the first batch of vehicles looked a bit ragged, but their spirits seemed to be holding up, probably because they still had some supplies left.

The second batch of vehicles had a considerable number of people, more than thirty, and besides the leaders, everyone looked exhausted and had cracked lips.

As Chen Luo approached, he heard someone loudly shouting, “My big brother is a Level 2 ability user. Are you brats even going to dare to challenge him?”

(Using unified addressing for clarity)

Chen Guang sneered, “Is being a Level 2 ability user really that impressive?”

Well, to be fair, being a Level 2 ability user is indeed remarkable. They learned about the secret of the crystals too late, and so far, none of them have been able to advance to Level 2.

But among the main force, every girl is already a Level 2 ability user, and that Shu Yun seems to be even higher than Level 2.

When they saw Chen Luo, Chen Guang quickly called out, “Big Brother!”

Everyone couldn’t help but look at Chen Luo in surprise. This young man is their big brother?

In the second batch of vehicles, there was a brawny man with bare arms and a large gold chain around his neck. He sneered and said, “What’s all the fuss about? Turns out it’s just a little pretty boy.”

His name was Sun Dawei, and this group of people followed him because he was the only Level 2 esper among them. He only found out about the crystals when he saw others digging them out.

But he didn’t share this secret with the others and kept it hidden.

A bunch of unruly individuals, even though they call him their leader, are clearly not united.

Sun Dawei chuckled, “Little brother, you’re the one in charge here, right? There’s nothing left in this area, no need to hide it. My people haven’t eaten or drunk anything for a day. Can you provide some support?”

Chen Luo sneered inwardly. Of course, there would be no supplies in areas without zombies, but he hadn’t fully searched some of the residential areas, so there must be supplies there.

However, those places also had zombies, and few dared to venture there, especially after the zombies evolved to Level 1.

Chen Luo replied with a smile, “Support is not possible, but we can trade. You can use the crystals from the zombies’ foreheads; one crystal can be exchanged for a bottle of water and a pound of rice.”

“I don’t have too many supplies myself, but considering that we are all survivors, I reluctantly offer this trade.”

Sun Dawei’s face changed drastically. Is this kid stupid? He just revealed the secret of the crystals like that?

Others have already advanced to Level 2, how can I still control the team?

It was only by being ahead of others in strength that he managed to make the rest of the group follow him.

As expected, even the followers around Sun Dawei were astonished.

Shu Yun, Mi Ling, and the others arrived, and together with Chen Luo’s group, there were just over fifty people, slightly more than the opposition.

Sun Dawei burst into laughter, “I thought there would be more of you, but instead, a group of women came. Well, I must say, these women are quite pretty.”

Turning around, Sun Dawei’s expression turned fierce as he said, “He says we have to kill zombies to get supplies, but do you know how difficult it is to deal with zombies?”

After a moment of silence, a middle-aged man spoke, “Young man, we are really suffering from hunger. You must have plenty of supplies, please give us some.”

“If you don’t give us anything, when we get desperate from hunger, we can do anything.”

Chen Luo had plenty of supplies, giving them a month’s worth of food would be just a drop in the ocean for him. But could he really give it to them?

Absolutely not.

Opening that door would send the wrong message, making them appear weak. It would encourage others to come begging next time or spread the word, leading to even more people showing up at their doorstep demanding supplies.

That would be a foolish move.

Chen Luo did give them some hope, but they would rather confront him than face the zombies.

Were they not afraid of death? Of course, they were.

When empowered survivors clashed, it often resulted in mutual destruction. Level 1 survivors were even harder to deal with than Level 1 zombies.

The middle-aged man, with rich life experience, sensed that Chen Luo seemed hesitant to take action.

They were desperate and penniless. If Chen Luo didn’t give them anything, they would put up a show of being willing to risk everything, just to see if he would give in.

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