Power Trump’s All

I Hate Bullies

My Patreon is Saintbarbido. I'm at chapter 31 there.

"Wow, never knew you could sing like that."

Iris shouted over the din of applause as I came down from the Karaoke machine. I had sang Talk dirty by Jason Derulo and suffice to say that everyone had loved it.

"We want another song."

"Yeah. That guy was amazing."

People in the bar started urging me back to the stage.

I had a helpless smile on my face as I tried to sit down only for Iris to start gently pushing me back.

"You heard the crowd. They want their superstar back."

I looked at her in betrayal before laughing in good nature.

"Ok. One more song. This ones a dedication to the beautiful woman sitting right there."

I said when I took the mic, pointing over at Iris. The little minx blew me a kiss and the bar patrons started whistling.

I selected A sky full of stars by Coldplay and started singing. I started getting caught up in the lyrics and poured emotions into the words. Everyone had quieted down and Iris' face was entranced. One thing the original Jin and I shared was an amazing voice for singing and I had been happy once I'd found that out while singing in the shower.

The song finished and the Applause was even greater. Iris looked at me with a smile, though I could tell she was also blushing. She was struggling to come up with something to say, her mouth wide open.

I chuckled as I leaned in.

"That's not all I can do."

She blushed even harder and turned her attention to her drink, whispering to herself.

"God help me."

I smiled inwardly while she thought I hadn't heard her.

"Hey Iris. Long time."

A shadow formed over our table as someone came over. Iris face changed into a disgusted one before she managed to hide it under a facade of politeness.

"Hey Tony. What are you doing here?"

The confident smirk on Tony Woodward's face fell.

"You don't sound too happy to see me. Who's your friend?"

He said as he turned to look at me.

"Boyfriend actually. His name's Jin. Jin, this is Tony Woodward. We went to highschool together."

Iris said as she joined her hand with mine. I squeezed her palm gently and she breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at me. Tony's jaw clenched as he looked at us and I found myself getting annoyed at his two-dimensional attitude. 

"I've never seen you before. You must not be from around here."

I looked at him once he told me that and raised an eyebrow. 'Where's he going with this?'

"You know back in the day, Iris and I had a little thing going on. She ever told you that?"

Iris frowned and replied.

"That was years ago, Tony. I moved on, you should do the same."

He ignored her and tried to touch her shoulder.

"Come on baby. You know you liked it when…"

My annoyance grew into anger. 'Is this guy for real?'

I stopped his hand and for the first time spoke.

"Are you blind or just plain stupid? You trying to hit on her while I'm sitting right here?"

The guy sneered. Like seriously, he. Sneered. Suddenly I was hit with the urge to laugh. This was why Girder had been a third rate villain. For all his brawn, he didn't really have a lot going on up there. I stood up to my full height, putting the both of us at eye-contact.

"Tony was it? I think you should leave. Iris clearly doesn't wanna talk to you and I would normally say it's a pleasure but…there's nothing pleasing about meeting you."

He puffed up his chest, ready to attack me.

"I would be careful if I were you. Make sure you don't do something stupid with all these people watching you."

True enough some people were filming us.

"You think you're hot shit huh?"

He spat out.

"I know I am."

I quiped back only for Iris to come between us and push me behind her.

"Leave Tony. My father's a cop and if you pull any stupid stunt here you're gonna have to answer to him."

She fearlessly threatened the bigger male and I found myself a little bit impressed by her tenacity. Tony turned and started walking away. But not before throwing something else my way.

"Watch your back, punk."

I shook my head in amusement. He'd get what was coming to him soon. And sure enough just after exiting the karaoke bar, I sent a weak lightning bolt from the sky and fried his ass. Not enough to kill him but enough that it would hurt. 

The sudden blast of bright blue light right outside the bar, made a few people jump in fear. A while later there was shouting and Iris hurried out to see what was going on. I begrudgingly followed her to where a crowd of people were surrounding a smoking and groaning figure. 

"Oh my god. That's Tony."

Iris had the palm of her hand across her mouth in shock. As for me, I was struggling not to laugh as someone called the ambulance. I had an intense dislike for bullies and Tony could count himself lucky he wasn't dead. Killing him wouldn't accomplish anything as his power wasn't even that enticing for me. It was good for hunkering down and taking hits but I wanted to build myself up as a long range and agility specialized combatant. Why block when you can just dodge?

When the paramedics arrived, Iris and I left the scene but you could still see she was in shock.

"I mean, there wasn't any sign of a storm. The were no clouds or anything. Isn't it weird?"

I nodded.

"Yeah. It was. He's probably going to be fine. It must have hurt a lot though."

She looked at me and started laughing.

"Somehow I don't think you feel sorry for him."

I looked at her from the corner of my eyes and smirked. We were walking down the street and I had given her my jacket as she was feeling cold.

"It's hard to. I mean, he was a complete jerk to you tonight Iris. I'm not saying he deserved what happened but I'm not saying he didn't either. Karma's a bitch."

After that we changed the subject and chatted about other things. I made her laugh so much that one time she actually snorted. By the end of the night, I invited her over to my apartment for a cup of coffee.

Once we were through the door. All semblance of control was thrown to the wind as we started kissing. I pushed her to the wall as our tongues continued their battle for dominance. My hands went down to her butt as her legs wrapped themselves around my waist. She moaned when I started kissing her neck, spurring me even more.

"Wait…wait Jin."

I pulled away and looked at her eyes. We were both breathing heavily.

"I…ah. I don't normally do this on the first date."

I nodded and replied.

"It's ok. You're also stressed from before so I understand."

I smiled but inside my inner pervert was demanding satisfaction. Just as i was about to completely separate myself, she pulled me back and gave me soul-searing kiss.

"What…I thought…"

She smiled seductively at me.

"I changed my mind. I want you in me. Right now."

After that it was a blur. Let it be said, that black girls are wild in every universe. I had her toes curled when I channeled minute shockwaves through my dick as I plunged in and out of her hot and tight pussy. 

I had always had a dominant streak in me and nothing turned me on more than making a woman scream in pleasure. Iris' ass mersmerized me as it bounced of my pelvis sending waves of pleasure through my penis. I clutched both of the cheeks and spanked one.

"Oh God yes! Yes! Fuck me harder!"

She screamed as her face lay down on the sheets. I pulled her head up and started massaging her nipples with my fingers all the while channeling small shockwaves through the digits.

"What…what…are you…doing to me!"

She asked me but I responded by adding more speed to my hips. Iris tried to keep herself from moaning even louder but failed spectacularly. The neighbors probably wouldn't have a wink of sleep tonight.

Two rounds later, I had one woman passed out on my bed. I felt a bit bad by going all hardcore on her like that but to be frank my sexual frustration was to blame. Even after the awesome sex we had just had, my body still wanted more, it had been months after all and having a human peak physique was a boon as much as it was a nuisance. She ended up cuddling me and we both feel asleep.


(General p.o.v)

In a large derelict throne room, a figure was standing before the hall of the gods. The figure was dressed in a custom butler suit while observing the cracked and old thrones that once belonged to the greatest pantheon known to man. Another figure shimmered into being besides the man in the butler suit.

"After regaining some of your power and memories the first place you come to is this?"

The monitor inquired from the silent man.

"The Olympians were an arrogant bunch. They stripped me of my power and imprisoned me in the world between worlds, standing here at the Nexus of their power, seeing how broken and smashed everything is, makes me happy. It's the only form of revenge I can get for now."

The silent man answered in a slight British accent.

"You were once a part of their pantheon were you not? Why didn't the decay affect you, I wonder."

"A god's authority is mostly dependent on faith energy. However my domain on the other hand doesn't. I am the only god who wouldn't be damaged if the one above decided to do away with Olympus for good."

The monitor nodded in understanding.

"That said. For all your power the ancient rules must be followed. This layer does not allow your continued existence in the mortal realm. There are too many complications on top of the oncoming conflict with my opposite."

The butler gained a thoughtful look on his face.

"I agree. However, before I go. I need you to promise me that you won't meddle in his growth. Let him reach his full potential because something worse than your opposite is coming and you will all need his power."

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