Practical Teaching: Ying Ye Zhenshi’s Strength First Classroom`

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Ying Ye Zhenshi, Enrollment

In the beginning of the school season in April, it is a good day with refreshing and clear skies.

Today is also the opening day of Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Education High School.

Highly nurturing high schools are very special schools. Not only is the school closed for management, but it is also directly for three years, which means that three years cannot meet with family members. You can’t enter the school at will, and family members don’t even think about coming to the school to see people.

The reason why such a school still exists, and even many people pursue it, is because the school claims that the employment rate for further studies is 100%, and it also waives tuition and living expenses. This is what many people pursue.

And it was such a school that Ying Ye Zhenshi got a spot.

Leaving home and coming to the designated place, Ying Ye Zhenshi also saw how rich and powerful this school is.

The school is no longer on the mainland, but an artificial island connected to the mainland. There are two long bridges to go to and from the school, and there is a large area behind. I don’t know what it is. With the extravagance and corruption of this school.

Entering the artificial island of the Advanced Nurturing Academy, Ying Ye Zhenshi embarked on the way to school and boarded the bus leading to the academy. He still felt a little unreal.

This school seems a bit outrageous, and it still recruits students like him? Are you really not afraid of what he will do?

At the same time, my mother’s kind request before coming was recalled in my mind.

“Little real, don’t do any weird things anymore. Although I can understand that you have all kinds of heroic fantasies at your age, it’s too scary to deal with those bad hands. Think about it for mom, what will we do if something happens to you???”

“I don’t ask too much, as long as you finish the third grade honestly, even if you fall in love with me early, I can accept it. Please, please, please don’t do anything with others again.”

The important thing was said three times, and Ying Ye Zhenshi’s mother emphasized it many times before he went out. It may be that the incident some time ago scared them.

Some time ago, before he graduated, he experienced a period of social death. Although he didn’t care much about the so-called social death, it also caused a lot of turmoil in their middle school. detention center.

‘If you mess around at school again this time, then you probably won’t have any books to read. ‘

‘Such a thing is really embarrassing, and I don’t know what will happen to the students in the new school? Will the campus bully come to me? It’s a terrible feeling. If you don’t do it, it will be too difficult. My mother still likes to embarrass others too much. ‘

“Don’t you know that young people can’t control their temper? People can’t control themselves when they encounter some things, especially young people. If they are not young and vigorous, are they still young?”

“But mother’s request can’t be taken seriously. We can only reduce it first. As long as it is not too excessive or necessary, don’t do it. Even if you do it, you can’t be caught.”

‘From now on, try to be an ordinary and honest high school student, and look forward to the new school life. ‘

‘I hope there will be no more situations that the family is worried about. ‘

‘If you can, fall in love early? ‘

‘It seems that mother’s request has this in it? ‘

‘It seems that mother can’t wait to be a grandma? Seems more anxious than me? ‘

‘Uh~~ Is love something necessary for high school students? It feels so troublesome, women will only affect the speed of becoming stronger, right? ‘

Sitting on the bus, Ying Ye Zhenshi was thinking wildly.

For the future campus life, I have both expectations and some expectations, looking forward to the good, looking forward to bullying and being bullied.

contradictory. .

At this time, the bus stopped slowly and the door opened.

New passengers got on the bus, including men, women and children, not to mention students, but also many office workers.

And the most conspicuous one was an elderly lady who walked up staggeringly, as if she was about to fall at any time.

The other students behind him watched carefully, for fear that the old man would fall at any time and cause some commotion.

And the people in the seats of the car didn’t look at the old man, they didn’t want to cause any trouble, and they didn’t mean to give up their seats.

I saw this old man get in the car.

Ying Ye Zhenshi stood up without any hesitation.

“Please sit here.”

Before the old lady found a good place to stand, he had already stood up and spoke.

It may be that speaking suddenly is really easy to attract the attention of others, Ying Ye Zhenshi keenly felt several gazes.

The most conspicuous ones were a man and a woman with black hair, a man and a woman with gold hair, and several adults.

In addition to those gazes, there is a kind of ‘Who is this young man? ’ ‘You are so brave. ’ or something like that.

“Thank you classmate.”

“Thank you very much.”

“I’m getting old, my body can’t stand up a bit, I’m sorry to trouble you, little classmate.”

The old lady glanced at it unexpectedly, and thanked her with a slight smile.

Walking staggeringly, sat in the seat before Ying Ye Zhenshi.

“You are welcome.”

Ying Ye Zhenshi said politely with a deadpan face.

After giving way, leave the place.

Stand a little farther away.

It was just a trivial matter just now.

“Student, classmate, are you a freshman too?”

When Ying Ye Zhenshi was looking for a place to stop, a fierce and cute girl with short Gold hair approached and spoke with a sweet smile.

That figure was a few scales larger than the students of the same grade, with a terrible sense of oppression.

“I’m Kushida Kikyo, this year’s freshman, please give me your advice.”

As she got closer, Ying Ye Zhenshi could clearly feel that the line of sight had increased.

Being approached by cute girls is probably one of the many fantasies of many high school students.

In particular, this blond girl with a little angel-like appearance and a devil-like figure is the dream of many high school teenagers.

The jealous eyes came one after another, even Ying Ye Zhenshi was surprised.

I didn’t expect to be greeted unexpectedly.

“Ah, Kushida-san, please give me your advice.”

“I’m Ying Ye Zhenshi, a freshman.”

‘Is this what love is? ‘

This idea popped up suddenly, but was quickly suppressed.

Ying Ye Zhenshi introduced herself honestly.

On the other hand, Kushida-san continued to search for topics and greeted kindly.

The lovely sexy angel’s words made Ying Ye Zhenshi reply word by word.

It’s like a real love school.

Unfortunately, this bus romance didn’t last long.

It ends when the bus arrives at the school.

The exchanges between the two sides are not particularly large.

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