Practical Teaching: Ying Ye Zhenshi’s Strength First Classroom`

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 School Rules, One Hundred Thousand, Opponent? Companion?

“First of all, congratulations to all the students who have entered into a higher education institution. Unlike other schools, this school does not exchange classes every academic year. Therefore, for the next three years, I will grow and study with you as the head teacher.”

“In addition, the entrance ceremony will be held in the gymnasium in one hour. You must remember to go. Before that, I will send you information about the special rules of this school. Sent it to you guys, but it’s important stuff in case someone didn’t read it before.”

On the podium, Mr. Chabashira was talking while handing down the materials.

These materials have been given to students before enrollment.

Ying Ye Zhenshi also took a look, it was all the things she had seen before.

Why can’t I leave school for three years? At the same time, during the school period, unless there are special circumstances, all external contact is prohibited.

Even if the object is a family member, no contact is allowed without the permission of the school.

Of course, leaving school grounds without permission is also strictly prohibited.

But on the other hand, in order to prevent the students from living too hard, there are many facilities in the school.

Such as KarlaOK, movie theaters, coffee shops, clothing stores, etc., can be said to form a small business district. The school located in the middle of the metropolis is said to have an expansive site of more than 600,000 square meters.

As for consumption, there will naturally be bargaining chips.

Another special feature of the school is the S system, all students will receive points distributed by the school.

“Now I distribute student ID cards to everyone. With the student ID cards issued now, you can use all the facilities in the school, and you can also buy goods in stores and other places. It is a thing like a credit card, and it will be consumed every time the school distributes it to you. points.”

“Since it will consume points, you need to be careful when using it. In this school, there is nothing that cannot be bought with points. As long as it is something in the school, you can buy it no matter what.”

Ying Ye Zhenshi also got this student ID card, enter her student number to the mobile phone distributed by the school, and then set a password to use it.

“As for the method of use, it is enough to sense or show the machine in the facility. The method of use is very simple, so it should not be difficult to operate.”

“As for the points distributed by the school, the points will be automatically remitted on the first day of each month. Now everyone should have been distributed 100,000 points fairly.”

“In addition, it is the value of the points. Each point is worth one yuan. There should be no need for further explanation at this point.”

As Mr. Chabashira continued to announce the inside story of the school.

The classroom began to be noisy, this point is really shocking.

In other words, they had just received an allowance of 100,000 won from the school when they entered school.

That’s a pretty hefty amount of money given to high school students.

Even Ying Ye Zhenshi feels a little unreal.

‘One hundred thousand, is this really pocket money that students can master? ‘

‘Isn’t the school going to close down like this? ‘

‘A fair distribution of 100,000 points, is there really fairness in this world? ‘

‘What is this school doing? ‘

In an instant, Ying Ye Zhenshi had some conjectures, conjectures of conspiracy theories.

What Teacher Chabashira said next proved his conjecture even more.

“What? Are you surprised that the school distributes so many points? This school uses strength as the standard to measure students. Those of you who are able to enroll also have corresponding values ​​and possibilities. For this, points represent the school’s respect for you. evaluation of.”

“You’re welcome, just use it, but the school will take back these points after you graduate. Since the points cannot be turned into cash, it will not be beneficial even if you keep them. After the points are remitted, you are free to use them however you want. Use it according to your own preferences, and if someone thinks there is no need to use the points, they can also transfer them to others.”

“But please don’t act intimidating, the school is very sensitive about bullying.”

In the classroom full of confusion, Mr. Chabashira looked around at the students.

‘Using strength as the standard to measure students, points represent evaluation? That is to say, as long as you feel that the student’s strength is not worthy of the 100,000 points, then you will not be issued? It should be like this, right? ‘

‘But why not make it clearer? What is the purpose of this teacher’s words? Is this completely cheating your classmates? Or is there any special situation? ‘

‘It’s not the behavior of a good teacher to fool a group of young people who have no experience in the world to spend recklessly. Is this a special exam? ‘

‘It also specifically reminded that violence or intimidation should not be used? Do you know me? Special warning? Or is it the school rule? Then why are you still recruiting me? ‘

‘Is there any secret? That ambiguous look, is it saying that as long as it is not discovered, it is allowed? ‘

‘School points can buy everything, so if bullying is discovered, can the points be used to cancel the punishment? ‘

According to Teacher Chazhu, Ying Ye Zhenshi further proved her idea.

But it is not clear whether this is the teacher’s personal behavior or the school’s behavior.

At the same time, I already have a lot of questions in my mind, and I can write a book with 100,000 whys.

Chabashira-sensei on the podium didn’t care about the students’ situation at all.

In this chaotic situation, the students have not recovered yet.

Scanning the students at the scene, he continued to announce.

“No one seems to want to ask questions, so I wish you a wonderful campus life.”

“For the opening ceremony when I was a child, remember to go to the gymnasium. After the opening ceremony, you will be fine today. You can do whatever you want.”

After leaving the words, Mr. Chabashira left on his own, a bit irresponsible

Leave the students who are still a little confused.

‘It seems that everyone has not recovered from the huge number of 100,000 points. They are already fantasizing about a better life in the future, and they don’t even pay attention to what Teacher Chabashira is saying. ‘

‘Or are they already sensing something is wrong, so they are hiding something? Also waiting for someone else to ask? ‘

Watching Teacher Chazhu leave, Ying Ye Zhenshi observed the situation of the students in the classroom and gave up the idea of ​​asking.

Regarding the situation of this school, let’s make sure secretly. These students still don’t know what roles they play.

‘A companion? Or a competitor? ‘

Ying Ye Zhenshi stared blankly at her mobile phone, which already had 100,000 points, and her eyes were a little empty.

Attention is already in the conversations of the classmates.

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