Praise the Orc

Chapter 154: Upheaval (3)

Chapter 154: Upheaval (3)

“Should I try the game again?” muttered Yi-Yoo.

Her friends shook their heads.

“It’s too late to start over. It’s like playing the stock market. There’s a saying that if you consider doing something, it may already be a widely adopted practice by the time you decide to act on it. shouldn’t do it.”

“I guess...”

“You should work on your certifications and prepare for job applications. You will be graduating soon.”

“Ugh. I’m already dreading it...”

Yi-Yoo was chatting with her friends at a café in front of their school. They were trying to seek relief from the heat while indulging in shaved ice in the air-conditioned café.

“How is your oppa doing? He seemed to be caught up in something urgent last time?” asked Bo-Ra.

“He said it was nothing. He asked me to apologize to you.”

“He shouldn’t be sorry. I went to such a nice restaurant thanks to him. I had no idea you were rich. It’s like you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.”

“Hey, it was my first time too,” protested Yi-Yoo.

Ban Tae-Hoon, who was hanging out with them, was dozing off in the corner. Apparently the guys got together yesterday and drank all night.

Yoon Bo-Ra clicked her tongue disapprovingly at him. “How pathetic.”

“...I can hear you,” muttered Ban Tae-Hoon.

“Us noonas live diligent lives while you get drunk all night [1].”

“I have a long way to go until my graduation.”

“If I were to go back in time and be your age, I wouldn’t live my life the way you do.”

“You sound exactly like my mom. It’s creepy,” said Ban Hae-Hoon as he struggled to get up.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his movements were sluggish.

But he didn’t carry the telltale scent of alcohol associated with hangovers. He made sure to freshen up before meeting up with them.

“What is Crockta up to these days?” he asked.

“How would I know?” replied Bo-Ra.

“Because you are a member of Praise the Orc.”

“I haven’t checked for a while because I’ve been so busy...should I take a look?”

Yi-Yoo took a spoonful of her shaved ice and then pushed the bowl toward Ban Tae-Hoon.

“Have some,” she urged.

“No thanks...I can’t stomach anything right now...”

“Tsk tsk. Drinking all night...”

“You too?”

They laughed and teased each other because they hadn’t enjoyed such a leisurely day in a while.

Yoo Bo-Ra fiddled with her phone and then used the ring holder at the back to prop up the screen.

Yi-Yoo and Ban Tae-Hoon shifted their attention to the screen.

“What’s this?”

“It came up in my recommendations.”

It was a live-streaming channel. Bo-Ra pressed the start button, and the video began playing.

In Elder Lord, players broadcasting scenes from different regions were not uncommon. Moreover, significant battles or events were often streamed in real-time. However, this one included Crockta.

On the screen, Crockta was engaged in combat with some knights. News had spread recently about an emperor appearing in the southern part of the continent, leading to war in the vicinity.

At the forefront of this conflict was the renowned Heaven and Earth Clan. While the video didn't show the Heaven and Earth Clan, it seemed to be an extension of their battle.

It was a fierce fight. Crockta single-handedly faced dozens of knights, wielding a greatsword. Although he was defeating the knights, he couldn't save all the residents, and casualties were on the rise.

–Killing innocent people, isn't that shameful?

–Shut up! It's the emperor's command!"

Crockta and the knights fiercely clashed, with both sides ferociously brandishing their swords.

Unlike players who didn’t perceive Elder Lord as an actual world, the NPCs viciously swung their swords with all of their might. The sight was truly terrifying.

"Is this happening in real-time?"


In a corner of the screen, the chat messages from viewers continued to update. Supporters of Crockta and those wishing for his demise were entangled in a heated argument.

"Do you think Crockta will lose?"

"He's a monster. He won't die. The real issue is with the others."

Ban Tae-Hoon remarked, and he was right.

Even though Crockta was stronger than the knights, he couldn't protect the entire area alone. The knights continued to capture or kill residents. Crockta's efforts to save them were thwarted as he became surrounded.

–Do you guys not have a code of chivalry?!

–The emperor’s command is our code of chivalry.

The knights paid no heed.

Crockta's sincere desire to save the people was conveyed through the screen.

Undeterred, he broke through the army surrounding him despite getting injured. However, other knights quickly caught up, forming an even thicker barrier around him. Enraged, Crockta shouted battle cries and clashed swords with them.

"It's fascinating. These people are genuinely fighting."

"Because they're artificial intelligence, that's why."

The player broadcasting this suddenly hid. The screen darkened as the knights noticed him and started chasing after him.

They could hear the player panting.

–For the past few days, Crockta has been appearing all over the south, helping residents. He clashed with the Heaven and Earth Clan once. Instead of expending resources to capture Crockta, the imperial side has been dispatching knights all over the south and dragging residents to the empire.

The broadcaster whispered to the viewers:

–The knights are nearby. What should I do?

His voice took on a sly undertone.

–The broadcast ends here. Now, if you all send donations, I'll do as instructed. Gentlemen! Ladies! If you send donations, I will do as you please! Please participate!”

This broadcaster belonged to the category of streamers who not only reported events but also received donations from viewers to determine their actions. As he made the announcement, the chat window suddenly became noisy, and a number popped up on the screen.

One of the viewers watching his broadcast had sent money.

–His command was simple: “Go in front of the knights, shout I’m a baldie five times, and then start a fistfight.”

Laughing emojis filled the chat window. Although the streamer was a bit reluctant at first, he was determined to keep his prize. He had no choice but to follow the instructions.

Eventually, the screen started displaying the live-stream again. He turned on the broadcast, and the perspective switched to a third-person view showing himself.

Following the donor's instructions, he navigated through the bushes and ran toward the knights. The knights raised their swords and glared at him.

The streamer shouted, “I'm a baldie! I’m a baldie! I’m a...!”

However, before he could continue, a knight swiftly slashed his throat. The video abruptly cut off. The chat window turned into a sea of laughter.

"Is this supposed to be funny?"

"I find it amusing. Haha."

Yi-Yoo couldn’t help but snicker at its absurdity. Ban Tae-Hoon chuckled.

"It’s his way of earning a living.”

Yoon Bo-Ra turned off the video and picked up her phone. She started eating the shaved ice again, which had already melted and became a puddle of liquid.

"Anyway, Crockta is really busy these days.”

"It looks dangerous, though."

"Come on, he's a named NPC. He won't die so easily. The knights will be the ones dying."

Crockta was now recognized as one of the top warriors in Elder Lord. Steamers were aware that if he faced danger, they needed to go after him. He was a crucial subject for broadcasting.

"There are videos of Crockta broadcast by the Heaven and Earth Clan. So, even without playing the game, we know everything. No need to log in.

“What about the Heaven and Earth Clan?”

“They just set everything on fire.”

The Heaven and Earth Clan was not idle either. They created a military force called Army of the Cursed, which executed imperial commands whenever necessary. They had an advantage as an army that didn’t die even if killed, and Rommel’s abilities as a commander were exemplary. The emperor held Rommel’s tactical skills in high regard and even entrusted him with his military forces.

It was an astonishing achievement for players to have an army composed of NPCs, and they were using it to carry out the emperor’s commands. They were about to receive a crazy amount of achievement scores and rewards.

The Heaven and Earth Clan was steadily taking over.

"What's Jeong-Tae doing?"

"He's been busy lately. I'll call him."

Regardless of what was happening in Elder Lord, they were having a relaxing afternoon.


Crockta was so busy he didn’t have time to take breaks.

It all started with assisting the residents departing from the South.

With his skill, Ashen Eyes of God, he could see people's deaths. The southern region, as seen through his eyes, was a land entirely engulfed in death.

Each time he rescued a group of residents, another village would be in danger, and then another village would face impending doom in a day or two.

Some of the travelers and merchants passing by also awaited the fates of death.

He wanted to shut his eyes away from their fates. Yet, once he saw the numbers above their heads, he couldn’t help but fight.

"Thank you!"

"Go somewhere safe.”

Crockta had once again saved a village of slash-and-burn farmers and was receiving their thanks. Since it was a small village, Crockta could handle it alone.

"Yes! We'll stay hidden like we’re dead for a while. Thank you, Crockta!"

If these villagers had merely obeyed the emperor, Crockta might have overlooked them. However, outsiders knew better than to follow the emperor.

They knew that they would be treated as disposable soldiers in the war. The residents of Elder Lord harbored deep-seated resentment against the emperor.

And their judgment was right. Rumors had spread that those dragged to the empire were conscripted as soldiers and dying from the harsh training.

"Well, then, I'll get going..."

As Crockta turned around, he flinched. With his Eyes of the Ashen God still activated, he could see the fates of the residents. Their deaths were imminent.

He rescued the villagers who were fated to die tomorrow. However, the deaths that Crockta defeated would find them again a week later.

Whether they’d die at the hands of the emperor’s knights or for some other reason, Crockta did not know. In the end, he had merely granted them a few more days of respite.

"Be careful," was all Crockta could say. He couldn't stay with them continuously.

He reluctantly pulled away from the villagers who continued to express gratitude. His heart felt heavy.

The ability given by the Ashen God was ironically driving him into a corner. Wherever he turned, death awaited him. The emperor was turning the southern region into a land of death.

Once committed to fighting, all he could do was struggle with all his might whatever the outcome may be.

"Was it this way?”

Those in the southern region who had decided not to follow the emperor were forming an alliance. They were meager compared to the emperor, but they were determined to fight. The alliance was seeking help from other races.

Tiyo and Anor had joined the core of the alliance in Espada, while Crockta operated alone to move quickly.

Crockta had seen the sign of death from a young man from the village he had previously rescued. Given the urgency of the situation, he had no choice but to set that matter aside.

"Shall we go?"

Crockta spurred the horse and dashed. The horse started galloping. Sensing Crockta's anxious demeanor, the horse accelerated to its maximum speed. The horse understood Crockta well as longtime travel companions.

Soon, they encountered a group of players.

Crockta halted his horse. Were they members of the Heaven and Earth Clan? His body tensed up, and he brought his hand to the hilt of his greatsword. The number was manageable for him.

However, their reaction was unexpected.

"Oh, it's Crockta!"

"He's really here!"

"Awesome, awesome!"

Crockta was quick-witted. He had a keen insight and was able to gauge situations in an instant. Thanks to this, he enjoyed fame as the top agent during his military days.

They were undoubtedly members of his fan club, Praise the Orc.

"What should we do?"

"Should we ask for an autograph?"

"He's an NPC; he wouldn't know about that!"

Crockta dismounted his horse and approached them, much to their surprise.

The legendary character, Crockta, was looking at them with a profound look in his eyes.

"Who are you?"

It was the rumbling voice they had always heard in videos.

Their mouths refused to budge. Although they had always seen him in videos, they were speechless in the face of his huge physique, sinister face, and frightening aura.

One of them managed to answer, "F-fans! We really respect you! We came here because we wanted to meet you!”

"Respect, huh..." Crockta shook his head. “I don’t believe in the word respect.”

“It’s true...”

“If you guys really respect me.”

Crockta pointed behind them.

“Then let’s go together.”

1. Noona means older sister ?

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