Praise the Orc

Chapter 156: Mountain Smasher (2)

Chapter 156: Mountain Smasher (2)

There were many stories about how Kumarak, the Mountain Smasher, became one of the great legendary orcs. However, the most famous one was about him destroying an entire mountain to hunt down a greatworm and turning it into a plain.

Greatworms were monsters that freely roamed underground and then jumped out when they sensed movement and swiftly disappeared after swallowing their prey.

People often looked down on them because of their worm-like appearance, but scholars treated them as only second to dragons because of how powerful they were.

And in the west of the continent, there was a greatworm so ancient and notorious that it was even recorded in history books.

On his journey to explore the West, Kumarak was enraged when the infamous greatworm swallowed his friend and fled.

He then discovered its lair on a small mountain nearby. As if trying to get rid of the mountain, Kumarak relentlessly dug into it, eventually revealing the greatworm.

The two engaged in a bloody battle, but the greatworm, overwhelmed by Kumarak’s immense power and tenacity, fled.

Kumarak chased after it and crushed another mountain, and their feud continued.

Calling the greatworm’s lair a mountain was an exaggeration. However, Kumarak, after digging for over a year, eventually succeeded in destroying the greatworm’s lair, which was larger than most hills, and killed the greatworm.

He split open the greatworm’s belly to retrieve the remains of his friend and gave them a proper burial.

That’s the story of how Kumarak killed a centuries-old greatworm that had even been documented in historical records and transformed its lair, the Mountain of Death, into a plain.

Afterward, Kumarak gained a reputation as a legend not to be trifled with.

And Kumarak had appeared in this place.

He was indeed a formidable sight. He was much bigger than Crockta who was making a name for himself. His size evoked suspicions about whether he was truly an orc or not.

Kumarak glared at the knight and said, “Grrr, leave!”


“I gave you a warning. I will count to ten. One, two...!”

Kumarak raised the axe he had on his back.

His axe was much larger than a regular axe with an exceptionally long handle. They could sense how ridiculously strong Kumarak was from the way he swung such a weapon with just one hand.

In the end, all the knights retreated before Kumarak finished counting to five.

Camelot bowed. “Thaank yuu.”

He couldn’t pronounce the words properly because the knights had battered his mouth.

His wife approached him in tears and examined his wounds. His daughter also ran up to them.

Kumarak felt awkward watching such a heart-to-heart moment.

The tiger approached Kumarak.

Because they were both so large, they looked just like an ordinary orc and tiger standing side by side.

“Tiger! I was wondering why you suddenly ran ahead, but you did a good thing.”


“What are you saying? I can’t understand you.”


“Guess the same goes for you, grr!”

Kumarak tapped on the sack hanging by the tiger’s neck.

“Anyways, where is he?”


“Is he not here?”

The tiger shrugged. Kumarak couldn’t help but laugh at the human-like gesture and gently patted the tiger’s back.

“First, let’s deal with those hoodlums. Let’s go, tiger!”


He turned around. He could still feel the knights’ presence around the village and hear the screams of people in the distance. It was such a bizarre sight to Kumarak.

Knights, who were supposed to protect people, were attacking them. Moreover, instead of fighting other knights, they were attacking innocent civilians.

He had seen many humans fight among themselves. Orcs occasionally had internal conflicts as well. But he had never seen such one-sided harassment, where the strong targeted the weak.

“Let’s go, tiger!”

Kumarak immediately charged forward. As he grew farther away from Camelot and entered the village, he saw humans who had given up resistance being dragged away like slaves. They were bound together in a line with ropes.


Kumarak’s eyes blazed with anger at that depraved sight.

He raised his axe in the air.


A thunderous roar shook the village. The knights cupped their ears and looked around, searching for the source of the noise. Soon, they discovered a huge orc staring at them with a menacing glint in his eyes. He was holding an axe as large as an adult’s body.

“What are you guys doing, grr!”


“I asked, what are you guys doing?!”

In the face of Kumarak’s piercing glare, the knights couldn’t bring themselves to meet his eyes and took a step back.

The knights, paralyzed, dared not move and just warily glanced at each other. Even the villagers being dragged away trembled at Kumarak’s powerful presence.

The leader of the knights bravely stepped forward. “Who are you? We are carrying out the Emperor’s orders.”

Based on his judgment, this orc didn’t seem to be Crockta. Crockta was an orc who wielded a greatsword and wore a red bandana. The orc in front of him was carrying an axe and didn’t wear a bandana. On top of that, he was larger than what he had heard from the rumors.

Kumarak tilted his head. “The Emperor?”

“Yes,” replied the knight confidently. He was no longer timid.

This was the south, once part of the kingdom and now the empire’s territory. Although there were oddballs like Crockta, most people took a step back when they heard the emperor’s name.

Most species didn’t unite like the empire. Unlike other loosely connected species, the empire was systematically forming and training its army.

The empire was the dominant force in the continent, with the emperor at the apex of all authority. The knights were part of an order carrying out the emperor’s commands.

The knight proudly raised his chin and said, “It’s our business. Please refrain from interfering. I repeat, it’s the emperor’s command.”

“The Emperor?” asked Kumarak.

“Yes! The Emperor!” replied the knight with emphasis.

Kumarak lowered his axe.

The knight grinned.

‘This orc at least has common sense. Regardless of his strength, he doesn’t stand a chance against the empire. Maybe he could become an ally since the Emperor is gathering talents for his future plans. Orcs are hideous, but they make excellent soldiers. Maybe I can persuade him and take him to the Emperor...’

Before his musings ended, Kumarak stomped his foot.

The ground trembled.

“I am...!”

Kumarak strode forward, casting a giant shadow over the knight. Kumarak’s eyes were burning with intensity.


Kumarak reached out, seizing the knight's throat. The knight flailed as he tried to grab Kumarak’s wrist. Kumarak overpowered him completely.

Other knights drew their swords, aiming at Kumarak, but he paid no heed and continued speaking.

"Say it again. Whose command is it?”

"Em, emperor...ugh...Emperor..."

"I am Kumarak!"

Kumarak hurled the knight into the group of knights standing nearby. The knight crumbled to the ground.

"I have no emperor. Grr!”

Kumarak walked toward the knights. His menacing aura crushed their spirits.


With the sound of steel colliding, a knight soared into the sky. Kumarak had struck the knight with the side of his axe.


With each swing of his arm, knights fell one by one. The massive axe cleaved through them at an invisible speed.

The knights retreated in fear as Kumarak advanced toward them.

"To you, he may be an emperor, but..."

Kumarak approached a knight and pushed his face into his. The knight, stricken with fear, froze up and trembled in fear instead of retreating.

“He’s just a human to me, knight,” said Kumarak as he kicked the knight to the ground.

None of the knights dared to fight back.

Kumarak scanned the bodies of those sprawled across the ground.

“If you don’t disappear right at this moment, I will kill all of you. Grr.”

The knights didn’t hesitate and scrambled to grab their weapons and flee. They knew that if they stayed a minute longer, they would die in Kumarak’s hands.

They quickly mounted their horses, and the hoofbeats gradually faded away.

Kumarak and the tiger untied the ropes around the villagers and released them. They thanked him.

Although Kumarak had an intimidating appearance, he awkwardly coughed in response to the villagers bowing and thanking him.

“Grr! I was just passing by! There’s no need to thank me!”

“Thank you so much!”

“Hail Kumarak!”


As they were rejoicing over Kumarak defeating the knights, another group was coming their way.


The villagers grew quiet as the tension in the air thickened.

Dust rose in the distance.

Did the knights from earlier return with reinforcements?

Kumarak got into position. If they had returned after he scared them, they could have returned with a formidable opponent.

But what appeared on a horse was a gnome.

“Tiyo is here! Where are the knights?!”

With Tiyo in the lead, a line of humans were charging toward the village on horseback. They were a rebel group formed in the Espada region. After splitting from Crockta, Tiyo and Anor joined a rebel group to fight against the empire.

Tiyo, with his military experience and ability to wield a lethal weapon like the General, quickly ascended to the position of commander among the members of the resistance who hailed from civilian backgrounds.


Tiyo, shocked to see an orc and a tiger instead of knights, gasped, “What? I’ve never seen a creature as ugly as Crockta!”

Kumarak was enraged. “Are you talking about me? Grr...!”

“Ohh, so you know!”

“You tiny gnome! Grr!”

“You ugly orc!”

The two growled at each other as soon as they met.

“Why do you keep going grr...? Are you trying to imitate tigers?” Tiyo shouted.

“Ah, this is...”

“You sound like a beast! Stop it!”

Kumarak scratched his head awkwardly. He was unexpectedly timid at times.

“It’s because I have sinusitis...! I’m not doing it on purpose...! Grr...!”

“Ah, is that so...tsk tsk. You should take better care of your health. Make sure to eat your veggies and fruits. Did you eat today?”

“Not yet...”

“Good. Hey, villagers! Give us some food! Even though this orc is the one who fought! Haha!”

Tiyo had already grasped the situation.

The residents, released from the ropes, were now at ease. That orc was as sinister-looking as Crockta and even had an enormous tiger with him. If that orc lived up to his looks, then he would surely continue defeating the knights and rescue the villagers.

“Understood. We will get down to it,” replied the villagers.

The villagers quickly managed the situation and prepared a meal for Kumarak and the rebels who saved them.

As they prepared the meal, the tiger went out for a hunt and brought back two bison. Thanks to it, the feast grew abundant.

“Whew, let’s take a break.”

“We can finally sit down now. Whew, I’m beat.”

The rebels sat down and took a break. They had rushed over here after rescuing another village.

“Hey, orc!”

“My name is Kumarak! Grr!”

“Yeah, Kumarak.”

Tiyo approached him and patted the tiger lying down next to him. The tiger sat still.

“Do you know Crockta?”

“Do I know Crockta? I came here to meet him! Grr!”

“Ahem! I’ve journeyed to the north and came back with Crockta! We fought against the crazy chieftain together!”

“Where is he?!”

“He’s running another errand. Why are you looking for Crockta?”

“Not me, him!”

The tiger was dozing off to Tiyo’s gentle caress but jolted awake when Kumarak pointed at him.


The tiger looked around in surprise. It seemed out of it.

“The tiger seems a bit dumb.”

“...yeah, grr...”

The tiger, sensing that nothing was amiss, went back to sleep.

Tiyo climbed on top of the tiger and rolled across his plush fur. Then, he bumped against the sack on the tiger’s neck.

“Ouch! What’s this?”

“I have to give this to Crockta. Where’s Crockta?”

“Crockta is...”


Crockta was in high spirits as he swung his greatsword toward the knights and sliced their bodies apart.


“Yare body is made up of infinite blades...hehe...”

The Praise the Orc members joined him. There was a pretty cool guy among them.

“Try to block my full force powers...haha. Have a taste of true despair!”


Every single line from that member carried the power to ignite the hearts of people.

Crockta, in response, said to his enemies, “My sword is a punishment from the God of Death...I will make you pay for your sins with a death of a deeper crimson than the sunset, you mortals...!”


The knights flinched, and Crockta puffed his chest. He met eyes with Gilgamesh. The two gave each other a thumbs up.


The members of Praise the Orc shuddered as they watched them.

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