Praise the Orc

Chapter 171: Siege War (2)

Chapter 171: Siege War (2)

“Hey, Rodriguez, my man.”

“Oh, hey, Bob. Wassup, man? It’s been a while. What brings you here?”

Rodriguez welcomed Bob as the two hadn’t seen each other for a while. He opened the steel cage that protected the counter and came outside.

The two shook hands and gave each other a shoulder bump.

“There’s something I need urgently. Can you get it for me?”

“Of course. The customer is king, bro. Even better if the customer happens to be your friend.”

“In Reynolds...”


Rodriguez raised his eyebrows. He ran a pawn shop and a currency exchange business, but the things he handled were special.

Players who gained power or items in Elder Lord often used intermediaries like Rodriguez to convert their assets into real-world value or acquire necessary items.

He was well-informed about the trends and prices in Elder Lord, particularly in the southern gateway city, Reynolds, which had gained prominence lately.

Rodriguez pointed at the food and said, "Hey, champ. Let me take a guess."


"Are you looking for a scroll by any chance?"

"Whoa, shit, bro. How did you know? Mind-reading? Telepathy? CIA?”

Bob’s shoulders trembled in shock. Rodriguez laughed and reassuringly wrapped his arm around Bob’s shoulder.

"The answer is CIA."

"What? Really? Is this some secret base? Are you a secret agent? Have you been tracking me?"

"Nope, not CIA in that sense. It's Cash Indicates Answer. You can see the truth when people spend money. It reveals itself when you hit them where it hurts. Have you ever thought about how the pronunciation of answer is similar to asshole [1]?

"Of course. I think about it every time I go to the club."

"Women probably meant the former."

"Are you sure? They look annoyed.”

"Don't fall for their tricks. They are just playing hard to get.”

Rodriguez opened his phone. He communicated with store branches of other regions and shared price and transaction information. After a few taps, he showed a recent surge in transactions for a specific item.

"Look, it's not just you. Everyone is looking for scrolls."

"Wow... My God."

"See the price? It's no joke. The stock is running low, and people are hoarding them. So, spill the beans. Why is everyone suddenly looking for these scrolls? Is fast paced music popular these days?"


Bob closed his eyes. Rodriguez urged him on.

"Hey, bro. Tell me, and I'll hook you up with all the scrolls in Reynolds at the lowest price. It's like releasing a legend like Cristiano Ronaldo as a free agent during his prime, you know. Okay?"

"Got it. Got it."

Bob whispered something to Rodriguez. Rodriguez caressed his chin and stared at Bob with a serious look on his face. Then, with an approving nod, he gave a slap on Bob’s back.

"Hey, my man. Just find Jackie at Reynolds Square. I will give her a heads-up. Are you going there yourself?"

"My friends will go."

"Okay. The password is the usual one. If there's a problem, contact me."

Bob nodded. As if in a hurry, he extended his hand to Rodriguez without further words.

Rodriguez grabbed his hand, and the two men bumped shoulders again.

"Thanks, Rodriguez."

"It's nothing, Bob. I'll cheer for you."

"See you again."

Bob waved his hand and left the shop. Rodriguez returned behind the counter, closing the bars.

Living off Elder Lord, Rodriguez didn't have much interest in the gameplay; Elder Lord was his business. However, watching Bob made him suddenly want to dive back into Elder Lord.

He turned on the television.

The topic that had been making headlines lately was being discussed. It involved a clash between the eastern clan called Heaven and Earth and an NPC in the game.

The confrontation between NPCs and players was intriguing, but what was even more interesting was the fact that people were defending NPCs and blaming the players.

"Ogochai... business in the south won't be good for a while."

Ogochai had turned into ruins. The orc at the center of the controversy resisted until the end with the help of his comrades before finally escaping the place.

The next battlefield would be Cathalu. As a merchant, he calculated the clashes between the two factions and their outcomes.

No matter how much he thought about it, it seemed that the imperial army would emerge victorious. Based on relevant communities and industry insiders, everyone seemed to be betting on the imperial army's victory. There were already those lining up on that side.


Bob's face came to his mind. His friend wasn't usually this passionate. Moreover, the Heist Scroll has been selling like crazy recently. It wasn't just Bob. Something was happening.

"Should I go on an adventure?"

As Rodriguez contemplated this, the television screen suddenly changed.

The screen was delivering breaking news. Rodriguez doubted his eyes. It was news that the NPC known as Crockta had appeared alone in front of the imperial army.


The UnderGames channel chat room was in utter chaos. When the broadcast resumed with urgent news, people expected the continuation of the Cathalu occupation battle and the ongoing fight between the Heaven and Earth army and Crockta.

However, what came up on the screen was completely different from what they had imagined.

The imposing scale of the imperial army, led by Rommel, was as expected. He was radiating a commander’s dignity under the imperial flag.

But the opponent was different.

The imperial army wasn’t facing an army or a large group of enemies. Their opponent didn’t have a fortress built by the resistance group or a desperate defense prepared for death.

It was just one orc.

A steel helmet cast a shadow over his face, making it impossible to see his features.

But the terrifying war tattoos covering his body, the demonic steel belt, and the giant greatsword hanging on his shoulder were unmistakable.

It was Crockta.

At first, people doubted it.

Why did he come alone? Did he come for negotiation? Or had Crockta finally come to beg for mercy? Was he ultimately surrendering to the overwhelming disadvantage?

But he came to fight.

As he recited the warrior's commandments, raised his greatsword, and beckoned the army to come toward him, everyone watching the screen realized the truth– that he was indeed, a real man.

He was a true warrior who risked his life to uphold his beliefs. He couldn't be stopped by intimidation or threats. He didn’t even fear death. He stood before the imperial army with a single greatsword, sending a message clearer than anything else.

Those who supported the Heaven and Earth clan and those who doubted Crockta could no longer mock him. It was happening right in front of their eyes.

[Dwarf Gunman: I’m gonna bul’tar starting today. Bul’tar!

Humans Are the Best: Crazy...this guy is really crazy. I admit it. Today is bul’tar.

Sadder than Yesterday: Brother :’( Brother, win! Bul’tar! Crockta hyung-nim bul’tar!

Today’s Lunch: Ha... 30 years of life...didn't shed a tear even when slapped by the commander in the army... but today, tears flow...bul’tar...

Cheong-song Lim Chang-Jung: What a real... man! When I was young, I fought 17 to 1 like that...! Bul’tar!

Lantert: Destroy the Empire, Crockta! Bul’tar!

Fire Eagle: :’( Is Crockta going to die?? What are the others doing? Why aren’t they coming?

Hiphop Eagle: Ha... I'm ashamed of my past actions... that's real swag...I bul’tar, you get destroyed.

Rockstar Bank Account: Restrain yourself tsk

Oslam Returns: My heart is burning. Real men are orcs. Fuck off losers.

Youngest Child: Crockta... you're not a servant... you're the master of your life!

Your Neighborhood Ronaldo: If I score tomorrow, I'll dedicate the ceremony to Crockta hyung-nim. Hoo!]

The battle had begun. Crockta displayed unbelievable strength that was hard to believe it stemmed from an individual.

He single-handedly charged into the soldiers, mowing them down.

Corpses and fountains of blood filled the screen. Each time he moved, he killed multiple people simultaneously. It was combat power worthy of the title Conqueror of the North.

He ground his enemies like a blender. The screen was filled with blurred images due to the violent scenes.

Rommel's bewildered expression was visible. It was their first time seeing him surprised, as he always commanded battles with composure. He raised his hand, and arrows flew.

Crockta survived, but the soldiers surrounding him were pierced by the arrows and fell dead.

Criticism surged at the scene of allies being killed.

[Rommel Sucks: What is he doing? He's killing allies tsk tsk. Pathetic. So pathetic.

Positive King Kim Positive: It’s because he has never faced an opponent like Crockta before. Lolol look how surprised he looks. His eyes are huge.

Analyst: That’s unlike Rommel. He seems very surprised. He'll snap out of it soon. In the end, the numerical difference is too great.

Toothpaste Flavor Mint: LOL Poor soldiers kekeke I bet Crockta is having a laugh. free.c om

Pure Summoner: Crockta is clever. He keeps diving into the army.

Barbarian Yorick: I feel like I’m looking at myself when I watch Crockta. Haha.

Butcher Walker: Still, there are too many enemies. Even Crockta must be struggling... Let’s go, bul’tar!

Stepped on Snake: I don't know how the battle will turn out.]

The battle continued. Rommel made more mistakes. He attempted a cavalry charge to trample Crockta, but once again, the soldiers got entangled, resulting in casualties.

Rommel's indifference to his soldiers’ safety contrasted with Crockta's attitude and made people empathize more with Crockta. Voices of support for Crockta surged.

However, as they feared, the numerical difference began to show. After numerous attempts, Rommel managed to separate Crockta from the soldiers and surrounded him with knights.

Knights were not opponents who could be easily slaughtered like soldiers. They were advanced warriors, all clad in full armor, and were capable of taking on multiple infantry.

Moreover, Adantodore, who once engaged in a one-on-one duel with Crockta and lost by a small margin, had returned. Though Crockta narrowly won that time, facing a coordinated attack on this battlefield made Crockta's survival uncertain.

Spears and swords clashed within the siege. Crockta killed several knights and showcased remarkable skills.

However, he began to accumulate more and more injuries. Attacks from knights coming from all directions took a toll on Crockta.

It seemed like the end.

However, at that moment, a turn of events occurred. A long shadow loomed over them. The camera angle slowly turned.

A knight was descending from a hill with his back facing the setting sun.

Both the knights and Crockta forgot about the battle for a moment and stared at him in astonishment.

The chat window blew up once they realized who he was.

Hiker Hunter: Crazy, why is he there? He's gone mad.

You are a Legend: Lolololololoololool

Come Spring: Did he come to confirm Crockta’s death? He's out of his mind.

Toothpaste Lid: He always spoils the mood. Why is he here?

Post-It: Ah, crazy. Is he also joining the fight?

Empire Counterattack: Is it really him? Did he team up with the imperial army? Did he come to deliver the finishing blow?

Crockta Fan: Ah, I want to kill that guy. I'm getting angry. If he attacks, I'll kill him.

Nightfall: If he tries to pull some crap, I'll go and beat him. Ah, I want to beat him up.

Black Clothes Mania: I want to tear his clothes apart.

Great Sage Bul’tar: Let's just watch for now...we don’t know what will happen...]


"It's not too late."

Crockta felt disheartened at his words. Why did that man suddenly appear?

He was a man who had made a public announcement to kill Crockta. He was none other than White Knight Andre.

He stood tall on the hill, riding a white horse in white armor.

"I am a man who stands by his words. Crockta."

Andre pointed his sword toward Crockta.

"The stage may be chaotic, but..." 𝑓𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘸𝘦𝒷𝑛𝘰𝑣𝘦𝘭.𝑐𝘰𝘮

He chuckled and looked at Rommel.

"It doesn't matter, right?"

Rommel recognized him and began to give orders to his subordinates.

Heaven and Earth clan members hastily came up with a message for Andre and delivered a proposal to him. Andre the White Knight looked off into the distance and nodded.

Rommel and Andre's gazes met. They nodded at each other. The unspoken agreement was done.

"I'm coming, Crockta."

The white horse began to run.

1. In Konglish, answer is pronounced like an-ssul ?

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