Praise the Orc

Chapter 173: Siege War (4)

Chapter 173: Siege War (4)

He threw his head back and laughed uproariously for a while. Then, he surveyed his surroundings. Everyone was looking at him.

“Ahem. Hmm! You guys shouldn’t overhear others’ conversations.”

Then he puffed his chest and asked the army in front of him, “Do you guys know...?”

He spread out his arms, and black strands of energy emerged from his body as his eyes took on a sinister look. Something pitch black that wasn’t from the human world began to slowly creep up the spines of those watching him.

“...that the scent of men grows more alluring with time...”

His body was no longer under his autonomy. The great evil he had summoned had taken over his body.

His eyes now belonged to a beast. His steps took on a bizarre flow, and before they knew it, he was right in front of the imperial army.

He smirked, “My contractor said men are like fine wine.”


He locked eyes with a soldier who dropped his weapon as all the strength left his body. The soldier could tell by instinct that he was facing a being he could not put up a fight against.

A black curtain hovered over his eyes, and his vision began to fade.

“According to that logic, then I am...”

He started to lose awareness of his surroundings. The soldier did not even realize he was collapsing. All of his senses were submerged in darkness.

The being’s voice whispered into his ear, “I’m Demogorgon, the vintage of wines, and the Mukarasanebo of demons [1].”


The dead suddenly stood up.

Crockta could tell that it was the work of Iron, the man like fine wine, who had helped him before. Possessed by a demon, he laughed eerily as he detonated soldiers.

The imperial army fell into confusion with the appearance of the undead, but the undead didn’t prove to be much help.

The imperial magicians cast spells to dispel the undead, and they succeeded in noticeably weakening their forces. However, they were unable to completely get rid of them due to the powers of the Demogorgon.

Moreover, there was a bigger problem.

“I should have taken it easy.”

The bodies of the imperial soldiers killed by Crockta and Andre had been utterly destroyed. They were either too destroyed to be revived or would only be able to use half of their bodies.

“You dumb orc!” shouted the Demogorgon.

“Hahahaha, sorry.”

The imperial army regained its morale and charged at the Demogorgon.

Despite his demonic strength, occupying Iron’s body limited his ability to unleash his full powers, but he decided to enter this challenging battle.

"Scream! Come at me, trifling humans! Ugh, this brat!" the Demogorgon yelled.

Andre also regained momentum and shouted, "In the name of the righteous White Knight Andre, die!"

Crockta resumed his fight as well, laughing as he parried enemy blades. His body would have eventually collapsed under the overwhelming numbers. But now, with the appearance of two formidable allies, everything changed.

Both Andre and Demogorgon were skilled fighters, matching Crockta in strength.

Rommel's face twisted in frustration.

Crockta provoked him, "Roooooommel! Is this all you've goooooot?"

Crockta stepped forward, and with a powerful swing of his greatsword, an explosive sound erupted and split the knights’ formation into two.

The knights, familiar with Crockta's swordsmanship, cautiously circled him. He refrained from his previous explosive attacks as the battle took a toll on him. He was experiencing acute pain from his wounds.

The situation remained unfavorable. Andre was continuously pushed back, and the Demogorgon struggled against the numerical disadvantage. Crockta, realizing the recklessness of his actions, gathered his strength and looked toward Rommel.

The best way to defeat a multitude of enemies with a small force was to assassinate the leader. That was the key, especially since Rommel was the core of the imperial army and ruled over the troops with the powers of the War Maestro class. If he succeeded in defeating Rommel, the aftermath would be greater than the loss of any ordinary commander.

Crockta, shaking his Ogre Slayer, devised a plan to approach Rommel. However, Rommel calmly commanded his troops, establishing an effective formation to deal with Crockta, Andre, and Iron–the three formidable opponents.

Andre, with Betrong and Bleuno, attempted to encircle them, while Iron nullified the dark energy by suppressing the magicians. Crockta attacked the knights to buy as much time as possible.

As Crockta took a step forward, the encirclement stepped back, using hit-and-run tactics to deplete his stamina.

Crockta’s lips twitched. This wouldn't be an easy battle.

Moreover, Andre seemed on the verge of collapse.

As Andre struggled against Betrong and Bleuno’s combined attacks, imperial soldiers joined in the fight to push back Andre.

Andre was not a being beyond the rules of the game like Crockta and Demogorgon. Although he was much stronger than regular players, he was unable to exceed the limits of players.

Crockta looked up and saw a raven soaring through the skies.


Betrong's attack severed Andre's wrist, and Andre dropped his sword. Bleuno followed with a swift assault, but Andre narrowly dodged it.

The swordless Andre panted heavily as he surveyed the merciless faces around him.

He glanced at Rommel and then took a look at the entire battlefield. Everything going on right now was probably being broadcast. Having made a grand entrance, he needed to fight heroically until the end. That was the duty of the White Knight Andre.

"You cowards! Shameless and ruthless scum!" shouted Andre.

Bleuno sneered in a coarse voice, "Are you trying to talk big like that orc? Those are some grand words for someone who’s about to die.”

Bleuno was in a state of shock from Crockta’s earlier declaration. He had worked for the kingdom with pride as a knight, believing it was the right thing to do. However, facing Crockta, an orc who stood alone against an entire army with unwavering beliefs, made the imperial forces seem so pitiful.

Ironically, Crockta appeared more like a true knight.

Because of this, Bleuno felt the need to mock and trample them even more. Everything he believed in had been invalidated.

Bleuno tilted his head. The soldiers surrounding Andre rushed in. Andre gave in to his exhaustion and showed an opening.

Seizing the opportunity, Bleuno attacked Andre. Although Andre skillfully dodged the attack, he received a deep wound in the process. He dropped down on one knee.

"Now, say it again. What did you call us?”

Andre attempted to speak, but Bleuno kicked him in his stomach.

Andre panted heavily on the ground as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Say it again..."

"Ruthless and cowardly trash.”

Bleuno flinched.

“You are not worthy of the title of a knight, you garbage."

Bleuno turned slowly. Andre wasn’t in a condition to speak properly. The voice wasn’t his. The sound was coming from behind him.

Bleuno and the knights then noticed a mysterious foursome looking in their direction. They radiated confidence as they stood next to each other in a line with their shoulders back.

Bleuno was irritated by the appearance of these bold, strange men.

It was already the third time.

"Who is it this time?”

The man on the far left said, "If you're wondering who we are...”

The woman besid him continued, "...answering is a courtesy."

The next man replied, "A knight who had lost his sense of chivalry...we will cleanse your filthy heart.”

The man on the far right raised a shining sword and proclaimed, "We are four warriors defending justice! F4!"

They were the top role-players who had fought with Iron, Crockta, and the Oslam brothers in Chesswood.

Bob, performing the role of a hero, swung his shiny sword and gazed at the enormous army spread out in front of him. He had been waiting for this moment.

After Chesswood, they had traveled through Elder Lord, but couldn't relive the thrill they felt then. The stage they had yearned for was unfolding in front of their eyes now. Although they had initially planned to acquire the Haste Scroll and quickly join the battle, they decided to observe the situation first.

As expected, Crockta did not disappoint them.

He wasn't a role-player like them. He was a true warrior.

When Bob saw Crockta talking on the screen, he got chills. He knew the entire world felt the same way.

‘A warrior does not give up on the faithful.’

Has he ever seen someone fight for others’ out of loyalty?

‘A warrior does not persecute the weak.’

Who put their lives on the line for the weak?

‘A warrior does not attack the unarmed.’

In their world, every opening was met with a stab in the back.

‘A warrior does not succumb to injustice.’

Life was a process of becoming accustomed to injustice.

‘A warrior does not do anything shameful to God.’

His attitude indeed seemed pious, as if he was reporting to the gods.

‘A warrior pays back grace and vengeance.’

Was that orc truly standing there for that purpose?

‘A warrior protects the weak.’

Was he really risking his life for this cause without asking for anything in return?

Bob felt ashamed for hesitating to join the battle. The orc was not like them, Crockta didn’t have extra lives to spare. If he died, it was the end. Yet, he courageously stood alone against the vast army.

He felt silly for having been worried about his character receiving the concrete method.

As soon as he heard the news, he summoned his friends and rushed over there. He tore countless Haste Scrolls as he rode his horse and managed to arrive just in time.

When he arrived, he was met with countless enemies and the sight of Crockta and his comrades struggling against the imperial army. Now it was time for Crockta to rely on the F4.

"Knight, listen well."

While not as grand as Crocktas’, they had their own beliefs.

Bob swung his shining sword. "My Holy Sword Excalibur is struggling against the enemy!"

Joseph, standing beside him, slapped his back. He grabbed Bob's head. They lowered their heads and whispered.

"Hey, this is a worldwide live stream."

"Don't do that."

"That's the point!"

"Let's just go and fight."

Bleuno, observing their antics, shouted, "What are you guys doing!"

Amid the escalating situation, these strange individuals appeared, acting as if it were a joke. Bleuno became even more furious.

Bob casually moved his sword while responding, "Anyways, we are warriors who came to help Crockta!"

"We will defend the freedom of Espada from the foolish empire!"

"In the name of justice!"

Bleuno was flabbergasted. Crockta, the White Knight, and the mysterious necromancer were indeed strong, but he refused to put up with small fry like them.

"I will kill all of you with a single stroke."

"Why don’t you try?!”

F4 charged toward Bleuno.

Joseph, the magician, hurled balls of fire toward the imperial army as countless swords clashed behind him.


The Demogorgon was angry.

Due to the lack of sound corpses, he was unable to raise the dead and use them to fight, and he couldn’t fully unleash his powers due to the limits of his corporeal form.

He felt as if he was tied up while an army of ants was crawling over his skin, preventing him from crushing them.

"Worthless humans!"

Demogorgon gathered the forces of darkness and hurled them toward the knights, causing their bodies to burst open.

In his mind, the voice of his host echoed, "Demogorgon-nim! Fight on! As expected, even your attacks are regal! Your distribution of weight is superb! Haha!"

Ah, right. He did have experience in ground combat. Hearing Iron praise him improved Demogorgon's mood.

"Hehehe, humans, you can't defeat me."

The Imperial soldiers calmly circled Demogorgon, well-trained and disciplined. He spotted a man in the distance who was orchestrating everything.

For a human, he was quite impressive. He controlled the soldiers as if they were his own limbs.

Having experienced numerous battles even in hell, Demogorgon could vaguely sense it.

If they continued like this, the fight would become challenging.

But if reinforcements arrived just a little sooner...


Right then, dust rose in the distance.

‘Are they reinforcements?’

The imperial army, astounded by the continuous stream of newcomers, paused fighting for a moment and turned their heads to look.

A human troop was approaching them. Although they were still outnumbered, it was a formidable size.

As they stood before the imperial forces, they organized themselves systematically, forming a defensive stance as they gradually advanced.

At the forefront stood three men. One of them pointed at Rommel and the imperial soldiers and said, "Hey, you empire guys."

He casually put his hand inside his pocket and said, "Whatever wicked deeds you've been up to, I know you're not actually bad guys."

The man took out a coin from his pocket and tossed it at them.

"It's time for rebirth."

It was the appearance of the Rebirth Brothers.


"Let's be reborn!"


The members of the Rebirth Brothers shouted as they charged forward.

Observing the battle unfolding, Demogorgon burst into laughter at the sight of the Rebirth Brothers joining the fray.

"Indeed, humans are amusing! Hahahahaha!”


Rommel, who had been observing the battle's progression, furrowed his eyebrows.

The situation kept turning, even though Crockta, Andre, and Iron were already challenging to deal with. Strange newcomers continued to arrive.

"Rommel, the situation..."

"It's still fine. Crockta is exhausted. In the end, we..."

There was still some room for maneuvering.

"Look over there!” a member of the Heaven and Earth clan shouted.

Rommel and Cainz turned their heads in alarm.

On the opposite side from where the Rebirth Brothers had appeared, a group of guys with red headbands were approaching them. They each carried a sword as they walked with a leisurely gait. They were the Red Turban.

Rommel rubbed his temples. Unexpected variables continued to pop up.

‘...Things are still okay. It might be tough, but we can still win.’

Crockta was no longer alone. His one-man army had multiplied and now had the support of Andre, Iron, the F4, Rebirth Brothers, and the weird Red Turban guys...but the empire still had the upper hand.

Aside from Crockta, Andre, and Iron, they weren't that strong, and the empire still had plenty of well-trained soldiers. But the bad news kept coming.

A guild member from the Heaven and Earth clan rushed up to him and said, "Rommel! Praise the Orc guys are coming!"

"Those bastards...right up to the end...”

Rommel couldn’t help but let out a slew of profanities at the situation.

He was affronted that a measly fan club had arrived to join the war.

‘They should know their place.’

They were practically mocking them at this point.

The imperial army’s formation crumbled. Although they had managed to surround Crockta, the soldiers were in turn surrounded by the weird guys who showed up.

Rommel surveyed the battlefield with his War Maestro abilities.

‘Things are still manageable.’

Cainz spoke up, "Rommel, if things get complicated..."

"No, it's not necessary. We still have the upper hand. The knights are still in good shape. It’s actually a good thing because we can get rid of them all at once...”

Right then, the ground began rumbling.

All of the empire’s army and Crockta turned their attention to the source of the sound.

Who was going to show up this time?

A black mass was storming toward them in a frenzy.

1. Mukarasanebo is an extremely rare wine in Elder Lord ?

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