Praise the Orc

Chapter 175: Olympus

Chapter 175: Olympus

The battle ended with the resistance forces’ victory.

The empire failed to take over the south, and the south was divided between the empire and the Free City Alliance that stemmed from Espada.

Amid all of these upheavals, the emperor remained silent.


This incident stirred up the real world, and the battle between Crockta and the imperial army became a major sensation. The battle footage flooded Youvids, breaking viewer records daily and claiming the top spot as the most viewed video. Amid all this, famous Youvidser Laney released a new video.

She had secretly followed Crockta and recorded all of his struggles in the South.

Laney once again made her mark.

Thanks to her, those who didn’t know the specifics of the incident came to understand the whole background story.

The content was as follows:

After conquering the north and returning to the continent, Crockta headed south. There, he encountered and fought bandits, eventually meeting Alaste's knight, Vigo. Moved by Vigo's earnest plea, Crockta and his companions headed to Alaste. As expected from the citizens of a city that was acclaimed as one of the best places to live, the people of Alaste warmly welcomed them.

Crockta formed strong bonds with the cheerful residents, and to protect Alaste, he accepted a challenge for a duel against the empire. He faced the brilliant Imperial swordsman, Adantadore, and emerged victorious. Alaste maintained its independence, and Crockta became a hero to the people of Alaste. Lastly, they held a huge feast to celebrate his victory.

Crockta left Alaste as he received blessings and farewells. It seemed to be a happy ending until tragedy struck. While they were away on vacation, the empire broke its promise and destroyed Alaste.

Crockta was greatly saddened by the news. Thus, he rose to seek vengeance for Alaste, to confront the treacherous empire, and to quell the long-standing enmity with the Heaven and Earth clan. The resistance had begun.

The empire attempted to conquer the entire south, invaded cities, captured civilians, and made them into soldiers for the empire or serfs for nobles. The entire South groaned under their wrath.

He relentlessly swung his sword to save villages, civilians, and cities, but it wasn’t enough by himself. Eventually, most of the southern territories fell under the empire's control. Crockta left to join the Espada Resistance forces, and a fierce struggle ensued.

In Ogochai, Crockta fought alone until he lost all his comrades. His relentless resistance moved the hearts of onlookers.

While viewers had previously seen events from Heaven and Earth's perspective, Laney provided an unfiltered view of the war through Crockta's eyes. The video of Crockta's struggles transitioned into the showdown, known as the Crockta Grand Finale.

Instead of showing Crockta standing alone from the perspective of the empire’s army, she stood by his side and showed the overwhelming number of forces he was facing. It was an unbelievably large army that no one would dare face alone.

In front of them, Crockta, with his unwavering beliefs, raised his greatsword. It was a situation where victory seemed impossible. However, he was not alone. The paths he had walked, and the good deeds he had done, all returned to stand by his side.

Andre appeared first. Crockta thought Andre was about to attack him, but he charged through the imperial army instead. People erupted in cheers.

Iron, known as the Old Wine Man, followed, and then the role-playing group F4 joined as well. Then came the Rebirth Brothers, Kenzo who claimed to have received teachings from Crockta, and his Mountain of Spears, Forest of Swords gang, also known as the Red Turban, and even Crockta’s fan club called Praise the Orc. Finally, the Oslam Brothers appeared, turning the tide of battle completely.

In the end, they achieved victory.

If Crockta had only expressed his principles through words, then he would have scattered into a handful of ashes during the battle. But he had always personally embodied his beliefs and so, managed to turn this reckless fight into his victory.

When the edited video of Crockta's struggles was released, the membership of Praise the Orc fan club skyrocketed instantly. Now, everyone knew Crockta's name.

Crockta wasn't a deceased celebrity or a star idealized by the media; he was a living hero proving his path to people in real time. Everyone praised Crockta.

Opinions about what would happen next were varied. The Elder Lord community was more heated than ever.

The imperial forces retreated, and Rommel was captured.

Based on Crockta’s past actions, Rommel was likely to receive the concrete method. Without Rommel, the Heaven and Earth clan wouldn't be able to exert the same amount of influence as before. Players eagerly anticipated the future moves of the empire and the Heaven and Earth clan.

However, events took an unexpected turn.


“Ah, there’s Crockta.”

“There’s Tiyo too!”

“Ah, so cute!”

“Should we ask for their autographs?”

“Why would NPCs have their own autographs? You are silly.”

“Crockta looks really scary.”

The players of Espada began to gather around them.

Although the number of players in the south decreased after the empire went on a rampage, the region saw an increase in those who came to see Crockta as his popularity peaked.

"How embarrassing."

"Sorry for my popularity...hahaha,” replied Tiyo with a content smile. free(w)eb

As Crockta's previous deeds received the spotlight, his partner and adorable gnome, Tiyo, and the handsome dark elf Anor got their fair share of attention as well. Communities dedicated to Tiyo and Anor popped up within the Praise the Orc community.

Thus, wherever they went, people’s eyes were on them.

"If they had heard about my feats, I would have been way more popular. I missed my chance because you went by yourself!”

"Hahaha Sorry."

When the news of Crockta repelling the imperial forces spread, the citizens of Cathalu were initially too startled to respond but soon erupted in cheers.

Although Tiyo and Anor were a bit disappointed that Crockta had left for war without a word, they were all rejoicing at the positive outcome.

But the citizens of Cathalu weren’t able to fully relax yet because there hadn’t been any sign from the empire. It was a tense period of peace.

Nevertheless, the city was much more lively than before. Tiyo waved at his female fans.

"Wonder if he’s doing alright,” said Crockta.

"He’s so sound it’s almost annoying,” replied Tiyo.

"Hmm. I'm curious."

They were on their way to the prison facility in Cathalu, where someone who had volunteered to help them was detained.


"Crockta! Welcome!”

"Are you alive? Good work.”

"It's an honor!"

Crockta, who ended the war with the empire, received the respect of Cathalu militia members. As those who fought on the front lines, their reverence for Crockta was several times that of ordinary citizens.

"He's having lunch right now. Would you like to go in?"

"Of course."

Crockta headed to the prison located underground.

There, he found Rommel.

Rommel was sitting at the prison table, having lunch. Although he was imprisoned in the underground jail of Cathalu, he didn’t have any shackles or restraints on him. Officially, he was detained in the Cathalu underground prison, but unofficially...

"You were right," Rommel nodded.

He was sharing information on how to completely finish off Cainz and Luin. When Rommel said he would help them completely, he was not exaggerating. Cainz and Luin were done for.

Crockta caressed his chin and said, "I may not know much about you cursed ones, but..."

While pretending to be an NPC was becoming increasingly tiring, Crockta refrained from revealing himself directly now that his name had turned the world upside down. He had also cautioned Tiyo, Anor, and his master, Andre, who knew about his cursed state.

Crockta continued, "As you said, Edgar disappeared from the star of the abyss. His lover, Robina, confirmed it. And the conditions were just as you described.”

"It's all true. They will disappear forever from this world."

Edgar, the manager of the Maillard branch of the Heaven and Earth clan, was originally a member of the Rebirth Brothers but was scouted by the Heaven and Earth clan after he broke up with Robina. After getting wasted with Crockta in Maillard, he had vowed to serve Crockta as his older brother.

Although he betrayed Crockta when he discovered his true identity, Crockta didn’t dislike him.

Edgar ended up disconnecting from the server while warning Crockta to be wary of the Heaven and Earth clan before killing himself.

“The star of the abyss has strict rules. They have committed serious crimes.”

The Heaven and Earth clan had been committing the doping crime he had heard about from Ji Ha-Yeon. They injected substances into people to put them in an unconscious state and forced them to play Elder Lord in illegally modified capsules that sustained them by providing nutrients through IV fluids.

The asleep individuals could maintain a high assimilation rate due to the influence of the substances, and as they couldn't log out, they worked endlessly in Elder Lord.

That’s how they rapidly increased loyal clan members with high assimilation rates. Although Cainz and Luin had handled this matter secretly to keep it from Rommel, the observant Rommel suspected it to some extent. He recently became sure of it through the incident with Edgar.


Crockta listened to their atrocities and reconsidered his assessment of them. They weren't just evil gamers, they were true trash.

Seeing Crockta's strange expression, Rommel misunderstood and added, "Don't be disappointed that you eliminated them too easily. The punishment they will receive in the star of the abyss will be more painful than anything you can do to them."

"Is that so?"

"They will lose everything."

Rommel calmly took a sip of tea. Cainz and Luin would face punishment in the real world, not Elder Lord. They would face confiscation of property and imprisonment.

"Casually throwing old comrades into ruin. You're something else.”


Rommel laughed. When Crockta asked him why he had a change of heart, Rommel replied, "I don't want to receive the concrete method.”

Rommel wasn't in the Heaven and Earth clan for the rewards and money given by them but enjoyed playing Elder Lord itself as Rommel and War Maestro. His presence in the Heaven and Earth clan was to ensure his position as a commander, not for any other connections. Cainz and Luin were not more valuable to him than that.

"I’ve heard that a lot, but...looking back now, I think I was secretly angry at their actions. I’m also human. They committed crimes and will have to pay for them,” said Rommel.

Rommel was just an ordinary guy. Even though he usually maintained a calm and collected facade, he was a sight to see when Crockta beat him up last time.

As Crockta was about to leave the prison, Rommel called out, "Crockta."

"What is it?”

"You have a lot of friends. Like the White Knight, the necromancer, and several humans..."

"If you think about it like that, I guess I have a lot.”

"So, I was thinking..."

"You were thinking?"

After hesitating for a moment, Rommel sighed and then asked, “Could I become your friend too?"

Crockta wasn’t sure what kind of face to make.

He didn’t have any positive feelings toward Rommel. He was the one who destroyed Alaste and tormented those around him. However, Rommel was just a regular player who didn't know that this world was a different dimension. He could only think of his crimes as beating an opponent during gameplay or acting like a rude player.

Crockta asked, "Why are you suddenly suggesting friendship?”

"I was impressed by you."

Rommel sipped his tea again. But realizing that he had already finished it, he put down the empty cup.

"At one point, we were enemies, but I guess I want to know more about you...”

Tiyo, who had been quietly watching, interrupted them, "Ha, it sounds like a love confession. It’s amusing, but it’s utter nonsense. You are briefly cooperating with us, yes. But you, the one who killed and tormented innocent people, want to be friends with Crockta? No way.”

His voice was firm.

Rommel nodded. He knew that from the perspective of NPCs, he was an unforgivable villain.

Tyo added, "If you want to be Crockta's friend, first prove it through your actions and then come see us.”

"Actions, huh..."

"Human beings are judged by their actions. Just like merely talking about doing good is meaningless, just saying that you want to become friends won't bring you two any closer. If you've truly changed your heart, prove it,” demanded Tiyo.

Crockta nodded in agreement. Tiyo was expressing how he felt.

“It’s just as Tiyo said.”

“See, I can understand Crockta’s feelings even if he doesn’t say them out loud! You have to get on my level to be friends with Crockta,” bragged Tiyo as he puffed his chest.

Rommel grinned. “Is that so? Understood. See you next time.”

Crockta and Tiyo exited the prison.

Rommel would stay there until the dissolution of the Heaven and Earth clan. He would be there for a while.

Things were wrapping up nicely. They felt as if they could travel with a light heart this time.


There were voices.

‘It was definitely her. She is back. Death has returned.’

‘Find her. Find her and stop her. No matter what it takes.’

‘It wasn’t a mistake? She has been alive all along?’

‘We have to stop her. For the world.’

‘What does she want?’

‘The destruction of the world.’

‘The destruction of the world.’

‘The destruction of the world.’

‘How should we stop her? I can’t see her at all. I’m suspicious it’s even her. Is it really her?’

‘That guy. The Conqueror of the North. The orc who stopped the war. It was definitely him.’

‘Is it related to him?’

‘I get it now. It’s orcs this time! She is using the orc.’

‘It’s not certain yet. Orcs don’t believe in anyone. Don’t jump to conclusions.’

‘That’s why it’s an orc. They only believe in the forgotten god because no one protects them. They are perfect for serving her purpose.’

‘Is it really orcs this time?’

‘Yes, orcs.’





‘No one oversees them anyway.’

‘It doesn’t matter if they disappear.’

‘They are so arrogant they don’t believe in anyone.’

‘So orcs.’

‘Orcs and Crockta.’

‘Arrogant orcs.’

The voices gathered their opinions.

‘Get rid of them.’

‘We will get rid of them and get rid of her.’

‘We will protect the world.’

‘Our world.’

‘For the world.’

That day, a new divine message was imparted by the gods.

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