Praise the Orc

Chapter 181: Slayer Maker (1)

Chapter 181: Slayer Maker (1)

Crockta’s party only informed Guardi, Cathalu’s leader, and quietly left the city. It was to shake off the fans and players who followed them around.

“We are going back to where we started.”

“Wow, you’re right.”

Crockta headed north to find the Temple of the Fallen God, and Tiyo headed north to find his father. That was the beginning of their relationship. They met Anor there, fought with the chieftain, and eventually conquered the north before returning.

Next was the southern region. They met Vigo, a knight of Alaste, and learned about the empire’s ambitions. They then stood against them, saving the city and stopping the army.

They have been through a lot of things. Now, they were on a new path again. Their current goal was the west, Orcrox, and Basque Village, as well as the magnificent sea of forests that embraced the mountain cities of the orcs.

There were undiscovered territories to the continent, including various orc tribes. Beyond that entrance lie Geherard. In the ancient language, Geherard referred to the ‘Eternal Fire’.

“The fire of the end huh, is it a very hot place?” Tiyo asked.

“Tsk tsk. Think deeper. It’s probably something metaphorical.”

“What can fire be a metaphor for? It’s the heat!” Tiyo said proudly.

“It’s something other than that. Erm... Passion? A place where passionate people live?”


They walked a long way after they left Cathalu. As they moved northwest from Cathalu, a huge sea of forests would appear, and they would have to march for a long time to reach Geherard from there.

“That must be it.”

At the entrance of the huge sea of forests, there was a small village. It was commonly referred to as the ‘rest area’.

“Be careful. It’s rumored that the prices of things there are high.”

“It’s fine. Crockta is rich.”

“That’s true, there was a saying that went something like our friends’ money is our money,” Tiyo said.

“...I’ve never heard of that saying,” Crockta replied.

The huge sea of forest was a rough and arduous place. However, adventure, treasure, and magic were hidden everywhere, and there were also cities like Geherard. It was home to mysterious species too.

Therefore, a village was created where adventurers who wanted to enter the sea of forests could stay for a while. They could replenish their equipment, obtain information, and find companions to traverse the sea of forests together. It was advantageous to gather as many members as possible because it was a tough place.

There were already adventurers waving placards from the entrance to the village.

「Recruiting people to explore the Darunen Dungeon」

「Urgently recruiting people for a Troll Hunt 」

「Looking for an adventurer to accompany the Seor Academy Research Team」

「Only looking for gutsy people to traverse beyond the sea of forests」

Everyone was gathering around. Everyone was paying attention to Crockta’s party.

An orc warrior striding in an imposing posture, a gnome gunner carrying a mysterious artifact, and an unknown sorcerer in a hood, exuding dark energy. From their appearance, they seemed strong and experienced. The adventurers raised their placards high while looking at them with eager eyes.

Everyone was preparing to step into the sea of forests for various purposes. Without responding to them, Crockta’s party immediately entered the rest area village. There were cheap inns and restaurants, as well as equipment shops here and there. Homes for residential purposes were rare. In other words, most of the villagers were wanderers.

“Let’s stay for a day and leave tomorrow,” Crockta suggested.


They didn’t need any more companions, so they immediately looked for accommodation. It cost quite a bit even though they were only staying for a day.

Just then, there was a man outside the entrance of the inn, holding a placard and staring at them. It was a bearded dwarf. He looked at Tiyo, who was similar in height to himself, then turned to look at Anor and soon stared at Crockta.

Then, he held out his placard closer.


Only the destination was written. He looked convinced that Crockta’s party was going to the same place as himself. Did he overhear their conversation?

His attire was scruffy and he did not look like a sane dwarf. Tiyo shook his head, and Anor soon followed and shook his head too. Crockta averted his gaze. They ignored him and tried to enter the inn.

Then, the dwarf opened his mouth, “It’s useless even if you go to Geherard.”

Crockta’s party halted their steps.

The dwarf continued, “The one you are looking for isn’t there.”

Crockta looked at the dwarf. He spoke as if he was already aware of the purpose of Crockta’s party. Did he know something about Hedoro?

Crockta asked, “What are you talking about? Do you know Hedoro?”

“Hedoro?” The dwarf tilted his head.

“Never heard of that name before. I don’t know who he is, but it is probably beyond his capabilities.”

The conversation stopped instantly. What did he mean by beyond his capabilities? Crockta’s party looked at each other. Something was off the mark.

Crockta asked again, “You spoke as if you knew why we are going to Geherard...”

“Of course.”

“What do you think it is?”


Only then did the dwarf point his finger at Crockta, as if something was weird.

The dwarf continued, “Aren’t you going there to fix that?”

“What are you talking about? Fix what?”

“Are you guys perhaps going to Geherard without knowing anything?”

The dwarf sighed and went on speaking, “So foolish, oh warrior!”

“What do you mean? Please explain.”

Tiyo shook his head and pulled on Crockta and Anor’s sleeve.

“Ignore him. He seems like a deranged dwarf. Let’s just go.”

“My mind is working fine, gnome holding an undeserved weapon!”

“What did you say!? You crazy dwarf!”

Anor held Tiyo back. The dwarf just sighed.

“You really know nothing. Oh warrior, listen carefully.”

He pointed a finger at Ogre Slayer, which Crockta was carrying.

“Your weapon is on the verge of being destroyed.”


Crockta opened his eyes wide. Then, he reflexively held onto Ogre Slayer’s handle. It felt reliable in his hand.

That dwarf was now saying that Ogre Slayer was on the verge of being destroyed. Was he implying that there was something wrong with this weapon, a masterpiece of the Golden Anvil tribe?

Crockta was in disbelief.

“You must be a great warrior. I can feel it at a glance. However, you may have grown strong after experiencing countless battles, that sword accumulated a lot of damage.”

The dwarf had a point. Crockta had never changed his weapon since Thompson gifted him this sword back at Anail. All the enemies he faced up until now were monstrous beings. He went head-to-head with various strong beings, and his weapon would have been split if it was an ordinary weapon.

However, in his own way, Crockta had taken care of Ogre Slayer’s condition by leaving it at the smithy and sharpening its blade whenever he could. Thus, he was not easily convinced by the comment made by the shabbily dressed dwarf, who suddenly appeared.

“That’s why every time I finish a battle, I leave it at the smithy.”

“Yes, you must have left it at the smithy. That’s what the problem is.” The dwarf said.

“How come?”

“Because ordinary blacksmiths can’t handle Ogre Slayer.”


Crockta opened his eyes wide. This dwarf even knew that the greatsword’s name was Ogre Slayer.

“Who are you?”

Crockta unsheathed the Ogre Slayer. Without any signs of fear, the dwarf nodded, looking attentively at the blade that Crockta had taken out. He even smiled faintly.

“I am a blacksmith of the Golden Anvil tribe, Jakiro.”

He was none other than a member of the Golden Anvil tribe. That was not all.

“I am the ‘Slayer Maker’ who made Ogre Slayer, your sword.”


“Your Majesty, there is something strange about this oracle.” Duke Christan said.

He was someone in close relations with the Heaven and Earth Clan, and he was the person who coaxed the Emperor. With the strongest army under his command, he was the true powerhouse holding authority above that of the Emperor.

The main reason the kingdom was able to become an empire was because Duke Christan worked in the dark and controlled it from behind the scenes.

After the disappearance of the Heaven and Earth Clan, he rarely left his territory. But he came to meet Akantore in person after hearing news about the oracles delivered to each temple not long ago.

“You will have to think about it carefully.”

“I followed your words so carefully, and in the end, we lost most of our troops.” Akantore sarcastically said.

However, Christan was unfazed.

“It was your choice to strike Crockta, Your Majesty.”

“Are you really going to talk back like that?”

“Is that not the case?” Christan asked back.

Akantore was the Emperor. Christan was the only person in the empire who could answer the Emperor’s question with another question.

Akantore smiled with his lips twitching, “Fine. Let’s leave it at that.”

“I believe you understand what I am trying to say.”

“So, you want me to reject the temple’s request.”

“The empire is not a place under God’s rule. Your Majesty is the only one who can decide whether to have a war or not.” Christan said.

“What a great way of saying things,” Akantore replied sarcastically.

“I am advising you with sincerity, so I hope you will listen to it carefully, Your Majesty.”

“So, what’s wrong with it? I don’t know the circumstances of the Gods. I am just treating it as an opportunity to get rid of the foul orcs and Crockta, who have insulted the empire. Do you think otherwise?”

Christan shut his eyes. Naturally, it was a tempting offer for him as well. Not only the empire but all the species on the continent, including the elves and dwarves, also received the oracle. If the empire joined forces with them, they could destroy an entire species without much damage. If they were able to kill Crockta in addition to that, the empire’s tarnished reputation would also be re-established.

However, they needed to be more cautious.

“My vassal, Moggslin, was also at the battle of the plains,” Christan said.

“Your vassal was watching from afar and ran away after. But it seems like you are saying that he was present at the battle, huh,” Akantore said in a displeased tone.

Moggslin was a sorcerer who saved the fleeing Cainz and blocked Crockta. He was also Duke Christan’s most cherished vassal as well as a genius regarded as the most powerful sorcerer in the empire.

“He is even able to borrow the power of the Gods. Therefore, he has a deep knowledge about the Gods,” Christan continued.

“A sorcerer borrowing the power of the Gods?”

“What I mean to say is that he has the ability to respond to the Gods. Anyway, he felt something from Crockta at the time, and he also found out that the Gods of the world were paying close attention to Crockta.”

Moggslin sensed a power that should not have existed within Crockta.

“That is why the Gods are trying to kill Crockta and the orcs.”

“What is that power he sensed?” Akantore asked.

“It’s the power of the Fallen God,” Christan revealed.

“It's my first time hearing about this.”

“It’s extremely dangerous. As long as that God’s power is involved, we have to tread with caution. She is the being that once drove the world to the brink of destruction.” Christan looked at Akantore with a serious gaze.

Akantore sighed. Christan was the powerhouse of the empire, the one who possessed more power than him. At the same time, Christan was his mother’s brother, in other words, Christan was his maternal uncle. Christan manipulated him and wielded his power freely, but sometimes, he would give sincere pieces of advice.

“So, shouldn’t we step up before the situation gets worse?” Akantore asked.

“We have no obligation to do that.”

“What if the world falls into danger because of Crockta and the orcs, just like the Gods are concerned about?”

“You are still na?ve huh, Your Majesty?” Christan chuckled.

Akantore’s expression crumpled.

“It doesn't matter if it becomes dangerous. The land of the orcs is in the northwest, on the other side of the continent. The elves, dwarves, and gnomes would be in danger before us.”


“Moreover, by then, the Gods would step forward themselves. They are just passing the troublesome work to us on this land. If the situation really turns grave, they will use their powers.” Christan explained.

Akantore nodded, “The Gods, huh... It seems like an old tale.”

“They are nothing. They are called Gods, but they are nothing more than powerful beings who follow their own desires.”

“So, what you are trying to say is that we don’t have to exhaust our power and just watch. If nothing happens, then everything is good, on the other hand, if other species are harmed, it would be beneficial to us. Is that correct?”

“That’s right.”

Christan looked at Akantore with gentle eyes.

“Keep in mind. There is no such thing as joint responsibility in the world. As soon as words like that come out, a fight would spark between the loser and the winner. Moreover, in that case, you will become the winner just by not losing anything.”

“I see.” Akantore nodded.

Perhaps because he thought that the Emperor was convinced, Christan bowed his head briefly and left the audience chamber.

Left alone, Akantore stroked his chin. What Christan said certainly had a point. However, at the end of the day, it was clear that he could not actually feel the power of ‘God’ at all. Gods were not beings that they could deal with so comfortably.

Akantore murmured, “It would be great if things would flow so smoothly, but...”

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