Praise the Orc

Chapter 192: The Swamp (1)

Chapter 192: The Swamp (1)

In gratitude for their help, the Thunderbird carried Crockta and his group on its back, flying a significant distance to ease their journey. However, upon reaching a certain area, it landed instead of continuing to fly.

"Why can't we fly a little further?" Tiyo asked the bird, but the Thunderbird shook its head. It cried out, pointing straight ahead with its beak.

"What is it saying?"

"It seems to be warning us of some danger ahead," Zankus said. Being a hunter, he had the ability to understand the monsters and beasts to some extent.

"It's saying it can't help us beyond this point and is advising us to go around."

"What?" Tiyo retorted.

They looked toward the direction of the Great Sea in front of them.

The place was unusually dark. Although the great sea itself was densely forested, shading many areas, the region before them was even darker than what would normally have been warranted.

The air already felt damp and sticky.

"If we go through here, Orcrox is just ahead," Zankus said, looking at Crockta, Tiyo, and Anor.

"Of course, it would take way longer if we took a detour. What do you want to do?"

There was only one answer in the minds of Crockta and his group.

"Obviously, we go straight ahead."

"We won't turn back!"

Crockta and Tiyo confidently expressed their opinion.

Anor seemed to want to suggest turning back, but the skull sparrow hovering above him answered on his behalf.


Anor looked at the sparrow in shock. The skull sparrow was already expressing its eagerness by flapping its bone wings aggressively as if it was moved by Crockta and Tiyo.

“This thing is better than Anor, let’s go, sparrow!” Tiyo sneered at Anor.


The Thunderbird lightly flapped its wings and showed its support as they prepared to part ways.

It was time for farewells. The Thunderbird affectionately rubbed its beak against each member of the party, expressing their newfound bond. They reciprocated, stroking the Thunderbird's beak and feathers and promising to meet again in the future.

"Thunderbird, live happily with your kids."


The Thunderbird nodded. Then, it began to soar slowly.

The flutter of the Thunderbird's wings created a breeze. However, it wasn't the fierce gale from the battle but rather a refreshing wind that seemed to push them forward.

Spreading its magnificent dark blue wings, the Thunderbird circled above their heads once. It then cried out loudly and returned to its nest.

Crockta's party waved goodbye to the Thunderbird.

"So, we're going in there now?"

Following Tiyo's words, the group turned around.

The dark forest was before their eyes. The ground was damp, almost like a swamp.

"Be careful."

Zankus lowered his posture and loaded his arrow. His sudden action prompted Crockta's group to peer into the darkness of the forest. Was there any prey?

Zankus fired an arrow.

The arrow pierced through the air and hit something in the darkness of the forest.


A terrible scream echoed. It was a snake.

A giant snake that had been hiding in the bushes was pierced by Zankus's arrow, bleeding. It had completely camouflaged itself with the surroundings, but upon being hit by the arrow, it twisted and revealed itself.

"We’re only at the entrance and we run into something like that... This doesn't bode well."

The snake writhed, baring its fangs at them.

It was massive.

It seemed like it was capable of suffocating most monsters by coiling around them.

But something like this wasn’t nearly enough to discourage Crockta’s group. In fact, Tiyo even perked up, nodding and drawing his General.

"Nice. Let's start with some snake dishes. Snake is good for the body!"

Anor looked puzzled.

"Snakes are good for you?"

"Yes! Amazingly so!"

"How so?"

"Well... it's really good but um... I can't exactly explain how..."

Just like that, they were breaking through the swamp of the Great Sea.

* * *

The Paladin of the War God, Arcran, looked upon the volunteers gathered like clouds and prayed to his god.

"Everything is going according to your will, War God."

Upon the divine oracle, civilians seeking the grace of the god gathered. Regular soldiers hoping for honor and compensation volunteered in large numbers. Nobles wanting to solidify their status participated too.

Now, it was time to march.

At Arcran's signal, flags were raised.

They were the flags of all gods who had their temples established in the empire.

The expedition members prayed toward the symbols of the gods they believed in.


The sound of the horn resounded.

Troops moved out from the front.

There were far more soldiers than the empire's standing army. On top of that, only more people would join the expedition's march as they advance.

From the empire in the south of the continent to Orcrox in the northwest, like a snowball rolling and increasing in size, more people would join the expedition.

"We'll need supplies to manage this many people," said Adantadore, standing beside Arcran at the forefront.

"Yes. That's why we've sought cooperation from the blacksmiths."

The expedition had already requested support from the continent's top trading company, the Blacksmiths Trading Company.

"Since we have sufficient funds, we should be able to procure what's needed through their trade network."

"That is great news."

"First, let's go to Maillard and negotiate further."

They were heading toward Maillard, leaving the south.

There were numerous cities along their way to Orcrox. Their troops would grow larger and stronger as they passed them.

Arcran looked back.

An endless crowd was following him.

"The Free City Alliance has refused to join us. Fools. Refusing to participate in a holy war that the whole continent is involved in will be a mistake that will haunt them in the future."

* * *

The City of Maillard was taken aback.

Suddenly, a vast number of soldiers arrived, urging them to join their expedition.

They were already well aware of the oracle. However, Maillard had not planned to support the cause on a city scale. They separated the affairs of the temples from those of the city, and since its citizens had different beliefs, faith was left to individual freedom.

But now, an expedition force of massive numbers from the empire was knocking on their doors and requesting their support, invoking the names of the gods.

"All of the gods are watching. The World Tree of the elves desires it too," Arcran said.

All members of Maillard's council were deep in thought.

They had invited Arcran to the council to hear his story and decided to make a decision based on the consensus of the members.

"Paladin Arcran."

The mayor of Maillard, interlocking fingers and resting his chin on them, asked.

"So, your target is Crockta and the orcs, correct?"

"Yes. They are currently using forbidden powers. If left unchecked, the entire continent will soon be in grave danger."

"Grave danger..."

"Where is your evidence?" A council member asked Arcran, who was standing on the podium.

"What evidence are you asking for?"

"Evidence that Crockta and the orcs are using forbidden powers."

"That was the oracle. All of the gods have told us to eliminate them, and through my continuous prayer to the War God, I received the answer that Crockta’s group believes in a very dangerous god."

"The War God is inherently a deity that encourages war... Hasn’t he done something like this before? I’m talking about the conflict between humans and elves."

The War God, by nature, favored war and combat and aimed to foster the growth of the number of his followers through it. It was also said that he personally reaps the souls of those who die in battle.

There once was a dispute between humans and elves in the past. It didn't escalate into a large war, but many died in the skirmishes.

It was later revealed that the War God was behind that discord, and for a while, the temples of the War God faced criticism.

"Encouraging war..."

Everyone expected Arcran to get angry.

But Arcran remained calm.

"If that's what you think, then think about the other gods. It's not just the War God. I told you that all of them have said the same, didn’t I? There are temples here in Maillard, so you should know that as well. I believe that fact alone should be sufficient evidence."


A member stroked his chin.

Arcran looked around the council. In a space that wasn’t too large, about thirty people surrounded him, scrutinizing him from every angle. Most were elves or humans. They were the representatives of various sectors of Maillard's citizens.

Maillard had a completely different governance style from the empire, which was ruled by the emperor and nobles. Some might say Maillard’s was better, but in Arcran’s eyes, such division of opinion on major issues was the epitome of inefficiency.

Even then, wasn’t time being wasted because they couldn’t agree on such a simple issue?

Arcran threw in one more thing.

"Of course, it's not just a matter of faith. If we defeat the public enemies, Crockta and the orcs, and if there are spoils through him, we will share them fairly. You do not have to worry about that."


"The reward will not be small."

Suddenly, Arcran sensed something odd in the atmosphere.

He had come to this meeting thinking it was merely a formal, wasteful procedure. However, their expressions seemed as though they wanted to refuse but couldn't find a valid reason to do so.

Why would they have a reason to refuse this?

"Paladin Arcran. We hear you," the mayor said, seemingly wrapping up the discussion.

"Do you know much about Maillard?" He asked Arcran.

"Not a lot."

"I see..."

The mayor smiled and followed up with another question.

"Then, do you know about a group called the Rebirth Brotherhood?"

It was a silly name he had never heard before.

"I can’t say that I have."

"Let me explain then. The Rebirth Brotherhood is a volunteer group here in Maillard. Suddenly appearing one day, they helped people without asking for anything in return. They aided the poor and the sick, and if there were criminals or delinquents, they would step in and hand them over to the guards themselves. Even as we speak, they are probably dedicating themselves to various parts of Maillard."

"They are admirable people," Arcran nodded and remarked.

"I agree. As the mayor, I'm very thankful for them. Actually..."

The mayor shrugged his shoulders.

"... that volunteer group was created by Crockta."

"Excuse me?"

"The three leaders of the Rebirth Brotherhood were ex-convicts who changed their mindsets because of Crockta. Previously, they were very troublesome people disturbing the peace, but after meeting Crockta, they were reborn as new individuals. Additionally, there are several orc members in the Rebirth Brotherhood, all of whom respect Crockta and are engaged in good deeds."

Arcran's eyes widened. He was completely unaware of this information.

All he knew about Crockta was that he was an orc who had conquered the north and then opposed the empire. He also knew him as a terribly strong warrior, but nothing beyond those.

"Now, the Rebirth Brothers are a symbol of the City of Maillard. Thanks to them, citizens influenced by their actions have begun to care for each other, and the city is becoming a better place to live in."

The previously silent members nodded and started to speak one by one.

"Children from the slums of Maillard are now going to school."

"The city no longer has any beggars on the streets."

"The fountain in the square is overflowing with water. If you toss in a coin, the temple collects it and uses it to help those in need."

"The recidivism rate of criminals has plummeted."

"A member of the Rebirth Brotherhood saved a child and was hit by a carriage in the child’s place. Fortunately, he was a person cursed by the stars."

Arcran then realized. These people had no intention of opposing Crockta and the orcs. Rather, they liked them.

The mayor continued.

"I just wanted to let you know before we continued. Here in Maillard, we decide on major issues through a vote by the councilors. If there's a majority support for your request, it will be accepted. Now, we shall vote."

The mayor stood up.

"Respected councilors of Maillard. The expedition has requested Maillard to join and support them in war. The details are thoroughly described in the documents provided to you. I trust you've all read them. Those in favor, please raise your hand."

No one raised their hand.

The mayor looked around the councilors. Then, about three members raised their hands. They seemed like devout believers.

But the rest of the councilors just looked sternly at Arcran.

"Three. Are there any more? I’ve counted three in favor."

The mayor turned to look at Arcran before speaking again.

"Now, those opposed, please raise your hand."

There was no need to count. Except for the three, everyone raised their hand. Arcran could no longer bear the sharp glances of those opposed and lowered his head.

Without even checking the number of the opposing votes, the mayor immediately spoke to Arcran.

"As such, your request has been denied. Maillard guarantees the freedom of its citizens. We will not prevent citizens from voluntarily joining the expedition force of their own free will. You may recruit volunteers as a visitor to Maillard, but there will be no city-level support for the expedition from Maillard."

The councilors applauded.

Listening to the applause, which was close to jeering, Arcran barely managed to speak.

"Understood. Thank you for your consideration."

Thus, he had to turn around.

Although he tried to recruit volunteers in the town square, no citizen of Maillard joined the expedition. Instead, he only received cold stares from the citizens.

After gaining nothing from Maillard, the expedition moved with heavy steps toward the next city.

Arcran examined the map. Beyond the small towns and villages, there was a place not inferior to Maillard.

"Let's head there as our next target. It's quite large. Let's plan our next move there. The population is mostly humans. We should be able to gain something there."

"What is the name of the place?"

"It is a place called Chesswood."

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