Praise the Orc

Chapter 200: Dragon’s Lake, Tiger’s Den

Chapter 200: Dragon’s Lake, Tiger’s Den

As they approached the entrance to Orcrox, two orcs clad in chainmail armor stood still as statues.

Their halberds were gleaming in the sunlight.

The guards spotted Crockta's group and smirked, although their protruding tusks and menacing appearance made it seem more like a snarl than a smile.

"Oho, still alive, huh?"

They hadn't changed one bit.

Crockta stood before them, overwhelmed with emotions.

He, once a novice warrior who meant nothing, now returned to Orcrox as a great warrior.

"The one who looked absolutely clueless back then..."

"Has returned to Orcrox as a warrior that shakes the entire continent."

The guards chuckled softly, and Crockta grinned back.

"Glad to see you've survived."

"Of course. Though we may not have done as much as you’ve been doing."

Crockta firmly bumped fists with the two guards and even shared a hug. The orc guards burst into laughter, slightly embarrassed by the affection.

"What are you doing? The great Crockta engaging in such mushy antics!"

"I’m just showing how glad I am to see you, can’t you just let it slide?"

"It’s a little embarrassing."

Crockta reminisced about his first arrival there. Back then, he was truly naive and knew nothing. He had thought of them merely as well-crafted NPCs.

But that wasn't the case. All the orcs in Orcrox, the now-passed Lenox, and the warriors of that day were all living, breathing beings inside the world of Elder Lord.

The Grom, Kim Hyun-Chul, who would now be rotting in jail, the dead Lenox and Gultai he could no longer see, and the orcs he trained with on the barrack’s training ground all flashed before his eyes. .com

"Anyway, it's good to see you guys again."

The guards slapped Crockta's shoulder, laughing. Then they noticed Zankus.

"If it isn’t Zankus."

"Long time no see."

The 'Sun Piercer’ Zankus was well known among the orcs. The guards bumped their fists with him.

"You guys haven’t changed one bit."

Zankus smiled and explained to Crockta,

"These men have been guarding this place even longer than Lenox had. They were here even when I first came."

"Is that so?"

The two orc guards were venerable veterans.

Crockta introduced Tiyo and Anor.

“These are my companions.”

"We've heard about you. Brave companions indeed."

Tiyo nodded proudly.

"Hehe, so my fame has already spread!"

Even in front of orcs several times his size, Tiyo stood undaunted. He showed a true example of manliness.

He followed suit, bumping fists with the orcs before entering Orcrox.

Crockta's arrival stirred Orcrox. Passing orcs stopped in their tracks at the sight of him and his group.

"Crockta and Zankus together!"

"I am so honored to meet you. Are you alive!"

"Welcome back!"

When Crockta first arrived in Orcrox, they had greeted the clueless newcomer orc with a punch asking if he was still alive.

Now, it carried their respect for the return of a great warrior.

"It feels like coming home."

Crockta’s party headed toward the training ground where Hoyt was as they received the warm welcome of the orcs of Orcrox. They didn’t have to walk for too long before they heard the familiar shouts of orcs training under Hoyt's command.

It reminded Crockta of the time he used to roll in the mud of the barracks under Lenox’s command.

"Each! And every! One of your swings! Focus as if it's the best you'll ever make!"


"Is that pathetic flailing the best swing of your life? Is that all you are, Burochi?"

"No sir!"

"Then swing! Swing like it's the last thing you'll ever do!"


It was a familiar voice.

Hoyt's voice, once calm, now roared like Lenox's.

"Are you alive, Hoyt!"

As Crockta and his companions appeared at the training ground, everything came to a halt.

The orcs, whether sparring, swinging weapons in the air, or doing push-ups to build strength, all turned their attention to them.

And Hoyt, the instructor of Orcrox who encompassed all of them, merely grinned.

"You're back."

"I am."

It was a reunion.

The first since the battle where Lenox died.

"Still alive, Burn!"


Crockta and Hoyt bumped fists and hugged.

The meeting of two great warriors stirred the warriors on the training ground.

"Is that man Crockta?"

"Just as the rumors described, a fearsome face and a terrifying greatsword."

Even to fellow orcs, Crockta's appearance was intimidating!

And his signature greatsword was even more massive than the rumors suggested. Orcs nodded in approval of Crockta's prowess.

"Indeed, that is truly the warrior who conquered the north and stood against the empire."

After Crockta and Hoyt exchanged their greetings, Zankus also exchanged fist bumps with him. They were already well acquainted.

"Stop wandering around and visit Orcrox more often."

"Keke, hunters don't settle easily."

Crockta also introduced his companions, Tiyo and Anor, to Hoyt. They were warmly welcomed, already famous along with Crockta as the ‘Magic Bullet Sprayer' Tiyo and 'Necromancer Overlord' Anor.

"We should have a drink now that we're reunited for the first time in such a long time..."

"Let's go right now!"

"But I don't want to let these guys off easy."

Hoyt scanned the orcs on the training ground, who tensed up under his gaze.

Hoyt, now as stern an instructor as Lenox, surveyed them critically. It was as if his position magnified his strictness.

Crockta stepped up.

"Let me take care of it."


"I once rolled in the mud here too, I understand their hearts."

As Crockta stepped forward with his greatsword, all eyes were on him.

The orc stepping forward was none other than the ‘Northern Conqueror,' and the 'Empire Nemesis'. He was already a legend. Countless orcs had come here aspiring to be like him.

And that case wasn't just these orcs.

"So that’s Crockta..."

"That’s so sick..."

There were orc users who chose to follow Crockta’s footsteps. After the legendary broadcasting of his retaliation against the empire, the number of orc users increased significantly.

On top of that, the orcs here were those who had selected the warrior class. They were hardcore fans of Crockta who were willing to take on the grueling training of the barracks that nobody would do willingly.

And Crockta splendidly destroyed their expectations.

"Your eyes look utterly and pathetically dim!"

Crockta's booming voice echoed.

The bomb he had dropped out of nowhere left everyone dumbfounded.

"Such eyes of the weak!"

Crockta chuckled at Hoyt as he said this. There was a time when he, too, was awkwardly swinging his sword like them.

Crockta sauntered around, eyeing each orc down.

"With such frail eyes, how could you possibly become warriors? If you're going to have such rotten, dead-fish eyes, you might as well gouge them out!"

The orcs in training looked at Crockta with faces full of discontent. Orcs were known for their immense pride.

"What, you don’t like that? Then let's make a bet! Win the bet, and there's no training today! You can head back to the pub this instant and gulp down a barrel of beer, and Instructor Hoyt will forgive you!" Crockta shouted.

The orcs were stirred.

It was a chance to escape the harsh training and to relax for the rest of the day with a cold beer.

"However! If you lose to me, you will all sleep here tonight. Training continues until sunrise tomorrow!"

"O-overnight training, you mean?"

"That’s right."


Such an extreme stake!

"What kind of bet are you talking about?"

Crockta grinned.

He then dropped his greatsword to the ground. With his hands free, Crockta flicked his finger at the orcs around him.

"All of you, attack me at the same time. Use whatever means you like. If you make me fall to the ground even once, you win."


It was essentially a challenge to attack.

The orcs glanced at each other.

Though all they had to do to win was knock him down to win, the opponent was Crockta himself. Even with numbers on their side, victory seemed quite unlikely.

“What, none of you are confident? Are you all cowards?"


"I’m standing here without a single weapon! Look at yourselves!"

Crockta stepped forward, pointing at the closest orc.

"With swords! With axes! With hammers! Yet you stand there, glancing around like fools! You are not orcs! You're like humans! Elves! Dwarfs, even worse!"

"Do not insult us!"

"Insult? Are you even capable of feeling insulted?"

Crockta laughed.

"If you do, then come at me."


The closest orc snorted angrily. His axe wobbled and then flew swiftly aimed right at Crockta.

Indeed, it was a worthy strike from a disciple of Hoyt, even as an apprentice.


But the opponent was Crockta. The axe blade never reached him. Instead, Crockta's fist hammered into the orc's abdomen.


And that was the beginning.

All the orcs on the training ground charged at Crockta. Dust rose as the massive orcs rushed at one man, obscuring their figures.

"That is quite fiery," Hoyt murmured as he stepped back to watch.

"Hehe, watching this reminds me of when I fought seventeen to one in Quantes!"

"He’s fighting at least four, five dozen of them, not seventeen..."

From various directions, the sound of hits and groans erupted.

Orcs were thrown through the air.

And after a few moments, there was only one orc standing his ground. It was Crockta.

He dusted off his fists and said, "Insufficient. Very insufficient. You're all lacking!"

But no orc could retort anymore. Every single one of them was busy clutching their injuries, groaning.

"Tired? Hurt? No one cares! This is your training! Get up and swing your weapons!"

Crockta stomped his foot at the orcs to prompt them. As a few were even kicked by him directly, the orcs staggeringly stood up.

"Get up!"

"Ugh, it hurts too much..."

"Train like it’s a real battle! Would you ask your enemy to stop fighting because it hurts on the battlefield? Get up! It's supposed to be hard! No one cares about your reasons!"


"I'm going to go enjoy a cold beer with Instructor Hoyt, so you continue training! Kyahahahah!"

The orcs shivered at Crockta’s ruthless demeanor.

"So that’s the real face of the Northern Conqueror!"

"Thank god Hoyt is our instructor..."

Zankus shook his head.

"If that guy became their instructor, Lenox and Hoyt wouldn't even compare. He would absolutely be the devil of all instructors."

"I agree."

After sorting out the training ground, Crockta returned to Hoyt with an innocent smile.

"All settled. Kekeke!"


Regardless of the method, thanks to Crockta's effort, Hoyt could comfortably leave to enjoy his leisure time.

As Crockta was leaving the training ground, he suddenly stopped.

He saw a stick standing in a corner with a full view of the training ground.

All orcs knew what it was.

It was where Lenox’s helmet had been hanging. Since his death, the steel helmet had always been watching over the training ground.

"Hoyt. I'll hang the helmet back."

"No. It was given to you, keep wearing it."

Before his battle against the empire, Crockta received Lenox’s helmet from Simba and Kumarak. Crockta had been keeping the helmet ever since.

"You still have to use it in the future."

Crockta nodded.

They were facing a battle against the expedition force that received the oracle.

Lenox’s helmet would be worn again by Crockta then.

"Where’s Kumarak?"

"He went for a walk with Simba, but they should be back soon. Not just them, Anya, Wallachwi, and other promising young orcs have come."

"Young orcs?"

Zankus grinned and interjected.

"I've met them too. They’re bold ones who say they want to challenge you. Still green, but they’re promising."

If orcs like Zankus had already become legends achieving great feats, there was also a new generation rising just like Crockta.

"Tiyo and Anor, you've become targets too, so stay well-prepared."

Anor was startled.

"M-me? A target?"

"There are those who want to prove they're a better marksman and a necromancer of a higher caliber than you two."

Tiyo burst into laughter.

"Foolish fellows. They'll know they're mistaken once they taste my General! I can't wait to meet them!"

"Haha, such a spirited gnome."

They exchanged pleasantries as they entered the pub.

Crockta's eyes grew distant.

This was where he sought advice from the orc warrior Gultai before earning the right to be a warrior. The cheerful warrior Gultai had shared many stories with him, laughing heartily.

Even when he was facing his death in the dungeon, he stayed true to himself and went out with his signature laugh.

Then, "Kehyahyahyahya!"

Suddenly, a familiar laugh rang out, making Crockta look in that direction.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

An orc warrior, strikingly similar to Gultai, was there, laughing heartily as he downed his beer.

"That's Gultai's son, Grokchwi."

"Gultai's son...!"

Though he was stunned for a moment, Crockta soon grinned.

The sight seemed to awaken something in Crockta.

He was an orc warrior. Dwelling in the past wasn't the way of an orc warrior. Like Gultai's son Grokchwi, he just needed to enjoy the moment.

"Let's drink!"

They began drinking with the orcs.

Soon, others appeared.

"What! That Crockta has grown so much? He's become quite the handsome man."

"So this is where everyone was! Leaving me out from beer! Let's drink! Krung!"


Soon, Anya, Kumarak, Simba, and other notable figures or Orcrox were all gathered.

"I might as well have one too, since it’s been a while... Krul... Hul!"

After appearing out of nowhere, Wallachwi snickered and grabbed a beer.

Anyone witnessing this scene would've been astounded.

Here in a pub in Orcrox, those so-called legends were all gathered together.

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