Praise the Orc

Chapter 60: The Demon’s Mouth (1)

Chapter 60: The Demon’s Mouth (1)

Everything had a default setting in the world. For example, objects were categorized as large or small based on a presumed middle ground—a common norm of what was considered as ‘regular’ that always existed. Thus, a person was inclined to feel discomfort when something outside that standard was suggested.

“Can I have one iced americano please?”

“Yes, is large okay?”

Crockta had always wanted to interrogate cafe owners in real life who indirectly suggested that the customer purchase the large size when the regular size existed. Did they not understand what regular meant? Were they testing some absurd negotiation psychology? Or were they trying to push their agenda because the customer looked like a yes-man who couldn’t say no?

At this very moment, Crockta felt the same way.

[Right now, your love mode is locked. Would you like to activate your love mode?]

Was this question really necessary? How was it different from asking ‘Are you really human?’ to someone’s face?

‘You missed the mark with that question!’ Crockta replied sternly in his mind.


Crockta and Eileen headed toward Quantes’ academy. It was a large educational facility located at the center of the city, and it was the cradle of magic engineering research. Many advanced technologies and products had been invented there, including the heart of the gnomes’ garrison—the Asura Heaven-Breaking Cannon.

The first researcher that Crockta and Eileen sought out at the academy was a monster ecology scientist. Because of Quantes’ proximity to the north, gnomes ran into monsters more often than other species in cities located elsewhere. Thus, monster ecology research was vigorously conducted at Quantes.

The monster ecology professor pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he asked, “So, you plan to head to the north?”

“Yes,” replied Crockta.


“I want to visit the Temple of the Fallen God.”

“The Fallen God, hmm...” The professor swept back his white hair. He looked young at a glance because of his small frame, but the crow’s feet around his eyes betrayed his years. “The Fallen God... Hmm, I haven’t heard that name in a while.”

“Do you know about him?” asked Crockta.

Although the Temple of the Fallen God was quite well known, no one knew what kind of being the Fallen God was.

“I don’t know the precise details. I’ve only heard of the name,” said the professor as he sank into his chair.

“Have a seat first. My neck hurts,” he urged.

This was the monster ecology professor’s office. Crockta and Eileen, who had been looking down at the petite professor, brought chairs over and sat down.

“Theology professors would know more about the Fallen God than me, so ask them. I only know about monsters.”

“Understood. Then, can you tell us what kind of creatures inhabit the north?” asked Crockta.

The professor beamed as he replied, “Orcs like you.”


“Orcs inhabit the land beyond the Forest of Monsters that divide the north and the rest of the continent,” explained the professor.

The north had become a subject of fear because of the Forest of Monsters. Very few passed through the Forest of Monsters and made it back alive, so there was very little known about what was beyond the forest. This was Crockta’s first time hearing that orcs dwelled beyond the Forest of Monsters.

The professor continued, “The Forest of Monsters is a hell where orcs, dark elves, and countless species that don’t exist on the continent live with monsters and kill one another.”


“But you must be worried about the Forest of Monsters, not what’s beyond it. In the Forest of Monsters... even ogres are just regular monsters there,” the professor said and opened a book on his desk. “It’s been especially weird lately. Monsters attacking Quantes is unprecedented... They have become too violent. One could say they are even more dangerous now than before. Here, this is the monster encyclopedia I wrote. Take a look at the chapter on the north.”

Crockta took the book from the professor and propped it open. Even just from looking at the table of contents, Crockta could get an idea of all the monsters that lived there—ogres, trolls, wyverns, greatwyrms, cyclops, hydras, undead, and even creatures of the underworld.

He furrowed his eyebrows. There were so many kinds of monsters.

“There are a lot. Hmm...” Crockta murmured while quickly flipping through the pages.

“I don’t need the book right now, so take it,” said the professor.


“It’s for protecting Quantes, ogre hunter Crockta.” The professor grinned.

The story of Crockta defeating the ogres with the gnome guards was now widespread news in Qunates.

“Captain Tiyo spoke very highly of you. He said you’re a great orc warrior.”

“It’s excessive praise,” replied Crockta humbly.

“Orcs and gnomes used to have a good relationship. Big, strong orcs and small but smart gnomes used to help each other. However, times have changed. I miss the old times,” said the professor with a sense of nostalgia. Then he smiled. “It might seem like a lot, but there’s not much to it. Monsters are just stronger in the north. I don’t know what you are looking for, but I hope you will safely arrive at the Temple of the Fallen God.”

“Thank you.”

“If you are curious about the Fallen God, visit this gnome,” suggested the professor. fr eeweb

He wrote something on a piece of paper with a feather pen and handed it to Crockta. The note had theology professor Eyona’s name and address, as well as the monster ecology professor’s signature.

The monster ecology professor added, “She’s enjoying her sabbatical, but I advise you to reach out to her. She will welcome you if you tell her I sent you.”

“Thank you,” Crockta said.

He then asked the professor a few more questions about the northern region. The professor explained many things, but the most memorable story was the legend regarding the Forest of Monsters. The legend said that it had originally been a normal forest, but an evil creature died there and oozed evil energy after it was buried. This caused the monsters to grow larger in the north and separated the northern region from the rest of the continent.

After asking all of the questions he had, Crockta nodded with satisfaction and thanked the professor.

“Thank you for your help,” said Crockta.

“It’s an honor to be of service to a famous warrior,” the professor replied graciously.

Crockta and the monster ecology professor shook hands. Eileen smiled contentedly as she watched them.

By the time they left the monster ecology professor’s office, it was already lunchtime.

Eileen asked, “Crockta, why don’t we go see the Demon’s Mouth that I’ve been talking about?”

“Can outsiders view it?” asked Crockta.

She nodded. “My friend works there. My friend said they can show us around as a special treat. How about it?”

“Sounds good. I’ve been curious about it.”

“This could be the last chance to see it since they might decide to permanently seal it,” said Eileen.

Crockta certainly wanted to see the notorious item that even the inquisitive gnomes were debating whether to give up researching and seal up forever.

As Crockta and Eileen headed toward their new destination, the academy students stared at the unusual orc and elf duo.

Some gnomes recognized Crockta and whispered among themselves, “That orc—is he perhaps Crockta?”

“Look at that huge sword. I heard he appeared out of nowhere and slayed ogres with that sword.”

“Even his gaze is on another level.”

“Is that his girlfriend next to him?”

“Not only is he the greatest warrior, but he even has an elf girlfriend.”

Crockta with his greatsword and the beautiful elf Eileen couldn’t help but stand out among the tiny gnomes. They received countless stares as they headed toward the special research laboratory on campus. Upon arrival, they were met with the gnome guards who were screening visitors at the laboratory’s entrance.

“Stop! Stop!” yelled the guards. “Please reveal your identities!”

Eileen brought out her entry pass. “I’m Eileen. I’m affiliated with Ariel Academy.”

“Hmm, you are a visiting researcher. What about the orc next to you?”

“He’s my guest. I will vouch for him.”

“Understood. Enter!” declared the guards.

Quantes’ gnome guards always followed the protocol, and they opened the entrance after they were done screening the pair.

When Crockta and Eileen entered the special research laboratory, a gnome researcher greeted Eileen, “Oh! Eileen! Welcome!”

“Deco!” greeted Eileen.

Deco was a male gnome. He seemed delighted to see Eileen, but when he saw Crockta next to her, his eyes widened in surprise.

He asked, “Hey, that orc is...?”

“He will be joining us today. He’s the one who saved my life.”

Crockta bowed and extended his hand. “Are you alive? I’m Crockta.”

“Ahh, hello. I’m Deco.” Deco smiled forcefully while also giving Crockta a wary look.

Crockta could see what was going on and laughed inwardly.

Eileen asked Deco, “Can you show us the Demon’s Mouth?”

“Outsiders are not allowed. One is okay, but two...” refused Deco with a petulant face.

Eileen drew closer to Deco and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Please, Deco. Hmm?”

“Uhh...” Deco hesitated.

“Can we just take a quick look?” pleaded Eileen.

“Ah... fine. But just for a minute,” replied Deco.

“Thank you.” Eileen beamed.

Deco turned away, blushing.

Crockta looked at them from behind and smiled. They passed by the hallway and arrived at the access control gate. There was a huge ‘No Entry’ sign with a warning that said it strictly forbade non-staff personnel from entering.

“You have to wear this,” said Deco as he handed something to Eileen and Crockta.

It was a necklace imbued with sacred power. They each put one on, and a strange, refreshing energy emanated from the necklace.

“Is the Demon’s Mouth so potent that we need this?” asked Eileen.

“It’s been pretty calm, but this is for just in case,” replied Deco. He then grasped the door knob. “Here we go.”

The door opened.

At the center of the laboratory was a belt that seemed to be made out of steel. Crockta didn’t even notice all of the experiment equipment around the belt as he was mesmerized by the belt that was engulfed in dark energy. He felt as if he were looking at it eye to eye.

He could almost hear strange whispers coming from the darkness.

“That is...” began Crockta.

“...The Demon’s Mouth,” finished Deco as he walked toward it.

The belt was completely encased in an invisible barrier. Blinding bright lights that contrasted with the belt’s darkness shone on it. Despite all that, Crockta still got the impression that the belt was extremely dark.

“That... will devour anything,” said Deco.

“Devour?” asked Eileen.

“Just like I said, it will devour anything,” Deco repeated with a shudder.

“What will it eat?”

“Anything alive.”

Eileen’s eyes widened. At the center of the belt were clamped teeth made out of steel. The name ‘Demon’s Mouth’ suited the item well.

“That center will open and devour anything. It has already devoured a gnome,” said Deco.

“Oh, my...” muttered Eileen.

If that was true, then the belt was more like a monster than an artifact.

“We don’t know what it is... I’m not sure... whether we should keep researching it or not,” said Deco.

Crockta looked at the Demon’s Mouth and wondered what would happen if he wore that thing. Would it turn its owner into a bloodthirsty demon and control them like a demonic sword? He felt a chill run down his spine. Crockta clenched and unclenched his hand.

Then the door opened behind them.

“Huh?” muttered a female gnome in lab attire. “This is a restricted area...”

Deco seemed to know her.

He smiled and placed his hands together in an apologetic gesture. “I’m so sorry. I’m just quickly showing it to my friend. Please let it go just this once.”

The female gnome looked back and forth between Crockta and Eileen.

She smiled mysteriously and said, “Understood. I will let it go just this once. However, I’m sorry, but it’s time for the inspection, so please leave.”

“Inspection?” Deco tilted his head in confusion. “What inspection? Anyway, Eileen, let’s go.”

Deco bowed to the female gnome and led Eileen and Crockta away from the belt. Right when Crockta was about to exit the laboratory, something whispered to him.

“...!” Crockta looked behind him.

The Demon’s Mouth was still enduring the downpour of lights above with its steel-hard body. Crockta then looked at the female gnome walking toward the Demon’s Mouth. She walked with an odd gait.

The female gnome seemed familiar to Crockta for some reason. Realizing something was amiss, Crockta stopped in his tracks.

“Crockta?” Eileen, who was already past the entrance, called out his name.

Yet, Crockta didn’t respond and instead continued to watch the female gnome. He then raised his hand and grabbed the hilt of his greatsword.

“Call the guards,” ordered Crockta to Eileen.


“Right now!” shouted Crockta.

At that moment, the female gnome’s head spun backward. Those bizarre movements and that condescending smile—it was the doppelganger.

The doppelganger sneered. Then it ran forward with its face still facing backward. Meanwhile, Crockta began charging toward it.

“That’s a doppelganger!” shouted Crockta.

“...!” Eileen and Deco were too startled to respond.

Right then, the alarm inside the laboratory began ringing.

“Everyone, evacuate! Evacuate!” screamed someone from the hallway. It was one of the guard’s voices. “A wyvern has appeared! The academy is being attacked by monsters! Run! This is an evacuation order! We are in danger! You must evacuate immediately!”

“Crockta!” Eileen called out to Crockta.

However, Crockta didn’t look back.

Deco pulled on her sleeve. “Eileen! We must quickly escape!”

“But Crockta is...” hesitated Eileen.

She watched Crockta swing his sword at the doppelganger, who had attached itself to the barrier as if it was drawn to the Demon’s Mouth.

“Crockta!” screamed Eileen.

Then the laboratory’s door closed, and she could no longer see what was going on inside. When Deco pulled Eileen outside, her mouth dropped at the sight of the campus.

“Oh, my!”

“How could this be?!”

Eileen and Deco exclaimed at once.

Various monsters were roaming around the campus. Trolls were chasing after gnomes, and ogres swung their clubs and created a ruckus wherever they went.

Just then, a troll dropped from the sky with a thud. Eileen and Deco raised their heads to look and saw a wyvern flying around. Wyverns in the distance were carrying monsters and dropping them from the sky.

“Oh, god...”

“This doesn’t make sense.”

They had never seen anything like this in their lives. After the wyverns finished transporting the monsters, they surveyed the surroundings and swooped in once they discovered prey. They captured gnomes and carried them to the skies.

Eileen and Deco stared blankly in shock.

“Snap out of it!” yelled the guards.

The guards tried to lead Eileen and Deco to a safe place, but their plan was thwarted by monsters. A troll with a shabby-looking stone axe drooled hungrily at them.

“We need to make way! Shoot!” yelled one of the guards.

The guards fired their magic-infused guns, but the guns didn’t have enough power to kill the trolls. An ogre began trudging toward them after hearing the gunshots. It lifted a section of the remains of the destroyed building in front of it. The ogre was now holding a huge rock and got into position to throw it at them.

“...!” Eileen and Deco’s eyes filled with despair. They didn’t have a chance against the ogre.

Right then, a ray of light flew in from behind them and struck the ogre.

“Uwuuuuuhhh!” The ogre stumbled onto the ground with the rock.

Eileen looked behind her. A gnome with a rifle was standing nearby.

“That’s gonna sting a bit!” It was the heart of Quantes’ gnome guards, Captain Tiyo.

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