Praise the Orc

Chapter 85: Alive (3)

Chapter 85: Alive (3)

Orc warriors in steel armor strolled inside the town hall, and the dark elves quickly got out of their way. Among the large group of orc warriors was a smaller group of over ten orcs with blood dripping from their weapons. The blood on their weapons was still fresh as if they had just killed someone. Each time the orcs took a step forward, the dark elves gasped and parted like the red sea.

The orcs looked around at the dark elves and sneered.

“This is easy.”

“It seems they all decided to gather here.”

“No wonder I couldn’t find any earlier. Haha...”

One of the orc warriors grabbed a loaf of bread from the table and took a big bite. After chewing loudly, he furrowed his eyebrows and spat the bread out. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and placed his hand on the shoulder of the dark elf next to him.

“Hey,” said the orc warrior.


“Does this taste good to you?”


“Do you eat this because it tastes good?”


When the dark elf hesitated, the orc smirked. He grabbed the dark elf by the hair and threw him onto the ground.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” the orc asked.

“It’s good. Good,” mumbled the dark elf, who was scared out of his wits.

The orcs burst into laughter at the sight. It was humiliating for the dark elf in question.

“Hahahaha. This is why it’s fun to play with big-eared guys,” the orc that ate the bread said. He kicked the pieces of bread that he’d spat out and pushed them toward the dark elf’s face. “Eat this.”


“You said it’s good. So, eat it, big ears.”

The dark elf looked up at the orc with trembling eyes. Then he noticed the orc’s frightening axe had chunks of flesh and blood stuck to it. It was obvious he had just slayed someone. The axe drew in closer to the dark elf’s face, and the scent of blood filled his nose.


During the dark elf’s moment of hesitation, the orc’s axe came down onto his head, bursting his head open. The dark elf died on the spot with his skull split open, with chunks of his brain exposed.

The dark elves watching the scene drew a deep breath upon seeing the blood-curdling cruelty of the orcs. However, this savage behavior was entertaining to the orcs, and they all erupted in laughter.

“Hahahaha, you are so quick-tempered!” commented one orc.

“You have to do this to make them listen,” said the orc warrior who had killed the dark elf.

“That’s true.”

The orc who appeared to be the group’s leader walked toward the podium of the town hall.

“We are going to have lots of time left over,” he said.

The militiamen at the podium, who had just been explaining the progress of the war and the preparations that needed to be done, were trembling in fear. The orc grabbed one of the militiamen by the ear and pulled hard.

“Ahhh!” screamed the militiaman.

“You should have gotten out of the way when you saw me coming, you fucking idiot,” said the orc leader.

Then he threw the militiaman onto the ground while still holding onto his ear, causing it to rip off and blood to gush out from the dark elf’s head.

With the dark elf’s ear in his hand, the orc whispered into the ear as if he were acting in a play, “Huh, why are you still here?”

The sound of the orcs’ laughter grew louder. The orc leader grinned and threw the dark elf’s ear at the crowd of dark elves, who screamed as blood splattered onto them.

After that, the orcs went up onto the podium.

Their leader said, “It’s nice that things are going so smoothly. I’m Great Warrior Karmat, fighting as a representative of the chieftain. Our original goal was to gather all of the dark elves in one place and hold them hostage... but you guys already knew the plan and gathered here on your own. How commendable. I’m grateful to all of you. Hahahaha!”

The orcs laughed uproariously, but of course, none of the dark elves laughed.

Karmat continued, “We killed all of the dark elves we saw on the way, so you guys probably didn’t know what was going on. Now, we have to wait with you until we get the signal from the other orcs. We can’t kill our precious hostages, but we will be bored while waiting...” Karmat caressed his chin and looked around at the dark elves. “So, I thought of a game we could play until then. What do you say?!”

The orcs gave hearty responses.

“Hahaha, let’s do it!”

“It will be fun!”

Karmat grinned with a nod.

The clear division between those who were enjoying the situation and those stricken with fear resembled a scene from an absurd play.

“So, everyone agrees! Let’s do it, then!” declared Karmat.



“Good. Let’s start. Hmm... First... how about we have a popularity poll? A popularity contest.”

Karmat came down from the podium and gave each of the cowering dark elves in the front row a look. They all averted their gazes.

“One. I will just kill one of you, so vote on who,” Karmat said.


“It’s good, right? There must be someone you guys hate. If you choose just one, we will take care of him. Then the rest of you can relax without worrying during the remainder of the time. Are we being too nice?” Karmat snickered.

Karmat was someone who enjoyed acts of cruelty. He was the type of orc who liked to psychologically torment others and make them succumb to him once he had the upper hand.

All of the dark elves stayed silent, but Karmat knew exactly what to do to expedite the game. He immediately swung his axe.



Karma swung his axe indiscriminately at the dark elves in front of him. He chopped one dark elf in half and then cut halfway into the dark elf next to him, causing the second dark elf’s intestines to spill out. A third dark elf standing nearby sustained a minor injury.

Karmat grinned and announced, “I will give you ten seconds.”

He began stomping his feet. The dark elves murmured among themselves as Karmat’s stomps approached their tenth thud. Karmat grinned from ear to ear and stomped his feet again. He gripped his axe tightly in anticipation, but the dark elves still hesitated to make a choice.

Karmat scanned the faces in the crowd. He noticed that the mouth of one of the dark elves was twitching as if he was itching to say something. Karmat smirked and quickened the pace of his stomping.

When Karmat’s foot struck the ground for the eighth time, someone shouted, “Him!”

Karmat stifled a laugh. He looked toward the source of the shout and found it was a young dark elf. Then he shifted his gaze to where the young dark elf’s finger was pointing. Over there stood a dark elf with a dumbfounded expression.

“Let’s go with Anor,” said the dark elf who was pointing his finger.


Anor’s eyes were wide with shock. He couldn’t believe what was happening. Nakai’s finger was pointing at him, and Nakai had called out his name. Anor’s hands spread open in disbelief before him as he looked around at the other dark elves.

“What...” Anor uttered bewilderedly.

However, none of the dark elves looked at him. Instead, Anor saw expressions of relief in their profiles. Anor’s blood ran cold as that cursed orc walked toward him.

“We need a majority vote. Dark elves who disagree with killing Anor, raise your hands,” said Karmat.

No one moved.

Karmat’s shoulders quivered with his laughter as he enjoyed the scene. “What, no one is disagreeing? Anor, what kind of life did you live? Huh? You should have been kinder to others. Or are you perhaps shunned among dark elves? Hahahaha!”

The orc smirked and pushed his face close to Anor’s, forcing Anor to smell his disgusting stench. Karmat and Crockta were both orcs, but Anor thought that Karmat’s face, unlike Crockta’s, was repulsive. fr eeweb

Karmat asked, “Is there really no one? If over half of you guys disagree, I will save his life and let you guys vote again!”

The dark elves were silent.

Karmat burst into laughter again. “This is fun! All right, Anor! You should have been kinder to others!”

He wrapped his arm around Anor’s shoulder and dragged Anor to the podium like a cow being led to its slaughter.

‘Am I gonna die?’ Anor thought while looking at Nakai.

Their eyes met, but Nakai looked away. Anor couldn’t help but laugh.

“You should have been kind~” Karmat sang.

Anor’s head began to hurt. ‘I have lived a good life. I am the kindest out of all the dark elves here, you fucking orc bastard.’

Karmat placed Anor on the podium. Anor felt dizzy. He looked at Karmat, expecting him to immediately swing his axe. However, it wasn’t the end yet for Anor. Karmat walked back into the crowd of dark elves and returned to the podium while dragging Nakai by the hair. Nakai screamed, but he fell quiet after receiving a few kicks.

“I changed the rules,” said Karmat.

The dark elves froze up, but the orcs cheered.

“This guy sold off his fellow villager to save his own life. Right, Anor?” Karmat sneered. “So, we have decided to help you two settle your dispute the way we orcs do it.”

The orcs handed a dagger each to Anor and Nakai. All of the orcs carried daggers as their side weapons.

“Fight,” commanded Karmat. He proposed a game that placed the lives of the two dark elves on the line. “You guys only have twenty seconds. If there isn’t a clear winner by then, I’m killing both of you.”

Then Karmat stepped back.

Anor looked at Nakai. Although Anor had a dagger in hand, he just stood awkwardly on the podium because he didn’t know what to do. Everyone’s eyes were looking at him.

Then he heard a loud thud. Karmat was stomping his feet again. It was clear what his stomping meant. By the twentieth stomp, both Anor’s and Nakai’s necks would be sent flying into the air. Anor thought it would be better for him to stand still and die, rather than meet his end as the orcs’ plaything. Nevertheless, that was just him.

Nakai immediately charged at Anor, swinging his dagger wildly into empty space. The orcs laughed uproariously at Nakai’s fumbling movements. It was obvious that Nakai never had the chance to learn how to fight properly.

Meanwhile, Anor couldn’t laugh with the dagger coming at him. Nakai swung the blade around, aiming his attacks at Anor.

“St-Stop!” Anor retreated, but something touched his back.

He turned around in shock to find an orc warrior blocking his retreat. The orc’s expression told Anor to rejoin the fight. The orc also pointed his chin at the podium. Anor had no choice but to take a few deep breaths and confront Nakai again. He then realized his arms hurt. He looked down at his arms and saw deep cuts oozing with blood.

“Die, you mongrel!” shouted Nakai as he charged again.

When Anor saw Nakai’s face like that, he felt something snap inside him.

“Ahhhhhhh!” screamed Anor while swinging his dagger.

The sloppy fight between the two dark elves continued. Despite swinging their daggers at each other, they quickly retreated once they had gotten close enough to engage in close combat. Both of them feared the other’s blade. Even a dagger was a scary weapon.

This scene made Karmat impatient, and he stomped his feet more quickly.

“You have ten seconds left!” he yelled at them.

It had felt like ages to the two dark elves, but only ten seconds had passed. With nothing to lose, Nakai charged at Anor with all of his might. Anor shut his eyes tightly and swung his dagger too.


One of the dark elves groaned and slumped to the ground. It was Anor. He looked at his arm, which was gushing with blood.

Earlier, Nakai cleverly aimed for Anor’s arm. When Anor drew closer to Nakai to strike his body, Nakai stepped back and slashed Anor’s arm. Anor then dropped his dagger, unable to endure the pain.

Now, Anor was truly defenseless. The outcome of the fight was clear.

“Hey, elf. I will teach you,” Karmat said as he went up to Nakai. “Go for the neck. You can kill him easily just by slashing his throat. Now, calmly...”

Karmat snickered with amusement while teaching Nakai the ropes.

After that, Nakai’s trembling blade inched toward Anor’s throat. Anor could sense that death was imminent, so for the first time in his life, he decided to curse at someone.

“Dammit... you fucking bitch...” Anor cursed.

Nakai flinched at the sight of Anor’s fierce eyes, but he lowered his gaze and only paid attention to Anor’s throat. The blade drew in closer.

After doing it once, Anor realized that cursing at someone wasn’t a big deal. He just had to call these bastards what they actually were. He was going to do what Crockta had said, “If someone acts like a dog to you, grit your teeth and act like a dog to them too.”

Just as Nakai’s blade was about to touch Anor’s neck, Anor leaped up and stabbed Nakai’s neck.

“Fucking cur!” yelled Anor.

Nakai’s eyes widened with shock.

He groped his neck with an expression of disbelief while uttering, “Uh, argh...”

Blood surged to where the dagger had pierced Nakai, and when Anor pulled out his dagger, the blood gushed out. Anor had used the dagger he had brought from home to stab Nakai. He had lost the one that Karmat had given to him, but he still had his old dagger, and he had used it to achieve his victory.

“Fucking bastard...” Anor muttered under his breath.

The orcs cheered at the unexpected outcome, and Karmat even clapped.

“Hahahahaha! Wow, Anor, you are the real thing. You have guts, unlike most dark elves. You are amazing, carrying a blade with you everywhere. Hahahaha! You completely turned the tables! Hahahahaha!” Karmat looked like he was dying of laughter. Then he wrapped his arm around Anor’s shoulder. “Anor, I like you! I like you! Hahahaha—”

However, Karmat’s laughter was cut short. He suddenly pushed away Anor with a startled expression. Anor tumbled to the ground with a loud thud.

Karmat’s face distorted like a demon. “You little...”

Blood dripped down from his chest. Anor had stabbed Karmat.

After falling to the ground, Anor slowly rose to his feet. He only had a dagger to protect himself, but he aimed his blade at the orcs and smirked.

Anor sneered, “So what? You fucking dog shit.”

Karmat was no longer laughing.

“You mistake foolishness with courage,” he said, raising his axe. “I won’t let you die peacefully.”

He then walked toward Anor. Even while trembling in fear, Anor forced himself to smile. He was going to die anyway. He had lived such a foolish life. So, for the last time, he would act like a feral dog to these bastards.

Karmat raised his axe. The blood on his blade was still fresh. Anor could feel his death approaching as the axe drew closer.

Right then, a roar rang out from the town hall’s entrance. “Kiaaaaahhhhhh!”

Everyone looked. Anor couldn’t believe his eyes. It was Sam-Ryong.

“Sam-Ryong?” Anor uttered.

Sam-Ryong had sensed that something was wrong at Nuridot and had come looking for Anor. When Sam-Ryong discovered the orcs who had taken control of the town hall, he growled at them with fire blazing from his mouth.

“Sam-Ryong! No! Run away!” yelled Anor.

The orc warriors, accustomed to battle, charged at the intruder without hesitation. They swung their axes at Sam-Ryong, who continued to breathe fire at the orcs.



The orcs screamed in pain, but they were unharmed. There was a layer of translucent protective film on their bodies, which allowed them to endure Sam-Ryong’s flames.

“How do you think we came here without anyone noticing? Hahaha,” Karmat laughed.

Then, a strange light glowed in Karmat’s hand.

It turned out that Karmat was not only an orc warrior but a sorcerer. So, it had been with the help of his magic that the orcs managed to infiltrate the village.

“Nooooooooooo!” Anor screamed in terror as he watched the orc warriors charge at Sam-Ryong.

Much to Anor’s horror, the universe’s rules of cause and effect followed through. The orcs warriors swung their axes at Sam-Ryong and struck his body without any hesitation. There was nothing special about it. Each time the orc warriors swung their axes, blood spilled from Sam-Ryong’s body. The attacks continued, and when it was time for him to die, Sam-Ryong died. That was it.

“Is that drake your friend? Too bad,” Karmat chuckled.

Anor looked at Karmat’s repulsive face, and instead of replying, Anor raised his dagger. It dripped with blood from when he slashed Nakai’s throat earlier.

“Are you planning to come at us with just that? Hahaha,” Karmat laughed at him.

The orcs who had just finished off Sam-Ryong looked at Anor with intrigue. Their eyes were filled with excitement and anticipation of the amusing scene that would soon play out in front of them.

“You have to be a kind elf,” Anor’s mother’s voice suddenly came alive in his mind. “You have to be a kind elf.”

She had always looked sad. “That’s what I want you to be, but the society of dark elves is a tough nut to crack...

Then, Anor remembered what she had said afterward even though he had tried so hard to forget.

“If you run into a situation where you can no longer live as a kind elf and you want to give up being an elf, then make up your mind and...”

‘I don’t think I can live as a kind elf anymore, Mother. I’m sorry,’ Anor thought.

He raised his dagger and drew it close to his long ears, the symbol of an elf.

“Cut off your ears and become a bad person.”

Anor’s ears fell off so easily. His lineage, which had been sealed in his ears, awakened and stretched along his blood vessels as if it had been waiting for a long time.

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