Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 119

Chapter 118: Shennong’s Herbal Classics

Chapter 118 Shennong’s Herbal Scriptures

Fuxi read the sacrificial text, Shennong on the side was also ready, and also took out a copy of the official document of the throne and began to read it.

“Here is the Emperor Fuxi, who is appointed to lead the throne of the emperor, lead me to the prosperity of the human race, and act rigorously. Today, I am Shennong, although I have merits and human races, but I am deeply disturbed. The seat of the Lord, Shennong is cautious, and the seat of the Lord of the Communist Party” is followed by some daily humble words, which means that Fuxi will hand over the seat of the Communist Lord to me, Shennong, and I will do it well. I hope that the whole world will supervise the human race. I will definitely be able to take the human race in a stronger and more prosperous direction.

Everything was given up, but it was time for Fuxi to truly preach.

“Heaven is above! I am Fuxi, today reincarnated human race, with perfect merit, the emperor of the witness race! It is my responsibility to protect the human race! Heaven learns from it!”

Fuxi prayed, and the sky was full of thunder. When one could not see the emptiness, there was a tangible thing that connected Fuxi and the human race, and there was a sense of merit and profound yellow energy falling, and Fuxi gained some human luck. The super quasi-sage realm is still a bit short of Yasheng, but the strength is already very strong.

“Fuxi! Now you have reincarnated and returned, and you have achieved the Tao fruit again. Because you are in the human race, in order to ensure the safety of the human race, you should live in the fire cloud cave to suppress the luck.

Hongjun’s voice appeared at the right time, and when everyone saw it, Hongjun had already appeared in front of Fuxi.

“I have waited to see the teacher! The teacher has a holy life!”

“I have seen Dao Zu! I wish Dao Zu a holy life!”

Nuwa, Laozi, and Tongtian who were hidden in the dark also came out to salute Hongjun, and Duobao, who was the emperor’s teacher, also saluted Hongjun.

“Hmm!” Hongjun nodded indifferently. Seeing that his trip was over, there was no point in staying here, Hongjun turned into a little streamer and disappeared.

Seeing that Hongjun was gone, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Nuwa walked to Fuxi, “Brother!”

“Little girl!” Fuxi called.

“Brother, I didn’t expect that you just preached, and I will be separated again!” Nuwa said.

“This is the number of days! It cannot be changed!” Fuxi said calmly.

Nuwa sighed and was not talking.

Lao Tzu and Tong Tian on the side came forward, “Congratulations to Taoist Fuxi for proving the Dao! Desire to enjoy the world forever! Congratulations!”

“Hey! What to enjoy!” Fuxi said, “No! I have to stay in a secluded place again!”

“Hey Fellow Daoist! Don’t say that! You can’t do anything that is not human! But there will eventually be a day!” said Tongtian on the side.

“Then more auspicious words from the heavenly saints!” Fuxi clasped his fists and saluted.

“The time is urgent, I want to arrange a task for the disciple, so I will leave first!” Tongtiandao.

“Sage, please go first!” Fuxi said.

“The old way I will leave!” Seeing that Tongtian had left, Laozi had nothing to do with staying here, so he left.

“Sage, please do it yourself! Don’t care about me!” Fuxi said.

Wait until the two left, Nuwa said: “Brother! Now that you have proved the truth, I will take Hetu Luoshu away!”

“Take it! I don’t lack this stuff!” Fu Xi gave the Hetu Luo book to Nuwa.

“And brother! My benevolent corpse became your wife. Go to Huoyun Cave and take it with you! At least someone will speak with you! And that niece, after entering Luoshui, I will ask Haotian for something A **** in Luoshui! Don’t worry about my brother!” Nu Wa said.

“Okay! Sister, take care of it! I can rest assured!” Fuxi nodded. “And you will see fewer brothers and sisters in the future, so take care!”

“Brother take care!”

About Fuxi’s wife and daughter, and their relationship, I believe everyone knows, especially Luoshen! Everyone is familiar with it! I won’t say much about the author, otherwise it will be the number of water words!

After   , Fu Xi called his wife to Huoyun Cave.

Nuwa watched Fuxi leave, and saw that Fuxi’s matter was over, so she flew to the heaven on the cloud.

But Shennong, since Fuxi went to Huoyun Cave, Shennong has become the master of all things of the human race, and Shennong is lacking in some places, usually he will go to Duobao and others, and Duobao and other disciples. Adhering to the instructions of Tongtian, they will help with anything that Shennong embarrassed.

This time, some people in the tribe are sick or injured. At this time, the medical treatment of the human race is not solved very well, but people already have a certain foundation. People have already known some herbs, but they are not perfect. .

Some herbal medicines can be eaten, and some herbal medicines cannot be eaten. If you eat it, it will cause diarrhea, foaming at the mouth, fainting and even death. If you are lucky, it will be a little bad reaction at most. It will be fine after a few days, but Some herbal medicines are very toxic and can die if you are not careful.

It was not until the death of human races increased because of treatments and injuries that people realized its importance. These things eventually passed to Shennong’s ears. He summoned the main leaders of human races, and this kind of thing was specifically aimed at this. To solve the poisoning incident.

Shen Nong himself went to appease those who were poisoned. Seeing those who were uncomfortable because of the poisoning, Shen Nong was extremely unbearable, so he collected all the herbs that he could gather in one place, and he personally distinguished the toxicity.

He personally ate each plant to distinguish the characteristics of the herbs, some to replenish the body, some to replenish the blood, some to excite, some to make people tired, each of the medicinal properties is different and the medicinal properties are gentle or cold.

Until one time Shennong ate a poisonous herb and was unconscious. This caused Shennong’s subordinates to be anxious. He immediately went to Duobao and his party to intercept his disciples. Duobao and others listened and rushed to Shennong. Go, kidding, this is the emperor, but I dare not make any difference.

Seeing Shennong being placed on the bed, his face was purple and blue, which was just a sign of poisoning, Duobao quickly took out a detoxification pill and fed it to Shennong. After a while, Shennong’s face recovered and he saw that he was surrounded in front of him. A group of people, “Thank you teacher for your help!” Shennong quickly thanked him.

“I don’t know what kind of medicine the teacher used to treat me?”

“Haha!” Dobo touched his chin, “Of course it is a detoxification pill!”

“I wonder how many teachers are there? Can you give me some?”

“Haha! This is a lot! Just give it to you!” After talking, Duobao gave Shennong a gourd detoxification pill.

After   , Shennong continued to taste medicinal herbs. With that gourd detoxification pill, Shennong set a new record, that is, Shennong was poisoned more than 70 times a day, but with the detoxification pill, it was safe and sound.

He wrote a scripture based on these, “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica”, which recorded the medicinal properties of many herbs and some of his own prescriptions, which benefited the human race and made great contributions. When this book was born, the heavens gave merit. It fell on the Materia Medica Sutra and became a treasure of acquired merit.

Shen Nong has already tried to poison the herbs collected by the people. In order to taste more herbs, he left the tribe alone and went to the wild land to find more herbs.

This day, he came to Dengjianmu in the wild of Du Guangzhi, and was going to find some herbs here.

Haotian looked at Shennong through the water mirror and found that he had come to his back garden. Shennong was fetching yagrass at this time, so Haotian gave Shennong a magic whip called “Ochre God”, which can be used to detect herbs. Toxicity, so Shennong took this magic whip and began to test the toxicity of the herbal medicine from the wild of Duguang until he returned to the tribe.

After returning to the tribe, Shennong perfected the Materia Medica, making it more perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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