Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 143

Chapter 142: Yao and Shun change

Chapter 142 Yao and Shun’s Replacement

After many years, the emperor’s merits were also fulfilled. He witnessed the emperor of the Taoist and gave merits from the sky. The realm of the pharmacist was raised to the late stage of the Daluo realm. The pharmacist himself thought that he could reach the quasi-sage, but was a little disappointed, and then returned to the West; And Emperor Ku also went to Huoyun Cave, and likewise, he was arranged in front of him by Xuanyuan, and Fuxi Shennong was helpless again.

After the emperor, Zhi came to the throne, and Zhi had no ambitions. Although you have no ambitions, your character should be good, but Zhi is not, and his personality is tyrannical. In the few years when his power is in the world, he has made trouble. It is because of the boiling of public grievances and there is no good teacher to help, so the governance is very poor.

After   , in desperation, Zhi gave the position of co-lord of the human race to his younger brother Fangxun, who was Yao.

Yao’s mother Qingdu stayed in her natal family after the marriage of Emperor Yu. At the end of the first month of the spring of a certain year, Qingdu and her parents took a boat on the Three Rivers to tour the Three Rivers. At noon, a flying red dragon appeared. The next day, a smaller Chilong appeared again. At night, Qing couldn’t sleep, and could not help but laugh with his eyes closed. In the hazy, yin and wind, Chilong pounced on her, and when she woke up, she still left a fishy saliva foam on her body, and there was a painting covered with saliva beside her. There was a red portrait painted on it with a sharp face. Plump, with eight eyebrows, long hair, and the painting says: I’m also blessed by God. After that, she became pregnant. Fourteen months later, she gave birth to a son who was born exactly like the person pictured on the picture. The filial son Di Yu’s mother passed away at this time. Di Yu cried to tears for the death of his mother. After that, he served his mother for three consecutive years, completely neglecting Qingdu and his son. Qingdu took his son to live in his natal family and raised his son until he was ten years old before letting him return to his father’s side. This child was later Emperor Yao. Therefore, when Emperor Yao was young, his grandfather’s family name was Yiqi, and later it was also known as Tao Tang.

After    ascended to the throne, he named his elder brother sincerely and enjoyed wealth. Because Yao himself was first named in the Tang Dynasty, it was named after Tang Dynasty. This was the first dynasty name in the history of our country. Later generations called him Tang Yao. According to legend, the emperor Yao Ren was as good as the sky, wisdom was like a god, and approached him like the sun. The same warmth, looking up to him, like a cloud covering the earth.

In the early days of Yao’s administration, there was no basic state system. The country was just a tribal union, which was very loose and was not conducive to the unified management of the country. Therefore, after Yao accumulated a certain amount of administrative experience, he began to establish a national political system. One of the most important ones is Appointing officials according to various government affairs, for the first time in the history of our country, a more systematic political system has been established.

Yao made the capital of Pingyang. Yao ordered the Xi family and the He family to formulate a calendar based on the operation of the sun, moon and stars, and then promulgated the world so that agricultural production should follow. In Yanggu, observe the sunrise situation, take the day of the equinox as the vernal equinox, and make corrections with reference to the position of the bird star; Uncle Paixi lives in a place called Mingdu and observes the movement of the sun from north to south. The longest day was the summer solstice, and corrected with reference to the position of Mars; Pai Hezhong lived in a place called Megu in the west, observed the sunset, took the day of the equinox as the autumnal equinox, and corrected with the position of the imaginary star; Pai and Uncle lived in a place called Youdu in the north, and observed the sun’s movement from south to north. The day with the shortest day was regarded as the winter solstice, and the position of the Pleiades was used for correction. After the two points and two points are determined, Yao decides to set 366 days as a year, set a leap month every three years, and use leap months to adjust the relationship between the calendar and the four seasons, so that the annual farming time is correct and there is no business trip error.

Yao visits the talents, he is afraid of burying the talents, and there will be survivors in the wild. Therefore, he often goes deep into the remote areas of poor villages, and goes to the hills and plains to search for details, ask for good advice, check on political gains and losses, and select talents.

Yao is diligent and thrifty listening to advice. His life is very frugal, living in a thatched house, drinking vegetable soup, and wearing coarse cloth woven from kudzu vine. Always pay attention to listening to the opinions of the people. A “drum of remonstrance” is set up in front of the simple palace gate. Anyone who has any comments or suggestions for him or the country can beat this drum at any time. Yao hears the drum. , Meet immediately and listen carefully to the opinions of the visitors.

Inventing wine making, Yao would like to thank God and pray for the future. Yao will select the best grains, soak them in dripping pool water, remove all impurities with special techniques, extract the essence and brew the blessing water, this water is clear, pure and fragrant. Long, to respect God.

Created Go, Yao is on the tour, looking for Xu You along the way, wanting to surrender it, but to no avail. Later, at the suggestion of Chi Jiang Ziyu, he took the road to Yishan and paid homage to Xuanyuan Huangdi’s ancestor to test the day-to-day land. On the way to the top of Huangshan Mountain, I arrived at the relics of Xuanyuan where Yiqi was at Xianqishi, so I got inspiration from this and invented Go.

Yao also has a beautiful love story:

The deer fairy is a beautiful and kind-hearted fairy who has subdued the black dragon lurking in the black dragon pool near its fairy hole for the safety of the people and the survival of the deer, and turned it into a mount for her own ride.

One day, Emperor Yao came across the deer fairy, who was called the goddess of Gushe, and was rescued by the deer fairy who repelled the giant python transformed from the black tiger fairy. After that, the two talked to each other and got married. On the wedding night, the two parties tied the knot in the fairy cave. The cave was the new house. Guanghua on the opposite candle mountain illuminated the Nanxian cave like the day. Therefore, the wedding night was also called “the night of the bridal chamber”, and the two were second after marriage. In 1 year, the deer fairy girl gave birth to her son “Zhu”, but this matter was known to Haotian. At that time, the rules of the sky were strict and immortals were not allowed to marry mortals, but Haotian knew that the two had a good relationship in the previous life, but they separated the two. Haotian deliberately opened one side, so that the two were together, without repeating the previous separation.

It was during the flood period. “The Tangtang flood cuts squarely, swings into the mountains and mausoleums, and the vastness of the sky”, the water is vast, rushing and roaring, flooding the hills, rushing to the high hills, endangering the world, and the people are disturbed. Yao was very concerned about this and consulted Siyue (the chief of the princes of the four parties) and asked who could treat the flood. Siyue recommended Gun. Yao felt that Gun was unreliable. He often disobeyed orders and endangered the interests of his clan, making him unsuitable for this important task. But Siyue insisted on letting Gun have a try, so Yao appointed Gun to treat the flood. Gun has controlled water for nine years without any achievements.

Yao is most praised for not passing down sons but passing on virtuous people. Zen is located in Shun and he does not take the position of the emperor as private. Yao has been in power for seventy years and feels the need to choose a successor. He had long believed that his son Dan Zhu was stubborn and unusable, so he discussed with Si Yue and asked them to recommend someone. Si Yue recommended Shun, saying that this man is very filial, and then there is a story about him and the elephant. Later, the story of dealing with the relationship between himself and his stepmother and father must be known to everyone, so that the family relationship is handled very well, and it can influence the family and make them change the evil and do the good. Yao decides to investigate first, and then make a decision.

Yao married his two daughters, Ehuangnuying, to Dashun, and checked his virtues from the two daughters to see if he could manage the housekeeping well. Shun and Ehuang Nvying live by the Weishui River and act according to etiquette. The two daughters are very attached to Shun and abide by women’s way. Yao also sent Shun to be responsible for the promotion of moral education. Shun taught his subjects to use the “five codes”-the five virtues of fatherly righteousness, motherly compassion, brother and friend, brother respect, and son filial piety to guide their behavior. The subjects were willing to obey him. The teachings generally follow the “Five Codes”. Yao also asked Shun to take charge of a hundred officials and handle government affairs. All the officials obeyed Shun’s command. Pepsi revitalized, no one was abandoned, and it appeared to be very orderly and without disorder. Yao also asked Shun to be in the four gates of Mingtang to receive the princes from all over the world who came to see him. Shun got along well with the princes, which also made the princes harmonious and friendly. The princes and guests from afar respected him. Finally, Yao asked Shun to go alone in the forest at the foot of the mountain to withstand the test of nature. In the storm, Shun was able to walk without losing his way, showing a strong ability to live.

After three years of various investigations, Yao felt that Shun was mature and reliable no matter how he spoke and acted, and he was able to make achievements, so he decided to surrender the throne to Yu Shun.

On this day, it was the same. After Yao finished offering sacrifices to the ancestors of the saints, he announced to the human race that he had done all his deeds, and his merits were fulfilled. At this time, the heaven descended from the heavens and the yellow merits and virtues, as the teacher of the human emperor this time, Taiyi The real man absorbed the lessons learned from his elder brother Guang Chengzi, and for Yao devoted himself to teaching, Yao did not disappoint the real man Taiyi. This time, Taiyi did a good job, and he was very satisfied with the original in the Yuxu Palace.

The merits of the heaven fell on Yao, and Yao attained the human emperor status. However, because the merits of the five emperors are not as good as the merits of the three emperors, and there are few, even though the real Taiyi got his own merit, he was also Da Luo. In the later stage, it was only one shot before he could step into the quasi-shengde path.

Later, under Xuanyuande’s arrangement, Yao also returned to the Huoyun Cave. Fuxi Shennong, who was already accustomed to him, didn’t express anything. After all, these people are the descendants of Xuanyuande, so the two can only pin their hopes on After Shun came, he thought that this guy was not a descendant of Xuanyuan, and wanted to see if he could understand the general situation by then, but when he calculated that he was the sixth grandson of Zhuan Xu, he suddenly became ill.

At the same time, above the High Heaven Hall, Haotian and Taishang looked at each other, “I don’t know what the Daoist Taishang is? Should I send Laojun to heaven?” Haotian asked.

“Haha!” The old gentleman touched his beard and smiled, “Since the old way I have come to heaven, what does the deity mean, your majesty knows well, please don’t waste time anymore!”

“Let’s go! If you can’t run, then I will build a residence for fellow Daoists in Lihentian, which is called “Dust Rate Palace”! What do Daoists think?” Haotian said.

“It’s all up to your majesty to call the shots, the old way accepts it!” The old gentleman gave a salute.

“Since the old gentleman and Daoist have lived in my place, should I pay the room fee?” Haotian said with a grin.

“Room rate?” The old gentleman was a little speechless, “Then what’s your answer?”

“Hey! Not much! Give me two Rank Nine Gold Pills every millennium, I can provide everything for fellow Daoists!” Haotian said.

The old gentleman was meditating for a moment and did not say a word, “Okay! Just as the fellow Taoist said!”

“Haha! Happy cooperation!” Haotian said.

Old gentleman: Cooperate with me #@&*¥@##! ##! !

Everyone, please give me some recommendation tickets. I haven’t got any tickets in the past two days…

(End of this chapter)

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