Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 359

Chapter 358: Yinshan

Chapter 358 Yin Mountain

On the back of Yinshan Mountain,

“Buddha Amitabha, without the decree of the two sages of the West and the Buddha Tathagata, Ksitigarbha does not dare to take a step out of the Yinshan Mountain, let alone take an oath, and hope that the Jade Emperor Haihan!” Ksitigarbha folded his hands and closed his eyes lightly. He lowered his brows and said with a hint of pain on his face.

“Amitabha!” behind the Jizo, a group of Heavenly Dragons and Babu and Dharma Protector Arhats couldn’t help putting their hands together, lowering their eyebrows and said.

When all the righteous gods saw this, they were all amazed that these Buddhists still have such a concentration when facing death and disappearance. They can actually do such a thing of life and death. No wonder, no wonder Buddhism can prosper, and this is also brainwashing. A very important aspect!

All the heavenly righteous gods looked at the dragon cart in the sky. I don’t know how to deal with the one in the dragon cart?

The Jade Emperor, who was sitting in the dragon cart, closed his eyes and did not speak for a while, letting the ray of light shine from the Buddha on the Yin Mountain below.

Suddenly, a murderous intent flashed over the Yinshan Mountain, causing the air here to condense and the temperature was somewhat lowered. Suddenly the Jade Emperor opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. On the Yinshan Mountain, the roads of Emperors and Emperors spontaneously spontaneously, and many gods only heard a cold. Voice,

“The Earth Zang does not respect the laws of the heavens, it is a disaster for all living beings! Kill!”




The black voice of the heavenly soldiers sounded in the sky, and the Leibu Zhengshen directly cast the spell, thunder in the sky, lightning flashes and thunder, a group of gods and gods sacrificed their body protection spirit treasures, and countless heavenly soldiers flew straight down, straight towards Attacked on the Yinshan Mountain and left.

Seeing this, the many Buddhas on Yinshan Mountain suddenly changed and assumed a defensive posture. I saw Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s face extremely calm, sitting on the top of Yinshan Mountain, with golden relics on top of his head, and the huge merits and gold wheels behind him. Rising, like the sun and stars, illuminating the golden light of the Nether Mansion.

The spiritual treasure of Jizo, the Buddha Pagoda is hanging high above Jizo’s head, and thousands of golden Buddha lights hang down, protecting the entire Yinshan area and protecting it with the Buddhist disciples in the Yinshan Mountain, turning into a Shamen The Supreme God channel method is extremely mysterious.

The Jade Emperor’s eyes had a fascinating color. This Jizo is worthy of being among the many people in Buddhism, and apart from Duobao, it can be in its own line.

Eight Heavenly Dragons and Dharma-protecting Arhats stand on each side, many Buddhas chanting Buddha’s chants, and sitting among the Buddhas at the bottom of the ground, a huge Dharma image has evolved, like an invincible formation, guarding the Yinshan Mountain as a strong fortress. generally.

Only more than half of the Zhoutian Zhengshen came to the underworld, all the elite powers are outside the domain, and there are also a number of star gods, each with a **** channel to protect themselves, among them there are many golden immortals and even Daluo Jinxiandao walkers, and there are many heavenly soldiers and generals. , It can be said to occupy the right time and place, how can you be afraid of the mere buddhism?


A strange sound sounded, and I saw the ancient spirit beast hiding beside the ground listening to it, opening its mouth in the blood basin, and shouting toward the many heavenly soldiers above the sky.

Countless heavenly soldiers rushed straight down. The truth sounds like a big beast, and directly went down with a big mouth and swallowed a large number of heavenly soldiers, so that the heavenly soldiers did not dare to move easily.

“Naughty animal!” I saw Huo Dexing Jun Luo Xuan in the sky yell, and he unfolded the Vulcan flag in his hand. A divine fire struck straight towards Diting, and suddenly the flame fell to the vicinity of Diting and turned into A circle of fire surrounds the truth.

谛 was shocked when he heard the situation, and quickly jumped up, wanting to fly out, but how could it be as expected,

“Where to run!” Luo Xuan’s hand flashed, and a sword appeared, named Feiyanjian.

The sword fell from the sky, and it became bigger in the wind, and it rushed straight towards Di listen.


The fire sword fell on the ground, and a large amount of dust came out. The heavenly soldiers around Diting waited for the dust to disperse, and saw Diting lying on the ground like a dead dog, not knowing life or death.

“Lao Luo! Not bad! Haha!” Shui Dexing Jundao on the side.

“Haha! Accepted!” Luo Xuan laughed.

“Xingjun Shenwei!”

“Xingjun Shenwei!”

A group of celestial soldiers and generals said loudly.

Ji Zang lowered his eyebrows and glanced at where his momentum was sluggish, with golden blood all over his body, and a trace of unobservable intolerance flashed in his eyes.

“I have suffered you!” Ji Zang pointed to the Buddha Pagoda on his head, and saw that the eighteenth-story Pagoda shot a golden light onto Di Ting’s body, and saw Di Ting’s huge body turned into a little brilliance. Turning around in the air, he flew into the Buddha Pagoda.

The Buddhist scriptures chanted by the Buddha behind the Ksitigarbha, with the sound of the Brahma sound, the golden light collided with the murderous aura in the sky, I saw a flash of fairy light, and the Buddhist disciples disappeared without a trace, just a trace. The true spirit never stayed behind, and there were also the heavenly soldiers who died because of insufficient cultivation and flew into the Heavenly Conferred God Platform.

Leibu Zhengshen Wenzhong, holding the water and fire double sticks in his hand, flying up and down like a dragon, leading a group of Leibu gods’ imperial envoys with thunder and lightning, falling straight on to a group of Shamen disciples, protecting the mountain. The golden light array was faltering, and the Ksitigarbha’s Proving Dao Lingbao Pagoda was flickering and flickering.

The five righteous gods of the Fire Ministry led their men and fought toward the west of the guarding mountain formation. Gradually, a crack appeared on the golden light. Lu Yue of the plague led the six righteous gods to the south and attacked the guarding mountain. The formation is also beyond words.

Five fighting stars, Ji Yao, righteous god, righteous **** of stars, twenty-eight stars, 36 celestial stars in Sui Dou Department, 72 earth evil stars in Sui Dou Department, each righteous god, with immeasurable power, hits the sky and the dark ground.

Suddenly, behind the Yin Mountain, there was a **** storm, blood flowing into rivers, golden and black blood, terrible wind, divine thunder flashing, fairy light soaring into the sky, golden light boundless, what a killing, no matter how many disciples were taught Or to the Buddhist monks, it can be said to be hateful for Buddhism, and Zhou Tianzheng will go out and kill each of the gods through the passage one by one.

Buddhism’s disciples are not sorry to die, but there are a large number of great supernatural powers in Buddhism, such as Maitreya, pharmacist, Guanyin, Manjusri, and fear of grandchildren. There are also two saints who have been invited and Zhun mentioned to sit in person. The battle here can be fast or slow, otherwise once the rescuers come, I am afraid that new things will happen again.

Looking at the heavenly soldiers and Buddhism people fighting underneath, the Jade Emperor sitting in the dragon chariot was not out of the sky, but pointed to the air, and suddenly a mirror flashed in the air, emitting an immeasurable light. It was that Haotian. In the mirror, Haotian’s mirror shot a divine light, and it hit the golden light array of the low Buddhist monks.

The golden light array is like crisp glass,

“Crack! Click! Click!” The voice came out.

Suddenly, the morale of all the heavenly soldiers was greatly boosted, and they slew towards the Buddhist monks in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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