Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 417

Chapter 416: Tianmadao

Chapter 416 Heavenly Demon Dao

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun watched the battle between the heavenly army and the demon army on Buzhou Mountain.

“Haotian! The demon army is fighting the heaven!” Hongjun said.

“Daozu rest assured! They will not succeed!” Haotian smiled.

Then Haotian waved his hand, and a scroll of heavenly book appeared in Haotian’s hands. Everyone looked at the things in Haotian’s hands.

“Feng Shen Bang?” Yuan said.

“Not bad!” Haotian smiled and nodded.

“What do you want to do?”

Haotian didn’t speak, but just stretched out his hand. The Conferred God Stage in the Heavenly Court suddenly flew out, gradually becoming smaller, and fell into Haotian’s palm at an extremely fast speed through the Heavenly Court. Holding the entire Conferred God Stage turned into flour and scattered, pieces of true spirits exuding celestial light flew towards the Conferred God Board. After a while, the Conferred God Board absorbed all these true spirits.

“Since then! No more restrictions on the Conferred God List! You will return to yourself!” Haotian said, spreading out the Conferred God List in his hand, and the names of the righteous gods written on it turned into a little bit of brilliance and dissipated in the Zixiao Palace. In the air, all the righteous gods in the heavenly court had dissipated, even if they felt it, they were all very happy and praised Haotian one after another.

“Enlighten Daozu! Haotian pays the list!” Haotian offered this thing with both hands.

Hongjun saw this and smiled.

“Just take this thing! Keep it in my hand! It’s useless!” Hong Jun said.

Haotian accepted this list of gods after hearing the words, everyone looked at Haotian, and their eyes flashed differently.

at this time,


There was a loud noise in the chaos, and the entire chaos sea was agitated. All the chaos gas flowed in one direction. Everyone in the Zixiao Palace had a huge change in expression. Hongjun couldn’t help frowning, and his eyes looked there.

In the depths of the chaos, a deep black hole is slowly spinning, and the infinite chaotic energy is swallowed.

Luo Hui looked at the huge black hole that swallowed chaos,

“This is the magic way!” Luo Hui was a little shocked.

“Is this a demon bred by chaos? Why is there a breath of heaven!” All the saints feel a powerful force, which belongs to the same vein as the power of heaven.

Nuwa couldn’t help but ask.

“Master, what is in it?”

I saw Hongjun said seriously,

“It’s the way of heaven!”


“This is the way of heaven?”

The six saints let out an exclamation, and the rest of the quasi-sage great supernatural powers showed incredible expressions, looking at the black hole.

“Heaven’s Dao has been enchanted!” Hong Jun said, “This is why I asked you to wait here!”

Everyone in the Zixiao Palace was shocked, looking at Hongjun, hoping to get more detailed things.

“Do you know what heaven is?”

Everyone in Zixiao Palace looked at each other and frowned. Tiandao is a term that everyone knows, and it is printed in everyone’s mind when it is born, but they really don’t know why it is called Tiandao.

“You each have your own way, or good fortune or killing or compassion, and heaven and earth also have their own way. The way of heaven and earth is the way of heaven, and the great power of heaven and earth is the great power of heaven and earth, and there is a saying that the great power of heaven and earth cannot be changed. !” Hong Jun said.

Everyone is experiencing Hongjun’s words,

“Wait until you know, this prehistoric calamity followed immediately, the early dragon and Han calamity destroyed the west, the Lich calamity destroyed the imperfect mountain to support the sky pillar, and the gods calamity destroyed the prehistoric land! What do you think of?” Hongjun Said again.

“Heaven is gradually destroying the land!” Too spit out.


“Brother?” The original person beside him was extremely surprised.

The other sages also changed their faces, and then they thought about it carefully, and the more they thought about it, the more they realized it was possible. From the opening of the land to the present, the land has become too weak, and now they can no longer bear the saint’s shot in the land.

While Tongtian hadn’t spoken for a long time beside the original, suddenly, there was a movement in his mind,

“Teacher, you have decided the battle of the gods!” Tongtian asked.

Listening to Tongtian’s words, the Taishangyuan on the side looked at Tongtian first, then looked at Hongjun, waiting for Hongjun’s words.

“Haha! That’s not me!” Hongjun smiled and shook his head, “I was already traveling in the chaos at that time!”

Tongtian was shocked,

“Teacher! Then what are the three falling sacred pills you gave to my brothers?” Tongtian asked.

Hongjun smiled slightly.

“Haha! This is even more nonsense! There is no sacred pill at all! You know, how can a pill be able to kill a saint who is immortal and immortal? That is all lie to you!” Hong Jun said.

Tongtian was taken aback when he heard the words, and Taishang did not speak for a long time. Fortunately, Tongtian was mentally prepared, but after hearing Dao Hongjun’s words, 10,000 alpacas flew past in his heart! Being too primitive is also speechless.

“Then dare to ask Dao Ancestor! This power of heaven and earth! Where do you know?” Haotian asked.

Hongjun heard the words, glanced at Haotian, and then looked up at the black hole in the depths of the chaos that was constantly swallowing the air of chaos.

“When I was thinking of becoming a holy, the raised eyebrow taoist once discussed with me, and he told me the truth of the great power of heaven and earth!” Hongjun said.

“What? Raising the eyebrows will tell you this too? That old man is immortal! He didn’t say anything to me!” Luo Hu said on the side.

“Haha!” Hongjun smiled upon hearing this.

“You are a little unclear about this! When the world was not opened, at the end of the chaos, the three thousand demon gods in the chaos opened up three thousand worlds in the chaos. Every demon **** has the ability to open up the world, but Pangu God wants to open up a perfect world. To prove the great road! After that, the Great God Pangu killed the Demon God in the chaos and merged into the world he opened up with the origin of the Demon God. Few people escaped from the three thousand Demon Gods. Raising eyebrows is one, and you can barely count the others, and the rest The demon gods were all merged into the prehistoric, some completely fell, some reincarnated as great powers with true spirits, and the ancient ancestors of the universe, yin and yang ancestors and others were all reincarnated demon gods!” Hongjun continued.

“I know some of these!” Luo Hu nodded, “So Pangu still failed in the end?” Luo Hu said.

“Yes! The Great God Pangu failed in the end. He used his body to merge the predecessors, and the three thousand demon gods were united in the original, but the heaven was born in the prehistoric. In the world outside this chaos, there is no heaven, and all of them run the world by law! “Hongjun said.

“Really!” After hearing this, Haotian carefully thought about some of the worlds he had traveled. Except for some small thousand worlds backed by the prehistoric, it seemed to be true.

“That means! Teacher! Maybe the Father is still alive?” Houtu said suddenly.

“How is it possible?” Yuan said in disbelief.

“That’s not necessarily!” Tongtian also said.

“Hongjun! I don’t know why! I also feel that Pangu is not dead, he should be alive!” Luo Hui said.

(End of this chapter)

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