Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 443

Chapter 441: Bible

Chapter 441 The Bible

In addition to this, there is also a kind of realm. What people believe in here is not the **** of Zeus, but God. God is the supreme **** of this world, and the story of creating the world here is also very peculiar, giving Haotian a feeling It’s a bit like Pangu’s great **** who created the world, but it’s not as powerful as Pangu.

According to their classic biography, “the earth is emptiness and chaos”.

It describes a chaotic, chaotic situation, and God created an orderly world from the chaos and its negative characteristics (that is, the language picture conveyed by the “darkness of the abyss” also has a negative character).

The God of Creation in the Bible created light and started the first step to eradicate chaos. “God separates the light from the dark”, so light becomes part of God’s creation, on the contrary, the night lacking light does not belong to it. Light—like all other creations of the creator—appeared at the command of God.

“God said:’Let there be light,’ there will be light”.

After the light appeared, the **** separated the water on the ground and the water in the sky to create the sky. Note that the **** here refers specifically to the supreme **** (that is, Jehovah), the master of this world, just like Pangu.

After the light appeared, God separated the water on the ground from the water in the sky, and created the sky. In this way, the second day of creation was completed. This description draws on the ancients’ understanding of the world, who believed that it was a semi-circular sphere on land that blocked water. The story of Genesis in the “Bible” is based on the entire ancient Eastern imagination of celestial bodies. The locals believe that there is a sky above the land, and the raw water separates the upper water from the lower water.

On the third day, God gathered all the water under the sky in a place called the sea, and exposed the dry land. All kinds of plants grow there. On the fourth day, God created two light bodies in the sky, the larger one for the day and the small one for the night. God created the stars again. At this point, most others worship the sun and the moon as gods, and they dare not even call their names directly. Here they only have a simple lighting function, and of course they can also distinguish between seasons.

God created another level of order on the fifth day: he created fish in the sea and birds in the sky. On the sixth day, God finally created life on the earth: livestock, insects, and animals on the earth. As in the past, God saw that everything was good.

But, he felt something was missing.

So Jehovah God used the dust on the ground to create a man in his own image and breathed into his nostrils. With a spirit, a man lives, can speak, and walk. God gave him a name, Adam.

According to God’s arrangement, Adam lived in the Garden of Eden. There is a river in the Garden of Eden, crystal clear, with fish, shrimp and water plants, winding and twisting, nourishing the creatures in the garden, and flowing out of the garden in four ways.

The first river is named Pison, and it surrounds the whole land of Havilah, where there are pearls, gold, and red agate. The second river is named Gihon, which surrounds the whole land of Cush. The third river is named Hidji, which flows through the east of Assyria, and the fourth river is named Bola, which flows through the west of Assyria. God said to Adam: “You can eat the fruits of all the trees in the garden, but the fruits of the trees of good and evil. You must not eat them. You will die if you eat them!”

The wild beasts and birds in the sky that Jehovah God created with the soil have no names. God asked them to come to Adam and listen to them. What Adam called it, what will be called later.

Jehovah God said: “It is not good for that person to live alone. I will make a spouse for him to help him.” The Lord God put him into a deep sleep, and he fell asleep; God took off one of his ribs and put the flesh together. No scars or pain. Jehovah God used the ribs taken from the man to create a woman and led her to the man.

When Adam woke up, he saw the woman and said: “This is the bone in my bones, the flesh in my flesh!”

At that time, the husband and wife were naked and not ashamed.

Adam and Eve lived happily in the Garden of Eden, eating fruits when hungry, and sleeping when they were sleepy. There is no disease, no worries, no pain.

But the most evil of all animals is the snake. The snake asked the woman if she could eat any fruit she wanted.

“Of course,” the woman replied.

“Except for the fruit of the tree of wisdom, we can eat whatever fruit we want to eat. But if we eat the fruit of the tree of wisdom, we will die.” said the snake.

“would not”

“If you eat the fruit of the tree of wisdom, you will distinguish between good and evil so that you can be like God. For this reason, God will not let you eat the fruit of the tree of wisdom.”

The woman looked at the tree with thirst, and couldn’t stand the temptation of the watery fruit, thinking that because the fruit would make her smart. In the end she couldn’t bear it anymore, so she picked a piece of fruit and ate it. Then she picked another one and gave it to Adam, who also ate it. Then they looked at each other, realized that they were naked, and understood the difference between male and female bodies, which meant shame. They hurriedly plucked some fig leaves to cover their bodies. The entrance guards the tree of life.

After God drove Adam and the woman out of the Garden of Eden, Adam named his wife Eve because she was the mother of all living beings.

Adam) had **** with his wife Eve, and Eve became pregnant, gave birth to Cain, and said,

“The Lord has made me a man.”

So Cain is also called “the third man in the world”.

Later, Cain’s brother Abel was born. Abel is a shepherd, and Cain is a farmer. One day, Cain took vegetables and grains from the field and offered them to the Lord; Abel also offered the firstborn of his flock and the fat of the sheep. Jehovah liked Abel and his offerings, but he didn’t like Cain and his offerings.

These things implied a description of Cain’s behavior, and Cain’s behavior was evil; among them, the scriptures even pointed out that the offering was not acceptable to God because of Cain’s bad behavior. Although the Bible does not record what Cain did before offering sacrifices to God, it records that Cain later became “greatly angry with God” because of God’s disapproval of the offering, and then grew jealous and hatred towards his biological brother Abel. So as to kill the brothers. When God asked Cain where Abel was, Cain “lied”, but after being exposed, he only felt that the punishment was too heavy and he did not have any remorse for his actions.

is also precisely because of his name, the name means “get,” which means to kill one’s relatives, and is the ancestor of all the evil people in the world.

Cain as the elder brother, because he hated his brother Abel’s behavior, he killed Abel and was punished by God.

So Cain and Abel represent two kinds of people in the world, Cain represents a sinner and self-righteous person, and Abel represents a sincere faith and god-fearing person.

(End of this chapter)

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