Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 470

Chapter 468: World destruction

Chapter 468 World Destruction

After that, Odin returned to the Golden Palace after the Devil of the Earth took action, but he couldn’t take it lightly at this time, because now the end of the world is approaching, and he has to take action personally and compete with those demons, because he was before. The gods sent could not stop the footsteps of the demons.

On the eve of the battle, Oddingson went to the Well of Destiny alone, only to see the three goddesses of Norren with a tulle mask, sitting silently beside the withered tree of the world, with only a broken net beside him, and Oddingson turned to At Mimir, after speaking a few words in his ear, he turned and hurried back to the battlefield.

Both parties are here, and countless years of hatred will be resolved here at once. Odin wore a golden helmet and held the Eternal Spear to kill Fenrir. Thor is holding Thor’s hammer against Yemengard, while Frey fights with Selter.

Because Frey had previously given the Sword of Victory to Skeiner in order to marry Gerd, without this sword, Frey could only fight bravely with Selter with antlers, and finally died.

Gam, the **** dog, dripping with blood, rushed towards the **** of war Tyr. After a fierce battle, Tyr and Gam died together.

Thor and the world serpent Yemengard fought fiercely. The serpent’s huge body constantly rolled and cleverly avoided Thor’s Thor’s hammer. At the same time, he continued to spit poison at Thor, making Thor very angry. , Aimed at the head of the snake, threw the Thor’s hammer with all his strength, in a moment, thunder rumbling, and the electric light dazzling, this was a fatal blow, the snake raised its body, sprayed blood at Thor, and fell to the ground to die. Thor was already deep in the poison of Yemengard. He shook his face and let out a thunderous and painful moan. Finally, the first warrior who had brought Asgard numerous victories also died in utter anger.

The opponent against the main **** Odin is the magic wolf Fenrieu. Fenrieux opened its huge mouth that was big enough to fill the sky and the earth, Fenrieux’s eyes and nostrils were blazing, and his eyes flashed like lightning, and he swooped at Odin. Odin raised the Eternal Spear to greet him. He wore a golden helmet, and his dark blue cloak undulated behind his shoulders like a blue flame. He stepped down and rode a horse named Sleibnir. Lord of the gods of Yasgot. However, unfortunately, the battle was not good, and Fenrir was bitten to death shortly after the fight. Odin’s son Vidal rushed forward when he saw such a tragic situation, stepped on the lower jaw of the giant wolf with his iron-shoeed feet, and then pulled the upper jaw with his hands, finally tore Fenrir, and then picked up his father. His Eternal Spear, and then a shot from the throat of the giant wolf into the heart, killing Fenrieu.

Loki’s opponent is Heimdall who guards the Hongqiao Bridge. After a long period of punishment, Loki’s appearance is extremely terrifying, his face is pale as “death”, and his hair and beard stand full of anger. It looks like a strange horn. Heimdall quickly decapitated the ugly head with a sword, but the beheaded head bounced from the ground and hit Heimdall in the chest, killing Heimdall. In the end, they fought. End with the deaths of both parties.

The battlefield is full of corpses of gods and giant monsters, and the plain has become a sea of blood. The black dragon Nidhog was flying over the battlefield, his wings making a terrifying noise, and he greedily ate the blood-stained corpse with the remaining warmth. The sky glowed with a **** dark red light, dyeing the sky and the earth into a deep Red, there are very few figures standing on the battlefield. At this time, Selter threw the magic sword of flame into the sky. In the red lotus-like raging flames, the “atrium” has become a sea of fire, and the pillar of fire penetrates the universe. Thick smoke covered the top of the mountain, and the tree of the world that supported the universe was swallowed by flames and collapsed, and the entire universe was destroyed.

Before Frey fell to the ground and died, he also severely injured the flame giant Suter, which caused his devilish heart to burst, and flames were emitted all over his body, igniting the Kingdom of God Asaph, igniting the earth of mankind, and igniting the world tree. Yugatrahi. The branches and leaves of the world that have gone through the three Fumble Winters withered and yellowed, and once the flames of the flame giant ignited, they immediately burned. In this way, the entire universe fell into a sea of fire, and all nine worlds were destroyed in the sea of fire. Asaph, heroic warriors and giants who were still fighting in the Wigrit wilderness were also killed in the fire. .

Stars fell from the firmament, time no longer existed, and the charred ground swayed and sank into the turbulent ocean floor. All you could see was the huge waves, and there was only a dead silence and eternal darkness in the universe.

The magnificent Valhalla Shrine collapsed, and the numerous magnificent palaces of the gods were turned into rubble. The homes of the gods were in ruins in the fire, and there was not much left. The fire finally destroyed them completely.

At the extreme southern end of the ruined universe, there is a blue sky that has never been visited before. After the end of the apocalypse, the remaining gods come here, and a new land and a new world spring from the sea under their feet. This piece of land purified by seawater has gradually grown greener and more luxuriant plants than before, and the earth has regained its vitality. Among the gods, Vidal, the **** of the forest, and Val, the **** of nature, survived. Thor’s sons Manny and Moody survived with their father’s Quake. Two people named Lieb and Rip Trashir survived because of hiding in the Hutmimir Forest. They are considered to be the ancestors of later humans.

Time passed, and new ground emerged from the sea under their feet. The dead light gods and blind gods also resurrected and returned.

This land is more beautiful than the ruined old world, with deeper greenery, fruit trees, and the sound of gurgling water in the fresh air in the early morning. In this far south, the beautiful plain still exists as before. The surviving gods walked on the green grass on the plain. In the grass, they seemed to see the golden years that they had spent in the past.

With deep joy, the gods seem to have found the ruins of the collapsed palace and the “Hall of Valor” in this peaceful new world. They vaguely walked into the hall of the “Hall of Heroes” again. The surviving gods looked at each other and were shocked and delighted. Everyone had endless thoughts in their hearts. Everyone couldn’t help crying with joy, determined to rebuild such a vivid palace in memory. Rebuild a whole new world of happiness…

After   , the black dragon “desperately” sprang out from the corpse pile. It flew heavy and lowly across the ground, and its black wings were covered with bones. Soon it fell in a far place and disappeared into the bottomless abyss at the edge of the universe.

Although the fire destroyed the universe, it also burned all evil. The new order was re-established, and the new world would be even better. However, Haotian didn’t know about this, and didn’t care whether this world would be destroyed or not. It was Zhunti’s concern, after all, he had promised this world to him, and he couldn’t control anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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