Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Nuwa as a saint

Chapter 60 Nuwa Sanctification

The vision of Nüwa’s sanctification appeared in the entire prehistoric world. Everyone was shocked. On the Kunlun Mountains, Sanqing looked at Nüwa in the direction of silence. Laozi’s face was rarely surprised, and the original face was also upset. He had thought that this sanctification was at least not his elder brother Lao Tzu, or himself. He didn’t expect it to be Nuwa. As for Tongtian, he had an expression that had nothing to do with him, as if he didn’t care about making Nuwa a holy.

Zhunti was also greatly surprised by the western introduction. Zhunti looked at the vision of Nuwa after she became a holy, and couldn’t help but feel a little envious. He will also be a sanctified person in the future, and there will be such a pomp, and also fantasize about his future. After watching this vision, he also took a look, then closed his eyes and rested.

As for the other powers, Zhenyuanzi looked at the vision of sanctification, and felt a little complicated. If old friend Hongyun was there, the same would be true after sanctification. “Hey” Zhenyuanzi couldn’t help sighing; deep in the sea of blood, In the central palace of a group of extremely tall, dark and blood-red palaces, Styx looked at the scene of Nuwa’s sanctification and muttered “good fortune?” On the sea, splashing water, on a huge island, in a palace full of monster characters and profound yellow merits, Kunpeng was sitting on one of the high platforms. Kunpeng took a leave of absence from Emperor Jun for a while, returned to Beiming, and saw Nuwa The scene of sanctification, “If I have purple qi, then I can be sanctified! No chance! No chance! Harm!” Then he shook his head and shouted loudly.

Heavenly Court, Di Jun, who was dealing with government affairs, was suddenly affected by Nu Wa’s aura of becoming a holy. Xihe, who was still in the apse, hurried to the High Heaven Hall and asked Di Jun if the Wu clan had come! Taiyi also flew in from the Sun Temple, and when the three of them thought something major had happened, Bai Ze ran in from the outside and shouted as he ran: “Your Majesty! Happy event! Happy event!”

“Huh? What’s the happy event?” Di Jun asked.

“Your Majesty! Empress Wa is sanctified! This is a great happy event!” Bai Ze said happily.

“What? Fellow Nv Wa has been sanctified? What you said is true?” Di Jun’s face was filled with excitement

“True, true! Emperor Wa is sanctified!” Bai Ze said.

“Okay! Nuwa Daoist friend became a holy! My demon clan’s help will be greatly improved!” Di Jun said again.

In the heavens, countless monsters knelt in the direction of Nuwa, screaming, “Congratulations to the emperor Wa!” It can be seen that the people of the monsters respect the first sanctified person of the monsters. Di Jun saw all the monsters. In this way, his face was a little stiff. As the emperor of the monster race, although Nuwa became a saint, it also indirectly affected her position in the monster race. This caused Di Jun a headache, but it was only a moment. clam down.

In Fuxi in Fengxi Mountain, knowing that Nuwa was holy, she was full of joy and laughed, and said, “My sister is really holy! I am really worthy of my Fuxi sister! Good job! Haha!”

Just when everyone’s minds were different, Nuwa didn’t know. In the land of making people, Nuwa’s aura suddenly collapsed after a while, and the whole person was somewhat different from before, and her aura became mysterious and mysterious. The taste of Xuan and Tao appeared, and Nuwa’s noble, elegant and dignified temperament was mixed with the indifference of Heaven’s Tao, especially the indifference, which Haotian could deeply feel beside Viruwa, Haotian couldn’t help taking a deep breath. I thought to myself, how could this cosmic purple qi change a person like this, do you want to prove sanctification through the purple qi?

Haotian thought about it, but Nuwa pushed Haotian and said, “This time I can become a saint. Thanks to you, brother, you can come to me if you have anything in the future!” Then he said, “Forget it. Ask Junior Brother, how do you know that I will have a big chance here?”

After hearing the previous sentence, Dao Haotian was overjoyed, Nuwa gave herself benefits and helped, it was a worthwhile trip! But after hearing the last sentence, it was because I originally planned to return to Yujing Mountain with Yaochi, but Hongjun transmitted to myself and asked me to find Nuwa, but I couldn’t say that Hongjun let me come, and it was a bit difficult for him to come. At this moment, there was a voice from the sky, “Nuwa! Now that you have become a holy, you should go to open a dojo thirty-three days away. Don’t stay in the wilderness for long!” Yes, this is exactly what Hongjun said.

“Yes, Daozu! I will go to the chaos in the future! Can I allow me for a while, I will clean up!” Nuwa said.

“Yes!” a voice without emotion said.

Haotian heard what Hongjun said, this is really timely rain! Nuwa still wanted to wait for Haotian to speak, but when she heard Hongjun’s words, she thought that she would not say what she hadn’t said a long time ago, but this time, hey? Wait, it won’t be Taoist! Nuwa instantly understood it in her heart, glanced at Haotian, and said: “Junior Brother! Since Dao Ancestor wants me to go to Chaos, then I will not stay here. I will open up Chaos in the future! Junior Brother can come and watch!”

“Yes! I will definitely come!” Haotian said.

So Nuwa straightened her body and said: “I am now holy! When the dojo will be opened thirty-three days away, anyone who is predestined will come to the chaos to listen to my lecture in a hundred years!”

Everyone has listened. Those who have listened to the preaching of Taoist ancestors can go and listen to the difference when they think of it. Those who have not heard the preaching of Taoist ancestors will be overjoyed in their hearts. This is a great opportunity!

At this time, there was a phoenix call from the horizon, auspicious clouds lingering, sky sound curled up, a phoenix clad in five colors and golden light flew in front of Nuwa and stopped, bowed his head and bowed, knowing that this was for himself as a gift. Mounted.

also faced Phoenix a little, and a beautiful young woman wearing a colorful heavenly robe appeared, “Give you your name Jinfeng! It is my strength!”

Jinfeng is overjoyed, accepting the first salute, “Congratulations to the empress for her sanctification! The saint has a holy life!”

The opportunity is over, Nuwa will not stay, she is about to leave, Jinfeng turns into a phoenix, Nuwa stepped on her back, sat cross-legged on her back, Jinfeng screamed, flapped her wings, and left.

The human interracial Nuwa underneath left and said, “Send to the Virgin!”

Haotian watched Nuwa leave, so he thought about leaving, and turned around for a moment. The countless human races below stared at him intently, making Haotian a little scalp numb. Nuwa didn’t care about Human Race at this time, after all, this Human Race was just this person, and she just used it as a tool of sanctification.

To be honest, Haotian didn’t want to care about these human races. Although he said that he was a human in his previous life, it has faded after so many years in the prehistoric life. The human race at this time is too weak and small. Although the human race has great achievements, there is no way now, who Make yourself kind.

After that, Haotian picked up the merit cane whip that was thrown aside, and said, “Just ask you to teach the whip!” After saying that the whip trembled, as if he recognized the name, he handed the whip to the first person who came out of Nuwa to create a human. , Thought for a while and said: “From now on, you will be the leader of the human race! Named the Suiren clan” and then pointed at the two born later: “You two assisted in the management of the human clan, so the names are Chao Clan and Suyi Clan. ”

“Thank you, Father!” The three people knelt down and bowed their heads to worship Haotian.

“Holy Father?” Haotian said in his mouth, “I like it” and then he laughed.

After observing the human races, I found that the highest limit of these human races can only be Da Luo Jinxian. Later, if you want to break through, unless there is a big opportunity, it is difficult to change.

Nüwa probably created a million human races. This solution to the problem of eating and drinking Lazard became a problem. Haotian recruited the third ancestor of the human race and said: “You three, and find a place suitable for you to live in. Human life, I am waiting here to protect the law for you!”

The three of them were overjoyed, and Nato bowed: “Thank you, Father!”

“Hmm huh (^_^ Haotian said.

After that, the three people led some human races to find a good, flat, suitable place for the human race to live in the distance. After a month or two, the third ancestor of the human race sent a messenger back and told everyone that there was a flat place in front of them for the human race. Life, the three ancestors of the human race let everyone hurry over.

All the races looked at Haotian who was meditating on the side, Haotian saw that the Human races were all looking at him, Haotian nodded at the crowd, indicating that he could go there.

When they arrived in a flat land, the Terran races began to dig holes in the ground to protect against the harsh environment and weather. However, there is Haotian to protect the Terran Law here, and there are no monsters to be monsters, only the little monsters are nearby, Hao God ignored it, after all, it was impossible for the Human Race to not suffer.

At this time, the human race was thirsty for blood, eating various things raw, and there were also small monsters such as tigers and leopards that harass the human race, and the human race also resisted the monster beasts. Haotian watched the human race’s behavior, but Haotian could not go. Help them, because he knows that this is the human race that needs to be tempered. His own help is just to pull the seedlings and encourage them. The ordinary people within the human race have died many years in many years. The human race is very painful, and the third ancestor came to seek Haotian to help them. , But Haotian couldn’t, he could only close his eyes and not look at them.

Seeing Haotian like this, the Terran also knew that Haotian could not help them. The Terran was very frustrated. At this moment, Haotian said to the third ancestor of the Terran: “Observe the environment around you, what can be used to show Yes, it can cover the body, etc., think more!”

When everyone saw Haotian’s words, they explored the surrounding environment carefully. The emperor did not bear the painstaking efforts. On this day, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck an ancient tree, and the tree suddenly began to burn. The raging fire scared away the surrounding monsters. When Suiren saw him, he was very curious, and immediately flashed in his mind: If you use fire, you can scare away the monsters and provide warmth to people. It is very peculiar. The fire remained. When he walked near the big tree, he smelled the scent of meat. It turned out that a sika deer was burned to death. The smell was very fragrant. The Flintlock tore a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. The smell, Really had nothing to say, he was also aware of the peculiarities of the fire, and quickly greeted the fire to protect the other human races, and told everyone that the fired rice was more delicious, especially the meat.

But when the fire burned the branches, the flame disappeared, so I kept trying to use bigger wood as the burning agent in the place of the tree, and kept it for a long time. In this way, the fire still retains some, and he will have a fire. The burnt branches were distributed to everyone and used to drive away monsters and other ways.

Just when everyone was happy, a sudden heavy rain extinguished all the human fire. The human race was very frustrated, and the Suren family had nothing to do. After all, there was no fire.

When everyone was sad, Haotian said to Suiren, “Why don’t you try to drill wood to make fire?” After that, Haotian gave Suiren some inspiration, and Suiren immediately did it, looking for a thick branch, and I found a small branch, drilled a small hole in the big branch, put the small branch in, and kept rotating rapidly.

After trying thousands of times, he finally made the first group of human fire belonging to the human race. At this time, merits came from the sky. The flame of merit will never go out, and the other two achievements fell on Haotian.

Everyone, writing is not easy, I hope you can support me, your praise is the source of my efforts! !

(End of this chapter)

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