Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 98

Chapter 97: Afterwards (seeking subscription for monthly pass)

Chapter 97 Afterwards (seeking subscription for monthly pass)

There is no longer him, Haotian immediately rushed to the Beiming Sea to find the Beiming Divine Tortoise.

After all, the supernatural tortoise is a supernatural tortoise. This tortoise has existed since the beginning of heaven and earth. It has been hundreds of millions of years. He is a demon clan, but the powerful know that this great tortoise is very strong. Even unsanctified saints dare not provoke, but after sanctification, people are still sure to deal with such a tortoise, but the gods and ghosts have vast mana and prowess, but they don’t like to fight, otherwise, the ancient three clans war period , They slept until the end of the catastrophe, do you think they are good?

The same is true for   , until after the sanctification of Nuwa, she thinks she is a demon saint and can govern other people, but they don’t love you, do they all know women? Quite unreasonable, because of this, Nuwa missed her.

When he came to Beiming Sea, Beiming was blank, only the waves slapped. The sea was so big that Haotian was speechless, and he didn’t know where to find Xuangui.

Haotian released his divine consciousness and searched for the trail of the tortoise. After a while, he finally found it. Haotian hurriedly flew there, which was north of Beiminghai. When Haotian arrived, he found a large piece of land there. I don’t know the area of the big island, the island is shaded by trees, and birds and beasts are in groups. If Haotian didn’t look carefully, I would really think it was a fairyland, but it was not, it was just the back shell of the tortoise.

“God Turtle!”

“God Turtle!”

Haotian cried, and after a while, he saw that underwater, a huge ** appeared from the surface of the water, and his eyes looked as big as a star, and his eyes looked slightly tired.

“Who is calling me?” The turtle looked around.

“I’m here!” Haotian shouted loudly.

Haotian does not have a Falun Real Body, so in the eyes of the **** turtles, it is the size of a mosquito.

“What do you want me to do?” said the tortoise.

“Do you know! Are you going to be made into a pillar to support the sky?” Haotian said.

“Huh? Supporting the sky pillar?” The tortoise said, he didn’t care at all, then buried his head in the sea and continued to sleep.

“???” Haotian was forced.

“What?” The sea vibrated violently, and the ** protruded out of the sea again.

Haotian felt that the brain circuit of this dear Grandpa Turtle was a bit slow, and then Haotian told him why this happened.

“What?” After listening to Haotian’s words, the tortoise became angry. He is not eager to compete with others, but there are always people who want to ride on his head, this time he wants his own life?

Haotian clearly felt the anger of the tortoise, “Don’t be so angry, why don’t you care about that woman, besides, it is not a good opportunity to use you to patch the sky this time.”

“Oh ?” The turtle is interested, “What opportunity?”

“Mysterious tortoise, you originally existed in the beginning of heaven and earth. For some reason, you couldn’t transform into form. This time, it is an opportunity that allows you to transform into form, and you can get merits. Taoism will not dissipate. Great thing! What do you say?” Haotian said.

The tortoise understood Haotian’s thoughts at once, “Then what should I do?”

“I wonder if the tortoise can rest assured, give me your soul, and I will let you reincarnate in the six reincarnations, how about?” Haotiandao

The reincarnation of the six reincarnations, the tortoise knew it, but he did not dare to hand over the soul to Haotian, what if Haotian wanted to do?

Seeing the **** tortoise hesitated, the saints are still discussing and discussing. If you don’t catch the scriptures, it will be no good if you are discovered by the saints, “I am willing to swear to heaven! How?”

The turtle did not speak.

Haotian saw this, “Heaven’s way is above, today there is Haotian, and promised to help the Beiming Divine Tortoise to survive this catastrophe and be reincarnated. If I have a bad motive, my death will disappear, the heaven will be destroyed, and the heaven will learn from it!”

After Haotian finished, there were three thunders in the air above Beiming, and Tiandao acknowledged this oath.

The turtle is waiting for Haotian to take an oath, and when Haotian is over, “Okay! I do!”

“The way of heaven is above, and I am the sea turtle of the North Sea. I feel that the mountains are broken and the wild creatures are smashed. I would like to turn my body into a pillar to support the sky, and the way of heaven will learn from it!”

At this time, all the saints and powerful people who were still arguing heard the oath of the gods and ghosts, especially Nu Wa, she was shocked that someone had broken her good deeds, and the communication world deduced it, she wanted to see who is it? However, Haotian was carrying the treasure, how could Nuwa be counted? No, Nuwa can only give up.

Beijing Minghai, the sky descends a thousand acres of merit, of which 70% is earned by the tortoise, 10% goes to Haotian, and 20% goes to the creatures on the North Minghai.

Soon the body of the supernatural tortoise was about to be dismantled, the supernatural soul of the supernatural tortoise drilled out of the huge body and said “please!” and it fell into the hands of Haotian. God disappeared.

Haotian looked at the body of the tortoise without a soul, looked at the thick and solid shell of the tortoise, this thing is unparalleled in defense, can resist and behave, and can also smash people. If it is made into a magic weapon, then, needless to say, Hao Tian had an idea, he used great magic power to peel the turtle shell from the body of the turtle. This process was really laborious and time-consuming. Haotian used the law of time and adjusted the speed faster before removing the turtle. The shell was peeled off, and nothing else was done, and the tortoise shell was directly stored in the Chaos Bead.

Haotian knew that this place shouldn’t stay for a long time, so he immediately used the power of the law of time and disappeared.

The sage swept the North Sea, and saw the huge body of the tortoise in the north, but nowhere was the sage of the tortoise and its turtle shell gone. All the saints knew that this tortoise was an extremely powerful one. Help, if you can accept the turtle, then if your sect goes out or is not there, the turtle is a powerful back-up, but it seems that they have no chance with the turtle.

So the saints transferred the huge body of the tortoise to Buzhou Mountain with great magic power, and the few people worked together to put the body of the tortoise on the break of the mountain as the body of the mountain, and then Nuwa took off the limbs of the tortoise. It was placed at the junction of the sky and the mountain, and then the body of the tortoise perfectly merged with the mountain of Bu Zhou, as if the body of the tortoise was born to make up for the mountain. From then on, people can see that the sky is high. At the end of the sky, there are four great pillars standing on top of it.

At this time, the mountain is not full, the sky is repaired, the mountain is also set, and the two groups of Lich are gone. All this looks perfect to the saint, but the Nuwa among the saints is not happy, why are they not happy, the judges Take a closer look. Hou Tu is not happy, why not, like Nuwa, but the shadow of Hou Tu hasn’t appeared after the war for so long. Who knows what she is doing?

After Nuwa finished refining the sky-filling stone, she sent Qiankun Ding back to Haotian. Although she was very reluctant to let Qiankun Ding such a congenital treasure, it did not belong to her. On the ground where she refined the sky stone, she found that there was still a colorful stone that hadn’t been made up to the sky. Nu Wa picked it up and held it in her hand, “Huh?”, Nu Wa suddenly felt something in the colorful stone, thinking about it. Think, throw the sky-filling stone to the east at will, and ignore it.

The saints standing nearby all saw Nuwa’s movements, and did not respond. This sky-filling stone, there is no need to bother with such a thing, but at this moment, looking at the sky-filling stone, there is a golden light in his eyes. He looked at Nüwa, who also felt Dao Zhunti’s gaze, looked at him, and stopped looking.

Zhunti looked at the colorful stone again, and there was a hint of understanding in his eyes. The face of the bitter Cucumber had changed rare for thousands of years, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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