President Stark

Chapter 3. Setbacks & Hangovers

[A/N: This story follows the MCU timeline mostly, but I'm adding characters from Fantastic Four and X-Men as well, adjusting them around the timeline.] [E/N: yep yep... gimme more beauties! All the pretty big sisters!]

The first-ever in-studio interview of Tony turned out to be a massive success. Chatter regarding his name increased on television and the internet. Most of the young voters in the age group of eighteen to thirty were significantly more interested in voting for him. Meanwhile, the age group of thirty to sixty was unsure, and as for the oldest ones, they were staunch fans of already-existing candidates.

Now, the world awaited how Tony Stark was going to make electricity so cheap and eco-friendly.

Sadly, no one knew how frustrated that very task had made him.


"I'm dead." Tony slumped onto the couch in his workshop, his body drenched in sweat, sporting raccoon eyes. "The poison is winning."

With his attention divided between finding a cure for himself and building five hundred Iron Guardians, construction exoskeletons, and construction droids, Tony found himself overexerting in every way possible.

Physically, he was dying, and mentally he was frustrated.

"Sir, may I suggest something?"

Tony blankly stared at the ceiling. "Praying?"

"No, Sir. But I suggest visiting your friends with a similar intellectual caliber as you. Perhaps, Mr. Richards."

"Reed?" Tony scoffed, his pride at play. "He overthinks. By the time he's done thinking, I'd be a fossil. And what's that? Feeling scared of my death?"

"I have no such emotional setting, Sir. It was a mere suggestion. You are an engineer, and he's an omnidisciplinary scientist—"

Tony clapped, silencing Jarvis as he sighed. "Ah, even my child has started talking back. Rebellious phase, huh?"

Yet, Tony couldn't help but feel curious. If there was any man Tony ever considered just slightly better than himself, it was Reed. But he also knew the man had issues. "What's he up to these days?"

Tony took out his phone-like device from his pocket and started tapping around, searching for information. "Big dreams for a big brain? Building a rocket ship faster than light?"

Intrigued, Tony didn't take the information seriously. He had heard people talking about such ships too many times, and he knew it was almost impossible with the current technology. Maybe he could make it one day… that was, if he lived.

"Classic Reed. What good is all that brainpower if you can't have a little fun?" Tony sighed as he scrolled through the news. It didn't take long to discover that the government had pulled the plug on Reed's project grants, and the other investors were bailing faster than you could say 'billionaire playboy philanthropist'.

In the end, he just sighed and stopped, remaining on the couch lazily, his arm hanging down from the side, one leg up on the backrest. Dammit, it's a headache of my own making.

He felt slightly frustrated about standing in the election. It was eating up his precious time and brainpower.

Beep! Beep!

"Mr. Stark."

Tony glanced to the side and saw his absolutely heart-throbbing, stunning new secretary—Natalie Rushman. He quite liked her dressing sense. Very revealing and helpful in raising his blood pressure.

"Is the world ending, Ms. Rushman?" Tony asked lazily, his head dangling over the edge of the couch. His gaze remained fixed on the woman's legs, clad in a snug black skirt that barely reached her thighs. The closer she got, the more he got to look—spotless and so enchanting.

"Not yet, Mr. Stark. But you are scheduled to visit Monaco for the Circuit de Monaco," Natalie notified, being the perfect secretary. "Ms. Potts has already departed and will see you there."

Tony unashamedly slid his body down some more, making his head lean closer to Natalie so he could see more and more of her smooth legs. He felt they looked too perfect for a secretary. Heck, he had thoroughly 'examined' a few female athletes before, and even they didn't have such perfectly toned, muscular, and yet soft limbs.

"Do you play any sports, by chance, Ms. Rushman?" He asked, curious what the rest of her naked body would look like.

Natalie, aware of Tony's gaze, didn't hold back, and, instead, took a step forward, giving him a pleasant view of the gap between her legs, revealing the faintest hint of her lacy black panties. "I did wrestling, Mr. Stark."

Black! Tony saw it. She's one good seductress. Too tempting—I'm one lawsuit away from losing the election.

Meanwhile, Natalie's gaze fell on Tony's pants, and she took a few steps back quickly. "The plane is waiting for you to take off."

"Great." Tony finally sat up and stood back up. "I need a shower first."

Natalie stepped aside. "Anything else, Mr. Stark? Otherwise, I'll be waiting in the car."

"I'm afraid the shower is strictly a solo affair, Ms. Rushman." Tony quipped with a smirk as he strolled away. "I'll be out in a moment."

Half an hour later, Tony walked out of his mansion with a single suitcase that was his light armor suit. However, he had more things planned as a truck came out of the garage at the same time, holding ten different Iron Guardian Suits.

"What's in the truck, Mr. Stark?" Natalie asked as she opened the backseat door of the car.

But Tony sidelined her and took the driver's seat instead. "That's me being paranoid and ready, Ms. Rushman."

Natalie, used to Tony's antics, took the front passenger seat. Her short office skirt slid dangerously up as she sat down with her knees clenched together.

Focus, Tony. You can't afford a scandal right now. Tony felt the itch in his palm to put his hand on her delightful uncovered lap. But, he instead clenched the steering wheel tight and slammed the gas pedal.

Zooming past the traffic, Tony drove to the airport while listening to Natalie briefing him about the event. He was supposed to meet a few more businessmen there for a possible collaboration, or investment from his side.

"Ms. Rushman, can you make me a report on Reed Richards later? I need the scoop on what he's been up to and why Uncle Sam decided to pull the plug on his funding," Tony interrupted her and requested.

"Of course, Mr. Stark. Anything else?"

Ugh… Tony grunted, unable to take his eyes off her lustrous legs. It had to be on purpose, he reckoned. The skirt had almost bunched up to her hips, and he was sure he'd be able to see her panties with just another bump on the road. She keeps asking what else. Ah, I can't ask for 'that' though.

Tony looked at her entirely again, and noticed how tightly wrapped her half-sleeved shirt was. Her bosom was so shapely defined in that clothing. Can she even breathe in that?


"Mr. Stark!"

"Oh!" Tony focused back on the road, swerving to avoid a collision. "I'm starting to think Pepper was right, Ms. Rusman."

"What do you mean, Mr. Stark?"

"You're a very dangerous woman…"


Eventually, Tony arrived in Monaco and got a change of clothes at the hotel. Right after, he arrived at the racing event with Pepper, waving his hand at the people. There were quite a few people cheering for his name.

Ever since he proposed running in the election, the world media hyped his name to the degree that even the most remote parts of the world now knew it. While most of the publicity was positive, some places called him a warmonger and whatnot.

After arriving, Tony got a few pictures taken and grabbed the drinks, ignoring most who came his way. The only people he did talk to there were Pepper and Natalie, both of whom he wanted to take a quick break with. But he knew his limits.

"Great, my least favorite person on Earth." Tony groaned as he heard the annoying voice of Justin Hammer. "I'm out."

Sighing, he got up and left the party room to take a leak. And, of course, to check the blood toxicity. "Yep, still dying."

"I suggest you don't partake in any strenuous activities, Sir." Jarvis voiced through the glasses Tony had recently made to remain in touch with his AI son constantly.

"You know what, I think I'm gonna race myself." Tony barked the exact opposite. "Deploy the Iron Guardians and keep a low profile. Take action if any accidents happen."

"Understood, Sir."

Without informing anyone, Tony changed into a racing suit and got onto the racetrack. Since he owned the racing team, he obviously had the power to decide what he wanted to do. He simply fired the driver and got himself fitted in the car.

Time to drive like a dead man. Tony reached the starting line and waited for the go. Of course, he had driven a Formula 1 track before—a few years ago—alone.


Here we go! Tony accelerated with no fear at all. Race to win, baby.

Yes, he actually wanted to win as well.

However, there was another man who wanted to win, not in race but in his life's mission. He walked out of the crowds, hiding among the security staff in his disguise. His body was filled with tattoos, and his face was very much aged.

Finally; the man thought as he approached the racetrack calmly, waiting for the race cars to approach so he could walk right onto the road. Time to bring down the king.

At last, he moved the fencing gate and walked right onto the track. Unfazed by the approaching cars, he confidently took off his helmet and began walking towards the cars.



"Extreme Energy Signature detected!"

"Danger Detected!"


Out of nowhere, ten Iron Guardians came flying out and hovered in a circle above the dangerous man. They gave no warning. As soon as they noticed the man had a heat signature comparable to the arc reactor, and the X-ray vision provided the details of what was hidden under his coat, they blasted the man right away.


However, the man reacted quickly and activated his weapon. His shirt burned away, and the Arc Reactor on his chest was revealed. The electrifying whips crackled in the air in response.

"Code Red!"


The ten Iron Guardians dived down, their arms stretched out. All ten of them shot a beam at the same time, all of them focused on the fleshy part of the man. It was impossible for the man to counter.


The man got thrown away to the side of the road, his form bloodied already. But the Iron Guardians didn't stop. Two of them landed and grabbed the man by his arms, and flew up to clear the racetrack. Meanwhile, one Iron Guardian reached from behind and ripped apart the weapons, and another at the front took out the makeshift Arc Reactor.


Finally, a somewhat gentle knock on the head neutralized the man.

Nothing happened—no explosions, no deaths, no bloodshed, nor any mass hysteria. The race cars zoomed by soon after, Tony making his way to the third spot quickly, unaware of what had happened.

As for the man who just got caught. He had no clue what to even think. This wasn't exactly how he had imagined things to go.


"Where's the champagne bottle?" Tony loudly demanded, standing on the highest step of the podiums. "I just won first place!"

Somehow, Tony won the entire race. He simply accelerated like a madman with no care for his life and ended up winning. He did feel like the protagonist at that moment, grinning and soon spraying the bottle of champagne.

"Mr. Stark!"

"Mr. Stark!"

However, just as Tony got down and decided to return to Pepper and enjoy the party, he was surrounded by journalists.

"Mr. Stark! You said your technology is safe. How did it get leaked?"

"What do you have to say in the context of the Congressional hearing now, Mr. Stark?"

"Do you know that man?"

What are they yapping about? Tony had no damn clue what was going on.

"Make way! Move!"

Thankfully, Happy came spearing through the crowd and making his way over. He led Tony back into the party hall, but instead of stopping, Happy led him to a private conference room. While walking, Tony saw a glimpse of the news on the television.

When did that happen?


Tony entered the conference room and saw Pepper slamming her palm on the table, screaming at someone on the phone. Natalie stood on the side stoically.

Finally, Tony sat down and looked at the television screen. However, he also received a reply from Jarvis at the same time. He saw footage of the incident from the cameras installed on the Iron Guardians.

"Looks similar, but it's not mine," Tony muttered.

"I know," Pepper barked, hanging up the phone. "But that doesn't matter. The world thinks your technology has been leaked. Do you have any idea who I was speaking to? The Defense Secretary."

She was shouting at him? Tony looked at the woman with more pride.

"They're being direct now? Wanna take my suit?" Tony asked nonchalantly.

"No, but he indirectly warned us. The Defense Department is going to make a big thing out of this." Pepper warned him. "The stock price has also fallen in reaction to this. Your electricity plan is in jeopardy now."

"No, it's not," Tony said and grabbed an apple from the table to eat. Driving an F1 car wasn't that easy on his body. "Jarvis informed me already. His name is Ivan Vanko. His father used to work for my father. He was deported for espionage. Now we have his son, convicted of selling old Soviet weapons-grade plutonium."

This is a mess. Tony showed a calm face, but his heart was in turmoil. He could see his chances of being the President dwindling already. I didn't want to do this but… I need a cure quickly.

"Get that Ivan guy to the States. We'll handle him there. I'm heading back," Tony said and walked to the exit. "Ms. Rushman, is the report I asked for ready?"

"Not yet, Mr. Stark."

"Tony, you have to help me clear this mess!" Pepper shouted from behind.

"That's what I'm doing." Tony didn't look back and headed out through the backdoor. Natalie followed him closely and drove him to the airport, then back into the private plane. The ten Iron Guardians were also taken back and loaded onto the plane.

But Tony felt utterly exhausted, and as soon as he relaxed in the comfortable recliner chair on the plane, he tried to get some sleep. "Ready the report before I wake up."

Rarely that serious, Tony didn't use his usual quips anymore and got straight to the point. Though, he was also quick to fall asleep, albeit with plenty of nightmares. Despite the cold air, his face was sweating profusely, and his brows creased in sleep.

Natalie noticed as she finished her report. The expressions of anguish were clear as day. Interested, she stood up, her dress from the party still on—a one-piece sleeveless dress that was too short and too revealing around her neck.

The poison's advanced to deadly levels. She noticed it from his complexion. But she still wanted to get a clearer view of the true extent. Fury won't like this.

She slowly approached him, her kitten heels stepping gently and cautiously. Her slim waist curving ever so gracefully while her bosom came down towards him as she leaned. If Tony was awake right now, his eyes would surely widen at the pale, soft, alluring valley coming his way. Her top, low enough to make any man giddy, and from that angle, he would surely find a way to 'accidentally' get a better view.

She breathed shallowly, trying not to wake him, and noticed the dark lines peeking from under his high collar. She got even more curious, stretching out her nimble fingers to his neck.

She opened the collar of Tony's racing suit as it was too tight around his neck. Pulling down very gently, opening it to his upper chest, revealing even more dark veins originating from the Arc reactor.

She decided to take a quick picture of it. But fate had something else planned as the plane suddenly experienced some heavy turbulence.

Natasha fell forward, almost smacking her face on his. Her agile body twisted, turning around and landing on her ass on Tony's lap, sitting sideways. Her one arm instinctively hooked around Tony's neck, trying not to fall back even further as her feet dangled in the aisle.

Tony woke up with a startle, surprised by the sudden tug, his one hand going straight to her back and the other under her thighs.

Well, this is a view to wake up to… He couldn't help but smile mischievously as his gaze traveled down her pale neck, stunning cloud-like assets, and slender waist.

Her short, one-piece dress around her legs was bunched up too much, completely exposing her creamy legs and lacy red panties. He couldn't help gazing down for a long moment, taking in all the lustful curves she had to offer.

Tony's male member instantly reacted, starting to poke under her full hips. They both noticed it, but no one said a word as they studied each other's micro reactions.

"Lawsuit?" He muttered.

Natasha, surprisingly, didn't stand up and remained on Tony's lap, letting his one arm support her back. She stared at his face with a seductive smirk, her red lips a succulent attraction on her face. "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark. I saw you were sweating, so I tried to loosen your collar for you—I fell due to turbulence."

"I got no complaints." Tony, relaxed now, quipped. "So angels do fall on your lap sometimes."

Ugh, that was very cringy. Tony cursed his game.

"I've finished the report, Mr. Stark," Natasha informed him, giving him the tablet screen she still held in her other hand.

Even with all the seriousness on her face, she didn't get up and instead 'unintentionally' wiggled her hips on his bulging, heated need as she sat up on his lap. The way she acted as if the sizable, pointy hill wasn't there, tickled his fancy even more. It felt like a subtle challenge from her.

Tony stared at her face for a moment, at her revealing cleavage, at her panties, and especially the hidden slit that was almost visible from the imprint on the tight, stretching red fabric over it. He almost couldn't believe she could keep such a straight face at such a moment, a very beautiful one at that.

His throat went dry, parched from his own sweltering imagination running wild.

Get it together, Tony. He reminded himself, swatting away the images from his head. But he still took the tablet and rested his arm above her exposed thighs as he read it.

"So, he failed to show any results?" Tony quipped, his eyes skimming over the report with a mix of amusement and disdain. "Poor guy, now wandering the market to find investment. Set up a meeting, immediately after we land."

Natalie nodded and took the tablet back. She glanced back at Tony's face, so close that she could feel his breath touching the side of her bare shoulder. "Anything else you need, Mr. Stark?"

Tony felt a sudden, hungry twitch in his loins when she said that. The way her words sounded, it felt so tempting that it took all his resolve not to fuck up quite literally. However, his hand, now free from the tablet, now resided on the far side of the hips, her pale, soft flesh under the direct touch of his palm.

Soft and warm, Tony breathed heavily, feeling the woman up. Her breath was a spring aroma in itself.

"What else… Ms. Rushman?"

Natalie maintained eye contact, once again wiggling her hips against his iron rod until he felt the grind of his pants ticking his shaft. "That is for you to decide, Mr. Stark… Anything means… anyth—"


Abruptly, the flight announcement speakers rang. "Please fasten your seatbelts. We'll be landing in ten minutes."

"Ah… I'm so sorry, Mr. Stark." Natalie suddenly pulled herself up and got off of Tony's lap. She fixed her dress quickly, her face appearing flustered. "I fell by mistake."

Tony smirked. "I like mistakes."

Natalie blushed and took her seat quickly after, fastening her seatbelt and getting busy on the tablet screen.

Tony, sadly, felt an annoying erection that couldn't be taken care of.


It was night.

Tony left Natalie at the airport and drove to 42nd Street in Manhattan alone. A big thirty-five-story building stood there. He didn't have to do much to gain entry and eventually headed to the top five floors.

Not even coming down to greet me, do you even want people to invest? Tony grunted, finding Richard Reed's lack of interest in anything besides science distasteful. He didn't consider the man a fun personality like himself. Hence, he never bothered with him too much.

Finally, he reached the floor and arrived in an open area. A few men and women in lab coats walked around there, busy with their work. But it didn't take long for one of them to recognize him and come running.

"Mr. Stark! I used to work for you—"

Tony raised his glasses and glanced at the man for a few seconds. "Umm… Of course… you're…?"

"Carl.. Well, Carlton actually… But You can call me…" The man squeaked awkwardly, "Anyway… What brings you here, Sir?"

"I'm looking for Reed? Where is he?" Tony asked.

"In the main lab. I'll take you to him."

Tony followed silently, looking around at what was happening. He could see most of the research was focused on rocket propulsions and fuels. Seeing so much chaos there, he could see the whole operation was on the verge of halting.

"Ah, there's my favorite nerd." Tony finally saw the lanky man in the lab coat, approaching him.

"I'm busy, Mr. Stark."

"Come on, Reed. We've met each other a couple of times… We're practically friends now. Call me Tony."

"Those were conventions, and you were too preoccupied with the ladies. We barely talked." Reed replied with a flat tone.

"Right, right," Tony replied with an unapologetic smile. "Busy for an investor too?"

Reed Richards, tall, brown-haired, blue-eyed, looked to the side at the man leading Tony around. "Carl, can you get me a coffee and…"

"Same." Tonk barked, seeing the helpless need in Reed's expressions. "Uncle Sam's not happy with you?"

"I wouldn't say unhappy. Just… impatient." Reed replied calmly and led Tony to his personal office, which was a mess in itself but they at least had two chairs and privacy there. "Why are you interested in my project? I thought you said you have the best propulsion technology."

"No, I said I could make one if I set my mind to it," Tony corrected him and relaxed in the chair. "But I am interested in your faster-than-light rocket."

Reed straightened up his back hearing that. "Is that all you want?"

"All the research you do and the results you achieve, yes I want all that. But at the same time…" Tony opened the shirt button on his chest and exposed his arc reactor. He quickly took it out for a moment, replaced it with a new palladium core, and showed the deteriorated one to Reed. "I need you to find a replacement for this… I'm too busy with election stuff."

Of course, he wasn't going to ask him for help openly. Tony Stark still had some pride to maintain, after all.

Reed took the palladium core from Tony and closely checked it, his mind already running around thinking up a solution. This was precisely his type of challenge, and he loved solving them. "For how much investment?"

"Five billion," Tony replied. "And I'll also buy the building. You don't have to pay rent."

"You're being poisoned?"


He's sharp. Tony was impressed by the man's perception and reasoning.

"Does it matter?"

"It does. It's a race against time... Tony. You're dying." Reed exclaimed, being a humanitarian who liked to help if someone was suffering. "You need to—"

"Listen. This stays between us, got it?" Tony's tone was dead serious. "If you've got a plan, fantastic. If not, no sweat. I'll figure something out."


Tony rose from his seat, feeling the urge to escape the tedious banter. Reed might have had brains, but he clearly missed the memo on how to jazz up a conversation. "My assistant will shoot you a message about the investment. Keep me posted."

Tired and somewhat frustrated, Tony left the office and entered the elevator to head back down and find a place to relax. He didn't want to work for the day and just live life king-size.


Right as he tapped the button, someone else rushed into the elevator as well. He looked and found a curvaceous blonde woman with blue eyes, her face oval and attractive. Her clothes a white oversized blouse tucked into a pleated, long brown skirt below.

"Sue?" Tony knew her well since he knew Reed, enough that he used her nickname instead of Susan. Of course, she had the looks and mind he would never forget—an intelligent type of beauty. "No plans with Reed?"

She embarrassingly shrugged. "I don't care anymore."

"Looks like you need a drink," Tony quipped, his trademark smirk playing at the corners of his lips as they reached the parking floor. "Wanna join me for some bar hopping? I might even let you try to keep up with me."

She smirked, folding her arms. She had met Tony a few times before, and she certainly had more interaction with him than Reed, being much more social and fun. "Is that a challenge?"

"A statement, Sue… that's a statement."

"Bring it on then."

With the perfect partner to make the night more fun, Tony drove his Bentley with the stunning blonde by his side. He knew all the best spots in Manhattan, and he had special access to each place—enough that they could have entire bars to themselves.

He was in no mood to be bothered by people or cameras, so that night, he decided to live like the billionaire he was—not that he didn't on other days. But that evening, he just wanted to drink and let off the steam.


"Cheers." Flushed cheeks, the two clinked glasses and drank.

It was their fourth bar already, and their faces had started to show how drunk they were. They were mumbling, rambling to each other, and sometimes smacking each other in verbal spats. Jarvis took the wheel as they changed bars most of the time, much to their ease.

"Y-You know…" Sue ruffled her hair with her fingers, shoulder length and loose. Her intoxicated eyes were a strange charm in itself. "I gave him a second chance… then a third chance… then more chances… but he nev-never learns."

Tony sat beside her at the counter, very close. Their sides were touching each other, their bodies almost stuck shoulder to shoulder. Not wanting to be bothered, the bar was emptied as per Tony's order, and a few bottles were left on the counter for them. "What's the deal?"

"He's dumb!" she barked. "He said he didn't have time… I was… planning to propose to him. I even bought a ring."

"Ring?" Tony asked, tipsy.

"Huh, threw it away," She added, resting her side cheek on the bar counter and looking at Tony. "Don't you have… someone special?"

Tipsy, Tony did the same and rested the side of his face on the counter, looking at her. The gap between their faces was reduced to a mere half a foot, their intoxicated breaths touching each other. "None… Can't afford one."

"You?" She questioned, her brows furrowed. "You're rich."

"High on money, low… on life," Tony replied, taking small breaks between his words as his brain stopped working and his tongue moved on its own. "My chest reactor's killing me… nasty poison… probably got a month, maybe."

"Heh… you're bad at jokes," she chirped and raised one hand to touch Tony's face. "You don't look… bad."

"Look." Tony suddenly tugged down his collar with one hand, revealing the poison marks. "Palladium."

Sue went silent for a few moments, continuously staring at him. "So… what's the plan?"

Tony shrugged, giggling like a kid. "Drink, party, play; one giant going away party with all the bells and whistles."

"I'd do the same if I were you," she mumbled, still caressing Tony's face, her own expressions calm. "Do anything I want… with no regrets."

Tony hummed and thought about it. "Such as? I can't think of anything I haven't don—"

Sue suddenly reduced the gap between them, sliding her face on the counter to him and boldly kissed him.

It was a short but deep kiss, exchanging the flavors of drinks they had consumed as their tongues explored each other's mouths for a brief moment.

"Something like that," she mumbled, leaving Tony's lips. "Intoxicating… makes my heart race."

"I liked that…" Tony responded, moving his hand to comb through her blonde hair. "But not enough…"

Tony started the kiss this time, extending his tongue to caress her pearly whites. Gently pulling her head in closer and helping her to sit back up from the counter.

Tony's other hand cupped her slim waist, massaging up and down her curving flank as her lips accepted his hot flesh. Her own mouth explored his taste, exchanging silk with heated desire.

Drunk, they sloppily kissed, smearing drool on each other's lips, jaw, and neck, letting it roll down her tender skin. They touched each other all over as if looking for that wild and reckless sweet spot.

Then suddenly, Tony got up, pulling her up, too. He pinned Sue against the bar counter, letting the bar stools fall with no care. He kissed her neck while she kept her arms around his neck and moaned with drunken craving, wanting him to do more, taste more, take more.

She wanted him to drink her up like the last cup they had shared; licking up the very last drop.

Tony placed his hands on her lower back, pulling her body closer to his bulging need as his hand slid down her rear sultry curve, grabbing hold of her hot flesh in each palm. He could feel her tremble in delight, her body quivering from his rough touch, and he liked it.

Her own hand glided down his back, hooking her fingers at the waist of his pants and smoothly running them along the lines of his belt. She pulled him even closer by his belt, tugging at it with a strong yearning to snap it off.

Tony could feel the excitement building up in his loins, eagerly pointing him towards the oasis. He groped her soft ass with one hand and kneaded her ample breasts with the other.

"We should get out of here…" Sue suddenly broke away from their kiss, panting each word out of her flushing lips.

"We should," Tony happily obliged, taking her wrist and pulling her towards the elevator.

As they entered the elevator, Tony quickly turned her body, resting her back on the cold steel wall. He lifted her up, capturing her supple rear in both hands, and continued to kiss her.

Sue wildly ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him in, hungry to taste his flesh. Her legs locked around his waist as her taut hills pressed hard against his chest.


The elevator quickly arrived at the parking lot.

Tony walked through the parting doors with Sue in his arms, carrying her like a backpack on his chest. She kept licking and kissing his neck while he struggled not to take her right there on the parking area floor. He could feel her wiggle her hips, grinding on his straining erection, causing him to pause his steps at times.

Good god, Reed, you really are one dumb, smart man.

Reaching his Bentley, Tony quickly opened the door to the back seat. He gently leaned in, trying to place Sue down with care, so he could also scoot in, feeling a little glad this one didn't have a center console. However, before he could back away and close the door, Sue pulled on his collar and forced him to lay on top of her as her legs parted with one foot on the backrest and the other on the car floor.

Tony gladly closed the door with a tug of his toe, staring into Sue's begging blue eyes. He knew what she wanted, and he was happy to fulfill it. He ground his rock-hard erection between her legs while his hand dove under her blouse, looking for those soft, marshmallow-like hills, hidden under her bra.

His fingers kept traveling up her smooth belly as she took off her own blouse in a frenzy, pulling up her lacy white bra, and he eventually found what he was looking for. Pink-tipped and beautifully formed, he could feel his cock twitch at the sight.

"Umph… Tony…" She moaned as she felt his hand kneading her lustrous breasts and his finger pinching her hard nipple.

"You're so… gorgeous," he muttered as he took in her blushing face; her eyes were closed but her parted, panting lips revealed so much more.

"Oh…" she yelped a little, feeling Tony pinch a little harder.

He couldn't wait anymore and quickly took one of her pink buds into his mouth, nibbling and suckling on the sweet button. His hand kept molding her bosom, kneading and massaging her thoroughly as if he were thirsting for milk.

His other hand fervently tried to remove his own shirt, tugging it so hard all his buttons ripped apart. Sue giggled at the sight, running her nails down his chest and abs.

Tony went back to kiss her glossy lips while his hands crawled up her leg, pulling down the back zipper of her skirt, finally freeing her limber legs. He relished the feeling of her smooth alabaster skin on his palm, dipping and curving in all the right places. He could feel her shivering goosebumps as his hand came closer and closer to her sweltering core, salivating for him.

His hand shifted, and his fingers traced her white panties, caressing his thumb on the thin, stretched part that hid her swollen kernel, feeling the dampness spreading through the fabric. It was soaked with her slick essence, clinging to her pussy. He tugged on her white panties, pulling them down her legs, and off her foot.

"Oh ooh…." She moaned, pleading for more.

Her body squirmed, arching her pulsating core towards his palm. Tony enjoyed the way she moved her plump ass. He knew she was hungry for his rigid shaft. So, he gently pushed a finger inside the moistness between her legs.

She clenched around his digit, coating it in the wet strands of her molten need as it thrust in and out of her. Then he added another finger, causing her lower lips to stretch around his fingers, her body arching up in pleasure.

"Oh! Tony..!" She moaned even louder.

She saw his gaze at her wet, throbbing core, feeling even more thrilled and aroused by the way he enjoyed seeing her squirm. But all she could really focus on was the way his fingers wiggled inside, brushing against her wet walls.

His other hand slid on top of her sweaty, honey soft hills. Clutching and kneading, wanting to make her writhe. Sue whimpered, grabbing his hair as he leaned back down to lick and suck on her hardened nipples.

His digits starched her wide as his palm pivoted on her pelvis. She withered in torment, arching to meet his hand. The squelching, dirty sounds of her soaking wet hole mixed with her loud cries excited him to no end.

"Ahhh! Ahhh! Yesss!"

Her hips jolted up, her muscles tense, and with a loud cry, she felt that flaming, ruinous reaction in her pussy. Her nectar burst through the dam, coating his hand.

Tony finally paused. His fingers came out with a lewd, squelching noise, with strings of her love juices rolling down. Looking at her sweaty, ruined makeup, her dripping wet core, and her twitching legs, he felt satisfied.

Time for the main course.

Tony knelt between her legs and unbuckled his belt.

However, before he could lean back down to take in Sue's delicious body, she scooted to one seat and pushed him down on the other, making him sit back relaxedly. "My turn…" she giggled.

She extended her leg, straddling him, and lowered herself on his lap, carefully aiming his throbbing cock with both of her hands. Sue went lower and lower, biting her lip as she let out a sultry moan. She had to place her knees down on the leather-covered seat as Tony's cock speared through her blushing petals.

"Ahh... Tony…. You're... Big," Her tone trembled as her private satin flesh stretched to accommodate his size. Tony drowned in bliss as she started wiggling her hips.

She kissed and licked his neck and Adam's apple, causing the burn in his abdomen to take over his mind, and all he could do was throw his head back and enjoy it.

Tony grunted in ecstasy, the tightness of her pussy engulfing him. His hand clenched on her thigh, feeling the soft skin and creamy flesh under his fingers. Then, his hand slid back to her fleshy bottom, grabbing it with force as he leaned down to welcome her pink-tipped nipple into his mouth.

"Ahhhh!" She cried out as Tony nibbled on her breasts. He captured her pink buds between his teeth, pulling on them as her body moved up and down, fucking herself on his cock. Sue let herself go in reckless delight, letting her blond hair bounce around wildly.

Tony's arm slid even further back, savoring the smoothness of her skin and reaching her back hole. His middle finger circled the entrance of her puckered hole, teasing the sensitive spot with the tip of his digit.

She kept pivoting on her knees, letting his cock strike her wet walls with its swollen head. He stretched her portal, pressing all the right places as her walls kneaded the hardness of his rigid shaft with its throbs.

"Oooh ohh… Tony.. yess… I'm coming… Ah!" Sue cried out, losing herself.

Her body shuddered as her muscles tightened up, losing herself to ecstasy. Her moist walls clenched down harder on his cock. With a great shuddering, spasms of bliss took over, releasing the flood in her body, drowning Tony's iron-hard cock with her sticky honey.

Finally, tired and almost on the verge of spilling, sanity came back, and Tony suddenly pulled out, forcing Sue to sit back in the seat beside him. Tony tried to take a deep breath, telling himself he couldn't recklessly ruin things and spill inside her.

Sue looked at him wide-eyed, a little confused, but still happy that she had already reached that sought after feeling.

Tony sat back to try and calm himself, his breath still ragged from the torment. "Sorry. Now… is not exactly the right time to… let it all out..."

Sue giggled a little, knowing what he meant by that. "Don't worry, I have… other ways," She said as she leaned over.

Sue leaned down on his lap, licking her lips, her mouth opening wide as her tongue came out, licking Tony's straining shaft. She then looked up at Tony and licked his straining knob as they locked eyes. Tony started to breathe rapidly as he felt his rod enter her mouth, licking and sucking him.

"Umm.." Tony moaned lightly while Sue steadily stroked his aching shaft with her lips, perfectly forming a circle around his manhood, rushing back to that missed release.

She started pouting her cheeks to squeeze him in her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down, driving him deeper into her hot throat. Tony could only hold on to her scentful hair, guiding her head to fuck her mouth easily as his hips started to thrust up involuntarily. All he wanted to do was melt in her mouth.

"Ugh… Gh..." Tony groaned as he felt her mouth contract around him, clutching his family jewels with her nimble fingers too.

Looking down and seeing Sue's mouth taking in his large thrusting hardness, he was captivated, but the blissful feeling made him want to go deeper.

"Umph!" Sue grasped Tony's hard cock while taking it further into her throat as she felt Tony's grip tighten in her hair.

She twisted her tongue around and looked up at Tony. He started to thrust his cock in and out of her mouth even harder, reaching the base of her throat, coming close to completion.

She got misty-eyed as she sucked on Tony's cock harder for a split second, but Tony didn't stop shoving his cock in her mouth. He merely gasped and kept going, thrusting towards his climax.

"Ughh fuck...!!" Tony started to stiffen up. His toes stretched out as his body was ready to release his nectar. On a burning peak, Tony's cream spurted out deep inside her throat. His body shivered and spasmed, finally getting the release he wanted so badly. He pushed her face harder, pumping into her mouth, sending his very last drop deep inside.

With audible swallows, she gulped everything down and, with a long, final hard suck, fell back into her seat; moaning, mumbling in exhaustion.

Tony, staring at her naked, heated body, took a while to gather his thoughts, calming down his tattered breath. Right before his eyes, he saw Sue closing her eyes, sleeping contently with blushing cheeks and crimson, flushed lips—upper and lower both.

Tony, feeling content, covered her naked body with her clothes and then wore his own. Then, he finally leaned back in his own seat, trying to relax and wait for her to wake up, but midway, he also fell asleep.




"Hmm? Go away…" Tony barked in his sleep.

Knock! Knock!

"Ugh…" Hearing the loud knocks, Tony sleepily opened his eyes and realized he wasn't in a bed, but rather in his car. He felt an intense headache at the center of his head, the hangover being a nasty one. "S-Sue…"

He looked beside him, and there she was, Susan Storm, still naked and sleeping soundly. He felt annoyed and quickly covered her before finally looking out of the window, lowering it with the press of a button.

"Mr. Stark."

"Cyclops?" Tony blurted at the sight of the tall man in leather and an eyepatch.

"Good morning. I'm Director Fury…"



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