President Stark

Chapter 5 . The Birthday

[Welcome back to WHiH World News, and right now joining us is the CEO of Stark Industries, Ms. Pepper Potts. It's raining money, Ms. Potts—After Mr. Stark's announcement of a new construction subsidiary, you have added almost ten billion to Stark Industries' worth. It's as if Stark Industries is once again the darling of the market, and there is news of more. Beauty products and computer chip manufacturing? Where does this—]

"Mute," Tony ordered and focused back on his new Iron Man suit, which had received some more upgrades. They made it much more comfortable and gave it a better life support system, even in case the suit went offline.

What was being discussed on the television wasn't wrong, however. Setting aside the construction project, he had also come to discover a new formula for a better de-aging beauty cream that works to hide wrinkles. It was just a byproduct of his intense research on curing his Palladium poisoning.

At the same time, his intense research on Arc reactors, and the production of Iron Guardians helped him create some new computer chips. Smaller, faster, and better. Of course, he didn't plan on revealing any world-breaking inventions, but he felt confident of at least being ahead of all the competitors across the world.

More money is always better. He thought, considering how much money he was spending on the Iron Guardians project and his philanthropy. The money spent on various media companies to clean up his image was also significant.

Yet, he didn't have what he needed the most. The cure was nowhere to be found, and to his dismay, he barely had five more days to live, according to the calculation. The magical injection from Fury had lost its effects already.

"Sir, you have a call from Senator Stern."

"That potato?!" Tony exclaimed, perking his head from his workbench. "What does he want?"

"It seems to be a conference call along with the chairperson of the party," Jarvis informed. "Should I connect?"

"Go ahead." Tony annoyedly accepted it. If it was just Stern, he'd have ignored it. "Did the sun rise from the west?"

"Mr. Stark, such a delight to speak with you as always." Senator Stern voiced from the other side, clearly pressured to call him. "The chairperson wished to speak with you regarding your political interest in the future of our country."

"Of course, aren't we all patriots here? Not at all into stealing each other's technology." Tony replied with a jibe. "What is this about?"

"I'd have invited you for dinner, Mr. Stark. But we know you are a very busy man." The Chairperson spoke finally, a hoarse old voice, very measured. "I'll get straight to the point. The party leaders have shown interest in backing you for next year's election, that is, if you are also interested in joining us on this venture."

Ugh, I didn't expect they'd be interested this quick. Tony frowned deeply but maintained calm. Now isn't the right time.

"We're still months away from the caucuses, right? I mean, putting my energy into the election this early is like trying to run a marathon in flip-flops. Not gonna happen. Besides, I'm kinda busy plotting the future of Stark Industries. You get it, right?" Tony replied, sounding careful but not particularly worried. After all, his company had enough politicians from both sides in its back pocket. "Tell you what, once I'm ready to dive into this political circus, I'll personally invite you to dinner."

There was silence for a little while before the Chairman responded. "Unfortunate, but we understand your situation. Our offer is open to you, Mr. Stark, you just have to give us a ring."

"I'll remember that. Peace out." Tony cut the call and quickly ordered Jarvis. "Block that number."

"The number has been blocked." Jarvis did as asked, but let out its computed concern as well. Its intelligence level was only increasing with time. "Sir, if I may... If you truly wish to enact significant change in your capacity as President, you will require the unequivocal support of Congress."

Tony sighed, once again cursing his tongue for announcing his intention to run in the election without doing deep research. But he was Tony Stark, and that meant no backsies.

"I know… But if I go groveling for their support, I'll just end up as their puppet, dancing to the tune of whatever interests they serve. What I need is the power to make some serious policy changes with a solid majority backing me up."

"How will you accomplish that, Mr. Stark?"

"Why do you think I'm working so hard? I'm trying to make as much money as possible. And when you're Tony Stark, even the Capitol starts to look like a playground. But hey, we're not playing dirty here; there's a whole new crop of young faces in Congress itching to shake things up, unheard by the old guard. I'll just give 'em a little nudge, maybe shine some light on the old shady ones, and voila! Say hello to a more, uh, 'vibrant' political landscape. It's a marathon, not a sprint." Tony blabbered nonchalantly and got back to his work. "By the way, what's the status on that Professor Amanda?"

Getting back to the main topic, Tony had noticed that ever since he had announced his presidential bid, even more women were flocking towards him. Although he never had trouble tempting women, it had somehow become too easy now. There was clearly something going on, something intentional.

Jarvis quickly projected information on the screen. "Sir, from my investigation, it appears that Professor Amanda Kreed never left the MIT premises. The individual you encountered posing as Professor Kreed was, in fact, an impostor. Regrettably, I have yet to uncover any leads regarding the impostor's true identity or current location. I am currently engaged in tracking her movements subsequent to her departure from Stark Tower."

Tony annoyedly stared at the screen. "The things she was talking about… She didn't seem harmful, but rather… curious?"

"A spy?" Jarvis wondered.

"Could be," Tony muttered, aware that there were too many national and international agencies keeping their eyes on him. "In any case, continue to dig up dirt on her. I'm going to take a short nap."

"It's your birthday, Sir."

"I know, and it might just be the last one. I'm going to enjoy tonight's party to my heart's content—for the last time," Tony mumbled and walked over to his makeshift bed in the workshop itself. The assembly line for Iron Guardians continued to build the armor behind the scenes under the watchful eyes of Jarvis.


Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters,

"Do we really need to do this? He's too eccentric."

Charles Xavier peered up from his desk, fixing his gaze on Ororo, the esteemed teacher of Agriculture and English at the school. "Ororo, there has never been a President in recent history who wasn't a career politician. Stark, however, brings a different perspective. He enters the office with a clear agenda, driven by a desire for change. Out of all, perhaps he's the only man and 'politician' who would scientifically understand the hidden existence of us mutants."

"I agree," Raven voiced, being the main force behind the whole operation. She stood there in her shape-shifted human form at that moment. "He isn't like any other politician we've dealt with before."

"But we can't be sure until he's completely aware of mutants," Beast chimed in.

Raven agreed with that, though she kept it to herself how she got close to Tony Stark, and what it was going to cost to get close to him for that answer. "I'm working on that. I'll be seeing him tomorrow at his planned visit to a charity kitchen."

"Why not just look into his mind?" Jean Grey suggested, the strongest telepath in the room.

"We must never do such a thing." Charles seriously denied it, warning in his tone. "That's the quickest way to lose his trust before we even earn it. Furthermore, he remains unaware of the existence of mutants. Entering his thoughts will yield us no answers."

Seeing the room go silent, Charles continued with more information. "Logan sent me a letter."

Everyone in the room focused on the Professor. It had been years since Logan had left and yet none of them had forgotten the feral man.

"I don't know where he is, but he informed me that Hydra is interested in Stark, and Emma Frost might be working with them," Charles revealed.

Everyone appeared annoyed by that information. They had dealt with Emma Frost in the past, and it wasn't pleasant dealing with her each time. The woman knew how to use her telepathic powers to the best of her abilities and situations.

"That makes her an enemy of the government, doesn't it?" Cyclops asked. "She's nothing but a terrorist if she's with Hydra."

"I wouldn't be so certain. Hydra's tendrils have woven through every facet of society, from the depths to the pinnacles of power. If they're backing Emma Frost, then I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before she reaches Stark." Charles cast a meaningful look in Raven's direction, a silent communication laden with urgency. "We'll have to be the first."

Raven gave a silent nod.

Following that, the meeting turned calmer. Just the usual school-related issues.


"Prepare for tomorrow's deployment, Jarvis. The next batch will be for Illinois." Tony finished up his work for the night before the party, feeling re-energized after the quick nap. "How many more have we got in stock?"

"You have another batch of ten left in stock, Sir."

"Don't touch it. Keep them for any emergencies," Tony ordered and left the workshop.

He arrived at the main floor and headed to his huge bedroom, complete with a massive windowpane with a view of the Pacific Ocean. A quick shower and a few painkillers later he began to dress up for the party.

"Sir, you have a call from Mr. Richards."

Standing before the windowpane and looking at the dimly lit sea outside, he accepted the call while buttoning up his shirt. "Let me guess—I'm sorry, Tony. I couldn't find a cure, I need more time?"

"And happy birthday," Reed Richards responded from the other side. "I couldn't find a cure, but did find a way to stop the poisoning from spreading. However, you will need constant blood transfusion."

Tony breathed out heavily, not very optimistic about it. "I'll be in New York tomorrow."

"Great, I'll keep it prepared," Reed replied and cut the call without even bidding a good night.

A nerd through and through. Tony shrugged and tucked his shirt in his pants. Ugh, I don't even feel excited for the party. Slow death is a real bitch.

Just then, the taps of high heels resonated from behind and Tony glanced. Soon, his wonderful assistant appeared in her tight white shirt and a black skirt neatly wrapped around the curve of her hips, only going as low as her knee—no stockings, just as he liked, he thought.

Roses. Tony noticed the strong scent of perfumes upon her arrival. However, unlike before, this time he felt different about Natalie. Is she like that Amanda? Planted here to get close to me?

"Which watch would you like to wear tonight, Mr. Stark?" Natalie asked, holding a large box filled with watches worth a skyscraper.

But when Tony looked at her, more than the box he looked at her face. She seemed a little more charming tonight, with more makeup, and her hair done well with gentle red curls. No, she's my assistant. It's her job to look good.

Yet, in his heart, he couldn't dismiss the seductive nature that seemed to naturally flow out of her very being. The way she walked, spoke to him, and whatever happened in the pool. He couldn't ignore that.

"I… I'll give them a look," Tony muttered and walked towards her by the countertop, hoping to get a better read on her. But by then she had already begun preparing him a drink.

These unnecessary things. Not even Pepper used to do this for me. Tony thought, taking the view of her luscious bodily charm in his eyes. Just perfectly between lithe and plump, excellent for her height. Too attractive. She could have been an actress, a very successful one.

"What do you think?" Tony asked her.

Natalie turned around and found Tony standing very close to her, just a few feet apart. But instead of appearing shocked, she checked him out from face to feet. "Great, Mr. Stark. The dark circles under the eyes may need some touch-up."

Tony nodded, trying to provoke her to react negatively towards his leering gaze. He constantly gave heated looks at her very much visible cleavage, two buttons of her tight shirt were open, and the rest were barely holding against the fullness of her bosom.

"I should cancel the party, no?" He asked suddenly, now looking into her big green eyes, her red lipstick-clad lips were too seductive and fleshy that night.

"Probably," she replied, bringing the glass of his cocktail to him, noisily stepping on the floor until the distance between their bodies felt too lacking.

He took the glass and waited. Yet, she didn't step back, constantly looking up at his eyes. "Yeah, 'cause it's…"

"Ill-timed, too many eyes on you?" Natalie's words turned into loud whispers, giving Tony's body shivers.

She's a spy. She has to be a spy. Tony felt less and less sure she was just an ordinary secretary. Everything about her was too perfect. Is this a honeytrap?

"Yeah, sends the wrong message. Hurts my election prospects." Tony entertained her to get more reactions.

"And bad PR."

He nodded and drank from the glass while staring into her eyes. "Hmm… I'll take a look. Bring them over here."

He stepped back towards the large single-seater couch and placed the drink aside. Natalie wasted no time and returned with the box of watches and displayed it on his lap. But, she went a step further and sat down on the wide armrest of the couch, her legs very much touching his.

Their gazes matched for longer than necessary, silence fading into the room except for the hum of the air conditioner. The scents of their perfumes mixed up as if their emotions were mingling. Doubt, lust, fear, so much at play.

"Let me just…" Natalie took out a portable makeup kit and quickly began hiding the dark circles under Tony's eyes. "You need to look your best."

Tony just let her do as she pleased, mindlessly gazing at her soft fingers moving, her body too close to him, especially her revealing chest. So he tried to look up at her face, and it felt even harder.

Yep, something's definitely fishy. I'm Tony Stark, since when did I start blushing and my heart racing? Wait, is it a heart attack?

Finally, he decided to shoot his shot and see how she'd react. "Can I ask you a question? Hypothetically? A bit odd."

Natalie moved to touch his other eye, giving him a nod and a very breathy hum.

"If this was the last birthday party you were ever gonna have, how would you celebrate it?" He asked, straight-faced, a little embarrassed.

Natalie reacted, stopping to look at Tony, and giving him her utmost attention. Yet, her body didn't shift back, and instead, her face seemed closer than before.

Too gorgeous.

"I'd do whatever I wanted to do…" She took a break, hinting at a very subtle but tempting smile. "With whoever I wanted to do it with."


Natalie closed the makeup kit with a sound and moved her face back, but remained seated. "Anything else, Mr. Stark?"

There it was, her extremely seductive and sexy question that never failed to stir up his imagination. "Even with you?"

Tony Stark, you fool! I'm going to die in five days. I can't have my name ruined n—

"It's your birthday, Mr. Stark," Natalie responded, unmoved, still sitting on the armrest as if waiting for his response.

Tony was expecting her to get up and leave annoyedly. But instead, her charming smile had turned even wider, as if telling him to do what he wanted.

He took a deep breath, his hand moved instinctively from the side of the armrest. He placed his palm on her smoothly curving bottom, brushing up and down a few times. He didn't squeeze, nor knead, waiting for her reaction.

"Anything I want?" Tony asked again, asking for confirmation, gulping.

Without a word, Natalie leaned in closer, planting her glossy, seductive lips on his. Her body came closer and closer as she pushed him a bit with her lips, her lithe form sliding down onto his lap. Her arms went around his neck as she sat sideways, letting him wrap his hand from behind and hold her waist steady.

Tony's other hand instantly found its way to her gentle bosom, something that already tempted him so many times before. He found her juicy lips sweet and soft, tasting every inch as his tongue started to explore her.

Tony could feel his heart race, thumping non-stop, his blood rushing through his veins towards his loins; he knew it was bad for his condition. But at this moment, why even care? Death was coming too damn fast, and he wanted to enjoy every last moment he got.

Without breaking away from his plundering kiss, Natalie's flexible body moved, her legs slid to the side, widening as she straddled him. Her skirt bunched up on its own on her lower hips, exposing a peek of the red, lacy thong that covered her heated core. Her hands played with his dark hair, tickling his scalp as her tongue caressed his.

The wild exchange of dribble continued while Tony shifted both his hands to cup the soft flesh of her perfectly plump ass once more. He could feel the tickle of her lace on his palm, tempting him to rip them off as soon as possible. But he only pulled her body closer, letting her feel what she was doing to him as her legs widened.

"Ummm…" Natalie hummed as she felt his bulging erection through their clothes, moving her slender waist to grind onto his greedy need with her own flaming furnace, her damp petals, sensitive to every brush of cloth between them.

Tony's hands started to move up her back as his tongue went down her neck. Eventually, his palms found their way to her amazing assets. After massaging them a few times, he couldn't wait anymore and started unbuttoning her white shirt to get to the real treasures behind her clothes.

One button, two buttons, three; he didn't care about the ones below her belt and quickly went for her bra. The strapless red bra looked sexy, covering her magnificent twins so tightly as if they couldn't restrain her size. He quickly broke its front hooks, feeling thankful for a brilliant invention, and pulled it out from around her front opening.

He quickly claimed her bouncy full breasts with his mouth. He suckled and nibbled on her hardening pink nipple while his hands fondled her ass with heavy massages and craving squeezes. His tongue swished and flicked around her tips, sending shivers up her spine.

"Ooh… Mr.Stark. Ummm…" Natalie moaned in pleasure, her eyes closed as she threw her head back. Her red hair swayed left and right, following the wild twists and wiggles of her hips.

Let this be the last fuck of my life. Tony let go of any restraints, drinking up this intoxicating experience.

With determination Tony suddenly stood up, Natalie still in his arms, hugging his neck steadily. They both looked into each other's eyes, knowing what they both craved for. Seeing no rejection in her, Tony swiftly carried her to his bed as he relished the feeling of her bare mounds on his chest.

He gently placed her on the silk-covered bed as he stood at the edge, taking in her erotic form. With her shirt open at the front, her breasts peeking out from the opening, her black skirt bunched up to her lacy red thong, and her long satiny legs; Tony gulped while his male member twitched uncontrollably.

Natalie stood on her knees in bed, kissing his lips and jawline as her nimble fingers got busy unbuttoning his shirt. But Tony suddenly pulled it up and threw it away, urged on by the thirst that was building up in his loins. He did the same with his pants, pulling them off and kicking them away swiftly.

Tony stood there completely naked, confidence oozing out of his very being. A firm, sleek body with its fine musculature.

Natalie smiled temptingly as she fell back and Tony leaned forward over her body, crawling onto the bed. Natalie coyly slid her legs up, letting him come up between them while his one hand slid over her satin-smooth leg.

With her skirt already bunched up, Tony had easy access to her lacy red thong, as beautiful as he imagined it would be. His two fingers caught the side of the thong, tugging it down her smooth skin and off her legs. Her dainty toes wiggled as he caught one of her feet.

He kissed the back of her foot, letting his tongue slowly crawl up her soft calf, and shower her fleshy thigh with butterfly kisses. Natalie's skin shivered under his hands, slowly feeling the tickle creep up her skin.

His head gradually found its way under the hem of her skirt, a breath away from her sweltering core. The puffs of his breathing titillated her damp, private silky flesh.

Natalie mewed breathlessly in thirst and complaint, withering under his teases. Unconcerned, Tony went down on her since her flushed pussy was just too enticing—brazilian waxed clean, rosy lips, scentfully drooling. It was as if she was waiting for him to do this.

In one long and broad swipe, his tongue covered her lower lips entirely. His extended tongue wiggled and twisted, poking at her heated entry with quick teases, circling her little nub like a predator on its prey. He lapped up her juices with hunger, suckling her portal for more of that sweet nectar.

Both his hands went up her tender pale legs, eventually reaching the junction of her thighs, spreading her legs wide as his fingers also widened her slit. Her blushing core pulsated, throbbing as if begging him to come in, but Tony went slow and steady, wanting to see her squirm in pleasure, finding every last bit of sensitive skin he could find. His two thumbs brushed up and down her petals, as his lips continued to suckle and clamp her clit between them.

"Ummm… M-Mr. Stark… We-eh don't have time… for this…" Natalie squirmed on the bed, her back arched, her beautiful hair getting messed up.

Tony looked up for a moment.

"Whatever I want… With whoever I want, right?… I want this," he said and pressed the tip of his thumb on her slightly leaking entrance. His head went back down, teasing her with the tip of his tongue as it clenched and released.

"Uhh.. ohh… ohh…" Natalie moaned uncontrollably. Her knees buckled, resisting her own urges to clasp them over his head. Her hands went forward, caressing Tony's hair, savoring the wonderful feeling he was giving her.

Her hips squirmed in delight. Her hands clenched his hair, the urge to pull him further onto her was hard to suppress; But she had to, wanting to please him as much as she could, let him do whatever he wanted until he was blissfully happy.

"Oohhh-Ah!" Natalie's body soon stiffened up, feeling the strain in her pussy contract as his slithering tongue caressed her inner walls. "Mr. Stark… oh… No… Sta—Stop. I'm… I'm….."

Her withering cries were music to his ears. He didn't want to stop, wanting to taste her thoroughly even if it meant letting her flood him with her nectar. His tongue went faster, caressing everything he could touch, going as deep as he could. He also strummed his fingers across her slippery clit

Riding on a wave of frenzy, Natalie came, wildly and explosively. Her flooding juices lapped up with one lick after another, taken in by Tony's unstoppable tongue. Her jutting breasts arched up as her head pressed deep into the pillow behind her, whimpering whispers dripping from her lips. It was that strong, lovely sensation she hadn't had for a long time.

Natalie felt lightheaded, the uncontrollable, shuddering contractions finally calming down. With her head sweating and her charming face blushing, she finally opened her eyes, only to stare at Tony's face, watching her coming down from a heavenly high.

He had already crawled up to her side, looking at her with devilish interest. "I gotta say, I never thought you'd look this stunning when you let everything go like that. Unguarded, vulnerable...

"Mr. Stark..!" Natalie caught sight of Tony's glistening wet beard. She couldn't help but blush a few shades redder as she turned to her other side, away from Tony.

Tony didn't know if she was really embarrassed or merely acting coy, but he liked it. He brushed away the strands of hair from her cheek and whispered into her ear. "Time for my birthday present..."

He hooked his arm under her leg, pulling it up to bend at the knee as he leaned over her body. Her exposed pussy stretched and opened up for him as he straddled her other leg below while she lay sideways. His cock was already iron hard and aiming for her blazing furnace. His other hand groped her seductive asscheek, caressed it softly, and then…


Instead of quickly pushing in, Tony indulged his impulsive thought and smacks her ass with his other hand, the crack resounding loud.

"Ah!" Natalie yelped, shocked and even more embarrassed. Her side profile clearly showing it on her face.

Tony chuckled and started to push in, the tip just barely pressing inside.

Natalie felt a slight burn as his cock stretched her further, letting out a long mewling melody as he slipped inside of her, shoving in inch by inch until finally, his hips were right between her legs.

"You feel amazing," he groaned. The flesh of her thigh weighed down on his cock, milking him to its fullest. It was so tight and constricting he felt like bursting that very moment his cockhead was caught inside.

He pulled out and shoved back in with deliberate slowness, relishing the tight sensation of her sideways-laying body.

Natalie shivered and squirmed, the slow movements teasing her senses as her body craved for something harder, faster, stronger, pumping into her until she reached that blissful feeling. Her ass moved on instinctively, grinding on his throbbing cock, begging for more.

Tony smiled sinfully, knowing why she was squirming. He allowed her lifted leg to rest on his arm as the hand under her knee moved up between her legs, catching hold of her breasts. Her flexible legs widened for him, kneading him harder with every throb. His hips started thrusting while his hand tugged on her nipple.

"Ah ah ahh…" Lewd voices came out of Natalie's mouth as Tony moved faster.

As if he were a man starved, he fucked into her building rhythm and lost his composure with every thrust. He was engulfed by the heat of her pussy, its milking walls, and tight silky wetness; A groan spilled from his lips as he started to sweat from the vigorous thrusts.

It was enough for Tony to plunge into total madness, enough for him to surrender himself completely. His cock went deep inside, colliding with her inner walls until her body jolted again and again.

"Huh… Huh…" Tony gasped, pumping his need into her dribbling sex like a madman. On the edge, he felt he'd spill any time. "I… I'm about to…"

"Whatever you want…Oooh~" Natalie cooed, reminding Tony that everything was in his control. Whatever he wanted, he could have. As long as he wanted it, she would willingly give it to him.

His body shuddered at the thought, his control breaking. Tony finally found that sweet release of liberation, flooding himself into her, leaking waves and waves, strings of his seed until he felt it coat his own length deep in her hot slimy walls. His molten juices intermingled with hers, dripping out from the sides of her lower lips.

Tony took a deep, growling breath as the last shivers ran their course, letting go and falling to the bed behind her body. He panted and wiped the sweat off his face, a wide smile on his lips.

Natalie turned over and rested her head on his shoulder, laying side by side, her fingers caressing his heaving belly.

"What are these?" Natalie caressed her fingers over the dark veins originating from the arc reactor and spreading everywhere.

Tony was still panting, catching his breath. He reckoned he might have just lost one more day for this one-night stand. But it felt worth it. "Nothing… this is normal. I should get downstairs now to cut the cake at least."

Clearly not comfortable in sharing his dying secret, he rolled off the bed and grabbed his clothes, quickly donning them. "I'll be heading to New York tomorrow. Will you be joining?"

"I…" Natasha moaned a little, squeezing her legs together, still very tired, still very much hot from his spill between them. "I don't think I can, Mr. Stark."

"Hm… It's alright." A hint of disappointment, but he didn't care and donned his suit. "You can take your time. Use my shower."

Natalie nodded, still lying on the bed and staring at the darkness of the ocean outside. What she did was very much her own decision, and it was a highly pleasurable experience. Tony Stark wasn't a bad lover, she felt.

But what she did wasn't a part of her job, nor something Fury had asked her to do. She still did it in the hopes of forming a stronger connection with the future President.

Just a little more… Yelena.


Would Tony have helped if she had just asked him directly to save her sister? Most likely he would have. But he couldn't have possibly known the true reason why Natalie so willingly shared a bed with him.

He loved it, one of his favorite experiences. But now he was certain Natalie wasn't some newly hired assistant, transferred to him from the legal department. There was a bigger mystery behind it and he had already ordered Jarvis to look into it.

"Happy Birthday!"

Loud music, a lot of drinks, too many gorgeous women, a swimming pool, and plenty of dancing. Tony cut the cake and had a very ordinary party that night. Although he did wear his Iron Man suit and danced around, giving the hottest of girls there a very short flying experience.

But he didn't get drunk that night or misbehave. Pepper was very happy, and Rhodey still cried about ending the party and ruining his mood.

"Come on, it's a normal party. Grab a drink and stop being a party pooper." Tony handed him a beer and continued to enjoy the night.

It was a long night that slowly died out as most guests dropped drunk and got carried away home. Some lucky ones had their one-night stands in some of the rooms of the massive house, while the sober ones left much earlier.

As for Tony, he ate, drank, got sobered, drank again, ate, and then got on his flight to New York right away. A six-hour-long flight was enough for him to sleep and get ready for the charity kitchen event.


It was morning in New York City. Tony, with his portable suit, and his ten Iron Guardians in the sky providing him protection, arrived at the charity kitchen location. It was held by an organization by the name of FEAST.

He had tried to keep his visit under wraps, only letting a few hand-picked journalists and camera crews know about it. But still, the crowd was massive as the homeless and needy flocked to see him when he reached there.

"I'll make things better."

"Trust me."

"I'm with you."

He shook hands and handed out assurances like most politicians. Only his were packed by wealth, mind, and desire. It took him an hour to settle down with the massive crowd and enter the building's huge open indoor space.

"Mr. Stark, thank you for coming. I'm the project manager for today's event here."

Tony shook the woman's hand, a middle-aged modern lady, brown-haired, shapely, and beautiful with a mature air to her. "Thanks for the help, Ms…"

"Oh! May… I mean, Maybelle Parker, but you can call me May, Mr. Stark." May flustered, never having met a massive celebrity like Tony in person. She reminded herself to calm down again and again in her heart. "This way, please… Will you participate in the serving?"

"Of course," Tony replied and followed May. His glasses already showed him details about her, finally finding a woman who seemed normal without any ulterior motives. But are you sure she's in her late forties? She… doesn't look like that at all.

Tony noted her curves in that loose top and tight blue jeans. He'd be blind to not see it. I'm liking this New York trip already.

"Here, Mr. Stark." May helped Tony with everything, showing him where to go, giving him an apron, and teaching him how to pour food with the big ladle. "It's easy, isn't it?"

Tony nodded and focused on the homeless and the needy who came his way in an orderly line. His duty was to pour the thick meat stew. It was his money, so all the food was high quality. Burgers, fries, chicken, traditional bread and stew and so much more were there.

An hour passed, and he began to grow tired. But just then Jarvis notified him of a special guest. "Sir, the imposter Amanda is queueing… five turns away from you in the queue."

Here? Tony frowned but calmed down quickly afterwards. He waited, and soon enough the beautiful, tall, perfect blonde came into his view. She was in some expensive clothing as if she was at a party—a long, drapey pale blue one-piece dress, one leg visible with the cut from the one side on the waist.

"A surprise seeing you here." Tony smiled as she reached him, in her hand a plate for food.

Amanda sultrily smirked. "You were too good, so I had to come and visit when I heard you were in town."

What does she want?

"Are you free after this? I want to show you something," Amanda asked, taking the stew in the small bowl.

Tony looked at his watch and grunted. "Would have loved to, but I'm headed back after this."

"Too bad…" Amanda genuinely seemed dejected.

Tony wanted to bring her to his home turf, however. "If you find time, why don't you visit me at my Malibu mansion?"

"That sounds lovely." She secretly, softly licked her lips and stepped away. "I'll see you later then, Mr. Stark."

However, just as Amanda left, Tony gave the ladle to another man and stepped away from the serving area. He quickly ordered Jarvis to buy him a few things.

I already know where this is heading. Jarvis, go ahead and order me a pair of handcuffs and a few other restraints, maybe steel chains."

Jarvis didn't speak and just acknowledged with a beep sound as someone approached Tony.

"Mr. Stark…"

Tony came out of the stupor and looked behind at May, approaching him. Her husband must be one happy man.


A little embarrassed, May gestured towards her back. "I… If you don't mind, I have someone who wants to meet you. He's your fan and wants a picture with you. It's alright if it's too mu—"

"I don't mind at all." Tony interrupted her.

Delighted, May looked back and shouted at a corner. "Peter…!"


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