President Stark

Chapter 8. The Hero President & The Fiery Phoenix

[We’re reporting live from what used to be the venue of Stark Expo this year. What exactly happened and why Hammer Industries' machines caused such mayhem is still unknown. But what we do know is that Iron Man has once again saved the day. Not a single injury was reported other than, of course, Mr. Stark himself. His Iron Guardians flew everyone to safety, neutralized the danger, and stopped what could have been a city-wide spree of destruction and loss of life—Live from Manhattan, reporter Christine from WHiH World News…]


Tony tapped the button on the center console and turned off the mini TV in the luxury limousine. Still in his ruined armor, he sat in the reclined seat with Pepper beside him, while the two seats that faced him were occupied by Happy and Natasha. 

"Did you know about this?" Tony glanced at Pepper, asking about the spy girl. 

Uncomfortable by that revelation herself, Pepper shook her head. She sized up Natasha from head to toe, her battle suit quite a thing on her curvaceous body, and the zipper on her chest was a little too low. "No. I had no idea."

Tony hummed and stared at the red-haired woman he had come to relish so delightfully. He actually liked her as his assistant. She was perfect in her work and of course, bed. Sadly, he reckoned he couldn't afford her anymore. 

"Fury better have his excuses written down," Tony warned her. 

Although slightly nervous about losing Tony's support for her non-work related matter, Natasha remained calm and collected. "It was necessary, Mr. Stark. You’re too important for this country and the world. We had to observe you closely due to the poisoning."

"Poisoning?!" Pepper exclaimed. "What is she talking about, Tony?"

"Nothing," Tony said with a dismissive wave. "You could've just come to me directly. But no, you opted for the whole sneaky-thief routine. Was it the thrill? The black outfit? Do tell."

Natasha sighed, her expression unreadable. "It took Agent Coulson sixteen attempts before he finally got a face-to-face with you, Mr. Stark. You're not exactly easy to pin down."

"But you are," Tony replied, a heated smirk playing on his lips. "Romanoff, huh? Russian?"

Natasha nodded. 

Tony chuckled and started tapping on his phone. "Fury must really trust you to have you on the team. Or worse, he keeps you as long as you're useful."

Sadly, Natasha failed to deny Tony's claim. She knew it too. Shields didn't fully trust her yet despite her brilliant track record.

"I'm out. I can't sit in this cramped car," Tony declared, pausing his screen tapping. He quickly scanned his suit's systems. "I've got enough juice to jet home on my own. Pepper, handle the PR fiasco. Happy, keep an eye on Pepper—she's worth more than you. Natali... I mean Natasha, you're still fired."


The limousine came to a halt on its own as Tony messed up with its electrical systems. He quickly opened the door and jumped out, not even listening to Pepper shout. He flew into the sky with a rocket boom, not even explaining his plans.


The internet was buzzing with Tony's battle footage. The way he saved people and took the hit himself showed people enough about where his heart was. Saving people even if he had to put his own life in danger. 

Who could be better than this man as the President of the country? When was the last time someone this amazing even ran for President? 

With multi-angled videos of the battle directly uploaded onto Tony's YouTube page and plenty of other places, a natural trend formed that greatly increased Tony's winnability.

The hashtag trend was #TheHeroPresident.

Of course, Tony was paying the media enough for them to latch onto that trend and widely report on that. Besides, since he was the hot topic, reporting on him was also where the advertiser's money was. 

It was late at night, and Tony had no idea about the sort of internet sensation he had become. Not that he cared about it since fame was something too natural for him. 

Instead of worrying about that, he flew over Manhattan, looking for a place to crash. But he was also hungry, so his first instinct was to find a place to eat. Sadly, no matter where he tried to land, the people surrounded him, ruining his mood. 

Although not gravely injured, he did have a few scrapes and internal bruises. It ached here and there, so he was in no mood to interact with people at the moment.

"Jarvis, do we have anyone in the neighborhood who wouldn’t mind me raiding their fridge and crashing on their couch for the night?" Tony asked inside his helmet while flying aimlessly. He made a mental note at the same time, to hasten Stark Tower's construction. 

Jarvis responded soon. "Mr. Stark, you received contact details from Ms. May Parker who helped you organi—"

"Of course, how can I forget her and that kid?" Tony exclaimed and remembered that fine specimen of a true homely woman. "Call her." 

Very soon, the ring sounded, followed by a mature, feminine voice.


"May? It's me, Tony." Tony spoke as if they were already best friends. "I'm flying around up here and looking for a place to crash for the night. Got any extra room? Even a couch will do."

There was a long silence. "Which Tony? I don't know any Tony."

"..." Tony lost himself there. Thankfully, nobody was there to witness that embarrassing moment. "It's me, Tony Stark, the Iron Man, the future President!"

Yet again there was silence. But this time it was followed by a loud yelp. "Mr. Stark?! Mr. T-Tony Stark? Is that really you?" 

"The guy who let Peter touch the Arc Reactor and snap a selfie? Yeah, that's me," Tony quipped. 

"15th Street, Queens!" May Parker blurted out her address without hesitation. "I have a couch, Mr. Stark. It's really comfortable! Oh, wait, you can take my room. I can stay with Peter."

Tony didn't answer and disconnected the call. His boosters ran at full speed and he made his way to Queens. It wasn't hard to find May's apartment as the entire county's address book was open to Jarvis. 

Thankfully, there was nobody to notice him entering the building. So he quickly arrived in front of the plain-looking door and knocked. 


The door opened right away as if someone was waiting for him to knock. But it wasn't May Parker. 

"Hey, kid." Tony ruffled Peter's hair with his metallic gauntlet and walked in. "Did you guys have dinner yet?"

Peter failed to control his breath and almost screamed seeing him in his suit. But he still closed the door, locked it carefully, and followed behind Tony.

"I-I was there, Mr. Stark! I saw you beat the evil robots!" Peter nearly shouted. "You were so cool there! You even saved me!"

Tony paused in his steps and looked back. "You were at Stark Expo?" 

"We were there," May said as she walked into the living room from the kitchen. "He begged me to go, you know. Even bought himself an Iron Man helmet."

Tony looked back into the room and froze for a second. He wasn't expecting May Parker to be wearing that. It was just a single, long, oversized t-shirt that barely reached her thighs. Although he could see a hint of bicycle shorts underneath it, the revealed skin made him imagine too many things. 

"Were you two hurt?" He asked. 

"Not at all! One of the Iron Guardians guided us out of the Arena just in time. Thank you for saving us, Mr. Stark," May replied warmly, stepping closer to Tony. 

Her brown hair was loosely tied in a bun, and her round glasses rested on her nose. She might not be a Victoria's Secret model, but between her age, personality, and charm, she seemed hot as hell.

Perfect place to crash for the night. Tony thought. 

He didn't really think of her in a sexual way, but rather in an appreciative way. After all, who wouldn't love having a hot woman around to chat and relax with?

"That's great." He replied and commanded the armor to open up. Stepping out, he glanced down at himself—a loose white shirt and pajama pants from that earlier morning's casual sexcapade with Raven. "I smell tomatoes. What's for dinner?"

May smiled charmingly and welcomed him to the couch. "Spaghetti with meatballs, some salad, and garlic bread."

"Sounds great!" Tony exclaimed and landed on the couch like a log. "I'll catch a breath here… If that’s okay?" 

Still somewhat in shock, May silently nodded and ran back to the kitchen. Peter, meanwhile, walked up to Tony who slouched lazily on the couch. 

Tony eyed the kid with a smirk. "I heard you're smart."

"I don't know." Peter shyly replied. "Aunt May says I am."

"What's your favorite subject?" 

"Science!" Peter chirped. "I love science!"

"Really? Good luck studying then," Tony drawled, barely suppressing a yawn as he flopped onto the couch with all the enthusiasm of a Monday morning. "Ace your exams and I'll consider a Stark internship when you're all grown up."

Peter beamed up with joy. To him, that meant the world. "Really? I-I'll go study then! I'll ace all my exams!" 

But just before Peter could rush into his room, May's voice rang out, calling them out for dinner. Tony soon followed in and took a seat to devour the savory delight. 

"I hope this doesn't disappoint you, Mr. Stark." May nervously place the dishes on the table.

Tony scoffed and wolfishly poured food into his place. "Disappoint? Please… this looks excellent! You think I dine on a seven-course meal every day just because I'm a billionaire? You're wrong, May. I eat instant noodles on most days since I'm working all the time."

May looked at Tony with pity. All that money and the man still chose to eat instant noodles? She couldn't imagine what kind of life Tony lived. 

"Then, don't be shy. Eat as much as you want, Mr. Stark."

"Ditch the mister, it's Tony for you now," Tony replied and gobbled down the spaghetti. "Umm… Perfectly al dente!"

"Glad you liked it, Tony." May smiled warmly and ate too. 

Peter tried to copy Tony on the side, eating like his role model. But he was still a kid and made a mess. "I'll eat instant noodles too now, Tony."

"It's Mr. Stark for you, bud," Tony quipped, shooting a playful smirk at the kid. "And ask your Aunt, not me. Instant Noodles are like the supervillains of food—convenient, but not exactly good for you, trust me."

"Then why do you eat it, Mr. Stark?" 

"Because I'm a superhero, so it cancels out." Tony blurted back the nonsensical reply and focused on food. Everything was tasty on the table. Heck, even the salad was good. He seriously wondered if hiring May as his chef would be better. 

An hour later, the dishes on the table lay empty and bellies full. Tony burped silently while rubbing his belly. He couldn't remember the last time he over ate like this. I wouldn't mind crashing here now and then if I get to have a great home-cooked meal. 

"Peter, go finish your homework. You have school tomorrow," May gently chided, setting the dishes down in the kitchen sink. "Mr. S—I mean, Tony, why don't you relax on the couch and watch some TV, hmm?"

"Sounds good." Tony got up lazily and returned to the living room. The apartment was small and yet he didn't hate it. It felt cozy, and warm, like a real home. Unlike his mansion, so full and yet so utterly devoid of life. "Let's see…"

The news channels were still going on about him and the Stark Expo incident. Justin Hammer had been caught, however. Shield had done its work and handed over the information about Hammer's involvement with Ivan Vanko. 

"Boring." He grunted and changed channels until finally settling for a movie channel playing Star Wars Episode IV. "Better."

By then, May also returned to the living room and took a seat. Rather close to Tony since he was already occupying the middle of the two-seater couch. With not much space left, she settled on his right and relaxed herself, folding one knee up under the thigh of her hanging leg. 

"I used to think these things were impossible." May pointed at the scene of a destroyer ship cruising in the movie. Then she glanced at idly standing Iron Man armor on the side of the room. "Not anymore."

"Still far from building spaceships. But you might just see it in your lifetime." Tony proudly claimed. He had invested in Reed already, and whatever results that mad scientists produced, Tony believed it'd help him.

May vocally sighed and glanced at Tony. She had almost turned entirely towards him, resting one elbow on the couch's backrest, her head against her palm. "I still can't believe this is real."

Tony matched May's sitting position and faced her. But he also shifted closer until his knee was touching her. He forced his eyes to look away from her toned legs and those soft thighs. "Why?"

"Because you are 'THE' Tony Stark. And I'm nothing… Things like this happen in stories, not in real life," May answered. She was no fool and had noticed Tony held no aversion to her age or body. Rather, there was a hint of interest. 

Tony scoffed and gently landed his palm on her exposed thigh. It felt like warm marshmallows. 

He looked into her dreamy eyes. "No. We're all nothing. All of humanity is nothing. If a ship like that destroyer were to somehow appear in the sky above right now, we'd all die. At the end of the day, we're all just sacks of flesh and bones."

"Hmmm…" May murmured, landing her own free hand over his leg. "Will you work on it when you become the President?" 

May rubbed Tony's thigh, looking absentmindedly at her hand as if she were pondering the question. But who knew what she was truly wondering when her fingers dangerously slid closer and closer to the rising mound on Tony's pajama pants. There was a subtle warmth there, calling out to her own guilty pleasure. 

Then she suddenly felt it, a tiny tickle shocking her belly to tighten. She finally noticed Tony’s hand was also doing the same thing. Kneading and sliding up her bare thigh, his thumb “accidentally” brushing against her core, tightly wrapped under that spandex material. Stroking her sensitive heat against and again, staying there with a gentle stroke, each brush longer than the last one.

She unconsciously bit her lips a little, already feeling the thirst creeping up on her.

Tony noticed a subtle change in her expression, enjoying her playful act as her hand kept sliding closer and closer to his growing erection. He relished the feeling on his palm, soft and smooth like the finest silk. 

While they both enjoyed the teasing, testing their limits, their bodies slowly leaned in, closer and closer without realizing it. 

"That, and much more. There are things that exist in this world that you can't even begin to imagine, May. I'll have to work on all of that." Tony responded, his voice getting hoarse as he felt a dose of passion in reply to her soft teases. 

Tony was so close now, almost as if he was whispering in her ear. He couldn’t help it, the attraction was too much, as if she had her own pull on him. He had never planned for this when entering that apartment, but now he felt glad he did.

May felt Tony’s hand sliding up her thigh, too daring. Finally, in a moment of heat, she felt his entire palm covering her entrance, gently rubbing up and down as if he was challenging her teases with something more than a game of cat and mouse.

She was startled but felt hot that instant, completely lost in craving. Hidden under that tight spandex, covered under a layer of white cotton, her petals were already somewhat moist. She bit her lips even more, feeling that tingling, wonderful sensation take over. It was evident by the pebble-sized dents on her oversized t-shirt. 

"Mmhmm…" May suppressed her moan. "You do… have a lot to work on… don't you?"

Tony felt her hand cup his hard cock right then, feeling relaxed against her touch. Raven wanted something from him. Natasha wanted something from him. So to Tony, May felt a lot more charming and hot for she only wanted his physical attention. 

"I'm working on it…" 

Tony tried to lean closer to her and slip his palm into her spandex shorts from the waistband to reach her damp, heated lower lips. He pulled her cotton underwear to the side with a hook of his fingers and slid his digit in between. 

Even in silence, May’s mind was rushing a hundred miles per second. Sensing his finger rub up and down between her lower lips as his face came closer and closer to her slender, sensitive neck. Her body started to shiver as she felt the warmth of his breath on her skin.

“I could work all night and day… if you’ll let me..”

“M-Me?” May whimpered in response, her hand tracing the bulge growing in his pants.

Could she, would he, should she? And how far would he even take it? Being a single “mom” for a while now, it really made her envy those women who truly caught the attention of this genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. And her secret collection of spicy books she hid from Peter didn’t help her cling to logic at all.

But she still longed for that male attention sometimes. Maybe it was the wine I drank earlier today, she reckoned. But right now, she felt like feasting on this exotic man before her.

“It's strenuous work, a lot of uphill battles… I’d need to go down and get dirty… Maybe even hours and hours of sleepless nights…” his voice rumbled in her ears; his other hand sliding down her back, pulling her closer. “It’ll all be worth it if you help me…”

“H-how..Oh… Could I h-help? Umm…” May trembled, feeling his slick thumb brushing up and down between her soaking hot petals, sometimes even flicking her hardening kernel of flesh. The flicker of flame in her loins was now burning like a furnace.

“Maybe help me relax… A warm comfort at home, hot and inviting… Be there for me every time.” He teased her ear with a lick. “With nothing on but a pretty apron.”

May could feel the muscles of her loins clenching, imagining the hot sultry scene of a powerful CEO and his ordinary hidden lover. She quickly pulled out his hand and jumped over to his lap.

Under Tony’s amused smile, she removed her glasses and pulled off her hair tie, letting her dark brown hair sway behind her back. She cupped Tony’s face closer, “You know I’m not that sort of woman… Tony…”

“Never thought you were, May,” he answered playfully as his hands grabbed onto her slowly grinding hips. 

May leaned down and kissed his lips while letting him sink his fingers into her tender, plump ass. 

She suckled his lips, hungry like a cat in heat. She finally felt she could release her wild side she had kept hidden, feeling the man’s tongue tasting her mouth with a frenzy as his hands explored her curves.

After so long she finally had a man she could be with. One who wouldn't try to follow her around like a creep. One who could help her explore her wildest imagination without judgment, nor cling to her already burdened life.

“Ummmm…” May moaned into his mouth, feeling too damn hot and wild. She touched his neck and chest, sliding her hands all over his body, kissing his chin, and his neck, swirling her tongue into his mouth. 

“Maybe I could be… only for you.”

Tony's hand had already slipped under her shorts and underwear by then, fondling her bare ass. 

He moved his wrists a little more and pulled her shorts further down, bunching them up around her thighs. His hand caressed every nook and cranny, spreading her ass wide as his finger slid over her shivering skin, looking for that hot cave of wonders. “That… would be wonderful.”

May couldn’t wait any longer and slid off his lap, pulling off her shorts and underwear with one big movement, and sat back down on his lap, kissing and licking him with wild abandon. Tony couldn’t help but marvel at how eager she was, kissing her with equally searing passion.

Tony lifted her oversized t-shirt over her breasts as she combed her fingers through his hair. He marveled at the burgeoning, naked, creamy breasts at last. So hot, so natural; her breasts jutting, larger than what his palms could hold. Her pale brown hardening nipples complimented her ripe flesh. 

Her belly had a tiny hint of extra flesh, while a cute small patch of brown pubes was above her slit. That slender and sexy curves of her sides, the warm, tingling flesh of her bottom, satin-smooth with a pink flush of arousal. Everything about her screamed ‘take me’; he couldn’t resist.

Tony took her achingly swollen nipple into his mouth while his other hand fingered and teased her pussy from behind. His finger tiddled the drooling entrance from below as his tongue nibbled and suckled, almost reshaping the underside of her breast as he held on.

May kept grinding onto his bulge as she hugged his face closer to her bosom. She suppressed her moans as best as she could, all the while drowning in the bliss of his coarse pajama pants stroking on her wet, nub of love. Her juices slowly soaked into Tony’s pants.

“Ohh… um! Yes… Tony… Ummm….” She moaned.

Tony’s iron-hard erection could feel the moistness between her thighs, spurring him to quickly plunge in with twitches and throbs. He couldn’t wait anymore, his gut knotting up as he listened to her sultry cries.

He pushed her up a little with his hand on her waist and roughly shoved his pajama pants down from around his cock with the other hand. He fetched his cock out quickly and lined it up with her sweltering, needy entrance, and gently pulled her back down on the queen’s royal seat. 

“Ooohhh Tony… You’re… Umphh… big...” May breathlessly mewled as she eased down on his shaft.

May rose up by herself a little, while looking down at his bulbous length, then gently came back down, letting her pussy lips stretch and adjust, slowly enveloping his cock. She moved her hips up and down, her flesh sliding on his tender skin, relishing each bump and groove that brushed against her soaking, wet insides. 

“Ummmphh… Yes… So good.”

Yes, this, this was what she wanted. It’s been so long since she felt this good, so full and stretched to the edge. It felt so wonderful, so hot, so hungry for more. The slow movements were just too good, she could savor everything, every single touch, and throb from his cock.

“Ghk…” Tony couldn’t help but grunt, tormented by the slow torture as if he were standing on an edge. His burgeoning erection urged him to go fast, his hips twitching, but his mind was too submerged in the ecstasy of the torment.

Tony held her waist under her t-shirt and guided her up and down, relishing in the coating warmth clamping around his cock. Before he knew it, his entire cock rested inside the beautiful woman, her pussy quivering and tightening, reminding him again and again that she appreciated that cock inside of her. 

Tony kissed her once more, tasting her moans on his tongue. His hands kept moving, guiding her scorching heat to stroke his engorged manhood.


"Aunt May, I can't sleep~" Peter came out, rubbing his eyes.

"Aaah!" May yelped in panic and quickly stopped kissing Tony and pushed the hem of her oversized t-shirt down to hide her own ass and his cock that throbbed still hilt deep in her dripping pussy. "Yes, honey?"

"What are you doing?" Peter questioned, squinting his brows. 

May worked hard to not moan. "Oh, this? I… Tony had something in his eyes. I'm just blowing on it—Fwooooo~"

Tony let her blow into his eye. But feeling a little adventurous, he flexed his cock countless times to make her feel it inside. Her little gasps and hidden yelps made him even more excited. 

"Go to bed, Peter. I'll be there in a moment and read you a book." May smilingly sent Peter away again. 

Peter rubbed his eyes sleepily and returned to his bed without approaching the couch. 

Tony looked up at her face right then. "Rain check?"

May gulped and looked down at Tony. She could feel his hot, pulsating rod still inside. She needed it more than ever. "Fuck no! No, no… Let's be quick.”

May started grinding on his cock, quickening her pace to little jumps, pivoting on her knees. She pulled her own body up and forced herself down, recklessly chasing after that sensational release she craved for. With one hand she held onto Tony’s shoulder, the other covering her own mouth, stifling her moans.

Tony almost grimaced at the sudden plunge to cloud nine. His cock responded in kind, striking her deepest walls with enthusiastic precision. He could hear the muffled squelches and sputters, her juices flowing to aid his cock, sliding in and out of her. His hand grabbed hold of the soft, curving flesh of her waist.

“Ah!” He exhaled an audible breath in slight annoyance, he couldn’t hold it anymore. Even if he wanted to see her pleasure herself with his cock, his body kept urging him to do more.

His hips started moving up to match the pace. No longer passionate, they fucked just for that last jarring, mindblowing release. Both moved in reckless rhythm, slamming into each other's flesh. He could feel her walls tighten around him, massaging his cock firmly, milking him with all her slick, wet walls twitching.

May could feel the burning sensation freezing her muscles. She finally found what she was seeking, a frenzied explosion of exquisite sensation claiming her body. She sealed her lips on Tony's as the climax made her hands too stiff to stop her lustful cries. 

In utter bliss, Tony reached the edge at the same time as she did, biting and sucking her lips.

His cock shoved in one last time with a slamming thrust of climax, soaring over the edge. He allowed his molten juices to intermingle with hers as they reached that final moment of glory together. Oh, it felt so hot to both of them, that scorching seeping nectar of theirs reminded each other of every throb and clench as their bodies finally relaxed. 

May could feel the viscous, hot, masculine climax spread inside her, tickling her as it painted her pink walls white. The last throbs of her pussy squeezed and spilled his sticky seeds out, sullying his balls.

Every inch of her body was reluctant to stop there, but she had to.

May quickly took a calming breath and tied her hair back up. She took a moment to look at Tony’s tired, panting face and caressed his cheek. "You can sleep in my room." 

May dared not spend more time there, scared that Peter would come back. "That was great! Ummm!"

May deeply kissed him on the lips one last time and slid off his cock to land beside him on the couch. There, she quickly wore her underwear and bicycle shorts without bothering to clean off the creamy cum. She ran off into Peter’s bedroom and locked the door behind her. 

Tony couldn’t even sound out a word, she was just too quick. 

In a daze, Tony looked at the door swinging to close. When the door slammed shut he woke up from the stupor. He looked down at his limp cock again, the wet patch on his pajama pants from his and her juices. 

On the screen, Luke Skywalker received a medal from Leia. 

"Fuck!" Tony jumped up at the sudden realization. 

Oh no, no!! I came inside her! This is bad… This is really bad. 

"Jarvis, get one of the Iron Guardians to deliver morning-after pills here," Tony ordered and relaxed on the couch to rest his eyes. "And a pack of condoms for me."

In the end, he couldn't deny that he really liked the heated exchange with May. She felt different from most other perfect-looking women he had been with. May felt more… genuine? It was hard to pinpoint. 



In his sleep, Tony moved his nose. A strong aroma of food infiltrated his nozzle while his ears tuned with the sound of something sizzling on a pan. It took him a few moments before he opened his eyes and looked around. 

The living room looked far more bright now with the windows letting in the daylight. He smelled eggs and bacon, so he sat up and stretched up to look towards the kitchen. He never even realized when he fell asleep and the entire night passed by. 

Being healthy and not dying sure is fun. Tony breathed deeply, remembering the events of the night. He knew it was just a heated moment so he decided to not dwell on it or act on it. Just another day in the life of Tony Stark.

He got up and walked into the kitchen. May stood by the counter making breakfast for Peter and packing his lunch. No longer in that oversized t-shirt, now she looked more professional. A pair of tight jeans, a nice top, and her hair freshly shampooed. 

"Thanks for letting me crash here. It was… an amazing night." Tony thanked her, making his presence known. "But I've gotta jet now."

There was awkwardness in May's movements all of a sudden. She stuttered to say anything. "W-Won't you have breakfast first?"

Tony noticed her embarrassment. So, he walked closer to her and extended his hand to shake hers. "Let's save that for next time, May. I'll be ramping up my election campaign soon, and I might need your help to run some events later. How does that sound?"

"Amazing!" May responded without thinking. But she quickly looked away and hid her expression. "I mean, I'd love to help you, Tony."

"See you around then." Tony chuckled and left her working in the kitchen. As he walked to the door, he left a pack of the 'pill' in the key tray, hoping she'd take them if she hadn't already. 

It feels scummy to do this. Tony cursed himself for being so careless and left the modest apartment. But instead of going down he climbed upstairs and reached the terrace. His Iron Man suit was already there, guarded by another Iron Guardian who had done some quick repairs on his suit. 

"Sir, the investigation report from New Mexico has been sent to you," Jarvis alerted Tony as soon as he stepped into the armor. "Would you like to read it in full, or shall I provide a summary?"

"Summarize it." Tony got comfortable in the suit and jetted off into the air. 

"Sir, a series of videos have surfaced showing a large crater with a hammer at its center, origins unknown," Jarvis began, displaying the footage within the helmet. "Individuals have attempted to lift the hammer and move it using trucks, but it remains immovable. Shield has established a camp around the site. From their internal networks, it has been revealed that they are monitoring a man named Thor, currently residing in Puente Antiguo."

Tony frowned. "Thor? Isn't that some god?"

"Norse God, the God of Thunder, sir," Jarvis responded. "According to the legends, he wielded a hammer as his weapon of choice. The hammer may carry some mystical powers."

The matter piqued Tony's interest like nothing else. Ever since he decided to run for President, so many new things have come to his attention. Things that were a secret to the rest of the world. 

"I'll head to New Mexico after meeting with our superpowered bald school headmaster," Tony decided, picking up speed. "Keep an eye on the situation. And if something blows up—let me know."

Tony rocketed off deeper up north in New York State, heading for Westchester County, where the school was located. It was pretty secluded from the rest of human society, in Salem Center. It was magnificent, almost gothic mansion with plenty of buildings added later on. It was extremely easy to notice even from distant skies.

Considering his powers, he should already be aware I'm approaching. Tony pondered and descended on the fresh, green lawn outside the main building of the school. There really are kids around here. 

"Wooooah! Iron Man?!" 

As always, he heard a few kids gasping at his arrival and getting excited. It amused him since he believed that they were more special than himself. He had no natural superpowers other than his awesome brain. 

"Welcome to the school, Mr. Stark."

"Planet of the Apes?" Tony exclaimed suddenly. He thought he was prepared but the creature before him was too otherworldly. A towering figure with blue fur covering his muscular body. With ape-like giant arms, sharp claws, fangs, and piercing yellow eyes. 

"I was expecting a reaction like that." The furry man approached Tony with a chortle. "I am Henry Phillip McCoy, commonly called Hank. This is my mutant form, I reckoned you'd be interested."

"Oh, I am," Tony mumbled under his breath and shook the furry hand. "How much can you bench press?"


Hank felt speechless at the speed Tony accepted his existence and turned nonchalant. He had never met anyone like this before. He expected a little repulsiveness from him but instead got humor. "Around seventy tons."

"Impressive." Tony admired and followed him into the building. "How many students have you got here?"

"Twenty-eight is the current number," Hank answered.

Tony frowned. He expected there to be hundreds. "Is it just me or is the number pitiful?"

"A lamentable state indeed, Mr. Stark. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters operates discreetly, a necessity given our private nature. Mutants are scarce, and recruiting them proves even scarcer. Typically, we attract the disenfranchised—orphans or those forsaken by their families,” Hank replied, taking side-eye glances at Tony, wondering if things would change with this man's support. "This way."

Knock! Knock!

Hank opened the door right away and invited Tony in. 

There he is. Tony stared at the man sitting behind a mahogany table in an electric wheelchair. Is he looking in my head right now? 

"I would have stood up and shaken your hand, Mr. Stark. But I'm afraid my condition does not permit me." Charles extended his hand from the chair. "Thank you for coming here so promptly. I trust any misunderstandings that may have arisen can be swiftly resolved."

Tony grinned mischievously, eyeing Raven standing tall next to Charles' wheelchair, decked out in a black leather jacket, blue jeans, and a crisp white tee. He appreciated her not changing her skin or looks. "No worries, Charles. Raven left no room for any misunderstanding. Her explanations were, shall we say… remarkably comprehensive."

Charles looked at Raven for a moment, and then at Tony again. He didn't have to read minds to sense the undercurrents. "I'm relieved to hear that. Please take a seat. I'm certain you have numerous inquiries."

Tony didn't bother to take off his armor and sat down with it, making the wooden chair creak. "Why me?" 

"Because you're a man of science." Hank voiced from behind as he placed a glass of water for Tony on the table and joined to stand beside Charles' chair. "And you're not a career politician."

"Nor as scummy as people usually imagine," Raven added, smirking playfully. 

Nice to see her real personality. Tony didn't mind her words. 

Charles coughed just then and spoke. "After last night's events, I feel more comforted with my choice to expose ourselves to you. Regardless of what shortcomings you believe you have, you are a good man at heart. As the President, I hope you can lend us a hand to make our lives a little easier."

"I get you, Charles. I really do." Tony leaned back, his expression shifting from playful to serious in an instant. "But jumping on your mutant-saving bandwagon? That might just be a career suicide for me as the President and the guy in the Iron suit. I'll pave the way for you, sure. But walking? That's on you. Maybe consider sending one of your people over to Shield's little Avengers initiative. Might do wonders for your PR."

Charles frowned, well aware of what SHIELD was. "They'd rather dissect us to see what's inside, Mr. Stark. Besides, I'm not aware of this Avengers initiative."

"A plan to assemble a bunch of superpowered folks to handle other superpowered craziness out there," Tony briefed in short. "And don't sweat about shield—I'll have Fury by the balls once I'm in the Oval Office. As I said, I'll handle the political, the bureaucratic, and all the military hazards. The rest? That's your playground."

Shining bald head, Charles looked at Raven and Hank beside him before taking a deep breath. "I… I will have to discuss this with other faculty members first, Mr. Stark." 

"Take your time. We've got a whole year before the big vote." Tony replied and got up, wanting to reach New Mexico as soon as possible. 

Charles had a different idea, however. "Why not take a moment to explore before your departure, Mr. Stark? Raven, would you be so kind as to give Mr. Stark a tour of the school?"

"Sure." Raven stepped forward immediately. 

What's he cooking now? Tony stared at him with narrow eyes. 

"Ah, Mr. Stark. One more thing." Charles interrupted him right before he left with Raven. "About the bill you sent for the armor that Logan destroyed…"

Haha! Got you, egghead! Tony rejoiced inside and turned back to him. 

"I can totally forget about it, you know, as long as I get a peek at your kitty's claws. Just a harmless scientific curiosity, no experimentation or needle-shoving involved. I just want to admire the craftsmanship, you know, see what they're made of and all that jazz." Tony negotiated with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Charles frowned and looked at Hank as if asking for help.

Hank was helpless too. Nobody could order Logan around like that. "We can ask Logan but… Whether he agrees or not is not up to us."

Tony shrugged and followed Raven out of the door. "Alright then, catch you later. Once you're done asking, of course."


He slammed the door shut behind him and looked at his beautiful, blue-skinned companion. Right away, he stepped a little to the side and walked out of his armor. Without asking, he shifted closer to Raven and grabbed her slender waist. 

"Where to?" He asked cheekily. 

Raven didn't mind at all and turned toward him, resting one hand on his chest. "You're still wearing the same clothes as yesterday."

Ah, I almost forgot. Tony looked down at himself. 

"Same mood too." He added. 

Raven chuckled and pushed his hand away from her waist. "Not here, Tony. Too many cameras and… eyes. Come on, I'll introduce you to the school's faculty."

It's tough being a man. Tony heaved at the sight of her curvy bottom swaying before him. He picked up the pace to walk beside her just to save himself from getting aroused. 

The first place Raven took him was the school’s advanced medical clinic. A lot of money had been spent on the place and she hoped it’d intrigue a man of tech like Tony. 

“This is the clinic. Because of the special crowd we gather at the school, this place is like a second home to most of the students. Thankfully, we have Jean as the school doctor.” Raven opened the door and walked into the brightly lit clinic. “She must be around here.” 

Tony noticed a difference in the air inside the clinic. It felt cleaner, and certainly, some expensive filtration system was used. “Does this Jean have healing-related powers?”

It'd be nice to get the metal shrapnel removed from my chest. Tony thought, hoping to find some miracle there. 

Tap! Tap! Tap! 

The sound of heels hitting the tiled floor reverberated. Soon, one of the doors in the clinic opened.


Tony glanced toward the voice and noticed a highly attractive, modestly tall woman standing in a white lab coat over regular jeans and a shirt. This is the doctor? Jesus Christ! 

"Jean, this is Tony Stark." Raven calmly introduced them. Although she wasn't very close to Jean, they held mutual respect. "Tony, this is Jean Grey. She has telekinetic and telepathic abilities."

Tony nodded, sizing up the mutant woman he had seen in that video Raven showed him before. He guessed she was in her thirties, still very gorgeous. Her velvet red hair and shimmering emerald green eyes were a highlight. Slender, curvy, large bust, and a vibrant face—Jean Grey was a total package of perfect beauty and brains in his book. 

"You're not bald," Tony mumbled as usual, quipping. 

Raven chuckled and pulled Tony closer to Jean by his arm. "No, she's not. Charles' condition is different."

I sense a tension. Tony noticed the oddity in Jean's silence. She can read minds? Is she…?

Raven frowned seeing both of them so silent. But more than Tony, she focused on Jean and jumped between them in anger.

"Jean! Don't!" 


“Aaaargh!” Tony fell all of a sudden, clutching his head in pain. “Get the fuck out of my head! Jarvis! Ugh!”

“Stop this!” Raven bellowed in panic. “What did you do?!”

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