Presumptuous [entertainment Circle] (GL)

Chapter 129

Chapter 125: 125

Tang Ruoyao lowered his eyes to look at the other person’s thin white fingers pinched on the corner of his clothes, and when he noticed her gaze, he suddenly retracted, and the roots of the woman’s ears were also quietly stained with a circle of light pink.

Tang Ruoyao’s heart was squeezed by something, sour for a while, and incredibly soft.

Qin Yinong lay on one side silently again, giving her a spacious position.

She sat down on the edge of the bed, placed her slippers neatly, climbed onto the bed gently, and lay down beside Qin Yinong. Before she turned sideways, Qin Yinong had already leaned over, hugged her waist and held her in her arms. In a comfortable position, he closed his eyes.

“Good night.” Tang Ruoyao lowered his head and put a kiss on her forehead, and said softly.

“Good night.”

Tang Ruoyao also closed his eyelids, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

She fell asleep shortly afterwards. She fell asleep very deeply. She did not find that the woman quietly opened her eyes in the dark, and stroked her eyebrows, nose and lips inch by inch with her fingertips. Tang Ruoyao uttered sleepy babbles, and Qin Yinong moved her lips. It was printed on Tang Ruoyao’s lips.

Qin Yinong just couldn’t help but kissed her. He didn’t intend to do anything. After touching the other party’s unusually warm and soft lips, the string in his head snapped off and he couldn’t control it.

Tang Ruoyao slept soundly in Heitian Township and snorted. She frowned, opened her eyes suddenly, and took a heavy breath to relieve the pressure that her lungs were about to explode.

The curtains in the bedroom were not fully drawn. From the window, you could see a round of white hanging from the sky, and the soft pale silver moonlight spreading on the ground, extending from the window to the head of the bed.

Tang Ruoyao lowered his head and looked at it by the moonlight, Qin Yinong cleverly nestled in her arms, sleeping peacefully, with a clear breath.

Tang Ruoyao was a little dazed, her free hand squeezed her cheek, she…was she just being pressed by a ghost?

After a trance for a while, Tang Ruoyao waited for the sluggishness of breathlessness to completely disappear, and then let out a sigh of relief before closing his eyes again.

Qin Yinong didn’t do “bad things” anymore, and honestly brewed sleepiness.

Xu said the old things at night, and she relived the nightmare she hadn’t visited for a long time.

The beginnings of the nightmare are all the same. She is running for her life in a mist, without knowing the destination or the way. Behind is the beast or the people holding the stone, shouting and screaming. She could only keep running until she lost consciousness on her legs. She was thirsty and tired, and met a stranger who couldn’t see her face.

She is top-heavy, her feet on the ground are erratic in her dreams, struggling to move a heavy step, and asking the other party: “Hello, where is this place?”

The other party did not speak.

“Hello?” Qin Yinong looked closer through the white mist, but suddenly there was a flower in front of him, followed by the tingling of the pupils, and the intensive overlapping of flashing lights made her neck suddenly cool.

“Your father a few days ago…”

“Don’t respond?”


“When you lied, did you think that one day you would be exposed?”

“Are you worthy of the fans who have always supported you?”

“Apologize! At least you have to kneel down.”

The white mist in front of her gradually embodied reporters with long guns and short cannons, grinning and gloating, more and more, like a spreading giant net, surrounded her.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, raised her hand to cover her face, took a step back, and ran away.

His back was full of sweat, and his eyes were smeared with sweat so that he couldn’t see the path, and his legs seemed to be filled with lead. Qin Yinong ran more and more slowly, her lungs were tearing and painful, and her throat swept past her throat like a wind knife, cutting her throat one by one.

She fell on her knees, holding her hands in the icy soil, the mist cleared, and it was a familiar valley, and voices came out one after another.

“Bitch! Female cousin! Broken shoes!”

“You can smell the scent of you from eight hundred miles away.”

“People like you still die clean and waste air.”

“Happy death day.”

“I wish you were hit by a car when you go out, and the whole family will not die!”

The sound bounced back to the mountain wall, creating a huge echo in the empty valley.

Qin Yinong squatted down with an expression of pain, and covered his ears with both hands.

It’s a dream, don’t listen.

Don’t listen, it will pass soon.

Tang Ruoyao was awakened by the sudden movement of raising her hand and shook her cheek. She stunned for no reason, and quickly stretched out her hand to turn on the bedside lamp. She pulled down one of her hands covering her ears, and gently called her name in her ear: “Qin Yinong.”


Tang Ruoyao pushed her shoulders, her voice raised: “Qin Yinong?”

Qin Yinong never reacted.

Tang Ruoyao helped her up, looked at the pale face of the other party trapped in the nightmare, and made up his mind.

Qin Yinong leaned against the bed with two pillows behind him, holding the warm water from Tang Ruoyao in both hands, and squeezing it, his throat was a little dumb, and his brows were a little apologetic: “I scared you. ,I’m sorry.”

Tang Ruoyao drew two tissues and wiped the sweat from her forehead: “What did you dream of?”


Tang Ruoyao stared at her without speaking, but his eyes were very stubborn.

Qin Yinong was silent for a second, and honestly confessed: “I told you tonight.” She paused and said hesitantly, “Actually…”

“Actually what?”

“I knew it was a dream, and after a while it woke up on its own.”

“Since I’m by your side, why wait for it to wake up naturally?” Tang Ruoyao said confidently.

Qin Yi was dumb.

Qin Yinong thought for a while, organized his words, and said, “I mean, you don’t need to be so nervous.” In that way, when Qin Yinong was awakened from a kiss, Tang Ruoyao was piously closed in front of him. In his eyes, he thought he had a dream.

Tang Ruoyao’s eyes were red, and he didn’t know if it was angry or scared, and he hurriedly said: “I’m just nervous!” Looking at her from this point of view, she is not nervous, and she can’t stand and talk.

Qin Yinong’s momentum weakened all of a sudden, and he said indifferently, “Then you…” She sighed inwardly, “Whatever you say.”

She looked at Tang Ruoyao weakly: “I want to take a bath.”

Tang Ruoyao: “Is there a change of clothes here?”

Qin Yinong: “Guan Han took it, on the sofa in the living room.”

Tang Ruoyao asked, “Where is Guan Hanren?” After sending her in, he never saw each other again.

There was a brief blank in Qin Yinong’s expression, followed by a few breaths of silence.

Then Tang Ruoyao watched her pick up her mobile phone and made a call: “You come in and find a guest room to sleep in. By the way, bring in the change of clothes on the sofa in the living room. I am the master bedroom on the first floor.”

Tang Ruoyao: “…”

Qin Yinong looked away uncomfortably.

Her original plan was to teach Tang Ruoyao, but she never thought it would develop to where she is now, so she naturally forgot the Guan Han waiting in the courtyard.

When Guan Han came in with a bag of clothes, Qin Yinong didn’t dare to look directly into her eyes. Although she was her assistant, his negligence was a bit too great.

Guan Han blew the breeze all night, his lips and complexion were pale and miserable, but his expression did not complain at all.

“Sister Qin, I put things here for you.”

“Thank you.” Qin Yinong stopped her leaving behind, “Guan Han.”

Guan Han turned his head: “What else does Sister Qin have to order?”

Qin Yinong: “I will give you a salary increase next month.”

Guan Han showed a reserved smile: “Thank Sister Qin.” It’s worth noting that she waited for so long, and her CP went to bed again!

Qin Yinong waved his hand: “Go down.”

Guan Han came to the door thoughtfully.

Qin Yinong raised his finger and pinched his eyebrows.

Tang Ruoyao took the clothes bag brought in by Guan Han, took out the clothes one by one, reached the bottom of his hand, and bumped into something with a hard texture, square, with scraped edges and corners. The back of her fingers hurts a little.

She took it out curiously.

It is a small pink box with a pink outer packaging. The front is English, and the back is Chinese. It is densely packed with small characters line by line. Tang Ruoyao blinked in confusion, just about to pay close attention to what was written in the small print, but he was not defensive about a flower before Qin Yinong’s hand and snatched it away.

“Ms. Qin?” Tang Ruoyao looked up.

She was stunned.

Tang Ruoyao had never seen Qin Yinong’s face so red, like a steamed crab, the blush spread to his white cheeks at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even his ears were invisibly hot outside.

Qin Yinong put his hand holding the pink box tightly behind his back, cursed Guan Han a hundred times in his heart, and pretended to be calm and said: “It’s not mine.”

Tang Ruoyao turned his head, with a smile in his eyes, and said meaningfully: “Oh.” She walked over to Qin Yidong, pretending to be curious about the baby, “What is this?”

Qin Yideng was panicked and embarrassed to the extreme. He forgot that she had used it in front of Tang Ruoyao. The other party could not have known it. He explained solemnly: “This is for medical use. It protects finger hygiene. Guan Han sometimes helps me with errands. Will use it.”

Tang Ruoyao prolonged his voice and said “Oh” again, his eyes seemed to be smiling but he walked a few steps further, his nose almost touched the tip of Qin Yinong’s, “Is it on my finger?”

Qin Yinong restrained the urge to retreat, and met her eyes: “Yes.”

Tang Ruoyao stretched out a hand to her, raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Then… give me a try?”

Qin Yinong’s throat seemed to be swept over by a feather, and suddenly itchy.

“Wash, take a shower and try again.”

Tang Ruoyao didn’t expect that she would say this, and her laughter was quickly replaced by nervous emotions, and she stuttered: “Then I, I will get you pajamas.”

Qin Yinong went into the bathroom to take a bath, and the sound of shower water came in his ears.

Tang Ruoyao was sitting on the sofa in the bedroom with his elbows on his knees, fingers crossed, twisted together, and looked at the closed bathroom door from time to time.

The two of them slept in the same bed many times, but never made the last step. On the one hand, Tang Ruoyao felt that she was inexperienced and did not dare to venture into it. In case she left unpleasant memories for the other party, she wanted to make more preparations; on the one hand, she has no official status until now, and she hopes to wait for all the dust. When it was settled, Qin Yinong was willing to give herself to her without reservation.

Is the time now?

Tang Ruoyao didn’t know.

Her head dizzy by the hormone shock gradually calmed down.

Qin Yinong came out wearing a snow-white bathrobe, the laces were loose, and a thin snow-white skin was opened at the neckline, revealing a faint moist pink. She took too long to wash, was a little dizzy by the heat, and almost ran into Tang Ruoyao who was pestering at the door.

Tang Ruoyao held her shoulders in time.

Qin Yinong grabbed the door frame, shook his head, let his vision be clearer, and asked: “Why are you standing here?”

“Sit down first.” Tang Ruoyao helped her slowly walk towards the bed, Qin Yinong couldn’t help being a little funny, she was just a little dizzy, and it wasn’t that she couldn’t walk, she made a little fuss.

I think so, but my body still enjoys Tang Ruoyao’s support honestly.

Tang Ruoyao put his hands on Qin Yinong’s shoulders, bent down slightly to meet her gaze, stared at her very seriously, and asked softly, “Do you like me?”

Qin Yinong was silent.

Tang Ruoyao expected that Qin Yinong would not speak, so there was no strange expression in his expression.

Qin Yinong often does not answer her questions, especially when it comes to emotions. Not only is she worried, but because she is too introverted, she is not good at expressing. No matter how turbulent the sea is in her heart, she doesn’t say a word.

Tang Ruoyao continued patiently: “I nod if you like it, and shake your head if you don’t like it.” This is much simpler than talking.

But Qin Yinong remained silent for a long time.

Tang Ruoyao did not give up, holding her hand hanging beside her.

With strands of warmth wrapped around the back of the cold hand, Qin Yinong finally lowered his chin and nodded slightly, then lowered his eyelids as if embarrassedly, not daring to look at her.

Even if Tang Ruoyao said to himself ten thousand times in his heart, Qin Yinong liked him, it was not as simple as Qin Yinong’s affirmation tonight. She almost cried with joy and hugged Qin Yinong.

“Thank you.” She touched her chin on the top of the woman’s hair, her eyes were tearful, and she couldn’t stop sobbing, “Thank you for liking me.”

Qin Yinong’s eyes were sour, she opened her mouth, unable to speak, but hugged her back firmly, telling her the same thoughts.

She was the one who said thank you.

Thank you for not being afraid of the spikes all over me, and for walking towards me so firmly.

Tang Ruoyao raised her face and forced the enthusiasm in her eyes back. A good thing was made so sad by herself. She sniffed, calmed down a bit, and then asked, “Are you willing to be my girlfriend?”

There was obvious shock in Qin Yinong’s eyes.

Such an expression appeared on her Yan Jue Wushuang face defenselessly, a little funny.

Tang Ruoyao coughed and said cheeky: “If you are willing, you nod, and if you don’t want to, you shook your head.”

She didn’t wait for a response.

Tang Ruoyao changed the question and asked, “You didn’t think about it? Nod if you are, and shook your head if you are not.”


In fact, Qin Yinong could answer this question, but rather than speaking, she was more willing to communicate like this, which made her feel very comfortable.

“Do you have a lot of concerns?”


“Related to your family?”

Qin Yinong nodded, and after a while, shook his head again.

Tang Ruoyao thought: What does this mean?

But the game of nodding yes and shaking head no is too difficult to ask the correct answer. She can only guess and ask: “It’s about yourself?”

Qin Yinong nodded.

Tang Ruoyao sensed the melancholy that flashed through her eyes just now, and decided that the serious problems would stop there.

Next is…

Tang Ruoyao’s lips curled up with a nasty smile and asked, “Is the box of finger cots that Guan Han prepared for you?”

Qin Yinong: “!!!”

This little bastard!

Tang Ruoyao blinked: “Teacher Qin, I heard that many girls do what they do, will you?”

Qin Yi asked indifferently, “Will you do it then?”

Tang Ruoyao turned his mind, shyly lied: “I will.”

Qin Yi said with a heart that there should be no loss of information exchange, so he said with a calm expression: “Yes.”

“What do you mean?” Tang Ruoyao asked.

“Meaning.” Qin Yinong pursed his lips.

Tang Ruoyao’s door to the new world was quietly opened, pressing and shy, and asked solemnly: “Do you use what Guan Han gave?”


“Inside or outside?”


“Let’s discuss it.”

Tang Ruoyao’s eyes were astonishingly bright, and Qin Yinong really wanted to tap her head to see what was inside. She lowered her face and said, “Are you familiar with the script you will be shooting tomorrow?”

“I’m familiar with it!”

“Memorize it again.”

“Oh.” Tang Ruoyao dragged his pace like an eggplant that Shuang had beaten, and said dejectedly, “I will tell you when I come back from the shower.”

Qin Yinong looked at her back and couldn’t hide his smile.


Soon, I thought about it, knowing what I am, I can’t count as a kid anymore.

She still has to educate her to pay attention to frequency, otherwise she will easily lose her energy, although Qin Yinong himself does not have a stand to say this.

“How often do you usually do?”

Qin Yinong turned a page of the fashion magazine that he had previously placed on the coffee table in his hands and he did not know which year it was.

Tang Ruoyao just finished blowing his hair, put the hair dryer back in place, and was stunned after hearing the words: “How often does it happen?”

“Just… what.” Qin Yinong’s throat tightened, and after speaking, he quickly cleared his throat.

“Then what is it?” Tang Ruoyao was blank. She had forgotten the lies she lied casually.

Qin Yinong put down the magazine, sighed, a pair of beautiful eyes were slightly angry, and whispered softly: “Come here.”

“Come here.” Tang Ruoyao ran over with joy.

Qin Yinong said two words in her ear.

Tang Ruoyao made two oh-oh, his face was calm, but his heart started to be messed up. How often is it normal? She doesn’t know how to make it up? Is there still time to check online now?

Qin Yinong glanced at her and said calmly: “Speak.”

Tang Ruoyao mellowly replied, “I can’t remember. What about you, Teacher Qin?” She is almost the same as Qin Yinong’s answer, right?

Qin Yinong didn’t give her a chance to make her own words, so she said, “I’m asking you.”

Seeing that Tang Ruoyao couldn’t be fooled, he made up an answer: “Once every two days.”

Qin Yinong frowned: “Then why did you just say you can’t remember?”

“…” Tang Ruoyao overturned the ship in the gutter, and his brain swiftly moved, and his large and energetic amber eyes began to appear out of focus. Qin Yinong knew at a glance how she was thinking about covering herself.

During this time, the two got along very closely. It was not only Tang Ruoyao who was touching her details, but she also had a deeper understanding of the little white wolf in front of him who looked like a little white rabbit but had a set of tricks.

Qin Yinong suddenly shouted, “To be honest!”

Tang Ruoyao shivered, and the deep awe he had cultivated over the past few years was aroused, his heart beating wildly, and he blurted out: “Once every day, so I can’t remember it!”

“Is it once many days, or many times a day?” Qin Yinong’s eyes were slightly sharp, and he said coldly.

Tang Ruoyao weighed the two, and she seemed cold and indifferent once for many days, and she might affect the night life in the future. So he said, “Several times a day.” It was also more in line with their previous experience. Qin Yinong liked her very much…every time, I was able to toss with her.

Qin Yinong didn’t say a word.

Tang Ruoyao stood with his head down, his hands and feet well-mannered, like a schoolboy under training, peeping at her anxiously.

Any questions?

Qin Yinong pinched his eyebrows with his fingertips, seeming to endure something, and said, “Aren’t you tired?”

“I’m okay?” Tang Ruoyao tentatively asked uncertainly.

Qin Yinong dropped the magazine, became angry for no reason, lay under the quilt, closed his eyes and said, “Turn off the lights.”

“Oh.” Tang Ruoyao gently took off his shoes and climbed up. With a click, the heavy blackout curtains were all drawn, and the room plunged into complete darkness.

Tang Ruoyao couldn’t see Qin Yinong’s expression clearly, but when she hugged her, the other party had an imperceptible resistance. Although she relaxed quickly, Tang Ruoyao still noticed it and said carefully, “Are you angry? ?”

“No.” Qin Yinong’s voice was weak.

“You’re not angry yet?” Tang Ruoyao’s memory of a child made fun of a child spontaneously rushed to his mouth, and smiled, “You can hang an oil bottle in your mouth.” After finishing speaking, he felt that the words were inappropriate, and he said “I’m sorry”. Without a word, the woman in her arms took the initiative to move closer to her.

Tang Ruoyao opened his eyes wide, and a bold thought flashed in his mind.

Isn’t Qin Yinong looking for maternal love on her?

Tang Ruoyao hesitated for two seconds and shouted, “Baby?”

Qin Yinong choked, with blue veins jumping on his forehead.

Tang Ruoyao felt that the atmosphere was not good, and said hurriedly, “Ah, I am amnesia. What happened just now?”

Qin Yi said coldly, “Nothing happened just now.”

“That’s good.” Tang Ruoyao breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly began to laugh, his chest buzzing and shaking, and he couldn’t stop laughing.

Did she have a brain twitch just now? Qin Yinong wanted to be her daughter, but she still didn’t want to be a mother. Mother and daughter were unethical. Qin Yinong obviously has no such hobby either.

Tang Ruoyao was overwhelmed with joy, and Qin Yinong was moved by her, and then laughed softly, softly and sweetly.

Tang Ruoyao caught her voice, and his brows softened a little silently.

After laughing enough, Tang Ruoyao said, “I’m so tired laughing.”

Qin Yinong said: “I’m tired of listening too.”

Tang Ruoyao wanted to laugh again, but she couldn’t laugh anymore, her face was sour, so she chuckled and restrained her laugh.

Qin Yinong couldn’t help but: “Hahahaha.”

Later it became two people laughing together, and the bed was shaking.

Qin Yinong hadn’t laughed for such a long time except for filming, and he inadvertently hissed slightly.

Tang Ruoyao stopped smiling immediately: “What’s the matter?”

“It’s mad, it’s okay, it’ll be fine in a while.” Qin Yinong yawned after a while, “I’m sleepy.”

“Then go to sleep.”

“Yeah.” Qin Yidong closed his eyes and raised his mouth as if inadvertently, and said, “Don’t be so frequent in the future. It’s about once every two days, and you can’t just be in good health.”

Tang Ruoyao finally quickly understood what she was talking about this time, and said cleverly: “I know.”

“Good night.”


Tang Ruoyao lowered his head to find her lips, Qin Yinong naturally raised his face, and the two exchanged a light kiss, and fell asleep in a relaxed embrace.

The next morning, Guan Han got up and found that the two hadn’t gotten up yet. After counting the time, he went out to buy breakfast. When she came back early with two pockets, a figure was already sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Looking intently from the entrance, she was sure that it was Tang Ruoyao, not Qin Yinong.

“Ms. Tang is early.”

“Morning.” Tang Ruoyao looked up at her, lowered his head and continued to concentrate on fiddling with the gadgets in his hands. Guan Han took another look, his eyes widened suddenly, wasn’t that what she prepared for Qin Yinong yesterday? How could it be in Tang Ruoyao’s hands?

Tang Ruoyao unpacked the pink box and took out one from the inside. From the fingertips to the roots of the fingers, it was icy and sticky. She frowned, feeling it quietly, not knowing what she thought of. The corners of his lips curled up involuntarily.

Guan Han took a few steps closer: “Ms. Tang?”

Tang Ruoyao blocked the hand that was wearing the thing, and asked alertly: “What?”

Guan Han stepped back with knowledge: “I bought breakfast, do you call sister Qin or me?”

“I’ll go.” Tang Ruoyao took the used one and threw it into the trash can, put the others in his own bag, washed his hands, and directly opened the door of the master bedroom. Before Guan Han’s gaze was completely withdrawn from her back, she saw her panicked and closed her eyes and backed out, almost hitting the wall behind her with her back.

He stepped back and said, “I, I, I didn’t mean it.”

Qin Yinong calmly put on his clothes, walked out, and looked at her uncontrollably.

When it’s cheeky, it’s thicker than the Great Wall, and when it’s thin, it’s like an innocent girl. I don’t know how the brain circuit grows.

Qin Yinong sat down at the dining table. Tang Ruoyao didn’t want to intervene in the whole process, and graciously clipped Qin Yinong this folder and the other, wishing that the porridge would be scooped and fed to her by himself. She inserted a soy milk straw into Qin Yinong, handed it over, and suddenly asked, “Do you like me?”

Guan Han: “!!!”

Qin Yinong’s ears are red.

There are outsiders too!

Tang Ruoyao sat next to her and whispered, “I’m afraid it was just a dream last night.”

“Do you like me?” She looked at the woman, with expectation in her eyes, as well as the deepest fear and anxiety.

Qin Yi’s eyes were soft and nodded.

She paused for a few seconds, her thin lips moved, and then she made a soft mouth shape: I like it.

The author has something to say:

Guan Han: Knock me to death. Knock me to death!

Who doesn’t want to pass through Guanhan!

The movie is about to end Liao, and it will continue tomorrow

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