Prides Submission Book 2

Chapter 13: The Breaking Point

      Keri was in the middle of a good dream when a sudden scampering noise awakened her. At first she feared the shadow had returned to creep near her again, and was relieved to find her roommate standing in the room instead. Lilia had been out late with the other freshmen pawns. Keri knew better than to inquire as to why, just thinking about what depravity was being forced upon them reminded her of her previous year. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t curious. 

      Keri was already anxious about tomorrow, when she would be introducing Sena to the man whore with the gigantic cock that had been intruding her dreams. Just thinking of that massive god breaking shaft made her loins glisten. 

      The night was still young, or at least Keri got the impression it was. It was hard to say exactly what time it was, Keri squinted to catch the light of her alarm clock to make out the digits. Keri and Lilia had decided to position their alarm in the center of their dorm room, outside of arms reach for both of them while they slept. This way when the alarm went off, they had to physically get up to shut it down. It was a simple, yet effective, way to force them out of bed for morning classes. But as Keri struggled to read the digits of the alarm from where she laid she couldn’t help but wonder if she was starting to need glasses?

      Unable to accurately tell if it was 12am or 2M she refocused her attention on Lilia. There were many times when Keri returned to her dorm during her years as a Pawn when she must have appeared disgusting. But disgusting wasn’t nearly a good enough word to describe Lilia’s worn out appearance. In fact Lilia looked more disturbing or grotesque than ever before.

      “Oh my god…” Keri couldn’t hide her shock upon seeing her. Lilia looked more like a broken doll than the bright young former soldier turned student that Keri had come to know. Her hair was disheveled and tangled into knots. It almost looked like a bucket of greasy substances had been poured over her scalp and down her back. Her skin was pale and it was easy to spot the coagulated semen that had been left behind. Lilia’s eyes were strained and blood shot and even from afar Keri could tell she was high on something. 

      Keri couldn’t help but wonder what kind of drugs were swirling in her system. It must have been tortuous having her body chemistry twisted to the point of mind numbing pleasure. Keri would know, looking at Lilia’s face just then made her remember exactly what that feeling was like. Painful and beautiful memories swam to the surface, some Keri never wanted to relive again.

      Keri couldn’t help but swallow as she stared at the blonde creature. Lilia looked over to her for a moment, but it was clear she barely registered her. The only thing guiding Lilia’s actions was an order that had been burned into her mind. Lilia was standing in front of the window, its shades spread apart and fully open to the moonlight.

      Lilia’s flowing hair draped over her shoulders as she peered outside fully exposed. Keri watched as her roommate remained transfixed like a wobbly puppet being commanding on loose strings.. It wasn’t just her unkept and humiliating nakedness that had caught her eye, no it was what she was wearing that most disturbed Keri. She searched her memory trying to recall if she had ever had to wear something so disgusting as what Lilia wore. Thankfully, although not for Lilia, Keri couldn’t recall anything close to something so distasteful. Even the Galla she had attended was tame by comparison.

      Wrapped around Lilia’s ample breasts and wide hips she was forced to wear a newly crafted bra and skirt composed of used condoms. Each was tied in a not and bound to a thin leather string. The vast collection of condoms were so tightly packed together they almost covered her most precious places. But even still as she stood Keri could see the swollen loins between Lilia’s legs, her red lips were puffy and dripping excess fluids. Her breasts had grown so much that the condoms couldn’t drap over them completely thus exposing plenty of her girth. Lilia’s shoulders struggled to lift the weight of her chest, so she drooped forward awkwardly.

      The condom skirt and bra exuded a smell that somehow pleased Keri, and that wasn’t something she was proud of. Quietly Keri tried to count just how many of the used rubbers her roommate must have collected. There had to be at least a hundred of them around her waist alone, each packed with sticky cream badder. As if the copious amount of seed in the condoms wasn’t enough, a thick layer of spent cum had coagulated into a chapped waxy paste on Lilia’s skin as well.

      Eventually Lilia was able to give Keri a brief amount of attention. Lilia looked over to Keri with a dour expression, one of defeat and capitulation. It was clear that Lilia was one breathe away from collapse. 

      How long had she had to work to acquire that many full condoms? Keri knew it must have taken her all day. Keri didn’t realize it then, but a thick drool of cream was slowly crawling down Lilia’s legs as evidence that she had indeed taken many men into her without any protection at all. 

      As if that was all not enough, Lilia had one last thing to display to the Seniors arranged outside. It was then that Keri realized there was a reason Lilia was standing quietly at attention in full view of the outside world. The entire senior class was watching each and every Pawn as they finished whatever orgy they had emerged from and returned to their rooms. They were being made to display their accomplishments to their betters without complaint or remorse. Lilia slowly turned her waist to the side and parted the sticky rubber condoms to reveal a brand knew tattoo had been engraved onto the side of her hip. Three letters were italicized in large black lines, the word it spelled was RAW. 

      For several minutes she had to stand there, showing her new brand to the seniors until eventually she received some sort of sign from below. To her credit, Lilia tried not to rush to shut the blinds for she feared it would appear she was too ashamed. Instead she drew the blinds closed with awkward motions of her tired arm. 

      Only when the window was fully blocked did she finally exhale and collapse onto her knees. Keri watched all this and rushed over to catch Lilia from falling forward. No sooner had Lilia’s chest met her arms did Keri feel Lilia’s lactating breasts leak onto her chest. Lilia’s oversized breasts, fed by stimulants and growth hormone, were full of pent up juices. Keri could tell Lilia needed to have the pressure in her chest relieved or she would certainly suffer. Without saying a word Keri repositioned herself to help. She had to get behind Lilia and wrap her arms carefully around Lilia’s swollen breasts. No sooner had she applied a slight pressure did they begin leaking exorbitant amounts of motherly fluids onto the floor. 

      Keri wished she had something to catch the milk in, but knew there wasn’t time. Lilia’s mammary glands were ripe and in dire need of being relieved. Carefully Keri soothed Lilia’s mounds until finally the pouring dulled to a drip and then finally ceased. Once relieved Lilia finally blacked out, her groans had extinguished. 

      The floor of their room was a mess, but Keri couldn’t help but feel nothing but sympathy. She was afraid to move Lilia so instead she cradled her in her arms for an hour before finally Lilia woke up. 

      Lilia’s state of mind was fragile at best, so Keri had to pick her up gently and guide her to the bed. As soon as her cum stained skin met the sheets Lilia looked up at Keri weakly.

      “I fucking hate this,” Lilia spoke in a rasp, “we’re just a bunch of goddamn sluts. Were not even whores, at least they get paid for what they do, but here…were just abused by sickos.”

      “What the hell happened?” Keri regretted asking the moment the words parted from her lips.

      Lilia struggled to keep her eyes open but she was a fighter, “The P-Club…they’ve taken over the frats. All of them.” Her words were hoarse, “The senior’s ordered all of us to appease them, so they would…spare the rest.” 

      Keri’s eyes were wide, her skin had grown pale, “The club…did this to you.”

      “I wish I never came here…they wouldn’t stop coming inside me…” Lilia was crying, “God what am I going to do…how could I not be pregnant by now!” 

      Keri couldn’t help but feel her own tears stroll down her cheeks. She brushed some of Lilia’s crusty hair from her face and leaned forward so she could comfort her. “Just get some sleep, I’ll clean you up…”

      Lilia blacked out almost immediately, her breathing so shallow Keri feared she had died. Keri had to search for a pulse before feeling comfortable enough to back away. So many thoughts swirled in her mind. How could the president urge everyone to avoid the P-Club, then willingly sacrifice all their pawns to it? Was only one of them. Keri knew she had a long day tomorrow but wasn’t going to leave her roommate to lay like this, alone and defiled. Before she would rest Keri would do what she could to clean the coagulated semen from Lilia’s eyelids and face. She couldn’t stop there, as Keri removed the condom garments she wiped down Lilia’s raw skin with a warm towel. There was so much grime Keri had to replace the towel with a sponge once she got to Lilia’s chest. Lilia’s swollen breasts were covered in icy blue veins, and her tattoo had irritated her skin. 

      Once Lilia was clean enough, Keri placed the blanket over her and left her their to slumber. It was now close to 4am, and she knew she probably wouldn’t be sleeping anytime soon. So instead she decided to catch an early shower. If her roommate was this trashed, she wondered how Sena’s freshmen roommate must have been.

      Later that Day

      The coffee cup simmered on the table, its tasteful earthly aroma drew her attention. Coffee and cream, Keri enjoyed her microbrews with a touch of both and watched as they mixed in the black pond. Sena wasn’t lying when she said she wanted Keri to look fucking fantastic to make him jealous. That morning she had chosen for her to wear a thin lace pair of stockings and garter underneath a star studded body suite that was parted completely down the middle. Her nipple piercings pressed firmly against the fabric, and her core muscles were fully exposed. Her hair was combed back and a dash of blue eyeliner made her eyes shine. 

      Sena meanwhile wore a pink tube top with a skirt, she was clearly trying to agitate Keri and make her jealous. Sena had also dyed her hair a rich blue color and tied it into a pony tail. Keri got the impression her lover wanted to grow her hair out much longer and was excited to see how it would look once it reached her lower back. It made Keri want to grow her own hair out, she knew her curly hair would look rich once it got past her shoulders. Sena’s attempt to woo her was working, Keri had already decided that regardless of how this ended she was going to rip that damn tube top off her girlfriend and spread her legs wide. Keri stifled her own desire to focus on the coffee cup before her. 

      “So when is this dumbass getting here?” Sena leaned forward, her breasts rested on the table jubilantly. Keri’s eyes darted back and forth between her girlfriends eyes and the cup of her beautiful breasts. 

      “Did you hear about what happened last night…” Keri quickly changed the subject, “Lilia wouldn’t get out of bed this morning.”

      Sena seemed crestfallen for a moment. When she spoke it was in a whisper, “My roomie never came back…I only heard about what happened later…”

      “Doesn’t that worry you?” Keri couldn’t help but feel nervous, If the P-Club was truly in charge of the frats on campus they were all in danger. Then again Lilia was out of her mind last night, it was possible she didn’t know what she was saying?

      Sena reached her hand out and let it rest on Keri’s cheek, “Hey can I ask you something?”

      “Of course,” Keri rested her cheek into her lovers palm.

      “What do you actually want to do after college? Like what would make you happy?” Sena asked quietly.

      Keri thought about it for a moment. Truth was she wasn’t enjoying any of her classes lately, and her major in chemistry wasn’t what she thought it would be. The last lab she was in became an orgy, and her other classes were dull by comparison. “I…don’t know.”

      Sena rubbed Keri’s cheek with her thumb a little before speaking, “I’m failing my classes.” 

      Keri couldn’t hide her shock, “What?”

      “I can’t keep up with this, every day things get harder and I can’t keep up. And after the Malaise of Madness…” Keri could feel Sena’s hand shudder, “I want to get the fuck out of here.” 

      Keri understood how she felt, “You want to drop out of the University?” 

      “Only if you’ll come with me,” Sena looked toward her in fright. Clearly she was serious, Sena was asking her to support her in this decision. 

      Slowly Keri placed her hand onto of Sena’s and kissed the base of her wrist. In truth Keri was losing faith in her Sophomore year. The Malaise of Madness, the shadow stalking her room, and the rumors of a club trying to forcibly impregnate the women on campus was more than enough to make her want to leave. But what would she do? That was the question. 

      Keri was lost in the orange perfume Sena had on her wrist, it was the sweetest aroma she ver smelled. When keri tried to speak she didn’t know what she was going to say, other than maybe Sena was right about Sorority life. This year had already proven to be an unmitigated disaster, and the idea of running away with Sena wasn’t an unpleasant one, “I—“

      Just as she was about to speak a shadow descended over them, a hulking black silhouette covered the entire table between them. Keri and Sena looked over to find Axel had arrived. His sleeveless muscle top and workout short made it easy for him to show off his bulging muscles ands dark skin. His bald head seemed to shine in the light. His aftershave was intoxicatingly pleasant and made Keri’s nose flare. 

      Sena froze in alarm as he sat down adjacent to them, with a smile on his face. The chair groaned to contain his masculine weight, its legs strained from the pressure. “Hey,” his voice hid a careful strength, “Its nice to finally meet you Sena.” 

      Keri watched as Sena dropped her hand onto the table and glared at him in shock. It might have just been Keri’s imagination but she could’ve sworn she saw a trickle of drool dripping from the corners of Sena’s mouth. Oh boy, Keri smiled to herself. She had no idea what the hell she had started but clearly Sena had become dumbfounded. 

      “And might I say, you both look fucking gorgeous?” Axel couldn’t hide his excitement, in fact he was already pitching a tent.

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