Prides Submission Book 2

Chapter 19: Slave of Degradation – Day 9

      A noise broke through the malaise of sexual tension in the room, It was a small thing at first and barely noticeable. But that disturbance continued to echo through the solid cement walls and shook the dust from the ceiling. It was annoying, as it slowly escalated it helped to spawn a migraine behind Keri’s hazy eyes. 

      Keri Pryde laid in a soup of male ejaculate, her breasts burned and her nipples throbbed. Her squishy round orbs were swollen, laden with milk. Her eyes were dilated and hair stuck to her brow. The room was home to several crude tortures, all of them debased and excruciating. For two days she had suffered electro therapy and anal stimulation. Following that she had been forced to endure pain, so much so that she had almost forgotten simple pleasures…almost. The piercings in her areola were heavy, and the jarring anal beads stuffing her rectum made it suffering to move. 

      Her poor shallow pussy tingled, the electro therapy strengthened her muscle fibers so that she could regain some of her inner tightness. This was heavily needed after she no longer could close her puffy lips shut on her own, and had it stuffed with giant dicks for nine days without end. It was agony to have been held in place for hours as electricity surged through her groin, breasts, and even her skull. 

      Her entire body had been modified in a number of ways, and nothing was off limits. Senses were heightened, emotions enhanced, and her mind violated to near madness. Through the nine days of enslavement she hadn’t been given a single healthy meal, only semen. Thick and juicy man juice burned in her starving belly. She barely had the strength to stand let alone fight back the drugs polluting the air itself. The oxygen brought her to a stupor, and she had long given up fighting it…until now. 

     A mechanical groan sounded through the walls, the air conditioning muttered to a halt. Within minutes the pollutants no longer kissed her mind, a sliver of sanity was aloud to break through. Or better yet a tiny kernel of recognition spawned in the sea of sexual bliss, spreading its roots slowly in the pressure of her taxed mind. Keri’s breathing adjusted from ragged pants to slow and steady gasps. Her heart no longer thundered like a wrecking ball in her chest. The migraine continued to grow.

     Keri opened her eyes and tried to swear from the pain, but found her throat was still full of jizz. She threw up instantly, and found her stomach held an abundance of content to expel. For several minutes she continued to empty her gut onto the floor, her limbs shook as a wave of exhaustion and lack of nutrition wracked her body. She couldn’t find the strength to continue leaning over, even when she collapsed onto her side she continued to throw up in disgusting fashion.

      Curled up in the fetal position, Keri felt like she was about to die. Every breathe felt empty, every second of clairvoyance a punishment. She would rather suffer the whipping post, or pleasure holes than this. She missed being loved by all the men around her, her precious womb felt cold and alone. 

      The sounds continued to grow above her, thrashing and scratching noises of confrontation and booms of…weapons? Keri opened her eyes wider, left over semen clouted her eyelids, she could hear gunshots. Her neck muscles were sore, everything was sore, but she managed to turn her head to the ceiling and could see all the dust raining down from each thud of impact. Someone was attacking her paradise? Or was it paradise? Keri didn’t know anymore…

      She wondered where Sena was…

      Keri gasped and her hands clutched over her mouth as she thought about her girlfriend for the first time in days. A need to find her took over, along with a guilt for not remembering her sooner. With great pain Keri slowly got onto her feet, anal beads squirmed deep in her bowels as she rose. 

      “FUCK! Gotta get these things out of my ass,” Keri bit her lip as she reached back to find the bud of the anal beads between her red cheeks. She pulled it back and recoiled sharply. Keri fell back to her knees, she had no idea how long the beaded strand was or how big each bead could be. 

      “You can do this…just keep talking to yourself,” Keri’s rational sanity was starting to firmly take root, she could remember a little more clearly where she was and who she was. With her back arched and her buttocks aimed high she started to withdraw the beads. The first one was huge, about the size of her fist! She gasped and struggled as it slowly spread her anus wide until finally coming free. “This is going to ruin me…its splitting me in two.” She continued to talk to herself in the dark.

      She continued to pull and another large bead spread her wide again, and again, and again. Only until the fourth bead was free did the size of the bulbs decrease, but she could feel the others coiling deep in her body with each tug. Keri counted them as each bead came free. The eighth one was studded so that it rubbed her awkwardly, the ninth a little smaller but still struggled to pull out. She was on twenty two by the time she felt the last tiny bead slide out with ease. 

      Keri fell onto her perky soft breasts and laid on her stomach as she threw the giant toy across the floor. For a few minutes she just laid there and felt her gaping bud pulse open and shut. She thought about sleeping there a while, it would have been so easy to just fade away. It would have been too easy, a single blink from sinking back into the haze of exhaustion for god knew how long. 

      Sena’s sweet voice echoed in her thoughts and that was enough for her to keep her eyes open until she felt the strength to stand again. It took her a few minutes to sit up on her knees, and a few more to rise, but once on her feet Keri could feel days of sweat moistening old semen to drip down her skin. Here eyes were slowly becoming more alive, she took in a breath and took her first step forward.

      The room she was in was dark and full of grime, the smell of sex and bodily fluids was intolerable. Keri had to pinch her nose, but she could taste the perversion each time she inhaled. 

      “Sena, where are you…” Keri could hear the moans and cries of hundreds of others in her vicinity. She followed those sounds until they lead her to a larger room. The sounds of violence continued to grow from above, it was as if a war zone was collapsing onto her head. 

      The larger room she found was once a gymnasium, it was hard to imagine a time when the basketball court was newly painted and its bleachers full of students. The bleachers were now collapsed or torn down to make room for bolts and chains, the floor was packed with bodies. Men were pinned into standing in place along the walls, each of them held massive erections or limped idly. There face was a mask of pain and shock. Hundreds of women sprawled onto the floor from a vast collection of sorority institutions. Keri could recognize some of them, but many were so dirty it was hard to tell them apart. 

      Her eyes scanned the room for her girlfriend, but feared she would never find her in such a pile of comatose bodies. Some of the women were stirring to cognition, those few were gasping in terror upon seeing their predicaments. 

      “Keri…” A voice echoed from nearby. It made her heart flutter and search for the source of the voice. She continued to hear Sena’s voice bounce off the walls, and Keri eagerly followed it away from the gymnasium. She couldn’t help but worry what fresh hell she would discover once finally reaching her lover. Her limbs ached, and the nipple piercings weighed her tights down as they jiggled with each strut. But that didn’t matter, only Sena mattered.

      The sounds of battle continued to grow as Keri made her way down one hallway after the other. Moans of pleasure changed to pleas of mercy and salvation from each room of debauchery. Signs marked each door she passed, breeding rooms and slave training were the most common. The migraine was getting worse and her awareness clearer. The curtain was lifting, but deep down Keri feared some part of her had been eaten away from all the torment. It wasn’t just a nugget of innocence, Keri felt a yearning deep down that would never fully be sated. But she could ponder this later, right now Sena was her primary objective.

      Sena’s echo for her grew louder, and Keri realized just how small the underground facility was. For some reason she had the opinion that it was much larger and sprawled out. How so many people could be lured and contained in such a small place was a mystery. 

      When Keri found her lover it was in an unmarked room that might have been an old janitors sleeping quarters. A glass screen had been erected along the center to separate Sena from anyone entering. Keri saw her girlfriend pinned to the wall with her arms spread wide. A tube had been inserted into her swollen pussy linked to an empty jug. It didn’t take much to imagine what Sena had been pumped full of. 

      On Keri’s side of the room was a chair with automatic restraints. A machine with mechanical limps bore needles and ink for some kind of tattoo. The way the chair was designed it was meant for its occupant to lay forward, so that the instruments would engrave its art on the lower back for a tramp stamp.

      Keri studied the glass separating her from Sena, along with the small doorway that was locked. She couldn’t help but wonder what all this was for, but deep down she had a good guess. Keri imagined this was set up for her, to be branded while her lover was forced to watch. But this little test in depravity was interrupted by whatever was going on above. Keri swallowed, the doorway was locked and a red light glowed above it. That light was linked to a cord that extended along the walls and to the base of the chair. The mechanisms operating the machine were still powered, and it was likely they still worked.

      “Hold on Sena, I’m coming…” Keri knew what she had to do and at this point she wasn’t afraid of needles. She already had the Raw tattoo on her inner thigh and Cum Queen stylized at the corner of her rib cage under her right breast. Another mark didn’t seem so bad. In fact…it kinda felt exciting.

      With aching limbs and sore joints Keri got into the chair, leaned her chest through the boob holes at the front, and grimaced as clamps locked her legs and arms in place. Her legs were spread wide, her back flattened and held in place with only a mild level of comfort. The sound of machines being powered on was unnerving, that and the sound of tattoo instruments coming to life. 

      The sounds of the mechanical arms scarring her flesh drowned out the sounds of the fighting above. It took four hours before the machine was finally finished. The pain was jarring at first, but somehow Keri took comfort in it. The pain seemed to mold like clay into something more akin to pleasure, by the second hour her loins were soaking with anticipation.

      Once finished the clamps unlocked, the red light above the glass door changed to green and Keri suffered the stinging pain burning her lower back as she ran to reach her lover. Hours later when military forces arrived they found Keri cradling Sena on the floor, both were throwing up shallow pools of spunk and shivering from the cold.

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