Prides Submission Book 2

Chapter 2: First Flashback, My Return to Campus

      A new year a new you, or so Keri thought. As she strolled onto campus grounds for the first time since summer break, part of her was already anxious as hell. Her auburn eyes watched as hundreds of young men and women were exploring the main quad, the newest batch of freshmen were easy to spot amongst them. Keri decided to wear something her girlfriend had gotten for her during their latest shopping spree, a thin sleeveless crop top to show off her bulging core muscles alongside a plaid skirt with black stockings. Something about her toned stomach made her girlfriend, the beautiful Sena Fuller, go crazy which amused herself. Keri was glad she didn't have to relive the trials of her last year, to no longer be a pawn. She wasn't sure what her responsibilities as a Peon would entail, but as long as she didn't have to give random guys blowjobs or take hormone treatments she was happy.

      Already Rush Week was in full swing, hundreds if not thousands of possible pledges were scouting every organization on campus seeking membership. Like she did before, they thought it would offer them a path to a better life. None of them really knew what they were asking for.

      The sun was shining and a cool breeze brushed against her short brown hair. Keri recently had it trimmed and doubted she would let it grow so long again. She could feel the later days of summer caress her skin giving her goosebumps. It wouldn't be long before the days would grow colder and the leaves shed their green color for a rich amber tone. Keri thought Fall was the best time of year and looked forward to it. She never missed the summers stifling heat and sticky humidity.

      Keri was lost in her own thoughts as she advanced to the Rachelle Institute. She spent most of her summer break at home enjoying the months in peace. She avoided sex, which was harder than she thought! Her new physique attracted the eyes of every man she passed and gained several admirers. She didn't tell her father a single thing about what happened in college, other than her good grades. Marybeth kept in near constant contact, being a good friend when needed. Sena meanwhile bugged her routinely. Keri didn't want to divulge their relationship with her dad, so she didn't tell him about Sena. So on the day that Sena abruptly came over to surprise her it was shocking to say the least. Somehow they kept their relationship a secret, but just barely. It was a miracle that her father didn't catch them both together in the shower or laying in bed. Keri didn't know why she didn't feel comfortable being honest with her father, she tried to confess to him multiple times but each time it felt like there was a pit in her throat. It was a miracle Sena hadn't taken it personally.

      Sena wasn't the only one to surprise her. Early in her break she started receiving letters from another source. How Colonel Durante knew her whereabouts was unknown and alarmed her. Summer break was four months, and each week she received a confidential message from the Colonel. Each one outlined the health of her unborn child, and a picture of the growing womb that housed it. Soon the parcels included gifts and small wallets of cash. Her father could sense her tension as she opened each one. He didn't pry but could tell she was heavily conflicted. Keri eventually told him that the Colonel addressing each letter was trying to recruit her for the Guardsmen Corps and had some sort of crush on her, hence the gifts. Her father laughed at that and wondered why she hadn't entertained any of her other suitors.

      Four months of being home to relax improved her health in a number of ways. Mentally she felt restored now that she was able to sleep easy and physically she lost five pounds. Luckily she didn't need to work, although she was tempted too, thanks to the Colonels many donations. She felt weird spending any of it, but wasn't going to say no to free cash.

      Now back on campus walking in her new crop top Keri felt a surge of renewed confidence. She felt like she was starting to get a taste for fashion and liked displaying herself without being overtly sexual. She loved showing off her newly carved six pack and thick arms. She had spent most of her free time working out, and that mostly consisted of crunches.

      Nothing changed on the University campus since last semester, she found each blade of grass exactly where it was before. There were no new additions, even the roads weren't repaved. She found her way to the Rachelle Institute on Sorority Row, a fresh layer of paint had been added over the cobblestone pillars and window sills. That was the first improvement she noticed so far. The RU banner was neatly painted in blue and gold letters on the roof.

      A couple of her sisters were sitting on the entrance way steps, smoking cigarettes and drinking beers. One of them waved toward her and shouted, "Check it out, Keri's in the house!"

      Keri laughed at Marybeth, her previous roommate and now Junior student. Marybeth jumped on her feet and was pouncing for joy as Keri raced toward them. Keri thought Marybeth looked stunning in her skinny jeans and pink blouse. As soon as she got within reach she  jumped into Marybeth's arms and the pair spun around in a circle while laughing playfully.

      "I'm so happy to see you!" Keri cried out in joy.

      The duo released each other as one of the other sisters spoke out, "Careful Keri Berry, Sena will get jealous."

      Marybeth laughed while taking a good look at Keri, "Damn, I'm digging the new look."

      Keri spun around to let her sisters get a good look at her ensemble, her tits bounced as she completed her twirl. Gone was the flat chested virgin athlete, standing in front of them was a well endowed college girl versed in the arts of carnal pleasure. Standing in the shadow of the Rachelle Institute, her sexual cravings stirred as if the air itself bore an aphrodisiac. She brushed the thought from her mind, then again she wondered if it was really too much to assume the senior's wouldn't try including some sort of chemical in the buildings ventilation systems. "No", Keri knew she was already getting paranoid and returned her attention to Marybeth.

      "Thanks! I'm so happy to see you, its like the good old days!" Keri liked how her sisters looked at her, their envy somehow gave her a burst of confidence.

      Marybeth chuckled as she responded, "I wish! Sorry babe but peons are always assigned a pawn as a roommate, remember I was a sophomore last year and your roommate?"

      Keri couldn't hide her disappointment, "Why didn't anyone tell me!"

      One of her other sisters handed her a fresh beer which she accepted eagerly. It felt good drinking the cold beverage, it was the first beer she had since the summer break. "Speaking of new pawns," Marybeth said while giving a glancing gesture to a large crowd down the street.

      Keri turned to look, at the opposite edge of Sorority Row a large column of potential freshmen were approaching a line of tables. Each table housed several women from each Sorority, it was one of many review stations for eager freshmen to try to meet the organizations and apply. Keri remembered being in the same column a year ago, it was strange to be on the other side now.

      Keri sat down with her other sisters while watching the crowd. She supposed she was lucky she didn't have to interview any of them herself. Every once in a while a few of the new potentials would steer away from the column, and walk down the rows of Sorority houses to get a better look. Those were the ones that most interested Keri, the ones that sought to get away from the pack. One of them in particular caught her eye, she was easily twenty years old and kept her distance from everyone else. Her golden hair was unkempt, and her body was build like a soldiers. She wore a loose kaki jacket over a green guardsmen shirt, and a generic pair of jeans. Her boots were weathered with layers of mud and dirt. Despite this she walked with a careful grace, as if she didn't grasp her surroundings like she should. Keri watched curiously as she paused to look up at the Rachelle Institute, she seemed to generate an aura of authority around herself.

      Slowly Keri got up, genuinely interested, and approached. Once she was within arms reach she stood her ground, she thought about offering her a handshake in greeting but decided against it. Part of her wanted to scare this potential away but part of her was also somehow drawn to her. Keri placed her hands on her hips and smiled. "Hey, can I help you?"

      The freshmen looked up at her but didn't respond. She brushed her hair back and pointed to the buildings as if asking for directions. Keri was clueless on how to respond.

      Sensing her confusion the woman cleared her throat and then finally spoke. Her voice was strange as if she had a hard time judging the volume of her own voice, "You're the boxer chick? The one who faced a Skitter and lived?"

      Keri felt a shudder run down her spine, her blood ran cold. She raised an eyebrow as she tried to respond, "What do you want?"

      "Sorry," The potential answered with a long drawn out voice, "The Skitter got into the city because I fucked up..."

      "What are you talking about," Keri's heart raced as she fought back the hateful memory. The creatures that attacked her over a year ago was the last thing she ever wanted to think about. She steadied her breathe, counted down the seconds until she felt at ease. She realized the blonde woman was still speaking, her voice was so strange but eventually she started to put it together. The woman was deaf, or at least mostly deaf, but she could read lips rather well.

      Keri focused on trying to listen to her words, "I was on duty on the wall that night, it broke through our patrol. I failed to report it in time," Her answer had become slower and pronounced.

      "So you were a guardsmen then?" Keri asked diligently, trying not to give the impression that she almost just suffered from a panic attack.

      "Was," She paused before continuing, "I lost my hearing last month." That explained a lot, Keri realized she must still be learning how to properly speak without her own hearing.

      Keri looked her up and down, she was roughly her age and well built but somehow smaller than herself. Keri was rather short to begin with, so that was saying something. Keri cleared her throat and then walked next to her, she placed a hand on the potentials back shoulder and guided her to the Rachelle Institute. She got the sense this girl needed a drink, more so than the rest of them.

      "Whats your name?" Keri asked as they walked under the buildings shadow. She didn't get a response at first and realized she needed to be facing her so she could read her lips. She asked her again this time with her face in view so that the woman could see her lips properly.

      She nodded in understanding, "Lilia Lichter, I was a corporal in the Guardsman Core. Fourteenth Regiment, second platoon, third squad."

      "Well Lilia," She was sure to face her as she spoke so she could continue to read her lips, "The names Keri Pryde, and I should warn you the Rachelle's are a little crazy compared to the other Sororities."

      Lilia laughed, "Thats fine, I'm kind of crazy myself."

      Keri had no idea how right she was.

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