Prides Submission Book 2

Chapter 7: A Tight Squeeze

      “You’re squeezing too hard!” Keri complained as her girlfriend clutched onto her left breast. Keri had her head on Sena’s lap, and let her arms reach diagonally over her head and toward her chest. Both her twins had swollen over the past several days and were now aching for attention. Small trickles of secretions could be cajoled from each of her darkened nipples. Her once pink areolas had faded into cool purple hue, and rivers of blue veins had risen to the surface of her pale flesh. 

      Sena was all too excited to play with both of Keri’s soft mounds, and was eager to assist in relieving the build up of pressure. For some reason Sena’s own bust hadn’t developed as quickly following their growth treatments. Keri knew Sena wasn’t happy about seeing her chest without her nipple piercings, both of which had to be removed to help encourage more milk flow. But as she laid naked in Sena’s lap, Keri was relieved to be free of the jewelry. Keri couldn’t help but think to herself that Sena didn’t have the right to complain, not while she got to play with her succulent teats anyway.

      “Sorry, is this better?” No sooner had Sena adjusted her fingers that a thin and sharp ray of juice ejaculated from Keri’s left nipple and into the air. 

      Keri moaned a sharp and painful gasp before sucking in a deep breathe. She could feel the shifting tension in her mammary glands as they ground against each other like swollen marbles deep in the core of her chest. The pressure of new nourishment weighed heavily against slowly widening milk ducts, it made her chest heave as she arched her back with a scream. A leak burst from her purple nub which slowly became a trickle and then a flood. Sena had both her hands on Keri’s sore breast, messaging it gingerly until her motherly liquids was pouring across her chest to pool onto her flat stomach. It felt warm as it spread in between her clenching core muscles. 

      “I think I sprang a leak,” Sena teased. She continued to focus her attention messaging the spewing teat, squeezing and applying pressure to allow the milk to continue releasing. For several seconds Keri watched under berated breathe as her boob pumped a seemingly endless surge of sustenance. Eventually it trickled to a slow sputter and then finally ceased, by that time her entire stomach was coated with a thin layer of sticky juices. 

      Keri looked down at herself and couldn’t help but think there was something wrong with her girlfriend. Her obsession with her body was not normal, “You’re like a pervy sixteen year old boy.” 

      Sena just laughed before bending over to plant her lips onto Keri’s opposite breast, no sooner had she started sucking did it also give way. Like a dam bursting, Keri could feel another geyser of sustenance begin to spill forth onto her girlfriends tongue. Sena took it in like a delicacy, not wasting a single drop. 

      For the first time it somehow felt good having her tingling buds sucked dry, her milk ducts soothed and relaxed to let the streaming liquids flow unabated. Keri moaned again, this time louder as waves of pleasure waved across her chest. It was only when her body had nothing more to give that the stream of milk finally ceased, but even still Sena continued to twirl her firm tongue around the base of Keri’s areola in a steady rhythm. Occasionally she would flick the tip before messaging the base again.

      I’m going to need a shower…

      Just as Keri was about to brush her girlfriend aside both their phones starting buzzing. A news bulletin took took over the channel on the tv that happened to be playing on mute on the far side of the room. Keri completely forgot it was on, her eyes darted to it before checking her phone.

      “It happened again?” Keri failed to hide her fright. The news broadcast claimed that another forty seven males were detained after being diagnosed with the sudden sexual illness. They had all referred to it as the rape virus, the doctors called it ‘sudden deviancy syndrome’. Either way the night that it spread and harmed so many was universally known as the ‘Malaise of Madness’. Sexual deviancy aside, the entire episode was one from a child’s cartoon compared to the horrors she had been facing as of late.

      Every single night Keri could hear scratching behind the walls, see faded illusions in mirrors, and hear the jerking off of something massive and primal underneath her bed. It got so bad she no longer slept alone. As night approached she would cuddle up alongside her little sister Lilia and shake in fear. For some reason the thing stalking her, hiding underneath her bed, refused to crawl over to Lilia’s side of the room. It was as if she were anathema to it, but the clicking noises were enough to make Keri’s skin crawl. 

      She knew it wasn’t just in her mind, even though somehow only she could see or hear it. Its eyes would appear in the dark looking at her, angry that she wasn’t within reach. When things got too real she snuck into Sena’s dorm room, and was eagerly accepted. Somehow by the grace of god she hadn’t gotten pregnant from before, but her sexual cravings were stronger than ever before. 

      Like today, Keri snuck into her room so she wouldn’t have to be alone and within minutes she was naked and laying in her lap. Now that both her utters were milked for all their worth, at least for now, her cit began throbbing for attention. Sena seemed to notice as she lifted her head, her pink lips unlatching themselves from her breast, and barely paid attention not the news real. Sena was more interested in spreading Keri’s legs and attending to her needs rather than read the broadcast. 

      As the news vid continued to display the reports Keri sat up slowly, her legs were shaking in anticipation. Sena was already reaching to sink her fingers into Keri’s moist lips, to plunge her fingers into her squeezing cove, before pausing at the headline. 

      “The House of Contact?” Sena’s voice was both shocked and alarmed, the House of Contact was among the most powerful organizations on campus. Keri’s own sorority, the Rachelle’s, had undergone homecoming with them the previous year and now they too had a case of the worst sickness to plague campus all year. 

      The pair watched in silence as the details continued to emerge. So far the afflicted persons had been detained, and no other signs of the illness had been discovered. Apparently the fraternity organization were paying attention to all the signs and called state authorities the moment they saw the first symptoms. Their due diligence had stoped a pandemic in its tracks, but how they got the disease was a mystery. 

      How many more times would they catch it in time and get lucky, Keri wondered? “There definitely going to cancel the semester at this rate.”

      “Will we have to leave?” Sena asked.

      “Who knows?” Keri rolled her eyes and laid back down onto her lap. She spread her legs in hopes to lure Sena’s fingers back to their target. 

      Before the two could continue a knock came to the door, Keri blushed realizing they were both naked and there were no clothes in sight. Quickly the pair adorned themselves with sweaty blankets, there was no reason to hide what they were doing beforehand but Keri really didn’t want anyone to notice her sticky skin. 

      Wrapped up in a thin blue blanket, Sena opened the door and swallowed. A senior sister was waiting for them. She was neatly dressed and looked every bit as intimidating as possible. Her name escaped both of them, in fact they knew very few seniors at all. Most of them kept to themselves or abused the Pawns to the fullest. They cared little for the Peons, for they were excused from the typical abusive sorority hazing. The woman was taller than both of them, with shoulder length black hair and a strong chin. Her uniform was a simple skirt and dress shirt, which was highly unusual. Most seniors wore stylish clothes, or something provocative. Few wore something so simple and yet refined. She looked at the both of them and scoffed before speaking, “I figured I’d find you both here,” she looked over at Keri, “You should pay more attention to your pawn, she’s been getting out of hand lately.”

      “Yes ma’am,” Keri nodded obediently. She wasn’t wrong, Lilia had been continually neglecting her studies. Keri had failed over the past several days to push her to do the work. 

      “Whatever, Everyone is being summoned right now to the fourth floor. And no, you don’t have time to get dressed, so hurry up and follow me.”

      There was a time and place where Keri Pryde would’ve felt utterly ashamed to stalk the halls of he sisterhood completely naked except for a loose bed sheet wrapped around herself. But that time was long gone. 

      She couldn’t help but notice a buoyancy in her chest with each footstep. Her gorgeous breasts had grown a full cup size over the past few days, and were beginning to throb yet again. It hadn’t been five minutes and already she could tell they would need to be relieved again soon. Her nipples had grown puffy and her ducts were struggling. The treatments that Sena had given her had modified her body almost as strongly as last year. Sena herself had also undergone a transformation, her breasts following in Keri’s footsteps. She still had a ways to go to catch up but Keri had a feeling her girlfriend’s breasts would soon surpass her own.

      She brushed aside these thoughts as she reached the fourth floor. She could feel a pressure growing in her right breast and grimaced. She felt a sudden tightening in her chest, It only lasted a second but she knew it would get worse. Her body was producing milk yet again. Last year when she had been forced to take hormone treatments her body produced milk as well but she didn’t remember it being so frequent. Privately Keri worried this would become a routine side effect. If so she might have to cease the treatment all together, or look at taking some kind of medicine to reverse the affects. She was already starting to miss her natural size, she only did this to satisfy her girlfriends lust. 

      She better like them, she thought to herself. 

      The fourth floor of the Rachelle Institute was oddly designed and made her disoriented. It’s hallways often ended in dead ends or wove into secret hallways. But once you found yourself in the grand ballroom or the alcoves of the senior halls you would find it grossly oversized. Some corridors narrowed to the point where it was hard to walk through, others dipped with low ceilings. But the ball room could easily fit all the Sorority Sisters, its domed roof was more fitting for a cathedral or large church. It was a vast echo chamber at the center of which was a circular table where the seniors sat. Surrounding this table the juniors and sophomores sat in attendance as silent observers. 

      The Pawns weren’t so lucky. 

      All one hundred and twenty seven freshmen were forcefully stripped as they tried to enter and chained in iron shackles. Then once all the other’s had been seated the Pawns were further degraded by having to sit in special seating at the far side of the chamber. Their chairs were installed with large vibrating dildos, as each Pawn was forced to sit on their new toy their legs were locked into place so they couldn’t rise. Their echoes of pain and pleasure bounced off the walls to create a haunting crescendo of moaning slaves.

      Keri was relieved she didn’t have to endure that. She watched as Lilia smiled before sitting on a rather large and thickly veined plastic appendage. She didn’t receive it quickly or easily, instead it took another senior sister to force her to fully take it in and sit firmly in place. 

      It was hard not to feel bad for her. Keri looked away and noticed she wasn’t the only one unprepared for the sudden meeting. A half dozen other mid level sisters were scantily clad wearing only their underwear or towels. A few had been showering when seniors grabbed them and they were even less covered than she was. 

      Only when all the freshmen were seated did the meeting commence. The Seniors were all wearing the same plain dress shirt and skirt, except for the president herself that wore a bright pink robe. President Victoria Brightburn looked over all the juniors and sophomores quietly, she was studying each and every one of them. 

      Her eyes froze over Keri.

      Is she smiling at me?

      Victoria was more reserved than last years president. She had her long blonde hair tied in a ponytail that went down to her waist, and her curves were refined. Keri thought she would have been beautiful had it not been for a series of scars over her right cheek. Rumor had it they were burn marks from an accident in her childhood. Despite the blemishes, her facial construction was was near perfectly symmetrical with strong cheekbones and a slender face. Her eyes were bright as emeralds and her skin as bronze as desert sands. 

      When she spoke it made Keri’s legs tingle and her heart race, “It’s good that we can all meet on short notice. We should conduct meetings like this more often.” Victoria ignored the pleading moans of the Pawns behind them. 

      Keri sat there, wrapped in cheap linens, in silence. 

      Victoria continued, “Classes will continue starting next week. In the meantime we require all sisters to be on the lookout for anyone displaying odd behavior. Meanwhile any rumors or news that you hear about the P-club must be reported immediately.”

      “The P-club,” Keri whispered to herself. She remembered hearing rumors about the shifty club months ago, before the Malaise of Madness, but no one had discussed it lately. She had almost completely forgotten about it.

      “Any rumors, no matter how minor, must be reported,” Victoria scanned the room again then cleared her throat, “And no it doesn’t stand for large dick club, so don’t get excited about it. If you hear anyone trying to gain entry into this club, or trying to recruit others you are to report them without question. Do not approach anyone claiming to be a representative of this organization.” 

      Keri could hear the whispers circulating the room, apparently everyone was just as curious about this mystery club as she. 

      “Like I just said,” Victoria silenced the crowd, “The P doesn’t stand for Penis, and no it isn’t a club to entertain women with incredibly large cocks!” She was getting more angry in her tone now, “In fact it stands for something else, we have it on good authority that this organization is abducting women to force them in some sort of breeding program.”

      Silence hit the room, except for the moans of the Pawns.

      “Thats right,” Victoria continued, “This is a pregnancy club. A forceful pregnancy club!” 

      One of the Juniors stood up and spoke, “Half our class if already pregnant! The damn Malaise of Madness saw to that!”

      One of the Seniors took offense at the unruly Junior, and shot her a frightful glare. It was enough to silence her, but not enough to make her sit back down.

      Victoria carefully studied the situation before continuing again. When she spoke it was with a stern yet patient tone, “Our storage facilities on the third floor are being converted into a maternity ward. Everyone expecting will also be awarded a monthly stipend and offered online classes. Always remember we’re a sisterhood, we support and help each other.” 

      “And when necessary, protect each other.” The voice of the Institutes Chaplain chimed in. She was clearly referring to Keri, who single handedly fended off several of the invaders. As if to confirm this half the room glanced over towards her before returning their attention to the center.

      “Speaking of which,” The president stood, “Its time we talk about why you’ve all been summoned here today. The real reason we’re all here is to show our appreciation for one of our sisters outstanding.” 

      Suddenly the entire room seemed to focus on Keri. She swallowed as the president stood up, her pink robe seemed to glow in the overshadowed room. As she stood, the chaplain spoke loudly in a stark voice, “Please rise and approach Keri Pryde…”

      Her feet suddenly felt heavy, like bricks of lead. Slowly Keri rose up, her shifting weight loosened the bedsheets around her body. The sheets nearly slipped to expose her torso, somehow she grabbed hold of them in time. The entire room was suddenly focused on her.

      With each step she felt the weight of hundreds of eyes gazing upon her. She remained focused on the President herself, keeping her sight forward and her shoulders squared. By the time Keri reached the oval table all the other seniors were standing. President Victoria smiled then slowly pulled a small zipper in the base of her collar. The hidden slit parted wide, revealing her nakedness underneath. President Victoria had a remarkable series of upper body muscles, which helped lift her incredible bust. Once the robe was spread wide open, a small box was revealed. Victoria held it in her left hand underneath the robe and once exposed the president extended her arms to offer the small obsidian box too Keri in reverence.

      Keri couldn’t help but blush seeing the young and beautiful President so nearly naked in front of her. Her cleavage was so supple and well formed compared to her own. With shaking hands Keri accepted the box and then carefully opened it. The box itself was heavy, made of solid stone, and it required both hands to undue the latch to unseal it. As she lifted the seal Keri gasped at what she saw within. Inside there were several thin and ornate gold chain necklaces. Some for her waist, neck, and a pair that could easily wrap across her body. On top of that included three pieces of smaller jewelry. A silver studded heart piercing, followed by two other ornate rings of gold carrying a short chain linked to priceless diamonds. 

      She wondered how she would possibly wear the chains. Judging the size of the needle, the silver heart stud was for her belly button. The nipple piercings themselves seemed to be the most dazzling thing in the box. They were beautiful, she only wished they were for her ears…not her nipples. 

      Keri swallowed, knowing better to show any sign of ungratefulness. She smiled and thanked Victoria for the expensive gift. As she closed the box each of the other Seniors clapped and cheered for her. It wasn’t until she had returned to her seat that the sisters cheers finally died down. 

      Keri hoped that the meeting would conclude after the small ceremony, but it continued on for hours. Once the meeting had finally ended, most of the Pawns had long passed out from their insane tortures. Keri got the impression that the Seniors wanted to drag on the meeting just for their torment alone. One by one the Pawns were retrieved from their chairs, and dragged to their rooms. Keri helped carry Lilia down two flights of stairs with the help of two other sisters. 

      Lilia was drooling from both pairs of lips. Her legs were still spasming when they finally got to the dorm. 

      “She weighs heavier than she looks…” Keri exclaimed as she and the other sisters helped Lilia into their room and onto the mattress. 

      “Like a ton of bricks, how much does this broad weigh?” 

      Keri didn’t remember the name of the brunette sisters that helped her unload Lilia into the room, nor did she actually know how much she weighed. “My guess…one thirty?”

      “But she’s so thin?”

      “Yeah but that muscle is like solid steel!” Keri flexed her arm with enthusiasm. 

      Just as soon as they left the room, Keri noticed Sena sending her a wink in the hallway. Clearly she hoped for her to return to her dorm for some additional comfort. With a nod and a grin Keri signaled she would be there shortly, but first she wanted to see if she could put on something more comfortable. She looked for the bath robe in her closet, but found her entire closet was empty. 

      “What the fuck?” Frantically she began checking all her cabinets only to find all the clothes she owned was missing. It wasn’t just her robe or jeans and shirts, all her undergarments were gone as well. In their place the only thing filling her cabinets were thin soft bed sheets


      Apparently someone, or several of her seniors, really liked her in bed sheets and wanted to see her wearing them all the time. They couldn’t order her to abstain from normal clothes, but its not like she would have a choice if all her clothes were missing. 

      “Fucking bitches…” Her hands balled into fists.


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