Prides Submission Book 2

Introduction and Organization Codex

Situated in the fertile hills in the center of a long extinct country, lies the great city of Nova Nash. Its walls tower over its surroundings, casting a shadow far and wide. It is here in this city state that its occupants rejoice with the knowledge that they have survived the days of 'long night'. It was a complete decade of darkness that consumed the earth, and from that darkness most of mankind struggled to survive against the horrors that fed off their souls. The 'long night' ended nearly fifty years ago but many of its horrors remain. Cast off and unrelenting, these abominations are never more than a nightmare away. The city walls and its defenders offer a thin border between sanity and catastrophe.

To survive, the people of Nova Nash have created a caste system with the educated elite at the top of the food chain. Anyone can try to join their ranks, as long as they earn a degree at the Grand University. To join, one must simply apply and get accepted into one of the universities many Fraternities or Sororities. Once a brother, or sister, one's entire academic career is dependent on whether one can continue to remain in good standing with their new brotherhood along with the academy itself. To be expelled from these organizations is to face expulsion from the Grand University with no chance of re-applying.

The Fraternities are organized into Houses, each with their own quirks and inhibitions. The Sororities into Institutions and are no different. Just like society, the houses and institutions are ranked hierarchically as well. With each year given more importance and prestige, with the first years often little more than pawns.


Sorority Codex

The Rachelle Institute - A later edition to the Sorority Institutes, and founded by no less than forty-two women belonging to noble families. They are by far the most ridiculed for their treatment of freshmen, who they label as pawns. Once initiated, pawns are often spotted having to debase themselves for the pleasure of their betters. Seniors enjoy the luxuries and pleasures that come with higher status, while each year below them are further restricted and often forced to undergo secret rituals of distinction. Despite this harsh social structure, the Rachelle's are known for their above average academic results, and grade point averages. They are also known to be as social and outgoing as their rivals in the Bella Institute. Many graduate to become diplomates, or even marry into the aristocracy.

The Bella Institute - The Bella Institute is one of the oldest sororities on campus and its foundations are nearly as old as the Grand University itself. Due to academic disciplinary measures, it faced near extinction eight years ago and has undergone stringent reform since. Today the Bella Institute is known for their large social events, and distinguishable uniforms. There isn't a weekend where their house isn't alive and full of fraternity guests. This has of course spawned an endless stream of gossip about their less than noble evenings.

The Kiersten Institute - Kierstens see themselves as their own niche group on the Grand University Campus. They value the arts and typically recruit only artists into their ranks. Many view them as overly snobbish, or introverted.

The Chloe Institute - Chloe’s have a very unique close knit culture, and only choose members that fit their specific taste. Chloe's often keep to themselves and have a close relationship with the Spade House fraternity. You could often point out a Chloe in the room simply by how they dress, often wearing colorful jerseys and sporting pink roses in their hair.

The Maryjane Institute - Maryjane's are known to be among the most active students on campus. They work to constantly present themselves as vibrant and cheerful. They are also involved in most athletics and social gatherings. However underneath the facade lies an order of women who desire one thing and one thing rule over the student council.

The Samantha Institute - The sisters of this institute are close knit and rarely seen on campus. These ladies prefer their own company and often don't associate with anyone from the outside. Their reclusive nature tends to create nothing but gossip, and leaves them isolated in any social gatherings. Despite this, the Samantha's are known for the highest academic achievements among all other Institutes and even Fraternity Houses.

The Sasha Institute - Sasha's are the only institute that do not reside on campus, instead settling on their own property several miles away. They are known to be mischievous, and many come from the higher stratum of public society.

The Brittany Institute - Brittany’s known for paying special attention in recruiting those outside of higher class circles. For this reason they are often labeled as “special needs” or “welfare” students. While most Brittany’s fail to graduate, those that do are known for pursuing excellence above all else.

The Lyra Institute - Lyra’s are rumored to recruit sisters only interested in the fairer sex. This is due to their fondness for relating with, and working alongside other sororities far more than the fraternity houses. They keep close connections with their fellow sister orders. While the rumors are not accurate, it is a stereotype they do not seem to protest.


Fraternity Codex

House of Norms - Naming themselves after the ancient histories of the Normans, the house of Norms value history and military studies over others. They are typically looking for members who value martial arts and strategy, and have an eagerness to serve in the military or police force. Despite this they also look for a fair number of athletes and those in technical fields as well. 

House of Spades - The house of spades values the studies of mathematics and physics above all else. They work hard to recruit potential students with the highest IQ and grade potential. 

House of Pearl - The brothers of the house of pearl are known to be rather eccentric in their tastes of recruits. While they are known for hosting extravagant formal events that often last entire weeks, they are proud of their mission statement which includes promoting fairness and academic excellence above all else.

House of Variance - Fiercely dedicated to all technical fields, they typically do not look for anyone who wants to go into athletics.

House of Contact - This house is the polar opposite of the house of variants, and constantly seeks athletic members. 

House of Shade - This house studies the histories that transpired during the time of "long night". They take a particular interest in Skitter anatomy and evolutionary progression. Most members go on to become investigators or Skitter hunters for the government. 

House of Denim - This house values hard work, and members with a strong individual mindset, and work ethic. 

House of Daylight - The newest house to be established, these members strive to earn their place on campus. So far they have the highest grade point average when compared to all other fraternity houses, and are among the most active on campus grounds. Sadly this effort has bled into their social lives, their members having to sacrifice much of their free time in pursuit of their grades. Even after being on campus for only a year they seem to gravitate toward recruiting new members with a desire for history. 



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