Primal Dawn

Volume 1 – Chapter 18


“Peter Righten.”







The medical receptionist looked over Peter's paperwork. “Honestly, besides the name I could pull a random young man off the street and expect similar answers.” He cleared his throat. “Number of registered primals?”

“T-one, soon to be two. Unless someone registered Gaia while I was asleep.”

“Last quest?”

“Capture quest.”


“...I guess I was the one that was captured.”

“Favorite sex position?”


“Favorite sex position?” His eyes narrowed.

Peter sighed. “Her on top,” he said quietly.

The receptionist looked towards Kalista, who nodded her head. “It's him alright,” she said. Peter sighed again.

“It seems you have no lasting memory issues. Sooo. A kiss?” The receptionist asked hesitantly.

“That's what she said, yes.” Peter responded.

“You were out for over a week, after a bunch of our medical staff inspected you to no avail, and what woke you up was... your primal's kiss?” Peter awkwardly nodded his head. The receptionist blinked. “Quite the story.”

“It's true.” Gaia said. “I saw it as well.”

The receptionist nodded. “Well, you don't seem to have any medical issues. Memory seems to be in order. Are you okay to stand?”

“I think so.” Peter replied. Gaia moved to help Peter to his feet but Kalista intercepted, grabbing his arm. Peter shook his legs around and took a few steps. “Completely fine. Even better, somehow, I think, if that's possible.”

The receptionist raised an eyebrow. “I see. Well I'll note down that kissing a primal cures comas in our reference book in case such a situation ever arises again. Anything else come to mind?” Peter shook his head. “Well, since you seem completely fine, and I talked to our Dryad staff, and they have no issues with it, we can let you go.”

Peter followed the receptionist to their desk and paid the fee for his stay. Although based on their words it seemed like the medical staff didn't do much to cure him, he figured best to be grateful he woke up and pay the fee before leaving.

On his way out he spotted a familiar looking face. “Oh, Mr. Evans.”

Evans paused for a moment. “Peter, looking alive and well I see.” Evans noticed Gaia. “And what's this, you've acquired a new member for your team, are you planning on registering her?”

“Yes, I was hoping to do so right now actually.”

“Excellent, I can help out with that.”

Peter followed Evans to register Gaia as one of his primals. Now he had the two required to challenge a battle center, as unregistered primals weren't allowed to partake in sanctioned events. After leaving the guild, Peter stood outside with Kalista and Gaia and inspected his medical gown, twirling it around slightly.

“Not the fanciest clothing, huh?” He chuckled. Peter looked towards Kalista, who had a complicated expression? “Kalista?”

Kalista suddenly lunged towards Peter and grabbed him into a hug. “Mmm, I was so worried!” She said, her voice breaking up. “I'm so glad you're okay.”

Peter was stunned for a brief moment, before hugging Kalista back. “Thank you, Kalista. It was all thanks to you.” When Kalista finally released him, they were both smiling. “I need to thank a lot of people. I remember the place Deric and Kean were staying that, I should go and see them too.” Kalista's expression darkened. “Did something happen to them?” Peter asked anxiously.

Kalista shook her head. “We should get back to the inn.” After some apologies and payments, Peter was able to get access to his room again along with his belongings. He sat down on one side of the bed, along with Kalista and then Gaia sitting down as well. Peter made a mental note that he might need to rent a room with a larger bed to fit all three of them at once.

Peter waited in anticipation for Kalista to begin speaking. Finally, she sighed. “Peter... Deric and Kean left town. They went on that escort quest they had been talking about and they... they didn't take part in rescuing you.”

Peter's heart sank. Dejected, he looked towards the floor before looking back up towards Kalista. “Please, tell me everything that happened.”

Kalista explained her side of what had transpired. How she had returned to Wildburry with the others and filled out the emergency request at the guild. She left out specific details around her argument with Deric and Kean, but said that they had verbally fought when they returned. That she went around town, begging and asking tamers if anyone would be willing to go on the request to help save him. How she had to sleep outside, and that nobody had volunteered to go on the emergency request. That in desperation, she found Serina, the Paladin they had previously battled and begged for the church's help to rescue Peter. Kalista led Serina and the rest of her group towards where she felt Peter was, and they had fought the Dryads. Kalista had found Peter along with Gaia and carried him back to Wildburry, where he was admitted to the guild's medical center. He was in a coma for over a week. She mentioned Deric and Kean had visited a few times to check on him, but when the day of their escort quest came they departed and mentioned to her that he should look for them in Roadsen.

When she was beginning to go through symptoms of withdrawal due to her weakening bond, she kissed him. She felt his body react, and she kept kissing him. He woke up and they had sex, and he seemed to return to normal.

Peter was wide-eyed at Kalista's tale of the events. “I-I see...” He mutterred. “So Deric and Kean left, huh,” his voice shook as he slowly spoke aloud. Kalista nodded. Peter was silent for a while, and then let out an exhausted sigh. “I get it. I feel exhausted now, but I get it. Thank you for going through so much for me.”

Kalista smiled. “Of course.”

“Somehow, the most surprising thing here was that the Church helped you out. How did you manage to do that?” Peter asked, puzzled.

Kalista pursed her lips. “That... I had to offer something. Something I know you will hate... and I'm not sure you will forgive.” Kalista shook her head. “It's been a long day, Peter. And you've been through so much today. It's better to wait until tomorrow.”

Peter had a look of concern but went along with it. “Alright. And, you mentioned we had sex when I woke up, but for some reason I only remember the kiss. Are you sure you remembered correctly?”

“Yes.” Kalista replied plainly.

“E-even I could hear it,” said Gaia.

Peter held his head, trying to focus his memory, but couldn't recall it. “Well, I believe you.” Peter gave a soft smile. “Yeah, it has been a long day. Even if I wasn't awake for most of it, it feels like an eternity. Let's head to bed.”

The three of them piled into the bed, with Peter in the middle of the two primals. It was a tight squeeze. Kalista pulled Peter's body closely towards her, feigning trying to leave more room for Gaia to monopolize him. Just one day, Gaia. She thought to herself. Let me have this one day.

Kalista was the last to fall asleep. Although she knew tomorrow would be difficult, what kept her up was instead a memory of just a few hours ago. Something only she had seen.

When Kalista had first kissed Peter, and he began to stir.

The scene was so picturesque, that if Kalista were asked to come up with a scenario in which Peter suddenly woke up, everything that had transpired would have matched her imagination.

Except for one thing.

All the details were there. The mood. His desperation towards her.

Her kiss waking the prince, everything was in place, except for one thing.

The first time he had opened his eyes...they were not blue.

They were cloudy.

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